Want to know about the upcoming Bond election?

Empowering Lives Through Learning
Attendance Counts. Everyone. Every day.
Want to know about the upcoming Bond election?
Attend the next Bond 2015 community meeting.
Early voting begins next month.
Click the link for details!
Register to Vote!
The registration deadline to vote in the May bond election is April 9th. You
must be 17 years, 10 months old to register and 18 years old on the
day of the election to vote. You can fill out a voter registration application
online or pick one up in the Registrar's Office at KO.
Do you have a graduating senior? Be sure to access
the attached Senior Information Booklet for
upcoming important dates!
English EOC/STAAR Exams
On Monday, March 30, 2015, all 9th grade students will take the English I EOC/STAAR
Exam and on Wednesday, April 1, 2015, all 10th grade students will take the English II
EOC/STAAR Exam. Students who did not previously meet the passing standards will also
retest on these days. As a result, we will operate on an alternate bell schedule to
accommodate for the English EOC/STAAR Exams. The school day will begin at the
normal time of 7:20AM for all students who are initially testing and for those who are
retesting. Students who have previously passed the English I EOC/STAAR or English II
EOC/STAAR or those who are not testing will have late arrival to school and will need to
report to their 1st period classes by 9:30AM on the appropriate day. Students may bring a
snack, but it must be in a clear plastic baggie and “clean”, not Cheetos, Doritos, peaches,
etc. Also, NO outside drinks will be permitted into testing rooms.
The English EOC/STAAR exam allows for 5 hours and we want to be sure to
accommodate all students for this important exam. As a result, the school day will end at
2:20PM instead of the regular time of 1:58PM on both Monday and Wednesday of the
testing days. If you have any questions, please contact Mrs. Schwebach @
The English I and II STAAR tests are on the horizon! Join your campus
STAAR experts Saturday, 28th from 8 am to 11:15 am to boost your
skills and test taking confidence. The first session begins promptly at
8:30 am. All who attend tutorials will enjoy a pizza lunch and have an
opportunity to win prizes. Make sure to register on Black Board; see
your English teacher for more details!
There will be a Sophomore (Class of 2017) Parent Information
Meeting April 8th at 7:00 p.m. in the Klein Oak Multipurpose
Room located in the 9th grade wing. Please plan to attend this
meeting if your student is a sophomore this school year. We will
discuss graduation requirements, college preparation, course
selection, and much more. See you there!
The 4th Annual Kleinwell Family Fitness Fair is Saturday, May 2, from 8:00
a.m. to noon at Klein Memorial Stadium. The Fair features community
vendors, games, music, moonwalks, and FREE fun activities for
everyone. During the Fair more than 50 Door prices will be given away
including restaurant gift cards, selfie sticks, ear buds, lego sets, Top Golf
package, and much more! The goal of the Fair is for everyone attending
to have a great time and to promote a culture of wellness throughout the
Klein community. Bring your family, friends, and neighbors and have a
fun morning together.
The Kleinwell One Mile Fun Run/Walk is Saturday, May 2 at the Klein
Memorial Stadium. Register by April 15 to be eligible for awesome prizes:
Beats Solo Headphones, Apple iPad mini, or Pair of NikeKD7 shoes or
NikeRosheRun shoes! To register click on
https://kleinisd.schoolcashonline.com, Click on items, Click on 4th Annual
Kleinwell One Mile Fun Run/Walk.
Last Saturday's SENIOR SERVE 2015 was a
huge success!!
We met our three goals:
1) Honor our seniors 2) Have fun 3) Raise money for SNAPP!
Thanks to all who participated and supported this fun event ~ we
couldn't have done it without you! Initial reports indicate we made
$10,000 - this is great news and a huge portion of our fundraising.
We will keep you posted on future fundraising efforts. Additional
SNAPP information can be found on the Oak website under Activities.
KO Volleyball Kickball Tournament/Fundraiser
Saturday, April 25th at 8:00 a.m. at KO
The KO Volleyball girls would like to invite you to join us at our Annual
Volleyball Kickball Tournament. You can join one of our teams or form your
own team. Everyone is invited!
How much?
$20 per player which includes a team t-shirt. (form attached)
If you want your name added to your t-shirt, it will be $7 extra per t-shirt.
If you want your name and number on your t-shirt, it will be $10 extra per
Form and money is due to Coach Mewis on Wednesday, April 1st.
Any donations are accepted!
Deadline: April 1st
Tournament Rules
There is a five girl minimum per team.
10 player minimum and 20 player maximum for each team
All players must play
*** Once a team is eliminated, you cannot join another team***
Winning team receives a Championship t-shirt!
See you on the 25th!
KO Strutters Audition Dates are as follows:
April 6th Mandatory Parent meeting for New Candidates 6pm @ KO
April 22, 23, 24, 27 Audition Workshop for New Candidates 4:30-6:30pm
April 28th Team Auditions starting at 5pm for new candidates
Strutter Prep Days:
March 30, April 6, April 13 from 4:30-6pm
We will cover the skills and technique needed to audition for Strutters
JV and Varsity teams. These are optional for anyone wanting to
audition and is free of charge.
For more information check out our website at
The Klein Oak Orchestra Booster Club is selling Klein Oak Senior
Yard Signs for $20. They are personalized and are pre-pay only. All
payments and forms are due by April 13 and the signs will be
delivered on May 4 to the school. Please see Mrs. Cervenka in room
165 if you have questions and to place an order. The signs will be cut
out like this design and will include the yard stake.
Come support the Klein Oak Track & Field Team!
JV home meets are on March 26th and April 1st, starting at 4pm, at
KOHS Stadium!
Anyone that can volunteer to help at the meet please contact Coach Anderpont or Coach
Williams, your time would be appreciated!
Spirit items will be available for sale!
Prom tickets are $75 each. If your date is a
non Oak student you must pick up a guest
form in room 2017. Contact Mrs. Ramos if you
have any questions.
There will be a Junior Parent Information Meeting April 8th at
6:00 in the Klein Oak auditorium. Please plan to attend this
meeting if your student is a junior this school year. We will
discuss graduation requirements, college preparation, and much
more. See you there!
Attention Seniors! Do you need help finding money for college?? Navigating
through FAFSA?? Searching for scholarship? No worries! KOHS Counselors will
help you through during Friday Panther dens. Sign up now in blackboard.
Attention Senior Class of 2016! How would you like the chance to
interview for a position as a paid intern at Exxon-Mobil? Interviews
will be coming up to fill positions at the new Springwoods Village
campus starting this summer. You'll work Mon-Fri and make $10/hr
while gaining valuable experience. The only requirements are you
must be a Senior next school year and be enrolled in the COOP
program. See your counselor or Mrs. Sims for more details about
being a part of COOP in order to have a shot at this fantastic
Dual Credit Information:
Students interested in taking dual credit classes for the 2015-2016
school year need to turn in the completed green paper with their Lone
Star College ID number as soon as possible to Room 202. Students will
be receiving information about taking the TSI at Lone Star College
University Park during the month of March. Registration begins in
April. Payment for dual credit classes will be due June 1st.
For more information about KISD Dual Credit program please visit
See the attached flyer on how you can participate in
the Klein ISD Diversity Art contest!
Senior Athletes – Please remember to stop by the
registrars’ office and request an official transcript
for NCAA. You will be unable to take an official
visit if one is not on file with NCAA Clearinghouse.
Klein ISD has made available a new website for scholarship
searches – E-SCHOLARSHIPS USA! The website address is
www.collegeguidanceconsultants.com You will need to acquire
the username and password from the Class of 2015 counselors.
If you will be a JR or SR next year...listen up! Do you work to
pay for your car note, cell phone or just to have your own
money to spend as you wish? Did you know you there's a way
to get out of school early to go to work and at the same time
and earn academic credit? You can take advantage of all
these benefits by joining the Klein Oak CO-OP program. Only
available to Jr's and Srs so talk to your counselor or Mrs. Sims
for more details.
Parents --- Have you moved? Changed your contact numbers? It is
imperative that you keep the school informed of your contact
information. Address changes cannot be accepted by email or by
phone. If you move, a new proof of residence (current electric, gas
or water bill only) is required to change the address and provide a
new bus pass to the student. If you have not yet received a new
utility bill, a new lease or closing statement will work for 30 days
until a new bill is received. Contact the staff in the registrars’ office
for assistance: esanchez@kleinisd.net or
gchampion1@kleinisd.net. Change of phone numbers can be sent
via email to the email addresses above. Be sure to include the
names of all affected students.
As a general rule, report cards are distributed to students within one
week of the conclusion of a grading period, which is usually on a Friday.
For your information, please find below the 2014-2015 grade reporting
periods and the anticipated report card distribution dates:
August 25 – October 3, 2014
Friday, October 10, 2014
October 6 - November 14, 2014
Friday, November 21, 2014
November 17 – January 15, 2015
Friday, January 23, 2015
January 20 – February 27, 2015
Friday, March 6, 2015
March 2 - April 17, 2015
Friday, April 24, 2015
April 20 – June 4, 2015
Final report cards are mailed between 6/10 and 6/13
If you have not received the report card within a few days of the dates
listed above, we can provide you with a duplicate copy. Should you have
any question at any time please do not hesitate to call us at 832-4845000.
Students – please be reminded that you are to keep your tablet computer
in a case at all times. Failure to keep your tablet in its case may result in
disciplinary action or make you financially responsible for any damages to
your tablet.
Find the KO Honor Code here!
Have you seen the latest edition of Klein Oak’s
Online Newspaper, The Panther Press? Check it out
at the link below:
→ Do you tweet? Follow us on Twitter @Klein_Oak_HS ←
This is a reminder that all Klein ISD campuses are closed. Once you arrive to
school, you may not leave without following the appropriate procedure. For
student drivers, you are to clear your vehicles and the parking area as soon as you
have parked. You are not to return to your vehicles or the parking area at any
time after arriving on campus or during the school day without 1st obtaining a
pass from the office.
Class of 2016 - Selling class T-shirts for $2 in room 2017 (Mrs.
This year’s SNAPP will be held at Incredible Pizza in Conroe.
Click the link below for more details.
Parents: School Cash Online is designed to be an easy to
use, efficient online payment system. It is convenient,
timely, secure, & accessible. Go to the link listed above and
follow the 3 simple steps to get started.
Deliveries to Students
Only a student's parents may deliver lunch to a student at
school. Parents must check in at the front office when arriving
on campus to make such a lunch delivery. No other non school
related items - gift, flowers, balloons, etc. - may be delivered to
students at school.
Please assist us in the handling of custody related issues. It is
the responsibility of the parents to provide the principal a
certified copy of the court order affecting any other person's
right to their children. Should you have any questions please
call: Associate Principal Mandy Nesbit at 832-484-5111.
For Food Service information and online payments, go to:
Visitors to School: Please read p.65 of Student Handbook regarding
visitors to school.
Support Klein Oak High School by simply shopping at
your nearby Kroger and using your Kroger Plus Card.
Here’s how to enroll:
1. Visit: KrogerCommunityRewards.com
2. Locate your state and click “Enroll Now”
3. Sign in to your online account, or create an account
4. Find and select your organization, and click “Save”
If you have enrolled with the Kroger Rewards program in the past, you will need
to re-enroll.
We believe Klein Oak is a great school and would like the rest of the
world to know. Please take the time to rate our school at
Please go to Klein ISD’s home web site were you will find
information on new graduation plans (House Bill 5) at
We are “Happy” to be Panthers! Don’t believe us?
Check this out! http://youtu.be/3wkpemZi08k
Mark your Calendars!
Lady Panthers Soccer vs. Oakridge—Woodforest Stadium
One Hip Mom, Snacks & Shopping to support SNAPP,
JV/JVBB vs. Spring
KO Baseball Golf Tournament-Augusta Pines Golf Club
Student Holiday/Good Friday
Klein Oak High School