Neighborhood Science After School 2015 Edit this form Thank you for your interest in hosting a Philadelphia Science Festival Neighborhood Science After School event at your library. Our goal is to make your participation, and that of those you serve, a rewarding experience! Once again, the programs will be more free-flowing and will feature 4-6 science educators providing hands-on activities at your library. The activities will happen concurrently in your space, allowing children and families to come and go as they choose. Please help us achieve this goal by taking five minutes to complete this short survey. This will ensure that we make the most appropriate match for your group's interests. Locations will be chosen soon, so please get your information in as soon as possible! **NOTE** Neighborhood Science After School programming will be held from 3:30pm 5:30pm Monday, April 27 - Thursday, April 30. To be eligible to participate you must be open to the general public during these hours on the day your location is selected for the event. Have questions? Please contact Rachel Fryd (215-686-5372/ or Ellen Trappey (215-448-1346/ * Required Name of Primary Contact Title of Primary Contact Email Address * Phone Number Name of Library Branch Library Address Library Phone Number Date(s) you'd be willing to host a program Please select all that apply Monday, April 27 Tuesday, April 28 Wednesday, April 29 Thursday, April 30 Of all the dates selected, what would be your first choice? Please list your hours of operation of your preference What ages do you typically see after school? How many children? Please include any information that you think will be helpful in determining the types of organizations to pair with your usual audience. How many activity tables will your location hold? Each science provider will need one table. How many activities can your intended gathering room comfortably hold? Submit Never submit passwords through Google Forms. Powered by This content is neither created nor endorsed by Google. Report Abuse - Terms of Service - Additional Terms 100%: You made it.
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