Newsletter 31 March 2015 Term 1 Week 10 On The Wings of Wisdom Coorparoo State School Coorparoo State School Handbook 2015 Student Absentee Line – 3421 0360 From the Principal Keith Warwick, Principal, A MOVING WEEKLY PARADE Last week’s whole school Parade encapsulated for me all that is great about our school and community. Led very capably by our Student Leaders, we celebrated achievements in Maths, recognised Melba House for having the most active travellers for the week and discussed Earth Hour. We also recognised “Harmony Day” through the words of students for whom English is an additional language or dialect. One of our students shared her story, telling of leaving her home country in a small boat. Eventually her family made their way safely to Australia. She now feels safe at Coorparoo SS and safe from the sea. Finally, we officially renamed “Senior Campus” the “Professor Hill Campus”. Much has been said in previous Newsletters about former student Professor Dorothy Hill and about the self-motivation of current student Alex Grady in driving this whole project. I look out across our student group at each Parade and think of all the potential that sits in front of me. Just as Professor Hill dreamt about the pathway for her life while she was at school, I encourage each and every CSS student to “dare to dream”. STAFFING UPDATE The following staff changes take place for Term 2. Ms Monique Comino has been promoted to the position of Master Teacher at Ashgrove and Bardon State Schools. Monique has been replaced by James Warren who will teach 4M for the remainder of 2015. Mrs Marilyn Potter is on leave for the remainder of 2015. Mrs Kirsty Smith will continue working Monday through Wednesday. Marilyn has been replaced by Donna Cotugno and will continue in this role for the rest of 2015. Thursday 2 April Term 1 ends Friday 3 April Good Friday Monday 20 April Term 2 starts Saturday 25 April ANZAC Day SOAR Be an Active Learner: Establish and agree upon rules before playing games School Parade Thursday 2.15pm for Years 1-6 There will be no school Parade on Thursday 23 April due to ANZAC Day Parade rehearsals. ANZAC Day Parade will be held on Friday 24 April at 9:15am Prep Year Strategic Support Teacher Trish Jeffs is on leave for Term 2. __________________________ FAREWELL COORPAROO In this issue: As I enter my fifth year at Coorparoo State School, the time has come to farewell the school community and take up a new leadership opportunity. After the Easter Vacation I take up the promotional position of Principal at Indooroopilly State School. While I am excited about this new opportunity, it is difficult to leave a school for which I feel a huge affection. Thank you to the world’s most wonderful staff. I have asked for a few leaps of faith over the years and your preparedness to take these has contributed in no small way to our students’ continued improvement. Parents, you are simply remarkable. Your support of the school allows us to do so much. (click to read more) SOAR – Be Safe, Be Organised, Be an Active Learner, Be Responsible HPE News Diary Dates and Meetings School Activities P&C News Community News Page 1 of 11 You have truly been partners in this journey. Students, I love your work. I have had the honour of being a part of many of your journeys as you have moved through the school. I am very proud of the people you are and the people you are becoming. Year 3-6 Deputy Principal John Kennedy will act as Principal until the position is filled permanently. I have every faith in the school moving onto even bigger and better things. Thank you and goodbye CSS. From the Deputy Principal John Kennedy, Deputy Principal, Loading Zone … is exactly that. Last Friday, as these two photographs show, some drivers again demonstrated a blatant disregard of the traffic signage on Halstead Street in the designated Loading Zone. Every one of these cars was empty. 8:40am 27 March 2:55pm 27 March With the holidays fast approaching, we need you to look out for our school. If you see anything suspicious, please remember to call the School Watch number—13 17 88 This zone is a 2 minute zone only and drivers MUST remain with their cars between 8am and 9am and again between 2:30pm and 3:30pm. The School Watch Program is a partnership between Education Queensland, the Queensland Police Service and the State Government Protective Security Service. It aims to reduce vandalism, theft and arson in Queensland schools. If you do see something suspicious, please don’t attempt to intervene. Call the School Watch number and let the local police or State Government Protective Security Service deal with the matter. Keep the number handy—13 17 88— and let’s work together to help create a safer school community. Have a safe and happy holiday! With so many drivers continuing to ignore our school’s messages and efforts as well as the traffic signage around our school, we have no option other than to request traffic enforcement patrols to increase over this and subsequent weeks next term. SOAR – Be Safe, Be Organised, Be an Active Learner, Be Responsible Page 2 of 11 From the Deputy Principal Mark Craswell, Deputy Principal, HOLIDAYS With the holidays almost upon us, enormous appreciation is extended to parents, students and the greater community for support given to Coorparoo State School throughout Term 1. As with every Term, this has been a very busy one, with Prep students and parents getting to know new teachers, friends, classrooms and school routines, and our Year 6 students taking on leadership roles across various areas of our great school. Term 2 will prove to be equally exciting! Years 3 and 5 will participate in NAPLAN, school wide ICAS testing will occur, ANZAC Day Commemorations will unfold and NAIDOC Week will be celebrated! In Physical Education, Interschool Sport for Years 5 and 6 will commence and students will participate in Athletics Carnivals. Music Groups will be involved in Choral Fanfare, Strings/Senior Band Fanfare, Junior Strings Camp, Autumn Music Concert and the St Paul’s Fete performance. The P&C will be supporting the Spell-a-thon, Mothers’ Day stall and the School Dance. Enjoy the break, rest up and be ready for a very big and exciting Term 2! From the Support Teacher Literacy and Numeracy Jinder Kaur, STLaN HOLIDAY READING Before school conversation with two students at Kijini … Student 1: Are you going somewhere for your holidays? Me: I have not decided yet, maybe. Student 1: We are going to the coast. Me: That sounds like fun. Just remember to take some books to read. Student 1: Why? Me: It is important to read even if you are on holiday. You should read every day. Student 2: Are you the reading teacher in school? Me: Why do you think that? Student 2: Because you tell us to read alllllll the time! She was right, we remind children to read during the holidays because regular reading promotes fluency. Fluent readers Recognise words automatically Read aloud effortlessly and with expression Minimise concentration on decoding words Can focus on comprehension. Marie Clay, an expert in reading acquisition, believes that, ‘Reading is a message-getting, problem-solving activity which increases in power and flexibility the more it is practised.” Happy holidays to all. SOAR – Be Safe, Be Organised, Be an Active Learner, Be Responsible Page 3 of 11 From the Literacy & Numeracy Coach Iris Van Sloten, WHAT ARE YOU DOING THIS HOLIDAY? With Term 1 almost over, now is a great time to start thinking about what you can do at home with your child during the school holidays to continue learning. At Coorparoo, as part of teaching reading and comprehension skills, we teach the students that there are four different question types: (1) Right There, (2) Think and Search, (3) Author and Me, and (4) On My Own. The fir st two rely on the student’s understanding of the text and the final two require prior knowledge or background information and this comes from personal experiences that your child has had. Here are some suggestions of how you can build your child’s prior knowledge in order to assist with his or her reading: Involve your children in conversations related to current affairs topics. Ask for their thoughts about the subject and possibly how it relates to or impacts on their life; Go on outings to do new or different things then reflect on what they learnt from that experience; Learn about different cultures ie. How do people from other countries celebrate Easter? Or perhaps why some cultures don’t celebrate special days such as Easter? Read a variety of text types. This helps with increasing their vocabulary knowledge, text structures, people, and experiences which your child has not yet encountered during actual experiences. At the end of the two weeks break, ask your child what they enjoyed the most. You may find that Dreamworld was not the highlight of their holiday but the bushwalk through Toohey Forest or Mt Coot-tha Botanic Gardens Hide ‘n’ Seek Children’s Trail was!! HPE NEWS Megan Carpenter , and Kim Godson LYTTON TOUCH REPS Congratulations to the following students on their selection in Lytton Touch teams: U12 Girls: Greta J and Madison K U12 Boys: Rafe P, Luke H and Mitchel R INTERSCHOOL SPORT—(Years 5 and 6) Students should now have returned payment and permission for Interschool Sport. This commences on Friday 24 April. LYTTON CROSS COUNTRY Students selected to represent CSS at Lytton District Cross Country (Thursday 23 April), should have returned permission slips and medical forms to school. Students should also have picked up a CSS running singlet to wear on the day. Please see Miss Carpenter by the end of the week to get your singlet. MUSIC NEWS Annelle Vogler, Music Teacher, MUSIC DATES Autumn Music Concert (formerly known as the Prom and the Winter Music Concert)—Tuesday 19 May Choral Fanfare Week 5 Term 2 during school time St Paul’s Fete Saturday 23 May Kijini Choir—9am Recorder Ensemble—9:30am Band—TBA SOAR – Be Safe, Be Organised, Be an Active Learner, Be Responsible Page 4 of 11 KIJINI CHOIR Kijini Choir will be preforming at Parade this Thursday. Please ensure you child is dressed in the grey school uniform. MUSIC UNIFORMS Our first big musical event for the year will be happening on Tuesday 19 May (the Autumn Music Concert – formerly known as the Winter Music Concert, formerly known as the Prom). The children will need to be wearing the full music uniform for this event. Please read the details below and start thinking about purchasing any items that your child needs. A formal letter will be coming home shortly about where to purchase these items of clothing and the cost. Kijini Choir—full grey school uniform. Boys—grey shirt, black shorts, grey socks and black shoes. Girls—grey checked dress or grey checked shirt with the black culottes, gold socks and black shoes. Junior and Senior Band, String Orchestra, Junior, Senior and Boys’ Choirs, Recorder and Percussion Ensemble – full music uniform. Boys—black long pants, white long sleeved shirt, black shoes and grey socks. Girls—long sleeved white shirt, black culottes, black tights, black shoes. OPEN REHEARSALS Next term, open rehearsals will begin outside the Music block. Watch this space to find out when they will be scheduled. BEGINNER STRINGS Beginners will be joining String Orchestra rehearsals in Term 3, Wednesday, 7:40am (change from Term 4, due to the Gala Concert being in September). Week of commencement will be advised. ANZAC DAY 2015 marks the Centenary of ANZAC. It is 100 years since the first landing at Gallipoli on 25 April 1915. Coorparoo State School community and students will join together to commemorate this significant event. SCHOOL SERVICE There will be an ANZAC Centennial Commemoration in McCahon Hall at 9.15am on Friday April 24 with many special guests in attendance, including relatives of Coorparoo State School students who served in World War 1. BADGES ANZAC Centenary badges are on sale at the Office for $5. These commemorative, metal badges are available at Morning Tea breaks and all proceeds are returned to the Coorparoo RSL. They will be a precious and proud memento of this important occasion. ANZAC DAY MARCH This year’s ANZAC Day is very significant. It is 100 years since the first landing at Gallipoli on 25 April 1915. Coorparoo State School will again participate in the ANZAC Day March and the laying of wreaths on Saturday 25 April to show our respect and gratitude to our Australian and New Zealand soldiers. This will be a very special, once in a lifetime opportunity to take part in an historic event. We would like to invite as many students as possible to join us. Where Assemble in Baragoola Street, Coorparoo – Google map When: 7.45am, Saturday 25 April To Wear: Full formal school uniform The March will be followed by a service at the front of the Coorparoo RSL. GREEN TEAM Cathy Holyoak and Iris Van Sloten - Green Team Coordinators SOAR – Be Safe, Be Organised, Be an Active Learner, Be Responsible Page 5 of 11 Watch out for your friendly Green Team Representatives, cleverly disguised as Easter Bilbies, around the playgrounds at Big Lunch this week! Green Team members will be on the ‘look out’ for students who are caring for the environment by turning off taps, picking up stray papers, walking around gardens and helping in the Garden Club. Students who are spotted caring for our environment will earn a ticket to go in the draw to win a ‘Pink Lady‘ Bilby chocolate basket. The winner will be drawn on Parade this Thursday. Remember ‘Pink Lady‘ donates 30c for every chocolate purchased to the Save the Bilby Fund. Go Green! (& Pink!) SOAR – Certificates Congratulations to the following students who have completed their first SOAR card. Students completing their card receive a Bronze or Silver Certificate from their classroom teachers. Well done. BRONZE SILVER YEAR 3 YEAR 4 YEAR 1 Ben Finbar Sasha Charlotte Caitlin Henri Charlotte James Chelsea Jarryd Hayley Kate Kavya Kiran Keita Lachlan Lila Lachlan Liliana Saxon Sam Tahlia Taj Taya Tiana Taya YEAR 1 Zachary READERS’ CLUB MEETINGS Ms Grant-Mitchell, Ms McGarrigle, Miss Holyoak READERS’ CLUB MEETS THIS WEEK! Readers will receive their Membership Cards and we’ll discuss your ideas for this year. Bring along a favourite book you’ve read or are reading to show your Club mates. SENIOR CLUB MEETING Wednesday 1 April in 3G Ms Grant-Mitchell’s Room JUNIOR CLUB MEETING Thursday 2 April in 1M Miss Milinkovic’s Room We’ll meet at Big Lunch after the playbell. See You There! SOAR – Be Safe, Be Organised, Be an Active Learner, Be Responsible Page 6 of 11 SCHOOL and COMMUNITY NEWS This week … Diary Dates and Meetings Payments School Activities P&C News Community News DIARY DATES AND MEETINGS Thursday 2 April—Term 1 ends Friday 3 April—Good Friday Saturday 4 April—Easter Saturday Monday 6 April—Easter Monday Monday 20 April—Term 2 starts Friday 24 April—ANZAC Day Parade, 9:15am Friday 24 April—Interschool Sport starts Saturday 25 April—ANZAC Day For future events please visit the School Events Calendar PAYMENTS When making payments to the school online please include the Invoice Number as your payment reference. Failure to include a valid reference number can often mean that payment isn’t assigned to your child’s account. SCHOOL ACTIVITIES SCHOOL BANKING Karyn Milne, School Banking Coordinator, or 0407 114 181 Hooray for our Mum volunteers last week who efficiently processed all the banking. They were Linda, Konio, Yiping, Naomi, Andrea, Leeanne and Jocelyn. Wow, what a great turn out and all finished by 10am. Thank you! This term sees the ET DVD and the Planet Handball released. Along with these items we still have some previous year’s rewards available for children to order. These items are: Scented Pencils, Blue Wallets, Shark Key ring, Knuckles Game, Sea Streamers, Headphones, Projector Cup, Pru Moneybox, Swim Bag, and Spen Moneybox. We no longer have reward cards for these above items, however, we will happily accept a note with child’s name, class and student ID along with the item requested. 2016 ENROLMENTS Out of Catchment Sign On Day Tuesday 28 April 9:00am, McCahon Hall Enrolment Day Wednesday 29 April Open Day Wednesday 10 June 9:15am-11:00am 2016 Prep Orientation Day Date TBA School banking will begin again first Wednesday back at school. EARTH HOUR LUNCH TIME ACTIVITIES Cathy Holyoak and Iris Van Sloten Thank you to all the students who attended the lunch time Earth Hour activities on Thursday 26 March. All 10 iPads were used continually with the ‘Lunchtime’ and ‘Worm World’ apps and all coffee cups were being given a new life. The Art Block was a productive, busy hive of environmentally friendly activities. Keep an eye out for your coffee cup in the Up-Cycled Coffee Cup Art Installation in the school hall by the end of this week. Also, thank you to the Art monitors and Miss Dall’Osto for their support. SOAR – Be Safe, Be Organised, Be an Active Learner, Be Responsible Page 7 of 11 HELPING HANDS Onsite on 0458 038 769 or Central office on 07 5438 9549 or visit Well it’s nearly the end of Term 1; where did time go I hear you ask? Yes it went very fast for us also, nice to see the children more settled and back into the routine as always. Just a reminder to all parents the Vacation Care Program is out now and if you haven’t already done so remember to return the slips and book your child in. We have lots of exciting activities this Vacation Care all of which were planned and organised around children’s interests and suggestions. They had a big input in the program so that it will suit all ages. Any question please do not hesitate to contact us. P&C Contact the P&C - P&C NEWS The P&C has been discussing spending priorities at recent meetings. Do you think we need shade on Carey Field? Or would you like to focus to be on air-conditioning? We welcome all feedback. If you would like to have a say, please email with any feedback, or come along to the next meeting on Wednesday 20 May at 7:00pm. Are you interested in joining the P&C? Only members can vote on a motion at a meeting, and can view reports and minutes from previous meetings online. If you wish to become a member, please complete the Membership form available on the CSS school website and hand in at the office or email to SPELL-A-THON 2015 Your child should have received their Spell-a-thon collection envelopes and spelling words last week. Please visit the Spell-a-thon website which is now active. The ‘How to Sign Up’ tab provides an easy guide for setting up on-line fundraising for students. With your approval, we hope students enjoy personalising their individual fundraising pages with photos, blogs and thank you messages for their donors. Get the kids building over the holidays and they can enter our Lego competition! All details are on the ‘Fun Stuff’ website page. Don’t forget to ask your friends and relatives for a donation to support your Spell-a-thon activities if you see them over the Easter break. Spelling tests will take place in Week 2 of next term. If you have any questions—please e-mail us: TRAVEL AND TRAFFIC WORKING PARTY We are looking for volunteers willing to help with Stop Drop and Go in Term 2. If you are interested in find out more please email the traffic working group on IT'S A CARNIVAL YEAR! Planning is underway for the biennial Coorparoo State School Carnival to be held in October 2015. The Carnival in 2013 was such a success—can you help us do it again? Do you have an idea for a stall? Or would you like to help on the day? Please email Alex at—we'd love to hear from you! SCLO Leisa Whybird, SCLO and Uniform Shop - 3324 0053 or LOST PROPERTY The end of term is a great time to check your child’s belongings. Please check that the hat in your child’s school bag is theirs! If not, please return to lost property. Lost Property will be displayed during this week. Come and check if you are missing any items. SOAR – Be Safe, Be Organised, Be an Active Learner, Be Responsible Page 8 of 11 ANZAC DAY FLOWERS – THURSDAY 23 APRIL Next term our annual Anzac Day Ceremony will be held on Friday 24 April. We currently need helpers to create the floral wreaths for each year level to present in remembrance of the sacrifice made by our Diggers. No experience is required – it’s loads of fun and will bring out your green thumb! We will be creating these wreaths on Thursday 23 April in the Art Block at school. We will also be seeking donations of fresh flowers and greenery. If you have flowers or greenery from your garden that you can bring in, it would be greatly appreciated. Please send these along on Thursday 23 April. Rather than trimming your lovely flowers and foliage over the Easter Break consider waiting so we may please have some for Anzac Day. A reminder will go home after the holidays but if you know now you have a little time to help please email Leisa at MOTHER’S DAY STALL – THURSDAY 7 MAY Mums (and Grandmas) hold a special place in our hearts – and Mother’s Day is the perfect time to tell them how much we love them and how much we appreciate all the things they do for us. The P&C is once again running a Mother’s Day Stall and we have some lovely gifts organised. Gifts will range in price from $1 to $6. Look out for the ‘gift guide’, which will be emailed to all families. This is to help siblings decide what to buy so they don’t accidently purchase the same gift. Mums may also like to give some ‘hints’ as well. We will need lots of volunteers to lend a hand with the stall on Thursday 7 May. We are looking for helpers from 9am to 10.30am or 11am to 12.30pm. Please email Leisa if you are available We will also need plastic bags for the stall. If you have spare plastic shopping bags please drop them at the Uniform Shop. Thank you. TRAMSTOP 26 Kate, Station Master, TramStop 26 AUTUMN MENU COMPETITION There is still time to submit your entry for the Autumn Menu competition. Drop your menu suggestion, labelled with your name and class into TramStop 26 for your chance to win a $10 Tuckshop voucher. If the Tuckshop is closed, please drop your suggestion into the Office. EASTER SPECIALS Our gingerbread and chocolate bunnies ($2.50 each) are available until the end of term. The morning tea packs during Week 10 will feature delicious honey and carrot muffins. ORANGE DAY We had a wonderful response to our Harmony Day specials. We hope you enjoyed your house-made orange jellies and sorbet. THANKS! A big thank you to the lovely volunteers who helped out on Harmony Day and Hot Cross Bun Day and to all those wonderful mothers and grandmothers who have given their time to Tramstop 26 this term. We really appreciate it! SOAR – Be Safe, Be Organised, Be an Active Learner, Be Responsible Page 9 of 11 COMMUNITY NEWS SOAR – Be Safe, Be Organised, Be an Active Learner, Be Responsible Page 10 of 11 SOAR – Be Safe, Be Organised, Be an Active Learner, Be Responsible Page 11 of 11
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