Newsletter W4 Term 2 2015

12 May 2015 Term 2 Week 4
On The Wings of Wisdom
Coorparoo State School
Coorparoo State School Handbook 2015
Student Absentee Line – 3421 0360
From the Principal
John Kennedy, Acting Principal,
Two of three Kennedy children sit their NAPLAN tests this week and while Mum
and Dad were nervous about how their regular before and after school
commitments would affect their performances, what special breakfasts and night
before rituals needed to be confirmed and whether it was appropriate for our non
NAPLAN child to gloat about the week ahead – we realised it is best to keep
“business as usual”.
NAPLAN offers schools evidence of each student’s learning progression over two
year cycles (Year 3 to 5, 5 to 7 and so on). This is what best informs the teaching
and learning opportunities in their classrooms – it should not drive what happens in
these spaces. Pedagogy (the teaching and learning) has to be defined by what
success it has on every child in terms of their development of character,
communication, critical thinking and problem solving, collaboration and teamwork,
and creativity and imagination.
To all of our Year 3 and 5 students sitting NAPLAN this week, good luck and
remember it is academic achievement as well as your effort, your behaviour and
your actions with and towards others that provide the best insight into just how
great you all are…oh, and make sure you get a good night’s sleep and have a
healthy breakfast.
From the Deputy Principal
Mark Craswell, Deputy Principal,
When your child is absent from school, you are required to notify the school giving the
reason for the absence. This is a legislative requirement. Schools must account for all
absences. If a school does not have a record of parental contact and/or explanation of a
student absence, it is recorded as “Unexplained”. A school is then required, by law, to
obtain a reason for the absence. Parents, you may, at times, receive a notice from the
school asking you to account for your child/ren’s non-attendance. Sign this form and
return it to school as soon as possible. In some cases, you may feel you have already
sent a note or called the school. If this is the case, note this on the form and the school
will follow up on this immediately.
Tuesday 12, Wednesday 13 and
Thursday 14 May
NAPLAN - Years 3 & 5
Wednesday 13 May
Year 4 Living History
Tuesday 19 May
ICAS, Digital Technologies
Tuesday 19 May
Autumn Music Concert
Be Safe - by moving straight to the
undercover area if you arrive at
school before 8:30am. You may
only leave this area if you need to
visit the office to make a school
School Parade
Thursday 2.15pm for Years 1-6
In this issue:
(click to read more)
HPE News
Diary Dates and Meetings
School Activities
P&C News
Community News
Student Absentee Line—3421 0360
SOAR – Be Safe, Be Organised, Be an Active Learner, Be Responsible
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From the Literacy & Numeracy Coach
Iris Van Sloten,
Last Tuesday Dr Rosie Scholl from Buranda State School visited our school to do lesson
observations with our three trial classes: Prep C (Mrs Kate Curtis); 2B (Mr Andrew
Beencke); and 4K (Mrs Kirsty Muir). In each of the classes, the rules of Philosophical
Inquiry were clearly established. These were:
1. We build on each other’s ideas
2. We respect each other’s ideas
3. We listen to each other
4. There may be no one single right answer
The focus of the lesson observations was asking questions. Students are taught that
there are four different types: Comprehension, Imagination, Research, Philosophical.
Comprehension and Research questions are closed meaning that there is a right answer
and Imagination and Philosophy questions are open questions with many answers being
acceptable. With support and experience, the aim is for students to be able to ask
philosophical questions and answer them thoughtfully.
In Prep C, Mrs Curtis read the story ‘Because’ and encouraged students to guess what
the question could have been. Mr Beencke read the story ‘Where the Wild Things Are’
and asked students to pose written questions in pairs. Students in 4K listened to Mrs
Muir read the story ‘The Rainbow Fish’ and then were asked to pose philosophical
questions. While students in each of these phases are still at the very early stages of
learning about philosophy, I was very impressed by questions presented in discussion.
These were some of the questions from 4M that came out of the story ‘The Rainbow
If you have something special, should you share it?
Do you have to be beautiful to be liked?
Do we have the right to yell at people in a mean way?
On-going professional development for the teachers will continue with all three
returning to Buranda State School later this term to observe Dr Rosie Scholl take a
Philosophy lesson with her Year 3/4 students.
Megan Carpenter , and Kim Godson
Congratulations to the following students who have recently been selected in Rep
Luke H and Madi K: Met East Touch
Andre J: Lytton Tennis
Monday 18 May to
Friday 28 August
This year the Premier has
challenged all state and nonstate school students from Prep
to Year 2 to read or experience
20 books, Years 3 and 4 to read
20 books and Years 5 to 7 to
read 15 books.
The aim for the 2015 challenge
is to reach a total exceeding 2
million books read.
Registration cards will be given
to teachers to be distributed
during Week 5.
For more information about
Premier’s Reading Challenge,
please click HERE.
Students born 2003, 2004 and 2005 are invited to attend an in-school trial to select
students to send to the Lytton RU trials (to be held on 11 June). Students must sign-up
at the PE office and collect a permission slip and have this signed by a parent in order to
attend the trial. Please bring boots and mouthguard. The trial will be held on Thursday
28 May. Please meet on Carey Field at 12.45pm.
SOAR – Be Safe, Be Organised, Be an Active Learner, Be Responsible
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Please ensure your child has a wide brimmed hat for PE lessons. Students who do not have a hat will not be able to participate in
PE lessons for sun safety reasons.
Please be advised the annual Athletics Carnival will be held on Monday 22 and Tuesday 23 June.
As per last year’s Athletics Carnival, we will continue to run events on our Carnival day as Championship events or Participation
events. To gain entry into a Championship event at our Carnival, students must achieve a qualifying time/distance at a Trial. You
will see in the table below, that each athletics discipline has several Trial times. We encourage students to think about attending
a pre or post school time, to avoid crowds. All students born 2006-2003 are invited to attend a Trial. Year 3 students will do their
trials during PE lessons (they do not need to attend trials). Students can attend all trials or choose events in which they excel.
We encourage those students interested in becoming an Age Champion or being selected to attend Lytton District Athletics to
compete in all Trials.
Students who do not qualify to compete in Championship events will compete in Participation Events for each of the athletic
disciplines on Athletics Carnival day.
If you do not attend a Championship Trial, you will only be eligible to compete in the Participation events on Carnival day.
Participation events will not be awarded Age Champion Points.
Week 5
Mon 18 May: 8:15am (before school), 12:30pm (lunch), 3.00pm (after
Tues 19 May: 8:15am (before school), 12:30pm (lunch)
(Carey Field)
Week 6
Mon 25 May: 8:15am (before school), 12:30pm (lunch), 3.00pm (after
Tues 26 May: 8:15am (before school), 12:30pm (lunch)
*** NB
The Discus trial is a qualifier for Lytton. It will NOT be an event at our school Athletics Carnival. Age Champion
points will NOT be awarded for discus.
Look out for the flyer at the end of this Newsletter about the Rookies2Reds program for Little Legends (5 years-7 years), Junior
Champs (8 years-9 years), Future Stars (10 years-11 years)
SOAR – Be Safe, Be Organised, Be an Active Learner, Be Responsible
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Frau Newsham, German Teacher
On Monday 25 May our Year 5 and 6 students will have the opportunity to see The Adventures of Huck Finn, an
award-winning German movie which is being screened as part of the Audi Film Festival. After the movie there will
be a 20 minute Q&A session with the screenwriter of the film.
This is the 14 Annual Festival of German Films in Australia presented by the Goethe-Institut, German Films and
sponsors - with Audi being the main one.
A German-language adaptation of Mark Twain’s American classic? Yes indeed, and this lavishly produced all-star journey down
the Mississippi works remarkably well. Remaining faithful to the 1884 novel and its scathing satire of antebellum white society of
the American South, director Hermine Huntgeburth delivers a rousing rendition of teenage rebel Huck, his best friend Tom
Sawyer and runaway slave Jim travelling down the mighty river toward Ohio where Jim can be free. This spirited take on the
timeless tale is suitable for young viewers and adults alike. For more information visit
Students will travel to the Palace Centro Cinema, 39 James Street, Fortitude Valley by Brisbane Transport charter bus. The bus
will leave the school at 10.00am and return to school by approximately 1.30pm.
Permission slips have been sent home last week. Permission slips and payment must be received by Friday 15 May. Late
payments will not be accepted.
Palace Centro Cinema and King of Cakes are offering a special deal for students A separate permission form has
been sent home to each student to take part in this special deal. This must be returned to the classroom teacher.
$6.00 -Bretzel and bottled water
$6.00- Bretzel and chocolate milk
This payment is cash only and separate and in addition to the $15 for the movie ticket and bus hire fee. Children will not be able
to purchase food or drink at the cinema but are welcome to bring their own.
Sue Fish and Arja Fels
Coorparoo State School is delighted to invite all students to join in the 2015 Premier’s Reading Challenge.
In addition to being fun, the challenge aims to boost children’s literacy skills by encouraging students to read
widely for pleasure and learning, to develop their imagination, and to cultivate a passion for literature.
Research shows that young people who read for pleasure excel in a range of learning activities.
Last year, more than 735 schools and over 118,000 students registered in the program. More than 84,000 students successfully
completed the challenge reading over 1.7 million books.
The reading period for the 2015 Premier's Reading Challenge commences May 18 and closes Friday 28 August.
This year the Premier has challenged all state and non-state school students from Prep to Year 2 to read or experience 20 books,
Years 3 and 4 to read 20 books and Years 5 to 7 to read 15 books.
The aim for the 2015 challenge is to reach a total exceeding 2 million books read.
Registration cards will be given to teachers to be distributed during Week 5.
Every student who completes the challenge will be awarded a Certificate of Achievement signed by the Premier. All students will
receive a Certificate of Participation. Students who have participated in the Challenge will be invited to attend some of the BOOK
WEEK lunch-time activities we will facilitate in Term three. Stay posted!
We look forward to seeing as many of our students as possible embrace the 2015 Premier’s Reading Challenge and thank you for
your on-going support of our literacy program.
For more information about Premier’s Reading Challenge, please visit:
SOAR – Be Safe, Be Organised, Be an Active Learner, Be Responsible
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This week, our senior grades had the privilege of listening to Alice Zaslavsky speak about her book “Alice’s
Food A –Z Edible Adventures”.
Sans microphone and without notes, Alice held two hundred and fifty children in the palm of her hand as
she shared her personal journey from non-English speaking immigrant school-girl to household name and
passionate food aficionado.
Indeed ‘passionate’ is the key word that sprang to mind when listening to Ms Zaslavsky.
Recurring motifs of integrity, kindness, generosity and moral courage underpinned her forty minute
discourse and the main tenant of her dialogue: creating your own adventure, resonated profoundly with
the captivated audience.
Her sense of fun, the age appropriate message and the way in which she communicated not only the importance of healthy
eating but ways in which to make meals more interesting and delicious went down a treat with the students.
The pupils genuinely responded to Alice and when it was their turn to talk at the end of the session, their thoughtful questioning
bore testament to Ms Zavlasky’s inimitable ability to positively engage with a large group.
At Coorparoo State School we are interested in making a difference. We understand that success comes from treating ourselves
well, however; we were reminded by Alice Zaslavsky today that if we want to be winners in life it’s also about how we treat
others along the way.
This week …
Diary Dates and Meetings
School Activities
P&C News
Community News
Tuesday 12 May—NAPLAN - Years 3 & 5
Wednesday 13 May—NAPLAN - Years 3 & 5
Wednesday 13 May—Year 4 Living History
Thursday 14 May—NAPLAN - Years 3 & 5
Tuesday 19 May—ICAS, Digital Technologies
Tuesday 19 May—Autumn Music Concert
Wednesday 20 May—P&C Meeting, 7:00pm
Monday 20 – Thursday 23 July 2015
Follow these links to more information
about the Canberra Study Tour
Canberra - What to bring
Canberra Itinerary 2015
Canberra Study Tour Information
Wednesday 10 June—Open Day, 9:15am-11:00am
For future events please visit the School Events Calendar
Friday 15 May $15.00–German Film Festival
Friday 22 May $23–Year 3 Planetarium
Friday 22 May $20–Year 2 Qld Museum and Science Centre
When making online payments to the school please include the Invoice Number as your payment reference. Failure to include a
valid reference number can often mean that payment isn’t assigned to your child’s account.
SOAR – Be Safe, Be Organised, Be an Active Learner, Be Responsible
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Ms Grant-Mitchell, Mrs McGarrigle, Ms Holyoak
Do you love Gangster Granny, Demon Dentist or Billionaire Boy?
To celebrate the release of his latest book ‘Awful Auntie’, children’s author David
Walliams will showcase the wonderful ‘World of Walliams’, with a signing after the
event and books available for purchase on the day.
Where: Brisbane Powerhouse
Tuesday May 19
4.30pm (60 min)
Are you a fan of the multi-storey ‘Treehouse’ stories by Andy Griffith & Terry Denton?
You can see ‘The 26-Storey Treehouse’ live on stage during the holidays.
QUT Gardens Theatre
June 29 – July 7
Karyn Milne, School Banking Coordinator, or 0407 114 181
It is great to see so many students taking part in School Banking! My daughters have
been given a list of pocket money opportunities and have to bank at least half of their
earnings in their Comm Bank account via School Banking each Wednesday. They have
been busily doing jobs around the house and now I am having trouble keeping up
Please be aware that the Invisible Ink pens are delayed due to shortage of stock.
Students who ordered these last Wednesday may not receive them until the
following week.
There would be no School Banking if it wasn’t for our wonderful group of ladies who
volunteer their time each term. Thank you to Linda, Naomi, Jody and Andrea for
processing all the student’s banking last Wednesday.
Contact the P&C -
Volunteer Week
11 – 17 May
Spell-A-Thon Taco Day
Monday 18 May
P&C Meeting
Wednesday 20 May,7pm, Library
Australia’s Biggest Morning Tea
Thursday 28 May
Trivia Night
Saturday 30 May, 7pm
School Dance
Friday 12 June
P&C Meeting
Wednesday 17 June,7pm, Library
Grandparents’ & Special
Friends Day
Friday 14 August
2015 Coorparoo Carnival
Sunday 18 October
Hi, I am the current P&C Communications Secretary. I have been associated with the
P&C (in various roles) for the past two years. I have two children at school, one in
Year 3 and one in Prep with another to start Prep in 2018! I work full time but I’ll be
around school on a Thursday morning or you can catch me at the P&C Meeting once a
SOAR – Be Safe, Be Organised, Be an Active Learner, Be Responsible
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What is a Communications Secretary? I primarily write and collate correspondence for the CSS Parents Facebook page and the
weekly school Newsletter as well as working on the P&C website (release date TBC) however will pitch in where required with
just about anything! I’m passionate about getting the P&C updates to the community.
My favourite thing about being a member of the P&C is the opportunity to meet new people and the chance to make a
difference to my children’s schooling experience.
The next P&C Meeting is Wednesday 20 May at 7pm in the Library. We’d love to see you there!
Spell-a-thon 2015 has wrapped up and a huge Thank you to everyone who participated this year. Please remember Monday 18
May is Taco Tuesday (on a Monday) and this is available to order online via Flexischools.
The new date for the Trivia Night has been set! Clear the calendar for Saturday 30 May, 7pm. Registrations are open for tables
of 8-10 however if you don’t have the numbers we provide a table match-making service too! Cost is now $15 with BYO food
and drinks. It will be a night of Trivia, Games, Prizes and old fashioned fun.
Please contact Helen: with any questions
Leisa Whybird, SCLO and Uniform Shop - 3324 0053 or
A message from the Lost Property Detectives Melinda and Laena.
This week is the last week to claim lost property from last term. There are still a large number of towels and other unclaimed
items. Any items left after this week will be donated to charity.
SOAR – Be Safe, Be Organised, Be an Active Learner, Be Responsible
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Just in time for the colder days these orders have arrived. Any families who still have to pay for their order need to pay and
collect their order from the Uniform Shop. We presently have some additional stock in some sizes. If you would like to find out if
we have the item and size you need please email Leisa We also have second hand winter uniform
items available.
Wow! What a busy morning of Mother's Day shopping at Coorparoo School last Thursday. Huge thanks to the amazing Lyn
Formica who organized the wonderful stall for our excited students. It was a wonderful success and only possible thanks to Lyn
and our fabulous volunteers. Thank you to Lyn Formica, Tony Formica, Cathy Greaney, Lindsay Fowles, Debbie Newitt, Donna
North, Renae King, Linda Thomson, Giselle McMahon, Ellie Tao, Denise Doolan, Linh Ackerman, Trent Powles, Anne Grant,
Natalie Waddell, Lisa Wruck, Judi Jones, Anna Lam, Jennifer Tonkin-Jones, Kelly Bailey, Rebecca Gay, Jo Johnson, Vanessa Wilson
and Anuradha Dudeja.
This week is National Volunteer Week. We are fortunate at Coorparoo School to have amazing support from our community.
Thank you to the parents, carers, grandparents and other extended family, past students and friends in the community who have
helped out so far during this year. Your contributions undoubtedly make a difference for all of our students.
If you would like to volunteer in some capacity at Coorparoo State School but aren’t sure where please contact our School
Community Liaison Officer Leisa
This year we are again hosting an event for Australia’s Biggest Morning Tea with all proceeds raised going towards cancer
research. In recent years at Coorparoo School our generous school families have provided donations of food for our very
appreciative teachers and other school staff who pay a $5 donation to join together and enjoy a scrumptious lunch. This year we
are going to allocate a type of food to each class such as a salad and each class will provide one or two contributions towards this
The first School Dance for 2015 will be on Friday 12 June in the school Hall. All students from Prep to Year 6 are welcome to
attend however all children must be accompanied and supervised by a responsible adult. The dance will be split into two
sessions. 5.00pm – 6.30pm for Prep to Year 3. Pizza will be served from 5.00pm. The second session will run from 6.45pm –
8.45pm for Years 4 – 6 students. Ticket price is $10.00 per child and can only be purchased on the night. The cost includes a slice
of pizza, a drink and an ice-block.
Mark your diary and share with Grandparents and special friends that this popular event will be held on Friday 14 August.
Invitations and further details will be available closer to the date.
The 2015 Coorparoo Carnival will be held on Sunday 18 October.
Kate, Station Master, TramStop 26
We have two new menu items to welcome the cooler weather this week:
One-bite pizzas are small, snack-size pizza pieces, made in our TramStop 26 kitchen with a Margarita-style topping of our special
pizza sauce and cheese. Served warm :) Have one or a couple for morning tea, or have one with something else for lunch.
Macaroni Cheese has made a welcome return - homemade the way you all enjoyed it last year.
SOAR – Be Safe, Be Organised, Be an Active Learner, Be Responsible
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Thanks to all the parents and students for their patience when there was a technical glitch with Flexischools last Friday. We have
spoken to Flexischools and they assure us that the problem has been resolved and should not happen again. Remember - if there
is ever a problem with a student's order, we will always ensure the student has morning tea and/or lunch. (Note that we will first
obtain parent’s or carer's permission.)
Stay warm everyone!
"Raising Resilient Children"
a Triple P Positive Parenting Seminar
Triple P is an Australian parenting program based on more than 30 years of research, which has reached
more than seven million children and their families in 25 countries worldwide.
7 - 9pm Wednesday 27 May
Ground floor, The Princess Theatre, 8 Annerley Rd, Woolloongabba.
This seminar discusses practical ways parents can help children learn to:
recognise & accept their feelings
express their feelings appropriately
build positive feelings
deal with negative feelings
develop coping skills
deal with upsetting or stressful life events
Cost is $5 (payable on the night) which includes take home notes & light refreshments.
Bookings are essential. Please call or text 0491163505 or email
SOAR – Be Safe, Be Organised, Be an Active Learner, Be Responsible
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SOAR – Be Safe, Be Organised, Be an Active Learner, Be Responsible
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SOAR – Be Safe, Be Organised, Be an Active Learner, Be Responsible
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Venue: Coorparoo State School - 327 Old Cleveland Road, Coorparoo Queensland 4151
Little Legends (5yrs-7Yrs), and Junior Champs (8yrs-9Yrs), Future Stars (10yrs-11yrs)
WHEN: Wednesday 27th May, Wednesday 3rd June, Wednesday 10th June, Wednesday,
17th June, and Wednesday 24th June
Time: 3.10pm to 4.10pm