Hudson Parent Teacher Organization Scholarship Application 2015 PTO will be awarding (5) $1,000 Scholarships! *************** Final copies due April 2, 2015 by 3:00 p.m. (No exceptions) *************** Scholarship winners will be announced at the Awards Ceremony May 18, 2015 at 7pm HUDSON PTO SCHOLARSHIP APPLICATION Student’s Name*: ________________________________________ Address: ________________________________________ ________________________________________ Home Phone Number: ________________________________________ Parent/Guardian Names: ________________________________________ Email Address: ________________________________________ * PLEASE PUT YOUR NAME ON THIS SHEET ONLY. DO NOT INCLUDE EITHER A RESUME OR PHOTO WITH YOUR APPLICATION; DOING SO WILL DISQUALIFY YOU FROM THE PROCESS. CONSENT FOR INFORMATION RELEASE I certify that all of the information contained in this application is accurate and true. Furthermore, I agree to release a copy of my transcript and report card to the PTO Screening Committee if requested. Student’s Signature: _____________________________ Date ____________ Parent’s Signature: _____________________________ Date ____________ FINAL COPIES OF ALL SCHOLARSHIP APPLICATIONS ARE DUE TO THE HUDSON HIGH SCHOOL GUIDANCE OFFICE NO LATER THAN FRIDAY, APRIL 2, 2015 @ 3:00 PM ALL INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS APPLICATION WILL BE KEPT IN THE STRICTEST OF CONFIDENCE. SCHOLARSHIP WINNERS WILL BE ANNOUNCED AT THE AWARDS CEREMONY ON MAY 18, 2015 THANK YOU AND GOOD LUCK! APPLICANT NUMBER: __________ (PTO use only) HUDSON PTO SCHOLARSHIP APPLICATION ACADEMIC RECORD: (Guidance Office will provide GPA information) Cumulative Grade Point Average: _______________________________ Verified Signature by Guidance Office: _______________________________ EDUCATIONAL INFORMATION: Have you attended Hudson Schools K-12? __________Yes ____________No If no, for how many years have you attended Hudson Schools? _____________ EMPLOYMENT HISTORY: (Please be as specific as possible with dates and employment history, including only those jobs held since August 2010.) DATES OF EMPLOYMENT TYPE and PLACE OF EMPLOYMENT WEEKLY HOURS Example: 9/11 – 12/11 Cashier / Acme 20 For PTO Use only School Year 2011 - 2012 2012 - 2013 2013 - 2014 2014 - 2015 Summer 2012 2013 2014 APPLICANT NUMBER: __________ (PTO use only) HUDSON PTO SCHOLARSHIP APPLICATION EXTRACURRICULAR ACTIVITIES: (HIGH SCHOOL YEARS ONLY) List your high school extracurricular activities and the corresponding grade(s) relating to each activity. Also indicate if you held an elected school office. Please note: Sports participation not related to (and outside of) Hudson High School does not qualify. Examples: HHS Soccer 9, 10, 12; HHS Soccer Captain 10, 12; HHS Student Council 11, 12; HHS Student Council Treasurer 12 HIGH SCHOOL Name of Activity Wkly Hrs of For PTO Participation use only APPLICANT NUMBER: __________ (PTO use only) HUDSON PTO SCHOLARSHIP APPLICATION EXTRACURRICULAR ACTIVITIES (CONT): (HIGH SCHOOL YEARS ONLY) List your community and service-related extracurricular activities and the corresponding grade(s) relating to each activity. Also indicate if you held an elected office. Please note these should be activities other than those directly related to Hudson High School. Examples: CYO Summer Counselor 11, 12; President Voter’s League For Teens 10, 11, 12 COMMUNITY SERVICE Name of Service Wkly Hrs of For PTO Participation use only RECOGNITION/AWARDS/HONORS: List any special recognition, awards or honors that you have received during your high school years, including school and community. Examples: Scholar Athlete HHS Soccer 10, 11 ________________________________ ________________________________ ________________________________ ________________________________ ________________________________ ________________________________ ________________________________ ______________________________ ______________________________ ______________________________ ______________________________ ______________________________ ______________________________ ______________________________ APPLICANT NUMBER: __________ (PTO use only) HUDSON PTO SCHOLARSHIP APPLICATION ESSAY: (Please do not put your name on the essay page. Staple it to this entire form.) DIRECTIONS: As you write your essay from the topic listed below, please use the following criteria: • • • Typed and double spaced Arial Font – Size 12 or 14 Do not exceed 2 pages on 8 ½ x 11 white paper ESSAY TOPIC: Discuss an accomplishment or event, formal or informal that marked your transition from childhood to adulthood within your culture, community, or family. GOOD LUCK! THANK YOU FOR APPLYING FOR THE HUDSON PTO SCHOLARSHIP! APPLICANT NUMBER: __________ (PTO use only) FINAL SCORE: __________ (PTO use only)
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