MAHOPAC HIGH SCHOOL PTO The Parent Teacher Organization represents a partnership between the families and teachers of Mahopac High School students and the school as a whole. This partnership allows for the exchange of information, participation in school activities and support for our students and staff. The PTO: < Awards scholarships to graduating seniors**> < Sponsors SAT/PSAT review courses > < Holds PTO meetings attended by MHS Principal Dr. Pease> < Funds an outdoor classroom/garden to be used by all students and staff > < Participates in various school related committees as needed > < Is ready to provide any kind of support to the High School when called upon > <Reviews and awards grants to faculty and staff that will enhance MHS in many areas> How can I support the PTO? Support the PTO by becoming a member and attending PTO meetings at your convenience. Membership is open to all parents/guardians, administrators, teachers and staff members of the Mahopac High School. The membership application can be returned during orientation, “Back to School Night” or to the Main Office with a check payable to MHS PTO. The Annual Membership Fee is $10.00 per Family. All PTO members receive a pocket-size version of the school district calendar. **PLEASE NOTE: In order for your child to be considered for a PTO Scholarship, you must meet the requirement of being a dues paying member for each year your child attends Mahopac High School. If for some reason you were unable to become a member in previous years, the PTO offers the option to submit payment now ($10/year) for each year you were not a member, along with this year's dues. Also for your convenience, you have the option to pay in advance for your membership (along with this year's membership dues) for your child's remaining years at MHS. Patricia Vitale President Melissa Montera VP/Web Page Nancy Cornell Secretary Debra Dacey Treasurer Donna McCracken Membership Lisa DeMascio Advertising Questions or concerns can be emailed to MHS PTO: --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------MHS PTO Membership 2014/2015 Parent/Guardian Name(s):___________________________________________________________ Telephone Number: _________________________Email:_________________________________ Address: ________________________________________________________________________ Name(s) and grades of High School Child(ren): Please circle grade ________________________________________________ 9 10 11 12 ________________________________________________ 9 10 11 12 ________________________________________________ 9 10 11 12 ________________________________________________ 9 10 11 12 I am a MHS Staff Member If paying ahead or back dues, amount paid $______
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