Klein Collins High School 20811 Ella Blvd. Spring, TX 77388 832-484-5500 Fax: 832-484-7811 Mr. Randy Kirk, Principal June 2015 Dear Parent or Guardian: Enclosed is the Confidential Student Report that indicates your student’s results on the State of Texas Assessment of Academic Readiness (STAAR) End of Course Exams (EOC) that were given in March and May. You can also access the results electronically using the Texas Assessment Student Portal and the Unique Access code provided on the bottom of the Confidential Student Report. Students must earn a Level II: Satisfactory Academic Performance score on each of the five STAAR EOC exams (Algebra I, Biology, English I, English II, and U.S. History) in order to participate in the Klein ISD graduation ceremonies. Retesting is required for students who did not receive a “YES” under Level II: Satisfactory. Klein Collins will offer free tutorial sessions to students who are retaking the STAAR EOC exams during the summer. Tutorials will consist of a combination of teacher-led and computer-based instruction and will be held at Klein Collins from June 22-25, 2015. Students must sign up to attend the tutorials by Wednesday, June 10, 2015. Students will retake the STAAR EOC exams this summer at Klein Collins. Students should report to the front office by 7:15 AM on the day of the exam. A small snack will be available, but students should plan to eat a substantial breakfast at home prior to testing. To ensure that we have adequate staff and computers onhand for testing, please pre-register your student for STAAR EOC testing by Wednesday, July 1, 2015. The STAAR EOC testing schedule is listed below for your review. Monday, July 6 English I Tuesday, July 7 Algebra I Wednesday, July 8 English II Thursday, July 9 Biology or US History 5-hour exam 4-hour exam 5-hour exam 4-hour exams online online online online Additional information about the STAAR EOC exams and tutorials, as well as the registration links, will be available on the Klein Collins web site (http://kleincollins.kleinisd.net). Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have questions. STAAR EOC Tutorials STAAR EOC Testing Dates: June 22-25 July 6-9 Registration Deadline: Wednesday, June 10 Wednesday, July 1 Contact Information: Mandy Land Stacy Kindsfather kland1@kleinisd.net skindsfather1@kleinisd.net (832) 484-5207 (832) 484-5196 Respectfully, Randy Kirk Principal
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