WOODY’s - WRAP UP Apr. 13-17, 2015 Woodland Hills Elementary 2222 Tree Lane Kingwood, TX 77339 Office: 281-641-1500 Fax: 281.641.1517 Important dates 4/20 STAAR Testing 5th Grade Math 4/21 STAAR Testing 3rd & 4th Grade Math 4/22 STAAR Testing 3rd & 4th Grade Reading STAAR Testing 5th Grade Science 4/25 Fine Arts Festival @ Lonestar College 4/29 Kindergarten Round Up @2:30 PM 4/30 Woody’s Fun Day 5/5 Class of 2015 Senior Tea @3:30 5/6 Early Release at 12:00 PM Lunch MenU Mon. 4/13 Tues. 4/14 Wed. 4/15 Thurs. 4/16 Fri. 4/17 Chicken Rings OR Beef Steak Fingers Pepperoni/Cheese Pizza OR Baked Potato with Cheese Beef Fiestada OR Chicken Nuggets Pizza Munchable OR Oven Fried Chicken Cheeseburger/Hamburger OR Grilled Cheese Sandwich Early Release Dates The following dates are early release days for the remainder of this school year. Early release is at 12:00 PM. May 6th June 4th (No lunch served on this day) Staar testing-no visitors th th Monday, April 20 ---5 Grade Math Tuesday, April 21st ---3rd & 4th Grade Math Wednesday, April 22nd --- 3rd & 4th Grade Reading ---5th Grade Science The state mandates NO VISITORS will be permitted in the building during STAAR testing. Additionally, the workroom, and Library will be closed. Please do not schedule doctor or dental appointments on these testing dates for your 3rd, 4th, or 5th grader. Please make sure your child has a good night’s sleep and a good breakfast. Thank you for your help in making these testing dates great for our students. Attendance: 281.641.1519 WHE Annual fund As of March 6th, we have raised $17,000 towards our total goal of $50,000. Thank you to everyone who has donated to our WHE annual fund. We are getting excited about the possibilities of getting new playground equipment this summer. Help Support our BIG IDEAS! Score a homerun & join our winning team!! Click on the link below to donate today!! Donate Today! #GetInTheGame Congratulations The results of the Humble ISD 2014-2015 Texas PTA Reflections Program were announced. A BIG Shout-Out goes out to our winners from WHE: Lan Salazar for her entry in the Intermediate Literature category and Yvan Edwards for his entry in the Intermediate Visual Arts category. Congratulations WHE is proud of you!!! Save the date…WHE Senior tea What: WHE Annual Senior Tea When: Tuesday, May 5th @ 3:30 Where: WHE Cafeteria Who: Class of 2015 Graduating Seniors **WHE Senior Tea Meeting for Parents of 2015 seniors** Parents of 2015 seniors please join us for a meeting on April 15th at 4:30 PM in the library to discuss plans for the upcoming Senior Tea taking place on May 5th. This is an exciting event and our seniors really look forward to it. Dress Code Highlights Lifetime PTA Member Nomination Spring has sprung, and so have the limbs of our students. Please keep the following in mind, when planning outfits for school: DRESS: Students at all grade levels may wear shorts, but “short shorts” are not allowed. The length of shorts must be between the knee and mid-thigh. Spaghetti straps, leotards and halters as an outer garment are not acceptable. Blouses covering tube tops must be buttoned. Fashions with slits above mid-thigh are not acceptable. Female students may wear earrings only on the ears. Male students may not wear earrings. Jewelry may not be worn in other pierced areas of the body. Students must wear shoes. Steel-toed shoes, house slippers, cleats, and roller or wheeled shoes are not permitted. In addition, elementary students may not wear flip-flops or heels above one-half inch. Excessively loose or tight garments are not acceptable. All clothing should be appropriately fitted. All shirts must be worn so as not to expose the bare chest. Tank tops or undershirts are not to be worn as outer garments. The midriff must not be exposed when a student goes through normal activities of a school day, including bending, stretching, or reaching. Male students are not allowed to wear shirts without sleeves. Sunglasses are not allowed to be worn in the school building. HAIR: Hairstyles must be neat, clean, and well groomed. Hair style must not create a distraction. Hair that is dyed an unnatural color, such as green or orange, is not permitted. Mohawks as well as faux hawks are not permitted. It is that time of year again. This is our opportunity to return our thanks to our own for their dedication to our school and our students. Each year, Woodland Hills PTA has the opportunity to award an individual with the Life Time PTA Membership Award. We would love to have your input. If there is a teacher, staff member, or parent who you always observe going above and beyond to support our school and students, please let us know. Please e-mail your nomination along with a short reason as to why you are nominating this person to Reannon Gentry at regentry36@yahoo.com by Friday, April 10th 2015. As the nominations are confidential, please only send your nominations to the above mentioned. Once we receive all submissions, our Committee will review them and select a winner. Thank you in advance for your submissions. Reannon Gentry Membership/Volunteer Coordinator regentry36@yahoo.com Note from Nurse Cook Parent Satisfaction Survey Please place a change of clothes in your Child’s backpacks (we are especially in need of small boys/girls shorts & pants) for those “just in case” moments. This will prevent a phone call home or you having to leave work just in case an accident happens. Thank you so much for your support! 2015-2016 Kindergarten Round up Please share with a 2015-2016 Future Kindergarten Parent Parents of children who will be 5 by 9/1/2015 are invited to attend the informative meeting on Wednesday, April 29 th from 2:30-3:30 pm. Please bring your future Kindergartener to meet the teachers. Registration information will be given out at the meeting. Any questions, please call Ms. Jackson at: 281-641-1503. WHE PTA is taking nominations to fill the Treasurer position for the 2015-2016 year. If you have a nomination you would like to make, questions or interest in regards to the position, please contact April Cavallo at 281-686-8275. Humble ISD/Lone Star CollegeKingwood Fine Arts Festival Needs Volunteers! The 13th Annual Fine Arts Festival will be held 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. on Saturday, April 26, at Lone Star College Kingwood. The festival is free and open to the community. Detailed information about the event can be found at this link. Volunteer information can be found at this link. Help your child’s school! Take a quick, anonymous Parent Satisfaction Survey! All responses will be analyzed to determine what is working well in your child’s school and any areas that may need improvement. The survey ends on April 17th. Take the survey here ~~~ HOME ACCESS CENTER ~~~ All parents of returning Humble ISD students must have a Home Access Account to complete the required annual update registration in August for the 2015-2016 school years. If you need assistance in creating an account or are having issues logging in to your account, please call 281-641-1500. Home Access Center or “HAC” is used by parents for annual registration, to check grades in (3rd-5th), student attendance/tardiness, & update contact info & much more. #Get in the Game Friday, March 8th 6-8 PM Cost $3.00 K-Park High School Softball Field Help Us Score a New Playground Four elementary schools in Kingwood have come together for a community softball tournament to help Woodland Hills Elementary reach this year’s annual fund campaign goals. On Friday, May 8, Bear Branch Elementary, Elm Grove Elementary, Foster Elementary, and Woodland Hills Elementary will hold the first of four “Get in the Game” Community Softball Tournaments. These four campuses are in the same vertical pattern in Kingwood, with students progressing on to Kingwood Middle School and ultimately to Kingwood Park High School. The tournament will give students, parents, alumni and others in the community a chance to support their campus while supporting Woodland Hills. Woodland Hills Elementary will be the first up to bat to receive proceeds from this year’s event. As a community, the schools have decided to help each other for the next four years to raise private funds. Campuses participating in future tournaments will rotate as beneficiaries for their school’s funding initiatives. Woodland Hills principal Debi Beard said, “Our school is thankful for our neighboring schools for coming together to help us raise funds to update our school’s aging playground equipment. We have already seen our staff, students, parents, district PTA, and local businesses in the community support our efforts.” Those who attend the game will have the chance to cheer on their school, hear Kingwood Middle School principal, Bob Atteberry announce the game and watch Superintendent Dr. Guy Sconzo throw out the first pitch. The tournament will be played at Kingwood Park High School’s softball field on Friday, May 8 from 6 p.m. to 8 p.m. Admission is $3 and concessions will be available. For more information please contact, Marilyn Mann at Marilyn.Mann@humble.k12.tx.us. Date th April 20 April 21st STAAR TEST DATES April 22nd Test 5 Grade Math 3rd Grade Math 4th Grade Math 3rd Grade Reading 3rd Grade Reading 5th Grade Science th Please remember: No Visitors/Volunteers on these dates. Thank you! The following tips help students do their best everyday, but are especially important during the critical state assessment dates. Go to bed early and get at least eight hours of sleep! Arrive at School By 7:45! Wear Comfy Clothes! No Appointments on Day of Testing! Healthy Breakfast! WOODLAND HILLS ELEMENTARY SCHOOL KINDERGARTEN ROUND UP/ORIENTATION WEDNESDAY, APRIL 29, 2015 2:30PM - 3:30PM or 6:00PM – 7:00PM Parents of children who will be 5 years old by 9/1/2015 are encouraged to attend this informative meeting. Future kindergartners will get to visit a Kindergarten classroom and meet the teachers, while their parents meet with the principals in the library for orientation. Humble Independent School District NEW STUDENT Registration packet will provided at this orientation. ALL KINDERGARTEN REGISTRATION MUST BE COMPLETED ONLINE using the following link: https://eshac.humble.k12.tx.us/EO_Parent/User/Login.aspx Students who have never been enrolled in Humble ISD must utilize the on-line registration process. Once the application is submitted online, you will need to make an appointment with the WHE registrar, Shanna Jackson at 281-641-1503 to finalize the pre-enrollment of your child. Appointments will be available during the weeks of May 4th – 8th and May 11th -15th. *If you do not have online access, computer workstations are available in the school’s library during your scheduled appointment time. Please bring the following documents to your registration appointment: Official Original Birth Certificate Parent’s Driver’s License Proof of Residency (water, gas, electric bill or lease agreement with student’s name listed ) Complete Immunization Record th Friday, May 29 WHE Office Policies & Procedures Together We Make A Team! Office: 281-641-1500 Fax: 281-641-1517 Attendance: 281-641-1519 Visiting WHE Reporting School Absences Forgotten Items Parents are always welcome to visit WHE. State law requires that all visitors report to the office upon arriving on campus. Our school utilizes the raptor security system. This system requires that all visitors, including parents, & volunteers present their driver’s license to receive a visitors badge. This procedure is the best method in locating your child as well as ensuring the best protection for your child. A visitor/volunteer badge is required to visit all areas beyond the office. Thank you for your cooperation. When your child is absent from school for any reason, please call our Attendance Line at (281) 641-1519. Please state your child’s name, grade, (symptoms and/or fever) 24 hours a day. When your child returns to school, he or she must have a written, dated excuse with the reason for the absence, parent's signature, and the child's first and last name. REMEMBER, PARENTS ONLY HAVE 48 HOURS TO BRING IN A NOTE OR CALL THE SCHOOLTO HAVE AN ABSENCE EXCUSED. To keep class disruptions to a minimum, we ask that if your child forgets an item (homework, lunch box, jacket, etc.) please place the item on the table located inside the office with the student’s name and teacher on it by 10:00 AM. Please notify the office if your child is unaware you are bringing the item(s). Lunch Visitors Tardy Policy You are always welcome to come and have lunch with your child at their designated lunch time. A visitor table is set up for you to enjoy lunch with your child. As a safety precaution, visitors are asked not to accompany their child to recess. Tardy bell rings at 8:05 AM. If your child arrives after 8:30, you must come into the office & sign in your child. Cell Phone Policy: Nurse Notes: Change of clothes-Please place a change of clothes in your child’s backpack for those “just in case” moments. This is especially needed for students in K-2nd grade. This will prevent a phone call home or you having to leave work just in case an accident happens. Thank you so much for your support! Medications- All medications must be brought to the clinic by a parent only, and requires a physician order on file with the Nurse. If you have any questions, please call our Nurse at 281-641-1505. *Parents please also remember to notify the office/nurse if you change your phone number during the school year, as we need to have correct phone numbers on file for your child should an emergency occur. If a student uses a personal device without authorization during the school day, the device will be confiscated and the parent will be notified. Confiscated devices are subject to a fee of $15 after the first warning. WHE Campus Student Checkout Policy To reduce the number of disruptions during the important final part of the school day when teachers are winding up a lesson and giving instructions for homework, we ask that you not check your child out after 2:45 p.m. Also, for your child’s safety dismissal changes will not be accepted by phone. Please make sure your child knows how they are going home each day. Thank you for your cooperation. Lost & Found: If your child is missing their lunch box, sweater, jacket, water bottle, or other item, please remind them to always check lost & found which is located in the cafeteria. It is a good idea to place your child’s name on all their belongings. Student Dismissal Car Riders: Kindergarten car riders are dropped off and picked up at the front entrance of WHE. On early release days Kindergarten students and their siblings are picked up at the front entrance of the school. All car riders in grades 1-5 are dropped off and picked up in the back entrance of the school with the exception of Kindergarten. Front Walkers: Teachers will dismiss students to their parent/guardian from the 4th Grade hallway to the playground. Back Walkers: Teachers will dismiss back walkers, & may meet parents at the map, ride bike or walk to the greenbelt. Student Safety: All students on the playground before or after school must be supervised by their parent. Rainy Day Dismissal Determination will be made by a campus administrator at 3:00 pm to determine if we will have a Rainy Day Dismissal. This dismissal will only be utilized when there is visible lightning and/or thunder or pouring down rain. Light rain only, does not constitute a need for Rainy Day Dismissal. During this dismissal, all children except day care van riders and Humble ISD bus riders will be considered car riders. No students will be allowed to walk or ride their bike home during a Rainy Day Dismissal. The buses will run as normal. Please make sure that your child is aware of your plans should a Rainy Day Dismissal be called.
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