Deretchin Weekly 11000 Merit Oaks Drive The Woodlands, Texas 77382 832-592-8700 Alicia Reeves, Principal Sarah Howard, AP K-3rd Melissa Johnson, AP 4th- 6th Tisha Smith, Counselor K-3rd Angie McGhee, Counselor 4th – 6th April 6, 2015 A Note from the Principals: Upcoming Events Dear Parents, April This week is Kindergarten Round Up. We ask that you please help us by reminding your neighbors that Kindergarten registration is this week. They can come to the school to complete the registration process for the new school year. Registration will be available Monday-Wednesday, Friday 8:30am1:30pm and Thursday 4:00pm-6:00pm or by appointment if needed. STAAR testing will be April 20-24th for 3rd, 4th, 5th, and 6th grade students. Please remember that this week will be closed campus. Remember that curriculum goes until the end of the school year.. It is important for your child to come to school each day, unless they are sick. Alicia, Melissa, and Sarah DERETCHIN DRAGONS-EVERY CHILD. EVERYDAY 6, 7 – TELPAS Gr 4, 5, 6 online 6-10- Kinder Round-Up 8 – TELPAS Makeup in the library 8 – Student Council meeting 3:30 9 – Fire Drill 10:00 9 – Mentor Meeting 3:20 11 – 6th grade band/orchestra solo and ensemble 16 – PTO exec meeting 17 – School Store 20 – 24 – CLOSED CAMPUS 20 – Gr 5 Math STAAR 21 – Gr 3, 4, 6 Math STAAR 22- Kinder Field Trip 22- Gr. 3,4,6 Reading STAAR 23- Gr. 5 Science STAAR 24- Make Up Testing 27-May 1 – Spring Bookfair 28 – Late Night Bookfair 4:30-7:00 28 – Art Show – 4:00-7:00 28 – Deretchin Drive Thru (Order your meals through the PTO) 29 – Kindergarten Graduation Pictures 29 – Incentive Day for School Store 30 – PTO meeting Counselors’ Corner: The Character Trait for the month of April is Self Discipline and Perseverance. Our next scheduled meeting for our “Distinguished Dragons” mentor program will be on Thursday, April 9, 2015 from 3:20 – 4:20 p.m. All students must be car-riders when we dismiss them. If you have any questions, please let us know. We are always accepting applications / permission slips for “Deretchin Has Heart”. Deretchin Has Heart is a support group for our students whose parents are either divorced or going through a separation. The group is designed to help students express their feelings, resolve conflicts, get some coping tips, and provide a chance for students to talk, listen, and support each other. This is a teacher-led group with the counselors available if needed. The group meets once a week. If you are interested in your child participating, please contact one of the counselors. “Lunch Bunch” groups are in full swing at this time. Some of these groups are: making new friends, strategies to be more successful in school, social – skills. If you would like more information about these groups, please contact one of the counselors. At Deretchin Elementary, we are a bully-free campus. We take bullying very seriously and have a zero – tolerance for it. Each day during announcements, our students recite a “Bully-Blocker” pledge. We teach our students about empathy and helping one another. In Conroe ISD, bullying is defined as: engaging in written or verbal expression, expression through electronic means, or physical conduct that occurs on school property, at a school-sponsored or school-related activity, or in a vehicle operated by the district and that: (1) Has the effect or will have the effect of physically harming a student, damaging a student's property, or placing a student in reasonable fear of harm to the student's person or of damage to the student's property; or (2) Is sufficiently severe, persistent and pervasive enough that the action or threat creates an intimidating, threatening or abusive educational environment for a student. [Act of June 17, 2011, 82th Leg., R.S., H.B. 1942, § 7 (to be codified at Texas Education Code § 37.0832)] Conduct is considered bullying if it… (1) exploits an imbalance of power between the student perpetrator and the student victim through written or verbal expression or physical conduct; and (2) interferes with a student's education or substantially disrupts the operation of a school. [Act of June 17, 2011, 82th Leg., R.S., H.B. 1942, § 7 (to be codified at Texas Education Code § 37.0832)] The Conroe Independent School District prohibits bullying as defined by state law. The District also prohibits retaliation against anyone who makes a bullying complaint. For more information: about retaliation, you may look under "Issues Related to Bullying “on the CISD web page. Angie and Tisha Nominations for Gifted and Talented Testing Nominations will be accepted for Conroe Independent School District Gifted and Talented program's summer testing from April 1st - 29th. Although the testing will not take place until this summer, nominations will be accepted during this time. Nominations can be made by the parents and/or teachers. If you are interested in nominating your child, you may want to discuss this with your child’s teacher at conferences. You may request a nomination form from the front office or our Assistant Principal, Melissa Johnson. You can also find the nomination form and other GT information on the CISD GT homepage. A Note from the Nurse: If your child has borrowed clothing from the clinic due to a dress code violation or illness please return all items to the clinic as soon as possible. Thank you! Curriculum – Kindergarten: Kindergarten students will be learning about oviparous animals and alliteration. The -ug and -ill word families will be explored as students learn that new words are created when letters are changed, added, or deleted. Kindergarten authors will be finishing their personal narrative stories and beginning to be poets. In math, three dimensional shapes will be introduced, and our scientists will be learning about the life cycle of plants. Curriculum – First Grade: First graders are very excited to continue the learning process this week. We will continue to learn about life cycles and introduce the interdependence of food chains in science class. Writers are enjoying listening to and creating their own original examples of poetry. Our readers will work to strengthen their literary skills by interacting with informational expository text. Readers will gain more knowledge about bodies of water and natural resources. We will conclude our unit on money and begin introducing geometry. Please continue to practice counting a collection of coins at home. Students will learn about the characteristics of two-dimensional plane figures in math class. Encourage your child to locate shapes around the home and in the environment. Learning opportunities are all around us! Curriculum – Second Grade: Do you know how many sides and vertices a hendecagon or dodecagon has? Just ask your second grade mathematician! This week will conclude our geometry unit before jumping into measurement. Our second grade scientists will also be exploring animal characteristics including physical characteristics and behaviors of animals that help them meet their basic needs. Throughout the month of April, your child will earn play money while learning about The American Economic System. Please remind your student to begin designing and producing their product to sell during our Economics Fair. Last, we will be reading traditional literature including legends and myths, along with completing our narrative writing pieces. Curriculum – Third Grade: Third grade is in our final countdown for the STAAR test. We are reviewing all the concepts that we have learned this year in math and reading. Our preparations are really going to make us shine! We are also writing about lots of "how to" topics. For example, how to make your own kite. Curriculum – Fourth Grade: In Math the next few weeks, 4th graders will be reviewing all the skills they have learned so far this year. They will also be traveling to other teachers classrooms for various lessons and activities. In Science, we will be learning about life cycles and observing the complete life cycle of a butterfly. In Language Art we are so proud of our wonderful writers! The students are working on writing fiction stories. They are in the process of developing their characters and plot! In Reading, students are reviewing strategies on how to comprehend nonfiction material. In Social Studies, we are moving towards the Civil War. Curriculum – Fifth Grade: This week in 5th Grade, language arts classes will be working on an intensive Word Study Unit. Classes will also begin literature circles in class. Meanwhile, math classes will be discussing personal financial literacy. This will include exploring property, income, payroll and sales tax as well as balancing a simple budget. Social studies classes will continue their activities on Westward Expansion and the effect in had on the diverse people in North America. Curriculum – Sixth Grade: In science we are beginning our unit on cells and microscopes. In math we are working on statistics. In language arts we are working on inferencing as well as reviewing strategies for comprehension of poetry, drama, nonfiction, fiction and biographies. In social studies we are learning about Australia and Oceania. PPCD: We are almost done with our Alphabet Book! This week we will be finishing with the letter "Z" and making a Zebra! For the week of April 13 we be beginning our shapes and color book! Curriculum – Fine Arts and PE: Art We excited to announce our school wide Art Show will be held later this month and will coincide with the Book Fair. Every student at Deretchin who takes Art Classes will have a piece in the show! Please come see what our Art students have been working on this year and browse through the Book Fair in the library as well. More details to come soon! PE: In PE, Students are still working on Fitnessgram. This week we are putting Basketball teams together so the students will be able to start a Tournament as soon as Fitnessgram is over. Deretchin PTO: Deretchin Gives Back: Save the date for the Deretchin Gives Back- Be a Global Citizen. Friday May 8th 5-7pm. Need more info or would like to volunteer contact Irum Khan at Dragon Store: The Next Dragon Store is April 17th during all lunches. The students will be trading in their hard earned Dragon Dollars for rewards. We need lots of volunteers to make this move quickly during lunches. Please sign up on the link below to help with the store. Crust Spirit Night: May 5th from 3-close Crust Pizza will be giving us 15% of total purchases from our Deretchin Family!!! Please join us for another fun Spirit Night. It can be take out or dine in! Crust Pizza, 8000 Research Dr. Set #340, The Woodlands, TX 77382 Book Drive: Book Drive - May 4th - May 8th Deretchin Drive-Thru:: No time to make dinner? NO PROBLEM! Deretchin Drive-Thru is almost here! Order your Dickey's Barbecue Pit meals online starting this Tuesday at and pick them up between 4:30 & 7:00pm on Tuesday, April 28th. Check your Tuesday folder for details.
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