Important: From Coorparoo SS. The school Newsletter is now

17 March 2015 Term 1 Week 8
On The Wings of Wisdom
Coorparoo State School
Coorparoo State School Handbook 2015
Student Absentee Line – 3421 0360
From the Principal
Keith Warwick, Principal,
Mr Beencke (2B), Mrs Muir (4K) and Mrs Curtis (Prep C) commenced Philosophy
professional development with Dr Rosie Scholl last week. Mr Mudie has delayed his
participation in the trial at this point. Dr Scholl undertook a range of practical
activities that outlined how to build a community of enquiry in the classroom. The
next step, involves a visit to Buranda State School to see philosophy at work within
some model classrooms. This will take place prior to the Easter vacation. Our
Philosophy trial is funded via the Great Results Guarantee (GRG) program and will
continue throughout 2015.
ANZAC 2015
Kudos to the wonderful team of staff and parents who have come together to ensure
that Anzac Day 2015 is appropriately recognised within our school community.
Planning has been extensive and thorough and will see events both at school and in
the wider community this year. Our school’s participation in the Anzac Day parade
has been a feature of our community each year. The 100 year of Anzac
commemoration promises to see our greatest ever turnout of Prep to Year 6
students. The school has also received a grant for $5,000 via the Anzac Centenary
Local Grants program to place an honour board, plaques and signage in the school’s
Anzac Memorial Garden. An additional $12,000 is being sought via a further arm of
this fund to redevelop the garden itself. This will be situated around the school’s tree
which originated from Lone Pine.
Wednesday 18 March
P&C AGM, Library, 7:00pm
Saturday 21 March
P&C Trivia Night, McCahon Hall,
Monday 23 March—Thursday 2 April
Parent/Teacher Interviews
Thursday 2 April
Term 1 Ends
SOAR expectations for using the
Walk in quietly, wait for your turn,
respect each other’s personal
space, go-flush-wash hands-put
rubbish in the bin, leave quietly.
School Parade
Thursday 2.15pm for Years 1-6
In this issue:
We continue to both renew and expand student and staff access to technology
across the school. Actions this term have included:
(click to read more)
* Wireless Access Points installed in the Library Precinct and upper levels of A Block
(approximate cost $13,000)
* 64 DELL OptiPlex desktop computers purchased to replace all current desktop
computers in all Prep—Year 3 classrooms (approximate cost $56,000)
* 18 DELL laptops to assist with mobile and wireless teaching and learning
opportunities with a current focus on virtual learning via Brisbane School of Distance
Education and Great Results Guarantee early years reading programs (approximate
cost $15,000)
SOAR – Be Safe, Be Organised, Be an Active Learner, Be Responsible
HPE News
Music News
Diary Dates and Meetings
School Activities
P&C News
Community News
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* Three-year subscription for all students, staff and families in leading online reading
program SRA Digital Reading Labs (approximate cost $7,500)
* Volume purchasing, management and installation of iPad apps (approximate cost
I took an unexpected tour of the Lady Cilento Children’s Hospital on Sunday
afternoon. The first tackle of my son’s first League game for the season, resulted in a
badly broken collar bone. An ambulance ride and a well-used “green whistle” later,
he was strapped up in preparation for a surgeon’s assessment this week. Thank you
to staff, P&C and School Council representatives as well as the world’s best School
Community Liaison Officer, Leisa Whybird, for allowing the welcome BBQ to go
ahead so smoothly.
From the Deputy Principal
John Kennedy, Deputy Principal,
Professor Dorothy Hill AC, CBE, FAA, FRS was a highly regarded Australian geologist and
a past pupil of Coorparoo State School from 1912 to 1919.
Dorothy Hill was born on 10 September 1907 and attended Coorparoo State School
from 1912 until 1919. She was a great sportswoman, excelling at hockey and athletics.
Winning a scholarship to the University of Queensland, she chose to study science,
graduating in 1928 with a First Class Honours degree in Geology. She was awarded a
scholarship to study at the University of Cambridge, England, where she completed her
PhD on the Palaeontology of Corals. On her return to Queensland she conducted
pioneering research into the fossil corals of Australia. Her work was fundamental in
the development of the scientific understanding of the Great Barrier Reef. Dorothy Hill
was a lifelong teacher, mentor and strong supporter of women’s education.
Professor Hill served in the Women’s Royal Australian Naval Service (WRANS) during
World War II.
Professor Hill was the first female professor appointed to an Australian university. In
1956 she was elected Fellow of the Australian Academy of Science (FAA) and in 1970
became their first female President. In 1965 she was elected Fellow of the Royal
Society of London (FRS). She was honoured with a CBE (Commander of the Order of
the British Empire) and AC (Companion of the Order of Australia) for her services to
geology and palaeontology.
“The scientific world will remember her as the twentieth century’s authority on
Palaeozoic corals; Australia will remember her as the world’s most acclaimed woman
scientist of her era.”
Dorothy Hill died on 23 April 1997.
The proposal to name the Senior Campus of Coorparoo State School and subsequent
research and community awareness about Professor Hill was all undertaken by student
Alexandra Grady. Alexandra commenced this project while in Year 5 in 2014 and
worked enthusiastically with staff, students and community members throughout. A
short ceremony to officially name Professor Hill Campus will be included in our whole
school Parade on Thursday 26 March commencing at 2:15pm. You are all welcome to
SOAR – Be Safe, Be Organised, Be an Active Learner, Be Responsible
To commemorate the
Centenary Gallipoli this year,
Coorparoo RSL Sub-Branch has
provided us with bronze rising
sun badges for sale at the
The cost is $5.00 each; from
Thursday 19 March they will
be on sale at the school Office
between 10.30am and
11.00am each day, leading up
to the Easter holidays, and
then during the first week of
Term 2.
The school Anzac Service will
be held on Friday 24 April at
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From the Deputy Principal
Mark Craswell, Deputy Principal,
Last Wednesday night was the Annual General Meeting of the Coorparoo State School Instrumental Sub-Committee. The
meeting was well attended by both staff and parents. Esther Downie and Megan Bayntun were elected to the roles of President
and Secretary respectively, both for the second year in a row. Gina Eustance and Jo Logan are Co-Treasurers, replacing long
serving, past Treasurer, Leisa Whybird.
The Executive of this Committee, along with other Committee members, work extremely hard in coordinating the Instrumental
Music Program. This including musical events held throughout the year, such as the Autumn Music Festival, Music Gala and
Christmas Carol evening.
Sincere thanks are extended for the commitment to the school and our students!
From the Head of Curriculum
Helen Bristow, HOC,
Recently we added Year Level Overviews and our Assessments schedule to our website. In addition to these, you will now be
able to access a modelled response (‘A’ grade standard) for the writing tasks given to our students this term across different year
From the EAL/D Teacher
Kathy Campbell,
Friday 20 March is the National Day of Action Against
Bullying and Violence. The day is an opportunity for
students, teachers, parents and the whole community to
take a stand together against bullying and violence. The day
is organised by all Australian education authorities through
the Safe and Supportive School Communities Project.
For more information, go to
Saturday 21 March is Harmony Day; it coincides with the United Nations International Day for Elimination of Racial
Discrimination. The message of Harmony Day is that everyone belongs. The day celebrates Australian diversity and is a day of
cultural respect for everyone who calls Australia home.
For more information, go to
As both days fall late in the week school activities will take place in Week 9. Orange is the official colour for both days and there
will be a special orange sorbet available from the TramStop Cafe at morning tea on Thursday 26 March
Megan Carpenter and Kim Godson
Thank you to all CSS students for their participation in the CSS Cross Country last Monday. Despite the heat students strived to
compete to the best of their abilities. Special thanks to those parents who helped in various aspects on the day; whether that be
erecting marquees, being a course marshal or timekeeping and recording. We would also like to thank Mr Andy for his efforts in
preparing the Oval for the event.
SOAR – Be Safe, Be Organised, Be an Active Learner, Be Responsible
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Prep Boys
Lachlan S
Tommy E
Austin S
Prep Girls
Lilly N
Indie S
Imogen D
Year 1 Boys
Isaac K
Samuel G-M
Alexander D
Year 1 Girls
Lilly C
Tiana M
Caitlyn B
Year 2 Boys
Jack C
Hayden S
Harry W
Year 2 Girls
Rebecca R
Amy S
Irish O
Boys born 2007
Jackson G
Matthew P
Charlie G
Girls born 2007
Lindsay V
Rose R
Kate H
Boys born 2006
John N
Jack J
Patrick G
Girls born 2006
Demi A
Eve K
Josie L
Boys born 2005
Billy R
Byron G
Felix W
Girls born 2005
Ella M
Florence E
Madi L
Boys born 2004
Luke H
Rafe P
Jonty D
Girls born 2004
Greta J
Leila V
Madison T-J
Boys born 2003
Mitchel R
John W
Koen C
Girls born 2003
Maddison M
Jessica G
Madison K
House Points:
260 Points
2 Place:
282 Points
Champion House:
337 Points
3 Place:
Due to circumstance beyond our control, we will by delaying the start of Interschool Sport until Friday 24 April (Week 1, Term 2).
Interschool Sport will continue until Friday 12 June (Week 9). Students will receive a letter and invoice in Week 8. The payment
and permission to participate will be due back before the Easter holidays.
Students born in 2005, 2004 and 2003 are eligible to attend in-school trials. It is highly important that students attend in-school
trials on the dates and times specified in newsletters. If students are absent due to illness on the day of in-school trials, they
must bring a note to Miss Carpenter or Mrs Godson, in order to be considered. Selection in Lytton teams is highly competitive, so
there is an expectation that if students are coming to an in-school trial, they have had/are having experience playing the sport
they are trialling for. There are sign-up sheets at the HPE office for interested students.
Boys and Girls (10, 11 and 12 years)—Tuesday 24 March, 12.30pm, Tennis Courts (Lytton Trial Date: 6 May)
*Please bring own racquet
SOAR – Be Safe, Be Organised, Be an Active Learner, Be Responsible
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Annelle Vogler, Music Teacher,
Our first big musical event for the year will be happening on Tuesday 19 May (the Autumn Music Concert – formerly known as
the Winter Music Concert, formerly known as the Prom). The children will need to be wearing the full Music Uniform for this
event. Please read the details below and start thinking about purchasing any items that your child needs. A formal letter will be
coming home shortly about where to purchase these items of clothing and the cost.
Kijini Choir
Full grey school uniform
Boys – grey shirt, black shorts, grey socks and black shoes
Girls – grey checked dress or grey checked shirt with the black culottes, gold socks and black shoes
Junior and Senior Band, String Orchestra, Junior, Senior and Boys’ Choirs, Recorder and Percussion Ensemble
Full music uniform
Boys – black long pants, white long sleeved shirt, black shoes and grey socks
Girls – long sleeved white shirt, black culottes, black tights, and black shoes.
Next term, Open Rehearsals will begin outside the Music Block. Watch this space to find out when they will be scheduled.
Cathy Holyoak and Iris Van Sloten - Green Team Coordinators
For new families to our school or students who’ve moved from Kijini Campus to Wolff Park, there is a school vegie garden for
students to be involved in (behind Wilkes Green Building). In the past few years, we have had lots of success growing a variety of
vegies including corn, zucchini, potatoes, herbs, snow peas and much more. If your child would like to help with planting,
weeding and watering, Miss Holyoak supervises the Garden Club during Monday lunchtimes and Ms van Sloten takes it on
Wednesday and Friday. Students are most welcome to come as often as they wish. Newcomers are always welcome.
With the weather still being quite warm at the moment, if you have any mulch that you no
longer need, we would love to use it. Also, left over shade cloth or old lace curtains would
also be appreciated. Both of these items will help ensure the success of our plants and
provide on-going enjoyment for our students.
Earth Hour will be recognised on Thursday 26 March at Coorparoo.
All classes will be asked to turn off unnecessary lights, fans and air conditioners between 9-10am. To add to this, students will be
offered the opportunity to take part in lunch time activities. One of these, which was hugely popular last year, is up-cycling
coffee cups by taking off the outside label and drawing a picture on the cup. When they are completed, they will be hung upside
down on a piece of string with a few others and put together as an art installation.
In order for this to happen we need to collect used take away coffee cups that have been rinsed clean.
There will be a box with the label ‘Coffee Cups’ situated in the Office foyer.
SOAR – Be Safe, Be Organised, Be an Active Learner, Be Responsible
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This week …
Diary Dates and Meetings
School Activities
P&C News
Community News
Wednesday 18 March—Wildlife on Wheels Prep Visit
Wednesday 18 March—P&C AGM, Library, 7:00pm
Friday 20 March—National Day of Action against Bullying and Violence
Saturday 21 March—P&C Trivia Night, McCahon Hall, 6:30pm
Monday 23 March to Thursday 2 April—Parent/Teacher Interviews
Thursday 26 March—Official naming of Professor Hill Campus, 2:15pm
Thursday 2 April—Term 1 Ends
Friday 3 April—Good Friday
Saturday 4 April—Easter Saturday
Monday 6 April—Easter Monday
Monday 20 April—Term 2 starts
Friday 24 April—ANZAC Day Parade, 9:15am
Friday 24 April—Interschool Sport Starts
Saturday 25 April—ANZAC Day
Tuesday 28 April—Out of Catchment Sign On Day, 9:00am, McCahon Hall
Wednesday 29 April—Enrolment Day
Wednesday 10 June—Open Day, 9:15am-11:00am
TBA—2016 Prep Orientation Day
For future events please visit the School Events Calendar
When making payments to the school online please include the Invoice Number as your
payment reference. Failure to include a valid reference number can often mean that
payment isn’t assigned to your child’s account.
Karyn Milne, School Banking Coordinator, or 0407 114 181
You can get involved in the School Banking program by opening a Commonwealth Bank
Youth Saver Account at any Commonwealth Bank branch, over the phone on 132 221 or
via NetBank if you are an existing customer with NetBank access.
Remember to take in identification for you and your child (driver’s license and birth
certificate). You will receive a Dollarmites wallet and deposit book that your child will
use to participate in the program.
SOAR – Be Safe, Be Organised, Be an Active Learner, Be Responsible
Coorparoo State School community is
encouraged to help the families
affected by the Vanuatu Cyclone. We
are looking for donations of the
following items. These can be new or
in good used condition:
Children’s clothes
Adult clothes
Roll-on insect repellent
Work gloves
One of our school families will be
coordinating the collection and
shipment to Vanuatu. The container
will be sent as soon as possible.
Please drop off any donations to the
Art Block (opposite the Music Block)
between 8am-3pm.
If you would like to drop-off outside
the above times please leave at:
47 Brae St, Coorparoo
between 5:00pm-6:00pm.
If this time doesn't suit please contact
Sally via email at
If every family brought in one or
more items it would make an
enormous difference.
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Students bring their yellow deposit book to school on Wednesdays and place in the class banking bag. The deposit slip must be
completed and money placed in the deposit wallet. Your friendly banking volunteers will allocate a student ID which must be
included on the deposit slip for future deposits. For every deposit made through the CSS banking program, students will receive
one token recorded electronically. Once they reach 10 tokens, we will place a gold token in the bank deposit book for student to
request a reward item.
When students send in a reward item request, and they have 10 tokens, we order them and Comm Bank usually deliver them
within a week. These are sent to class.
Please refer to the previous Newsletters for list of available items as well as current reward card sent out to classes.
Thank you to our hardworking banking volunteers last week who were Leeanne Howcroft, Lisa Evans, Linda Thomson and Andrea
Johnson. Our banking students are very fortunate to have a small group of parents available to process their banking each week.
Please contact me if you would be available next term to assist us on any Wednesday.
Contact the P&C -
The P&C’s 2015 AGM will be held in the Library this Wednesday. Come along to hear about the achievements of the past year
and cast your vote for the new Executive team. Remember to get your membership forms in before the AGM. Parents are not
automatically members of the P&C (yes, you need to fill in a form!) and the AGM is the only time you can become a member
without attending a meeting.
Unfortunately the Trivia Night has been postponed. Look out for details later in the year. We hope you can join us on the new
Spell-a-thon Team (Georgia Betteridge, Lisa Evans, Shelly Hope, Lisa Wruck),
Get ready for the launch of Spell-a-thon 2015 at this week’s Parade – it’s going to be awesome!
In 2015 the P&C is hoping to raise over $20,000 from Spell-a-thon to help fund the purchase of new classroom furniture. Every
child in the school is involved in Spell-a-thon through learning their spelling words - please get behind our children and show
them your support. Last year the school community raised a spectacular $26,000 that was used to purchase lots of books for
students in classrooms and the Library.
There are great prizes on offer including two major prizes (in 2014 the prize was an iPad Mini), class prizes, prizes for individual
fundraisers and incentive prizes for every child who raises over $35. We will send you all the details next week in our Spell-athon newsletter, together with the Spell-a-thon envelopes and spelling lists that will come home with students. Spelling tests
will be held in Week 2 of Term 2.
SOAR – Be Safe, Be Organised, Be an Active Learner, Be Responsible
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Leisa Whybird, SCLO and Uniform Shop - 3324 0053 or
Coorparoo State School community is encouraged to help the families affected by the Vanuatu Cyclone. We are looking for
donations of the following items. These can be new or in good used condition:
Children’s clothes
Adult clothes
Roll-on insect repellent
Work gloves
One of our school families will be coordinating the collection and shipment to Vanuatu. The container will be sent as soon as
possible. Please drop off any donations to the Art Block (opposite the Music Block) between 8am-3pm.
If you would like to drop-off outside the above times please leave at 47 Brae St, Coorparoo between 5:00pm-6:00pm.
If this time doesn't suit please contact Sally via email at
If every family brought in one or more items it would make an enormous difference.
Next term our annual Anzac Day Ceremony will be held on Friday 24 April. We will need some helpers to help create the floral
wreaths for each year level to present in remembrance of the sacrifice made by our Diggers. No experience is required – just
come along to the Art Block, it’s loads of fun and will bring out your green thumb! We will be creating these wreaths on
Thursday 23 April.
We will also be seeking donations of fresh flowers and greenery. If you have flowers or greenery from your garden that you can
send in, they would be greatly appreciated. Please send these along on Thursday 23 April. Rather than trimming your lovely
flowers and foliage over the Easter Break consider waiting so we may please have some for Anzac Day. A reminder will go home
after the holidays but if you know now you have a little time to help please contact Leisa Whybird.
Kate, Station Master, TramStop 26
The TramStop 26 team is looking forward to a change of season and some cooler weather and we would love your help to design
our autumn menu. For a bit of fun we are launching an Autumn Menu Competition.
We are looking for the most scrummy and healthy autumn menu suggestion.
Please write or draw your suggestion on a piece of paper and drop it into Tuckshop. Remember to include your name and class.
The competition runs from now until the end of Term 1 and the prize is a $10 Tuckshop voucher to be redeemed however you
wish. You could buy morning tea or lunch or even shout your friends some ice blocks.
We can’t wait to see your ideas!
To celebrate Easter, we will be selling Chocolate Easter Bunny cookies (including a gluten-free version) during Weeks 9 and 10.
They will be for sale for $2.50 on Flexischools for morning tea and lunch and will also be available for purchase over the counter
at big lunch.
SOAR – Be Safe, Be Organised, Be an Active Learner, Be Responsible
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Local families can now sign up the free healthy lifestyle program called PEACH™ Parenting, Eating and Activity for Child Health. Registrations are now open for a group to
commence in Term 2, 2015.
The program is fun for kids and helps parents and carers make healthy eating and
activity a part of every-day life. It is available to families with a child aged between 5—11
years who is above a healthy weight their age.
It consists of 10 group sessions that run for 90 minutes each. The first nine sessions are held weekly within the school term.
Ongoing individualised family support is offered through the second half of the program ending with one final group session.
Some of the topics covered include nutrition skills, relationships with food and eating, changing family lifestyle behaviours and
making healthy eating affordable. While the parent sessions are taking place, children enjoy active play with a trained child
physical activity facilitator.
The program is funded by the Queensland Government and being delivered by the Queensland University of Technology.
If you would like more information about the PEACH™ program or to register please contact free call 1800 263 519 or visit
SOAR – Be Safe, Be Organised, Be an Active Learner, Be Responsible
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