Meadow Glen Elementary School 510 Ginny Lane510 G Lexington, SC 29072 Phone: 803-821-0400 MARCH 2015 nny Lane March Calendar March 4 Collaborative Planning Day (Dismissal at 11:40 a.m.) Career Fair 3rd, 4th and 5th grade March 6 PTO Car line Sales– Chick fil a March 8 Daylight Savings Time March 10 PTO Restaurant Night - Bellacino’s March 13 No School-2nd Weather Make-up Day March 16 SIC Meeting 5:15 p.m. PTO Board Meeting 6:30 p.m. March 20 PTO Family Movie Night March 23 Boosterthon Kick off, Pep Rally LOOKING AHEAD April 1 Boosterthon Fun Run April 2 Report Cards Issued April 3 No School-3rd Weather Make-up Day April 6-10 Spring Break MGES is gearing up for our Boosterthon Fun Run. We kick off our fund raising efforts on March 23, 2015. Rock ’N Town Live is a music festival theme all about COMMUNITY. This character theme takes students backstage at a town music festival to learn five traits that make communities rock. Listed are the character traits that will be covered during our Boosterthon week. REMINDERS 1) TRANSPORTATION CHANGES Please do NOT send an email to your teacher or the office. Please do the following: 2014-2015 YEARBOOKS: Meadow Glen Elementary School Yearbooks remain available for pre-sale. Get yours now at Click yearbooks and type in Meadow Glen Elementary. Pre-order today! If you have any questions about yearbooks please contact Michelle Lutz.: Do not miss this opportunity. Send a note with your child Call the front office ASAP before 1:45 p.m. If your child needs to be dismissed from school before 2:25 p.m. You must be present, in the office, with your ID before 2 p.m. Meadow Glen Elementary School is registering NEW students for 4K, 5K, and NEW First Grade for the 2015-2016 In the event of school delays School Year from 7:30 am to 3:30pm. You must have the following items and closings, you will with you in order to register your child: receive a call from Lexing2) INCLEMENT WEATHER ton School District One through the phone messaging system. You may also call the district’s 24 hour pre-recorded message center at 803-821-1299. Current electric/water bill (address zoned for MGES) Child's long birth certificate Child's immunization record Parent driver's license FROM THE NURSEParents, please remind your children of ways they can stay healthy at school. They should always be washing their hands with soap and water after using the restroom, before lunch and after coughing or sneezing. Also, please encourage your child to eat breakfast every morning.. Your child should stay home if they are feeling ill. If your child has a fever over 100 or have had diarrhea or vomiting within 24 hours they should remain home. This helps prevent the spreading of illness in the classroom. Lexington County School District One does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion, national origin, sex, disability or age in admission to, access to, treatment in or employment in its programs and activities. The following people have been designated to handle inquiries or complaints. The Chief Human Resources Officer handles inquiries/complaints regarding Title IX. The Director of Middle Schools handles inquiries/complaints regarding Section 504. The Mathematics Coordinator handles inquiries/complaints regarding Title II. Contact these people if you have questions regarding these issues at 100 Tarrar Spr ings Road, Lexington, SC 29072 and telephone number (803) 821-1000. Tech Talk: Talk to your kids about the safe and responsible way to use technology. It is never to early to begin teaching digital citizenship skills at home. is a great website for parents to check out. Look at the "Parent Concerns" tab for helpful information. First in Math News: Our total sticker count is 494,365 and our total math problems solved are 1,483,095. The top classes in each grade level at this time are as follows: 1st Grade: Mrs. Moseley's Class 2nd Grade: Mrs. Dailey's Class 3rd Grade: Mrs. Gladden's Class 4th Grade: Mrs. Lander's Class 5th Grade: Mr. Schultz's Class Students are continuing to do a great job working in First in Math and teachers are promoting this program regularly. Thanks for all of your support at home too! MENU CHANGES FOR March 4 & March 12 Cafeteria will serve either a deli wrap or a corn dog. Both items will be served with carrots and celery. WORLD LANGUAGE & CULTURE CELEBRATION MGES Explorers will be celebrating world languages and cultures March 23-27. We ask that you help your student decide your family’s heritage country so that the students can make flags at school. If you would be interested in sharing your language and/or culture with our students, please contact your child’s teacher, or ESOL teachers Laurie Smith (821-0456) or Bonnie Byrd (821-0543). MEADOW GLEN PTO PTO will be selling Chick fil a Biscuits on Friday March 6th at carpool. We have increased the number of biscuits available Friday morning. Please join us for a Family Movie Night on Friday, March 20th at 6:15pm in the MGES cafeteria. Be sure to get your school pride merchandise before the show. Our next PTO Board meeting will be Monday, March 16th at 6:30pm. We hope you will attend or send your thoughts and ideas to School Job Holders 3rd Nine Weeks Morning Safety Patrol Dana Baca Lauren Douda Ethan Gerald Ayden Higginbotham Price Jackson MJ Lutz Chloe Poteat Afternoon Bus Patrol Ethan Bryant Leiney Grace Bryant Vitoria Fagundes Tanner Price Victor Solis Kristen Toole Bradley Wicker Morning Flag and Announcement Helpers Lilly Bryant Matt Hallman Aaniya Haile Kindergarten Morning Club Helpers Neil Patel Skylar Velasquez Alisha Charpe Rylie Dean Gage Gaskins Luke Wheeler Zoie Towner Qiraat Shaikh Brianna Cavanaugh March Media Center Newsletter info: We are excited to celebrate Dr. Seuss’s Birthday and Read Across America the entire first week of March! On Monday, students and teachers will DROP EVERYTHING to Read! Each day will be a special spirit wear day: Monday, March 2: Fox in Sox – Wear crazy Socks Day! Tuesday, March 3: Cat in the Hat – Wear any hat to honor Dr. Seuss! Wednesday, March 4: Stripes Day – Wear Stripes any way you can! Thursday, March 5: The Lorax – Speak for the environment! Wear Green! Friday, March 6: K-2nd Character Day – Dress as any Dr. Seuss Character (Optional) Friday March 6: 3rd-5th Take your favorite Dr. Seuss book to school We will also kickoff our Blowfish Reading Program this week. The Blowfish Reading Program will run between March 2 and March 27. Students who read a book (book logs will be provided) will be able to enter the Blowfish game on July 10 free of charge. See below for reading additional books: Read 2 books: Earn 1 additional Game Admission Ticket Read 3 books: March in the Reading Program Parade Read 4 books: 1 Free hot dog and a coca-cola Facebook: MGES PTO- MGES School Website:
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