PEN Newsletter 6th May 2015 57 Birdwood Street Box Hill South 3128 Telephone: 9890 2372 Facsimile: 9899 5490 value: 13th We November, 2013 FROM THE PRINCIPAL CLASS TEAM This term the students have been learning and exploring a range of skipping skills during PE classes- as we know skipping is an excellent way to keep fit and to keep the brain active. Last Thursday all students participated in a Jump Rope for Heart Day to raise money for the Heart Foundation and to purchase a new high jump mat for the school. I’m very proud to announce that the students raised a whopping $10,000 through sponsorship! It was a fabulous day assisted by gorgeous weather, with our students enjoying a whole range of skipping activities and demonstrating newly, acquired skills. Today the 3-6 students participated in our annual House Cross Country. I would like to thank all parents and teachers who supported and assisted with these events especially to Jayne McConnell and Tim Fearn-Wannan for coordinating and organising both programs. Tomorrow we are having a Maths Activity Night for 3-6 students. Rob Vingerhoets will be modelling numeracy activities with our P-2 teams during the day and then will facilitate our games night. Come along and have fun playing games and learning- the evening will go from 7.00-8.30pm in the hall! As part of our Triple R (Robust, Resilient and Ready to Go) Program, Catholic Care are providing a workshop for parents nd from P-6 on ‘Resilience’ on Friday 22 May at 9.15am in the library. If you are able to attend please return the reply form attached. On Sunday is Mother’s Day and the PFA have arranged a surprise gift for our mums. Thank you to the parents who contributed to the organisation of this event. Happy Mother’s Day to all mums and grandmas this weekend! Amanda Wigg – Assistant Principal Creativity Endeavour Respect Trust Honesty Friendliness DATES TO REMEMBER Friday, 8 May School Tour – 9:30am – meet in the School Foyer Monday, 11 May 5/6’s Excursion to Kingswood College to see the Production of ‘Hairspray’ 10:15am Friday, 15 May Triple R Information Session for Parents of Triple R students ONLY 12:30 – 1:30pm Tuesday, 19 May Open Morning – Tours at 9:15, 9:45 and 10:15am Friday, 22 May Free Dress Day – Gold Coin Donation – Proceeds go to World Vision ‘The Problems in Nepal’ Triple R Resilience Session– ALL Parents Welcome 9:15am Monday, 25 May Program for Students with Disabilities (PSD) Morning Tea – 9:00 – 10:30pm in the Staffroom Friday, 29 May PFA’s Women’s Night in School Hall – 7:30pm Friday, 5 June School Tour 9:30am – meet in the School Foyer Tuesday, 9 June 3/4 area Free Footsteps Session 1 hour in the Hall Thursday, 11 June PFA Lunch Time Sausage Sizzle – Buddy Day Friday, 12 June 5/6 Winter Round Robin Sports Day Friday, 19 June School Tour 9:30am – meet in the School Foyer Friday 15th May 12.30-1.30: PLEASE NOTE- This Triple R Information session is for parents of Triple R students ONLY Friday 22nd May at 9.15am: Resilience, ALL Parents welcome Friday 28th August at 9.15am: School Transition, ALL parents welcome Friday 16th October: 9.15am Mindfulness, ALL parents welcome More information to follow. Please look out for REPLY FORMS in the newsletter Notices sent home last week Head Lice Letter dated 29th April 2015 Head Lice Letter dated 30th April 2015 Entertainment Book Order Form Local Walking Excursion to Kingswood College to see ‘Hairspray’ Notice Select Children: Australasian Problem Solving Mathematical Olympiad Competition To: 3/4D J6R Eldest Child 5/6’s * ** Please note – items marked in BOLD require parent response. For your convenience, this notice can be printed from the school’s website. Click on Practicalities tab on the Home page, then 2012 Permission Forms and Information Forms. SCHOOL COUNCIL NEWS April 2015 th The School Council held its regular meeting on 29 April, 2015. The following is a summary of the items discussed. RMPS Strategic Plan The RMPS Strategic Plan 2015 -18 has been completed and endorsed by the DEECD and Council. The Plan describes our strategic goals in our priority areas of Achievement, Engagement, Wellbeing and Productivity. These goals may be summarised as follows: 1. 2. 3. 4. To improve the achievements of all students in literacy and numeracy To provide a learning curriculum that focuses on high expectations, positive relationships and engagement within the community To provide an inclusive, safe, orderly and stimulating environment for learning To utilise school resources to the best possible effect to support improved student outcomes The School’s annual implementation plan was also discussed. In addition to activities designed to support our strategic goals, the plan includes initiatives, such as the Triple R program, that provide additional student value and support improved learning outcomes. RMPS Annual Report The RMPS Annual Report will be presented at the School AGM to be held prior to the next School Council meeting at 7pm on Wednesday June 3, 2015. All members of the School Community are cordially invited to attend the School AGM. Correspondence A request from the Grade 1 Girls Playball team, coached by Andrew Scott, to use the outside basketball courts for training was approved by Council. Reports Principal, Education Committee, and PFA reports were tabled. The Principal’s report included very positive and appreciative feedback from the children and community on the ANZAC commemorative activities organised by the School. Compass, the online Parent/School communication tool, was introduced this term and has been well received. In future, Compass will be used to provide electronic student reports, monitor attendance, provide an additional parent/teacher communication channel and manage excursion/incursion payments. The recent Education Committee meeting included an overview of resources currently used in the classroom and included an update of currently used iPad apps. Next meeting The next School Council meeting will be held on 3rd June, 2015, preceded by the School Annual General Meeting which will commence at 7pm. IMPORTANT NOTICE Changes to phone numbers, addresses or email addresses still need to be changed on the school’s student administration computer program. When changing details on Compass, an email is generated advising of changes enabling the student records to be updated. Please make sure you are providing details for the correct person. If you are logging on for the first time, the mobile number required is the Primary Carer, usually the child’s mother. The first email address is also for the Primary carer and the ‘Secondary’ email address is for the other parent/carer, usually the child’s mother. Please take care when changing any details so we have current and correct contact details for each Parent/Carer. Sarah Kelly – Office Administration Entertainment Books are now available at the office - enjoy over 14 months of value for $65 Selling for $65 each, the new Entertainment™ Membership is valid up until 1 June 2016. You can choose the Membership that suits you: the printed Entertainment™ Book -OREntertainment™ Digital Membership for your smartphone. Digital membership is only available when purchased online. SPECIALISTs’ Spot Art News Take a look at the amazing progress photos of the World War 1 relief piece by Adrian Ward, our Artist in Residence. The piece you see is sculpted over steel armature along with other various objects including real pieces of clothing. It will then be rubber-moulded and cast in white cement. We have been very fortunate to have such a local artist who has visited the school sharing his work. As his studio is so very close, and the structure is not transportable, we will be taking all the year 5/6 classes to see his progress and learn of the process involved. We will be taking the children during their normal art class time the week beginning th Monday 18 May (Wednesday classes will visit the studio the following week as Adrian has a prior commitment). *If you would like to assist us with any of the walks, and have the pleasure of seeing the art in real life, please let us know as soon as possible. Meanwhile, the children have learnt about the significance of the poppy and have each made a clay poppy tile to complement the artists’ sculpture. When all pieces are complete, they will be mounted on the front wall of the main building by the existing memorial garden. If you would like to learn more about Adrian Ward and see more about our project, his website is:!about1/chfv from the Art Room, Lena Zappia and Katrina Cassidy From the Robotics desk… Everytime I open the paper or turn on the tv I discover something new happening in the ever changing world of Robotics and automation, from “google self driving cars” to robotics shop assistants. Senior students started the year being challenged to think about the future of Robotics and related ethics. The link below is makes an interesting read.. Students in the Robotic’s team are well underway with the preparations for the Robocup competition. Under the expert guidance of artistically creative parents (Melinda McLachlan , Katherine Anderson, Jo Manger, and Sue Truscott ) and our awesome aide Alison Mc Donald, students have started to design, sew and paint some amazing props and costumes. Sharing of your precious time, talents and organisation skills is always so appreciated. For the First time I am entering a team in the First Lego League, an international competition. This year 290,000 children ages 9 to 16* from over 80 countries will explore the fascinating world of trash. From collection, to sorting….. ® SM FIRST LEGO League (FLL ) challenges kids to think like scientists and engineers. During the TRASH TREK season, teams will choose and solve a real-world trash problem in the Project. They will also build, test, and program ® an autonomous robot using LEGO MINDSTORMS technology to solve a set of missions in the Robot Game. Throughout their experience, teams will operate under FLL’s signature set of Core Values, celebrating discovery, teamwork, and Gracious Professionalism - See more at: Children in all classes, from P-6 will regularly have videos on their iPads of some of the challenges we do in our classroom sessions so you can see what fun we have been having so make sure you check their camera roll. Finally I am seeking assistance from people with carpentry skills to make a purpose built table for the robotics room. I have instructions, dimensions and materials required. If you can assist please contact me via email at Melinda Browne Robotics Teacher G.A.T.E.WAYS G.A.T.E.WAYS is an independent organisation offering challenging and enriching activities and experiences to th develop and extend highly able children. Now in it’s 19 year, G.A.T.E.WAYS runs a range of stimulating school programs as well as the Saturday Brainwaves Club. The following G.A.T.E.WAYS programs are being offered in Term 2, 2015. Grade 1/2's Commencing Monday, 18th May and running for four weeks. ‘Merrill the Mirror Magician’ Wesley College, 620 High Street Road, Glen Waverley. 9.30am – 12.00pm. Commencing Monday, 22nd May and running for four weeks. ‘Where In the World Are We?’ Donvale Primary School. Elata Street, Donvale 3111 Grade 3/4's Commencing Monday, 18th May and running for four weeks. ‘WORDS, WONDER AND WILD WANDERINGS WITH THE PHANTOM TOLLBOOTH’ Wesley College, 620 High Street Road, Glen Waverley. 9.30am – 12.00pm. Commencing Monday 22nd May and running for four weeks. ‘THE SECRET LIFE OF PLANETARY MOONS’ Donvale Primary School. Elata Street, Donvale 3111 ‘Grade 5/6s · Commencing Monday 18th May and running for four weeks. ‘Diving Into The Gene Pool!’ Wesley College, 620 High Street Road, Glen Waverley. 9.30am – 12.00pm. · Commencing Monday 22nd May and running for four weeks. ‘Medical Emergency… RoboDocs To The Rescue’ Donvale Primary School. Elata Street, Donvale 3111 Please be aware that there is a cost associated with each program and transportation must be organised by parents/carer. Flyers are available with extra information about each program. Please see Miss Shorthouse (J1S) or your class teacher if you are interested in attending any of these programs. Be quick—places fill fast! ROBERTS McCUBBIN TRADING POST TRY OUR TRADING POST IF YOU HAVE ANYTHING TO SELL, SWAP, WANTING TO BUY OR ADVERTISE AT ONLY $3.00 PER AD (Maximum of three, brief items per $3.00), IT’S A BARGAIN! OUR NEWSLETTER IS DISPLAYED ON THE SCHOOL’S WEBSITE VCE student available for child minding, Experienced & Reliable, Has driving license and own car Email - COMPASS SCHOOL MANAGER Included above is a Parent Guide from Compass School Manager to help you make entries in Compass in relation to your child’s absences. This guide will help you enter a current absence for your child, as well as entering one for a future absence. This can be done if you are going on a family holiday for instance and know the dates your child will be absent. All absences for children must now be entered on Compass only. absences. Skoolbag is not to be used any longer for Sarah Kelly Administrative Assistant SCHOOL PHOTOS – SECOND CHANCE ORDERS If you did not place an order for photos on our photo day last Friday, you will have a second chance to do so when the photographers deliver the already placed orders to us in about two to three weeks. st If you did not place an order on or before Friday, 1 May, a further envelope will be sent home with your child offering you a second chance to place an order. I am advised by the photographers that if you haven’t placed an order and still have your original order envelope, you can still place an online order using the ‘shoot key’ on the envelope. However, the photographers will close the online order facility either Thursday, or Friday this week so you will have to be quick. If you miss ordering online, you will receive a second chance envelope. Sarah Kelly Administrative Assistant Nationally Consistent Collection of Data on School Students with Disability ‘Collection Notice’ All schools in Australia, including Independent and Catholic schools, will participate in the Nationally Consistent Collection of Data on School Students with Disability this year. The Data Collection is an annual count of the number of students with disability receiving educational adjustments to support their participation in education on the same basis as students without disability. All education agencies are now required under the Australian Education Regulation 2013 to provide information on a student’s level of education, disability and level of adjustment to the Australian Government Department of Education and Training.* Data will continue to be de-identified prior to its transfer to the Australian Government Department of Education and Training. No student’s identity will be provided to the Australian Government Department of Education and Training. The collection of this information from states and territories will inform future policy and program planning in relation to students with disability. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact Linda Abbott at Roberts McCubbin PS on 98902372 or the Victorian Department of Education and Training Data Collection Hotline on (03) 9651 3621. For questions after 7 August 2015, please call the Australian Government Department of Education and Training on 1300 566 046. PFA President: Co-Vice Presidents: Treasurer: Assistant Treasurer: Co-Secretaries: Matoula Romeo Robin Fripp & Arash Pouyanfar Lisa Hanna Jo Townsend Ellen Swansson & Andrea Belmonte Mother’s Day Gifts All Mother’s Day Gift orders have been completed. For all the families that have ordered their Mother’s Day Gift your special present will be sent home with the children THIS Thursday. If you haven’t ordered the gift, the artwork that the children completed will also be sent home so perhaps you can surprise Mum by framing it or turning it into a special card. We have such creative children at our school, al the artwork is simply beautiful, awesome, creative and so much more! Please contact the PFA for any queries: or call Matoula on 0411 089 506. Women’s Night Friday 29th May 7.30 to 11.30 In the School hall Book in ladies and come out to our ever popular Women’s Night in the school hall. We are planning a wonderful evening out for all the women in our lives – because you deserve it! It’s a perfect opportunity to catch up with friends and meet other women in our school community. Join us for an indulgent night of delicious food and drinks and smooth music, along with the opportunity for a relaxing and well deserved mini pamper session or two! Save all your unwanted quality/good condition books, clothes, bags and accessories – your “unwanted” might be someone else’s ‘I want”. More information to come home soon! We need your help! We are asking all our foodies in our community to help with the food preparation for the evening with some finger food / canapés etc. for the evening. Martine Woodmason will be organising the foodies this year and we hope you can help with your “culinary delights”. Please contact Martine via email thank you! Helping Hands The PFA Helping Hands is a service that provides help in the form of school lunches and dinners to families who are experiencing difficult circumstances. Often family and friends help out but sometimes that is not always possible. What many may not realise is that these difficult circumstances may be that; a family member is in hospital, the family may be coping with a major illness, a death in the family, or bedbound family member. Even a major change in family circumstances can be difficult for some families. Do you need Help? If you need or know of a family that needs assistance please contact the PFA. We will organise someone to provide a helping hand, these helpers do not know who it is they are giving a helping hand to. Please do not hesitate to ask - as there is no need for you or other families at our school to struggle when we have a supportive community of parents willing to lend a hand. Can you Help? If you are willing and able to lend a hand by making dinners or school lunches for our families in need, please email the PFA your details so we can place you on our list. We will contact you should the need arise with all details needed to make the food and if you CAN help we will place you on a roster - you support and help is appreciated by all. PFA Up-Coming Events MAY/JUNE School Photo Album – Do you need somewhere safe and special to put all those beautiful school photos, awards and other special school items? Parents will have the opportunity to purchase a Photo Album with our school logo on it this year. More information will come home soon. JUNE - Buddy Day lunch time Sausage Sizzle – This will be held at school during lunchtime to celebrate being a great buddy. JUNE – Vision Portraits Sunday 21st of June - yes they are back again this year to be held at the school on Sunday 21st June. Craft Hand Made Gift Cards and Wheat bags There is a lovely range of hand-made gift cards for sale in the school office foyer for $2.50ea for all occasions. Plus take a look at the groovy wheat bags for sale too – nice and warm for those cold nights! There are some Mother’s Day Gift cards there too. Sales from the Gift Cards and Wheat Bags goes towards school fundraising. Happy Mother’s Day for Sunday! The PFA Team Uniform Shop News Uniform Shop Hours are: Tuesday 3:00 – 4:00pm and Thursday 8:30 – 9:30am Sue Truscott & Jo Townsend ADVERTISEMENTS PAID ADVERTISEMENTS The DEECD and RMPS do not endorse the products or services of any private advertiser. No responsibility is accepted by DEECD and RMPS for accuracy of information in advertisements or claims made by them. ADVERTISEMENTS COMMUNITY NEWS
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