Block Party 061315

When: Saturday June 13 (rain date Sunday 14th)
Time: 3:00-7:00 or later?????
Where: On Catalpa Court
Grilling Hotdogs and Hamburgers!!!
Bring a dish and beverage to
Geƫng to know your neighbors, discussing neighborhood issues, and also replacement of board members. If you would
like to be on the board, contact us.
Please RSVP to the BNA
Webmaster at, or call
783-0337, if you are planning on
We are also looking for volunteers
to help with organizing and planning the event.
Birchwood Neighborhood
We welcome new neighbors and other neighborhood associations
to our membership.
We are in need of people to step forward and become active members of this
association. Yes, everyone is busy, but without continued diligence we
compromise the ‘quality of life’ all of us now enjoy. New development has begun,
but it is up to us to make sure that it is done properly, legally and with as little
impact upon the existing neighborhoods as possible.
The $20 annual membership we charge per household goes towards insurance,
legal fees, printing costs, events and other costs incurred with board approval.
Please mail your completed membership form and $20 to:
Attention Stuart Denike
88 Ash Tree Lane
Niskayuna, NY 12309-1827
(Please detach here. Make checks payable to BNA)
Membership form for the Birchwood Neighborhood Association
E-mail address________________________________
Check here if you don’t have email