PEN Newsletter 22nd April 2015 57 Birdwood Street Box Hill South 3128 Telephone: 9890 2372 Facsimile: 9899 5490 value: 13th We November, 2013 FROM THE PRINCIPAL CLASS TEAM Creativity Endeavour Respect Trust Honesty Friendliness This ANZAC Day marks the 100 year anniversary of the Gallipoli landings and the allied forces. On Friday, in commemoration of ANZAC Day the students will be participating in a day of buddy activities to help them connect with Australian history and understand the importance of this national day of remembrance. The PFA are kindly supplying ANZAC biscuits for the children- thank you to all parents who will be assisting with the baking. Today Sue McNamara, Ros Cordiner and our Year 6 Captains attended the Box Hill Rotary and RSL ANZAC Day service at the Box Hill Gardens. A commemorative wreath was laid by two of the children and the ANZAC Requiem read during the ceremony. I would like to thank Sue and her team for coordinating this week’s ANZAC Day events for the school. th Next Monday 27 April we are recommencing our whole school transition -Stepping Up. Our 2015 Stepping Up program will give our students numerous opportunities to visit classrooms and meet with other teachers and students, helping to support them with a smooth and seamless transition as they move into new areas of the school. The Year 2 children will move with current classmates into 3/4 classrooms and the Year 4s into the 5/6 rooms. Stepping Up will be held on the last Monday of the Month from 9.10-9.40am and will replace school assembly, so there will be NO assembly on th th th st th the following dates: Monday 27 April, 25 May, 27 July, 31 August and 26 October. We are running a number of parent sessions this year and tomorrow at 6.30 we are inviting parents to attend a Cyber Safety evening facilitated by Kidproof, which will be held in in the 5/6V and 5/6W classrooms. Next Thursday all students will be participating in the Heart Foundation Jump Rope for Heart day and will be involved in one hour of skipping activities. Heart Foundation Jump Rope for Heart is all about learning how to keep fit and healthy. It improves children’s strength and confidence in physical activities and builds healthy bones and muscles. We are asking family and friends to sponsor the children for being a part this fun program. Funds raised go towards research to help the fight against heart disease. Half of the funds will also be used to purchase a new high jump mat for PE. Many thanks to Jayne McConnell for organising this special event for our students. st A reminder that on Friday 1 May is school photo day. Amanda Wigg – Assistant Principal School Photo Day Friday, 1st May 2015 Envelopes have been sent home, please return these forms on Photo Day to your Class Teacher. Please make sure you have correct money in envelope. If you wish to order a family photo, please collect a family envelope from the School Office. Back Up Banking Person Required You will need approximately 3 hours, some administration and computer work is required. Banking day is Tuesday and processing is usually done on a Wednesday afternoon but is very flexible. Please contact Sarah in the Office if you can help out Notices sent home last week To: All Children * ** Jump Rope for Heart Notice Please note – items marked in BOLD require parent response. For your convenience, this notice can be printed from the school’s website. Click on Practicalities tab on the Home page, then 2012 Permission Forms and Information Forms. PLEASE NOTE: The dates have changed, more information to follow re: Parent Information Sessions Kidproof, Thursday 23rd April 2015, 6.30-7.30pm Roberts McCubbin Primary School and Kidproof would like to invite parents along with their children to a important session that will discuss how to be CyberSafe and teach you about Social Netiquette. This program is aimed at students from Years 3-6, however, all parents are welcome to attend. The program focuses on teaching kids how to recognise warning signs, safe and unsafe situations, and gives them the skills they need to make safer choices. This session will be held in the classroom of 5/6V. Please register your interest at the school office. Anzac Day Badges and Wrist Bands available for purchase from the office ranging from $2.00 - $5.00 DATES TO REMEMBER Thursday, 23 April CyberSafety Kidproof Incursion – All Day CyberSafety Kidproof Parent Forum in 5/6V Classroom – 6:30 – 7:30pm Friday, 24 April School Tour – 9:30am – meet in the School Foyer Anzac Day Activities Wednesday, 29 April Junior School ‘Welcome Grandparents to our Junior School’ – 9:00 – 10:30am School Council Meeting in the Staffroom – 7:00pm Thursday, 30 April Jump Rope for Heart Day – Whole School – 9:00 – 1:30pm Friday, 1 May School Photo Day Wednesday, 6 May Years 3-6 Cross Country 9:00am – 11:00am Friday, 8 May School Tour – 9:30am – meet in the School Foyer Tuesday, 19 May Open Morning – Tours at 9:15, 9:45 and 10:15am Monday, 25 May Program for Students with Disabilities (PSD) Morning Tea – 9:00 – 10:30pm in the Staffroom Friday, 5 June School Tour 9:30am – meet in the School Foyer SCHOOL COUNCIL NEWS March 2015 th The first meeting of the new School Council was held on 18 March, 2015. School Council Members Parents: Gary Layton (President), Hamish Kinsella (Vice President), Janelle Pandit, Jo Cook, Jo O’Mara, Andrea McCann Evan Pearson and Andrew Rosicka Staff: Marg Pickburn (Executive Officer), Amanda Wigg, Ash van Hattum and Steve Roche Introduction of School Councillors Our new members Jo Cook, Andrea McCann, Evan Pearson, Ash van Hattum and Steve Roche were welcomed to School Council. David Lurati attended his final meeting and presented the Treasurer’s report. Gary Layton was coopted to Council to fill the casual vacancy that was created by David’s resignation, and to provide Council with the benefit of his knowledge and experience in the development and implementation of the School’s Strategic Plan. Council Committees The following School Council Committees were established: Finance, Education, Buildings and Grounds (as required) & Artists’ Camp Fair (as required). A new Communication Committee will be established this year. Parents and Carers are warmly invited to attend Education Committee meetings and to contribute to discussions. Dates of upcoming Education Committee meetings will be advertised in the School newsletter. Correspondence Council approved requests from the following clubs and teams to use School courts and facilities for after-hours training: Surrey Park Netball Club (Suns, Cyclones, Lightning, Twisters, Satellites), Robbie Rockets Playball, Robbie Mac Rookies Basketball. Reports Principal, Education Committee, Finance Committee and PFA reports were tabled. A list of PFA fundraising activities was presented to Council and approved. The PFA have planned a packed schedule of exciting initiatives and events that will be enjoyed by the children, teachers and families throughout the year. The hard work of all those involved in planning and running these events is very much appreciated by the School community. Next meeting th The next School Council meeting will be held on 29 April. G.A.T.E.WAYS G.A.T.E.WAYS is an independent organisation offering challenging and enriching activities and experiences to th develop and extend highly able children. Now in it’s 19 year, G.A.T.E.WAYS runs a range of stimulating school programs as well as the Saturday Brainwaves Club. The following G.A.T.E.WAYS programs are being offered in Term 2, 2015. Grade 1/2's Commencing Monday, 18th May and running for four weeks. ‘Merrill the Mirror Magician’ Wesley College, 620 High Street Road, Glen Waverley. 9.30am – 12.00pm. Commencing Monday, 22nd May and running for four weeks. ‘Where In the World Are We?’ Donvale Primary School. Elata Street, Donvale 3111 Grade 3/4's Commencing Monday, 18th May and running for four weeks. ‘WORDS, WONDER AND WILD WANDERINGS WITH THE PHANTOM TOLLBOOTH’ Wesley College, 620 High Street Road, Glen Waverley. 9.30am – 12.00pm. Commencing Monday 22nd May and running for four weeks. ‘THE SECRET LIFE OF PLANETARY MOONS’ Donvale Primary School. Elata Street, Donvale 3111 ‘Grade 5/6s · Commencing Monday 18th May and running for four weeks. ‘Diving Into The Gene Pool!’ Wesley College, 620 High Street Road, Glen Waverley. 9.30am – 12.00pm. · Commencing Monday 22nd May and running for four weeks. ‘Medical Emergency… RoboDocs To The Rescue’ Donvale Primary School. Elata Street, Donvale 3111 Please be aware that there is a cost associated with each program and transportation must be organised by parents/carer. Flyers are available with extra information about each program. Please see Miss Shorthouse (J1S) or your class teacher if you are interested in attending any of these programs. Be quick—places fill fast! This week you should have received a letter sent by the school to let you know about the introduction of Compass and your family login details. In the case of parents who are no longer living together, both parents will be sent login details as long as we have details for both. If you have not received information from the school, it may mean we have incorrect details or no contact details for you and we need you to update your details at the school office. st From Friday, 1 May, staff will begin marking the children’s attendance rolls on Compass. If your child is marked absent from, or late to school, you will be sent an email and you will need to login and select the reason for the absence from the options available. If you are aware, ahead of time about an absence that will occur, eg. for a family holiday, you can put the dates in and your child will be automatically recorded as absent for that period of time. Marg Pickburn SPECIALISTs’ Spot Girls Basketball Congratulations to our Girls Basketball team who won the District Grand Final last Friday defeating Old Orchard PS by a score of 32 to 8. Bella T, Emma R, Emily K, Pia L, Emily A, Chloe M, Millie M, Caitlyn L, Sara L, Emma P, Mia K and Sarah B will now move on to the Division Grand Final. Thanks to Coach Geoff Simmons and drivers Anne Robins, Gin Mason and Gary Layton. Purchase your NEW Entertainment Book today to enjoy over 14 months of value for $65 Selling for $65 each, the new Entertainment™ Membership is valid up until 1 June 2016. You can choose the Membership that suits you: the printed Entertainment™ Book -OR- Entertainment™ Digital Membership for your smartphone. Digital membership is only available when purchased online. In conjunction with Jump Rope for Heart, we will be holding a SPECIAL LUNCH ORDER DAY next Thursday, 30th April. Sushi and Rice Paper Rolls will be available, Order Forms going home this week. Wednesday and Friday – Canteen as usual Double under, criss cross, and pretzyl are being mastered by several of our students in P.E. classes. All students have been busy learning new skills and great improvements have been shown across the year levels. th Excitement is building as our Jump Off day gets closer. Mark Thursday, 30 April in your diaries now and come along to school to relive your skipping days! Our fundraising target is growing every day. Online sponsorships have now passed $2000 and we predict more through cash sponsorships! Congratulations to the following students who have raised some outstanding amounts. Lucy D-S $352.00 Caeden and Keilah R $204.27 Ava P $197.50 Lucas O $152.25 Harrison L $136.50 Lucia M $135.25 Matilda W $124.75 Ella W $122.85 Thankyou to all who have raised money for this important cause. th All cash sponsorships are due in on our Jump Off day, Thursday 30 April so there’s still time to raise more. Don’t forget to wear a touch of red on our Jump Off day. Thanks Jayne McConnell Jump Rope for Heart Co-ordinator Uniform Shop News Uniform Shop Hours are: Tuesday 3:00 – 4:00pm and Thursday 8:30 – 9:30am Sue Truscott & Jo Townsend PFA President: Co-Vice Presidents: Treasurer: Assistant Treasurer: Co-Secretaries: Matoula Romeo Robin Fripp & Arash Pouyanfar Lisa Hanna Jo Townsend Ellen Swansson & Andrea Belmonte Mother’s Day Gift No too late to order your gift! Last chance orders strictly by 1st May We hear the children are very excited about their special gift for mum/carer – we are too! We have a team of parent helpers putting the ordered gifts together and they are looking awesome. Stay tuned for when we send them home with the children close to Mother’s Day weekend. Next Mother’s Day Gift “workshop”: Tuesdays and Wednesday 11am to 2.30pm. If there are parents/carers who are handy with all things crafty (especially glue), please contact the PFA as we need your help to complete these gifts: or call Matoula on 0411 089 506 for more details. Women’s Night Friday 29th May Save the date To all the women in the school community keep the night free for a night of pampering, delicious finger food and drinks amongst friends. Book this one in the calendar ladies! PFA Up-Coming Events MAY/JUNE School Photo Album – Do you need somewhere safe and special to put all those beautiful school photos, awards and other special school items? Parents will have the opportunity to purchase a Photo Album with our school logo on it this year. More information will come home soon. JUNE - Buddy Day lunch time Sausage Sizzle – This will be held at school during lunchtime to celebrate being a great buddy. JUNE – Vision Portraits Sunday 21st of June Gourmet Goodies There are few Gourmet Goodies leftover from the Fair for sale in the school office foyer. If you missed out on purchasing any of these scrumptious goodies or would like more - get in quick! Payment can be made at the office. Orange with Ginger Marmalade Apple Mint Sauce Rainbow Cookies-in-a-Jar Organic Honey Quince Jam Pineapple Sauce Strawberry Jam Craft Group Hand Made Gift Cards There is a lovely range of hand-made cards for sale in the school office foyer made by the Craft Group in particular Rachael Hibbins for $2.50 each. They are beautiful and there is a great range to choose from. Sales from the Gift Cards goes towards school fundraising. Thought for the Week It’s a time to remember. Lest We Forget. The PFA Team ADVERTISEMENTS COMMUNITY NEWS PAID ADVERTISEMENTS The DEECD and RMPS do not endorse the products or services of any private advertiser. No responsibility is accepted by DEECD and RMPS for accuracy of information in advertisements or claims made by them.
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