Access to Justice for Victims

Access to Justice for Victims
We would like to invite you to a conference to discuss the challenges for victims seeking redress in the EU for corporate human rights abuse in third countries. Two panels of speakers including litigators, policymakers and scholars will share their views. Speakers invited include, inter alia: from the United Kingdom Richard Meeran (Leigh Day & Co), from the Netherlands Channa Samkalden (Prakkendoliviera), from Germany Remo Klinger Geulen & Klinger Rechtsanwälte Geulen and, from Italy Luca Saltalamacchia (Studio Legale Saltalamacchia). Policymakers form the Netherlands, Spain and the European Commission have also been invited to join the discussion The event will be hosted by Tilburg Law School and is part of the project ‘Human Right in Business’ funded by the Civil Justice Programme of the European Union. More information will be distributed soon. We hope you’ll be able to make it! Date: 23 June 2015 Time: 09:30 -­‐ 17:00 Location: Tilburg Law School, Tilburg University, The Netherlands Registration and information:­‐sessions-­‐
training-­‐session-­‐announced-­‐june-­‐23-­‐2015-­‐in-­‐tilburg-­‐netherlands/ For specific questions: We invite your continued participation and feedback. Please visit us at www. HumanRIghtsinBusiness.EU or via Twitter @HumanBUsinessEU