Newlands Intermediate School Newsletter Week 1 Term 2 2015 April 23rd 2015 Welcome to term 2. This term is our longest term of the year at 11 weeks but we are pleased about this as it is a term of science – observation and exploration. We all enjoy this focus and I hope your child will have plenty to talk about with you. We are all looking forward to tomorrow’s trip into Wellington to watch the Anzac parade and visit the Field of Remembrance in the botanical gardens. This is a marvellous opportunity to be part of a significant event in our history. It is a major undertaking and we are grateful to the small group of parents who have offered to help us. If you have not already done so please ensure the permission slip and money are paid to school before the trip tomorrow morning. If you have misplaced the slip please send a note giving permission and include the $5 for the bus. We have created an Anzac display in our library and if you are passing or visiting us feel free to pop in and take a look. Talking with our students we have realised many of them know the names of places and events but little else so we are spending some time over the next week investigating Anzac and Gallipoli events. This term marks the beginning of the colder weather and the start of the cold and cough season. Please note we have a few second hand polar fleeces for sale at $20 each. Also give some thought to purchasing the school anorak. It is very warm, ideal for the cold and wet and is unbranded so it can be worn beyond school. If you haven’t already done so now is the time to send your child’s box of tissues. We have had a couple of outbreaks of head lice in recent weeks. Please be vigilant with checking this from time to time so we can eliminate it from our school. Next Thursday April 30th we are having our school cross country. The start and finish line is below the sports pavilion at the college. You are all most welcome to come along and watch the students run. The top runners will go on to represent us at the Inter-intermediate Cross Country event later in the term. While it seems repetitive and a little disheartening for me at times I feel it necessary to remind you about the technology fees and donations for this year. We have received only 60% of our expected Run for Us total so our donations and fees are more important than ever. Our donation is $90 per year which works out to be $2.25 per week. Your donation contributes to extra activities and features like; Librarians that run our super library 5 mornings a week. Our digital device purchases and maintenance that cost thousands a year and include items like Kindles and a variety of Apps that particularly help our students with learning needs. Sound systems in classes to help with speech clarity and hearing. New tents for camp Costumes, props and lighting for productions and Stage Challenge And many more everyday items that help support and extend learning at our school… Invoices that cover the school donation and the technology fees went home last term. They have been emailed to the address you identified on your enrolment form. A reminder will be sent every term. Technology fees cover the large amount of consumables used in this programme. There are lots of things on this term’s calendar so please note the events you would like to attend. Angela Lowe Calendar of Events for Term 2 Anzac Parade in Wellington Friday April 24th – 10am -3pm Anzac Day observed – school closed Monday April 27th School Cross Country – Newlands College Field Thursday April 30th 1.15 – 2.45 BOT Thursday May 7th 6.30pm College Production - Matinee Monday May 18th ICAS – Digital Technology Tuesday May 19th Māori Whānau Hui Monday May 25th 6 – 7.30 Queen’s Birthday Monday – school closed Monday June 1st Maths Information evening Wednesday June 3rd 6 – 7.30 ICAS - Science Wednesday June 3rd Inter-intermediate Cross Country Wednesday June 10th BOT Thursday June 11th 6.30pm ICAS – Spelling / Writing Monday June 15th School Production week Wednesday June 24th Evening performance Thursday June 25th Evening performance Options Week Monday June 29th – Thursday July 2nd Celebration of Learning throughout the school Thursday July 2nd 6pm – 7.30pm End of term Celebration Assembly 2.00pm Friday July 3rd
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