Board of Directors' Meeting A GENDA Call to Order - additional items for the agenda? Secretary: Minutes of previous Board meeting Treasurer: Financial report Investment Committee report Audit Report President: State Board upcoming appointment to fill Denis Allard's expiring term Discussion - ordering and interpreting lab tests -within our scope? AOA appointments: Angel Sawyer - Membership Development Committee for 2015-16 program year Brian Klinger - Resolutions Committee for 2015 OM President-Elect: Committee Reports: Member Services: Sawyer, Harris co-chairs Legislative: Harris, Krauchunas SB 178 Congressional Conference report Third Party: Raczek, Sawyer, Groves, Steadman, Huffer, Higley Continuing Education: MacDonald, Groves Special NHOA Meeting - Dr. Rumpakis - July 15, Grappone Center Members Only vs. open to all ODs? Cost Paras - with Doc vs alone, fee division with NHPA? Community Services: Bryant, Groves co-chairs Professional Relations: Steadman, Bryant Public Relations: Bryant, Lessard Philanthropy (pro-bono optometric services): Caban, Jagatic, Groves Diabetes programs report Member Communications: Jagatic, Thurber co-chairs Newsletter: Thurber Website: Klinger Regional Meetings: Harris, Sawyer Meeting Logistics: Jagatic, Klinger Internal Operations: Lessard, (tbd) co-chairs Membership Development and Retention: Bryant, Steadman, Sawyer Leadership Development: Sawyer, Kaminski Operations: Lessard Long-Range Planning: Jagatic, Sawyer, Belanger Finance/Investments: Minteer, Caban, Coutu Audits: Hartenstein, Emery Oversight: Emery State Board: Lessard May 6, 2015 ED Report: June Meeting report Tufts request for NHOA mailing list Old Business: Preliminary report of Special Dues Committee: Lessard Report on discussions with NH Paraoptometric Association: Groves New Business: Announcements/Good and Welfare: Adjourn username=your last name, password=your birthdate mmddyy username=sphere, password=Cylinder15! DRAFT Minutes — Board of Directors' Meeting — March 11, 2015 The regular meeting of the Board of Directors of the New Hampshire Optometric Association took place on Wednesday, March 11, 2015, at the Holiday Inn in Manchester, NH. In attendance for the Board were Drs. James Belanger, Sarah Jagatic, Jeanne Thurber, Ron Coutu, Michael Kaminski, Kristen Bryant, Rob Groves, Mark Harris, Scott Huffer, Scott Krauchunas, Guy Lessard, and Mark Steadman, along with the Executive Director. Dr. Angelique Sawyer participated via teleconference phone. In attendance by special invitation was Dr. Kelly MacDonald. President James Belanger, 0.D., called the meeting to order at 7:00 pm. Secretary: Jeanne Thurber • Minutes of the previous Board meeting were approved as presented. Treasurer: Ron Coutu • • The Financial Report was received as presented. Investment Committee (No Report) President: Jamie Belanger The Board was reminded that UPP has been developed by industry, not by the AOA or the • NHOA. 1-800 Contacts has introduced legislation to prohibit UPP pricing in a number of states, including Rhode Island. The following is a link to the Washington testimony: http://www.tvw.oreindex.php ?option=com_tvwplayer&eventID=2015020174#start=563&stop=1437 The US Supreme Court decided against the NC Board of Dentistry re teeth whitening. Essentially, the dental board cannot stop teeth whitening procedures by non-dentists. This could have implications for state optometric licensing boards being able to take action against or prevent someone from practicing optometry without a license. The AOA recommends that that we review our state law which should clearly define the practice of optometry. Dr. Belanger appointment a Special Finance Committee to Evaluate Long-Term NHOA Dues. He • feels that a dues increase should not be implemented without a clearly defined projected need for an increase over the next five years. Drs. Belanger, Sawyer, Jagatic, Thurber, Coutu, Klinger, Steadman, and Lessard were appointed to the committee with Dr. Lessard serving as the chair. A preliminary report for the Long Range Planning meeting in June was requested, with a final report by October's Annual Meeting. • A brief summary of Dr. Richard Soden, Northeast AOA Liaison, conference call. o is an AOA website that focuses on the integrating eye health and vision care. o RI has formed a group to allow participants to provide optometric services to some ACOs. o Dr. Belanger reminded the Board of Dr. Higley's CAC summary sent out last week which states that CMS is planning on shifting from "fee for service" to "value-based" reimbursement system. - ACO (Accountable Care Organizations) or Bundled Payments will start by the end of 2016. -The goal is to get 50% of payment to one of these models by the end of 2018. o In summary we need to watch what is happing with ACOs. • A motion was made and passed to name the NHOA President, President-Elect, and Vice President as NHOA Delegates to the 2015 AOA Congress in Seattle; to name the NHOA Executive Director as an Alternate; to grant authority to the NHOA President to name other Delegates and Alternates on-site at the Congress from the NHOA members is attendance in attendance at the Congress; to reimburse the President, President-Elect, Vice President, and Executive Director for their expenses in attending the congress in accordance with the usual NHOA practices, and to instruct the NHOA Delegates to use their best judgment in deciding how to vote on all issues coming before the AOA Congress for decision, after listening and participating in the deliberations of the AOA House of Delegates. President-Elect: Angel Sawyer (No report) SPECIAL ITEM: NH Paraoptometric Association Business Plan Presentation Ms. Miranda Potter, NHPA President, and Ms. Sally Howe submitted a written request for a $2500 • loan. (Attached) After a discussion on the NHPA it was decided to table this issue until further information is • obtained. Dr. Groves was asked to gather additional information, including if whether our members see a benefit to the NHPA continuing and if so, what level of mentoring the NHOA is willing to provide to help get the NHPA back on track. Committee Reports MEMBER SERVICES: Angel Sawyer & Mark Harris, co-chairs Legislative: Mark Harris The Legislative Breakfast was a big hit last month. Having the hot breakfast was very well received, • although the additional cost was not factored into the budget. SB 178 came out of committee with an "ought to pass" and passed by the full Senate. It is now • waiting to cross over to the House at the end of the month. So it is a little early to start contacting representatives at this time. SB 84 on telemedicine was tabled for the moment, but may come off the table • HB 508 to dissolve the NHJUA came out of committee with an "ought to pass." The bill is expected to pass because the insurance commission recommended the dissolution of the NHJUA. The AOA Congressional Conference is April 12-14 in Washington, D.C. Drs. Harris, Coutu, Radny, • and Thurber will be attending for the NHOA. The AOA pays for half of their air and hotel; the NHOA will pay the remainder in accordance with standard NHOA reimbursement policy. Dr. Hitchmoth will also be attending; she is fully funded by the AOA. Topics covered will be finding a fix to the sustainable growth rate and inclusion of optometrists in loan forgiveness in the National Health Service Corps. Third-Party: Mike Kaminski • Dr. Higley provided an excellent CAC summary that was forwarded to the membership at the beginning of the month. o ICD 10, PQRS, EMR. Participate and be ready!!! No further delay for ICD 10 is expected. o CMS's goal is to get 50% of payment to "value based" or ACO model by the end of 2018. o CMS payment penalties are already in place if you did not participate in PQRS in 2013. o Penalties have also begun if you do not have EHR. • MinuteMan Health is a new product in the NH insurance exchange for 2015. Each member needs to make their own business decision if they choose to participate. The basic contract appears to reimburse at 90% of Medicare rates and includes a mandatory 20% discount on hardware. Continuing Education: Kelly MacDonald & Rob Groves • Dr. MacDonald has selected Dr. John Rumpakis to provide a special 6 hour CE day. Two hours will be on ICD 10, PQRS, EHR, and the entire optometry alphabet soup. The other four hours are COPEapproved practice management on coding cases. o After a discussion, a motion was made and approved to have Dr. MacDonald move forward with booking Dr. Rumpakis for a special CE day at the Grappone Center, preferably on Wednesday, July 15. • Plans for the weekend June CE meeting were discussed. o Dr. Sawyer would like to offer some sort of student rebate to help defray their costs for room, meals, and transportation. The monies will come out of her committee budget. o Drs. Jagatic and Steadman are working on planning some social activities for all. COMMUNITY SERVICES: Kristen Bryant & Rob Groves, co-Chairs Philanthropy: Sarah Jagatic A number of diabetic clinics are scheduled. o Dr. Groves has organized a clinic at Lamprey Health Care in Raymond on April 25. o Diabetes Day in Portsmouth at Families First is Saturday. o Dr. Lafreniere will be provide a clinic for Goodwin Community Health at his office on April 11. o Manchester Community Health Center's next clinic is April 9. A presentation from NECO is coming up at Manchester Community Health Center on how to implement the establishment of a full-time OD at the clinic. Dr. Jagatic has submitted a grant applications for Health People/Healthy Eyes. Professional Relations: Kristen Bryant The committee is working on ways to strengthen our relationships with PCPs & pediatricians. • Public Relations: Kristen Bryant Special Olympics is June 6. Although this is our weekend meeting, please encourage your staff and • student interns to help. Dr. Bryant is scheduled to attend national Special Olympics training to help Dr. Mancini. The NH Association for the Blind (NHAB) annual 3K Walk for Sight is also on June 6, so the NHOA will • not be able to put together a team. Therefore a motion was made and passed to be a $1000 sponsor of the NHAB 3K Walk for Sight. Dr. Lessard will be renewing the NHOA's membership in the NH Public Health Association, naming • Dr. Bryant as the contact. MEMBER COMMUNICATIONS: Sarah Jagatic & Jeanne Thurber, co-chairs Newsletter: Jeanne Thurber (No Report) Website: Brian Klinger • Dr. Klinger is looking at other website providers. However, the NHOA needs a website that can be easily and quickly updated, which tends to be very expensive. The online registration problems from the February meeting appear to be fixed. Registration for the June meeting will open up as soon as the program is finalized. Regional Meetings: Mark Harris & Angel Sawyer • The next round is anticipated for the end of March, or April once our bill has crossed over and key legislators have been identified. Meeting Logistics: Sarah Jagatic & Brian Klinger INTERNAL OPERATIONS: Guy Lessard, chair Membership Development & Retention: Angel Sawyer • Another new member student outreach is planned for April at NECO in conjunction with the AOA Trustee visit to the school. Leadership Development & Retention: Mike Kaminski (No Report) Operations: Guy Lessard (No Report) Long-Range Planning: Sarah Jagatic (No Report) Finance/Investments: Ron Coutu (No Report) Audits: • The 2014 audit is scheduled for Wednesday, March 18 with Drs. Coutu, Emery, David Hartenstein, and Klinger. Oversight: • Helms & Co. will be directed to report on ACO activity. State Board: Guy Lessard, Liaison (No Report) Executive Director: Brian Klinger • The February 11 CE meeting was a success; over 70 doctors attended. The Board approved the release of the NHOA email list to the Oklahoma College of Optometry for a • research project survey. The request was distributed in the Board packet. Old Business: None New Business: • Dr. Lessard advised the NHAB would like to clarify that Dog Guides for the blind are service dogs. Service dogs are not lap dogs and must be provided full access Therapy dogs are not defined as service dogs After Good and Welfare, the meeting adjourned at 9:08 pm. Respectfully submitted, Jeanne Hein Thurber, O.D. Secretary Account Balances Checking Available Balance Escrow for AOA Dues Escrow for AOA-PAC Escrow for NHOA-PAC Investment Account Escrow for "AG Edwards" TOTAL 1/1/2015 20,112.78 12,348.16 0.00 42,000.38 800.00 0.00 2,400.00 0.00 284,774.76 287,811.00 14,988.15 15,148.00 319,875.69 360,507.54 TOTAL INCOME EXPENSES: Administrative: Administrative and ED expenses Board of Directors Contributions ED Salary Equipment/Software Purchases Insurance: General Liability 0 & D Liability Treasurer's Bond Telephone EXPENSES - continued on next !a! e 1,h, 2015 Actual 1/1115 - 3/8/15 2015 Bud!e 2015 BUDGET vs ACTUAL INCOME: Dues (Net to NHOA) Grants Interest and Capital Appreciation Meetin • s (Net after ex •enses and 2014 Credits) Royalties 4/30/2015 57,765.50 113 FTEs 0.00 25,000.00 8% ROI 18,000.00 5,000.00 30,237.79 0.00 3,196.09 includes credits 105,765.50 • 1 30,968.00 10,382.49 520.94 702.69 50.00 7,333.32 54.99 1,471.00 2,800.00 2,200.00 500.00 22,000.00 800.00 2,088.00 0.00 1,471.00 0.00 257.00 1,405.00 426.00 580.00 249.55 17,57323 55,150.00 Advocacy: 4,000.00 42,900.00 per contract 8,250.00 0.00 Legislative Activities Lobbyist fees and expenses (Dupont Group) Third Party Committee (includes Helms fees) Other Effective Management: Finance Operations (includes awards) Member Services: Membership Development/Retention (incl. AOSA dues) NHOA-OD (Newsletter) NET Regional Meetings Website development and Maintenance Other Community Outreach: Community Service Activities (NHAB Walk) Inter- and Intra-Professional Relations NHPHA membership Public Information Leadership Development: Long-Range Planning: Other Programs and Committee Activities: Diabetes Initiatives Travel: AOA DC Congressional Conference AOA Optometry's Meeting AOA Presidents' Council AOA State Legislative/Third Party Mtg Other Volunteer Travel TOTAL EXPENSES Net Income Over (Under) Expenses Future Meetings (advance payments less advance deposits to venues) , 1 ., 300.00 3,301.62 13,800.00 471.61 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 300.00 535.88 3,550.00 1,200.00 850.00 1,000.00 500.00 0.00 0.00 78.54 64.03 393.31 0.00 • f 1,200.00 4,700.00 1,200.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 2,000.00 500.00 200.00 2,000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 8,279.64 150.00 300.00 0.00 0.00 in comm svces 14,500.00 1,000.00 9,000.00 4,500.00 0.00 in Advocacy 0.00 0.00 4,213.72 4,065.92 0.00 0.00 dx $109,618.00 ($3,852.50) $37,97124 ($335.30) 2,400.00 -$5,111.00 91.0Z/PL/L Go9 Aq panaddv Ta6pne April 11, 2015 To: NHOA Officers and Board of Directors Re: Quarterly report, NHOA Investment Committee This is just a brief report that covers the NHOA investment account through 3/31/15 so that the officers and board members are current with the status of our investment fund. Our current balance as of 3/31/15 is $302,882. (As of 4/28/15 the account balance is 307,090.) This is made up of the following: Prime Money Market Fund Small Cap Index Fund 500 Index Fund Total Stock Market Index 3.3 % of the total 24.3%, 24.5% 47.9% The quarterly return represents a compounded rate of a bit over 9%, but our annual return for the last 12 months is 16.87%. With so much volatility in the markets along with uncertainty in the Middle East and Europe and the pending interest rate increase, all bets are off for a future prediction. And if you want to confirm that, listen to CNBC and Bloomberg for an hour to see the wide range of opinions. That said, the Investment Committee feels that staying our current course is prudent and we like our current balance of funds. If you have any questions, you may contact either member of the Investment Committee. Respectfully submitted, Dave Caban Jack Minteer NHOA AUDIT REPORT 2014 FISCAL YEAR The audit committee of the New Hampshire Optometric Association conducted a review and inspection of the Association's financial records and systems on March 25, 2014 for the fiscal year of January 1, 2014 through December 31, 2014. Participants in the audit included committee members David Hartenstein, O.D, Keith Emery, O.D., NHOA Treasurer Ron Coutu, O.D., and NHOA Executive Director Brian Klinger, O.D. The NHOA financial accounts, income/expense reports, checking account records, and credit card account records were included in the review. Computer records, deposit slips, expense receipts, credit card statements, travel receipts, and checking statements were inspected. Suggested areas of review that were submitted to the board for consideration by this committee in the 2014 audit were found to be either implemented or discussed by the Board of Directors in 2014. The audit committee has no recommendations for the board's consideration in this report. The committee found the NHOA financial records to be in good order. The treasurer and executive director continue to provide efficient and accurate financial accounts management and oversight for the Association. This committee thanks Dr. Coutu and Dr. Klinger for their continued efforts and attention to their fiduciary responsibilities on behalf of the NHOA and its' members. David Hartenstein, O.D. NHOA Audit Committee Chair
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