Howler Newsletter - Schindewolf Intermediate

Schindewolf Howler
From the Desk of Mrs. Hamilton
Spring is in the air! The birds are singing and spring plants are
beginning to bud and bloom. Before we know it summer will be
Landers is our campus representative in the district selection process
for a Secondary Teacher of the Year. Way to go and good luck Coach
The spring semester is a very busy time for our Timberwolves as
many are involved in competitions of all types. Our music students
in the various groups ~ band, choir, and orchestra ~ will be busy
competing in competitions throughout the next few months.
Likewise, our athletes have continued to thrive in their athletic
endeavors this semester under the direction of our coaching staff.
Both boys and girls strive to represent Schindewolf well in the
various track meets, tennis tournaments, and swim meets that take
place during this semester.
Others recognized as outstanding Schindewolf employees include
Ms. Shauna Simonson, Outstanding Secretary, Ms. Danelle Shields,
Outstanding Educational Assistant, and Ms. Sharon Dieckmann,
Outstanding Professional Support. Congratulations and thank you
for your hard work!
Congratulations to 8th grader Rylie McBride and 7th grader Malik
Rhodes who were recently notified that they were finalists in the
Houston/Harris County “Do the Write Thing” Challenge Program,
a youth academic and anti-violence program. Their writing entries
were among fourteen thousand student writings submitted from
one hundred twelve area schools. Rylie, Malik, their parents, and
their teachers will be honored guests at a recognition ceremony and
reception at NRG Center the last weekend in May.
Our theater arts students are busy preparing for their participation
in a One Act Play Festival with all the other Klein intermediate
schools. Schindewolf will perform on April 18th at 4:30 P.M. at
Klein Collins High School. They will be performing The Sequence
by Vincent Delaney. Good luck to all of our students who will be
participating and to our directors Ms. Julie Dierschke and Ms.
Cynthia Richard.
In addition to their participation in extracurricular activities, our
students continue their educational focus on the foundation of our
curriculum, the Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills (TEKS),
as they prepare for the administration of the State of Texas
Assessments of Academic Readiness or STAAR. Our 7th graders
will take the writing portion of STAAR on March 30th. On March
31st the 7th graders will continue the writing portion and the 8th
graders will take the reading portion. On April 20th our 8th graders
will take the math portion of STAAR. On April 21st the 6th and 7th
graders will take the math portion and our 8th graders will take the
social studies portion. On April 22nd our 6th and 7th graders will take
the reading portion and our 8th graders will take the science portion.
Our Algebra students will take their EOC on May 5th. Since daily
lessons are tied to the TEKS, I feel confident that our students will
be prepared for the STAAR test!
The months of May and June will be a busy for our T-Wolves with
our grade level awards programs and all of the special activities
involving our 8th graders. Please be sure to check the dates on the
calendar and also check our website for those upcoming activities.
Congratulations are in order for Ms. (Coach) Sarah Landers who
was recently named our Schindewolf Teacher of the Year. Coach
As I am sure you are aware, growth and development are moving
quickly in the Klein ISD, as more families and companies
continue to move to the area. The district worked on a capital
needs plan for more than a year, and a 120-member Bond Steering
Committee comprised of parents, community members, students
and employees spent four months in the fall of 2014 studying
demographic and capital needs data to develop a bond blueprint.
At the January 12th board meeting, the Trustees unanimously
approved a bond referendum for May 9, 2015 in the amount of
$498.1 million to address five general categories of items in the
bond blueprint package that will impact all Klein ISD campuses.
They include growth, facility renovations, safety and security,
technology and buses.
The district has a wealth of information on the bond election website
including how each campus will be impacted by the bond. There is
also a section on Frequently Asked Questions that provides great
information on a variety of bond, growth and tax related information.
Additionally, the district has a two-way communication tool called
Let’s Talk designed for staff and community members to ask their
specific bond related questions. If you have specific questions or
concerns, please send them to the district using this tool.
Klein ISD will also offer community meetings at all four high
schools to provide the facts about the 2015 Bond election. The first
meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, March 24th from 6 - 7:30 p.m. at
Klein Oak High School. Other meetings include Klein Forest High
School on March 30th , Klein Collins High School on April 6th and
Klein High on April 14th . All meetings will be held in the campus
auditorium from 6 – 7:30 p.m. A question and answer session will
follow each meeting.
I want to encourage each of you to register to vote if you are not
currently registered. Forms are available in the Schindewolf main
office or at If you recently moved or had a
name change, make sure to update your registration information to
match your Texas driver’s license. This is available online at www.
We look forward to serving you and your children. If we can be of
any assistance to you, please contact your child’s teachers, assistant
principal, counselor, or me, Debbie Hamilton, Principal.
Volume 13, Issue 4
March/April 2015
Designed by Casey Atkinson
Attendance News
Attendance Information / Procedures
I am excited to serve you and your student this school year. Please follow the guidelines below to assure your child’s correct
attendance records. You may also refer to your Student Handbook for more details on attendance procedures. Thank you,
Karen Williams
Schindewolf Attendance
832-249-5920 Fax #832-249-4074
Student Absences:
We are required to have a note or email from the Parent/Guardian for each absence within five (5) days of the absence.
The note is needed to verify the absence as an excused absence. Unfortunately, we will not be able to accept a phone call
as documentation of your child’s absence. We appreciate your call, and we strongly encourage you to continue to notify
the attendance office of your child’s absence, however, we now also require a written note or email within 5 days of
the absence. Please refer to the Student Handbook Intermediate School 2014-2015 pages 31-35 and 137. Any absence not
verified by a note from a student’s parent or guardian within five (5) days will be considered an unexcused absence. Not
turning in notes can result in an attendance warning letter being sent from the Harris County District Attorney’s Office and
possibly being fined and summoned to appear in court. Please send the note or email to the attendance office and include the
Student’s first and last name
Date of absence Reason for absence
Signature of Parent/Guardian
Date note was written
If you have any questions, please feel free to call.
Early Dismissals:
If your child needs an early dismissal, please send a note with your child to the attendance office before first period. We must
have written permission of the parent or guardian who signed the enrollment card before a student can leave campus with
any person other than the parent or guardian. Any one picking up a student must be 18 or older with valid , current picture
ID. For emergency dismissals call 832-249-5920. Parents and guardians must also be prepared to show your valid current,
picture ID to pick up your child.
Doctor’s Notes
Students that attend classes part of the day and leave school for a medical or dental appointment may have that absence
removed in any classes missed if he/she brings a note from the attending physician to the attendance office within 5 days of
the absence. Receipts will not be accepted. If your child was absent for a full day or longer and saw a doctor, please bring the
doctors note with the days to be excused within 5 days of the absence. It is not necessary for a student to have a note from a
doctor each time he/she is ill. However, parent notification is required within 5 days of the absence.
Tardies: If your student arrives to school after 8:55 (6th grade) or 9:00 (7th and 8th grade) in the morning they must check
into the attendance office to receive a pass to class. They are considered absent to first period after 9:18. After this time,
please either personally sign your student in, call 832-249-5920, email at the above address or send them with a note/Dr.
Excessive Absences:
The state compulsory attendance law allows for legal action, if necessary, for excessive absences. If the number of absences
exceeds 18 in any school year (9 days per semester for high school credit courses) one of the following will be required in
order to receive academic credit unless waived by the attendance committee.
• Illness of the student as verified by a doctor’s written statement showing the dates of absence.
• A parent’s written request for a homebound teacher.
• Extenuating circumstances approved by the campus attendance committee consisting of the principal and two
classroom teachers. Sports Physicals for 2015-2016
Teacher of the Year 2015
Anyone interested in participating in any athletic activities
at Schindewolf or KCHS must have a physical on file.
Sports physicals for current 6, 7, and 8th graders will be
given Tuesday, April 7th at Klein Collins High School. Students will be walked over to KCHS immediately after
school on that day. The process typically takes 2-3hours
depending on the number of students that attend. Cost of
the physical is $20. Payment may be cash or check made
out to Klein ISD. The student must have a completed
physical form that the student will receive from us and
payment in order to attend. Please note that all blanks
must be complete (except for the actual physical portion)
and multiple signatures required for each part. DO NOT
in the form that must be completed also. Students are asked
to wear comfortable clothing that day. The physicals are
being conducted by Houston Methodist. If you choose to
use your own doctor, the physical must be taken using our
form. Make sure your student brings a form home to take
to your doctor.
Mrs. Sarah Landers
Choir News
The Schindewolf Choir continues their reputation of
receiving the highest rating from judges at UIL Concert
and Sight Reading Competition. Four choirs participated
in this event and all four brought home awards. We are
very excited about our choir program and appreciate
the hard work of our students. We look forward to
continuing this success in the future.
Custodial Reminder
Please assist us in the handling of custody related issues.
It is the responsibility of the parent to provide the
principal a certified copy of the court order affecting any
other person’s right to their children. Should you have
any questions, please call the Schindewolf administration
at 832-5900.
Kleinwell News
The 4th Annual Kleinwell Family Fitness Fair is Saturday,
May 2, from 8:00 a.m. to noon at Klein Memorial
Stadium. The Fair features community vendors, games,
music, moonwalks, and FREE fun activities for everyone. During the Fair more than 50 Door prices will be given
away including restaurant gift cards, selfie sticks, ear
buds, lego sets, Top Golf package, and much more! The
goal of the Fair is for everyone attending to have a great
time and to promote a culture of wellness throughout
the Klein community. Bring your family, friends, and
neighbors and have a fun morning together. STUCO News
Student Council is busy this March with a service project
for abandoned animals. Do you know that there are
thousands of animals in the Houston area in need of a
home? We want to help the people who work tirelessly to
create a safe place for those critters while they await their
new families. Stuco is creating dog toys out of old t-shirts
to send to the Abandoned Animal Shelter.
The Kleinwell One Mile Fun Run/Walk is Saturday, May
2 at the Klein Memorial Stadium. Register by April 15 to
be eligible for awesome prizes: Beats Solo Headphones,
Apple iPad mini, or Pair of NikeKD7 shoes or NikeRosheRun shoes! To register click on, Click on items, Click on 4th Annual Kleinwell One Mile Fun Run/Walk.
Theater Arts News
Rehearsals are underway for the 9th Annual One Act Play
Festival in Klein ISD. All intermediate schools will be
participating in the event scheduled on April 17th from
6-9 pm and on April 18th from 10 am to 5:30 pm at Klein
Collins High School. Schindewolf Intermediate will be
performing at 4:30 pm on April 18th. Seventeen Schindewolf students have been working on
their characters since January. Lizzy Cooper and Caty
Nordeen under the direction of Mrs. Dierschke are crafting
the details of the characters in The Sequence by Vincent
Delaney. Attendance at the festival is free and all are
welcome to come and support our school.
Library News
Soft Rollout for E-Books
Please continue exploring Klein’s brand new digital
library. Students can find the link on our Schindewolf
Library webpage under Online Resources. At this
point, we are still exploring and learning about the
product, and some technical issues remain, but please
log in and check it out! Students can obtain log in
information from the library.
Online Resources
If you need to research a topic for a class, there are
several wonderful online resources available to you
from school or home! Encyclopedia Britannica is a
popular and user friendly online encyclopedia that
is available to all Klein students. It can be accessed
through StudentNet or our library webpage (where you
can also find a host of other online resources). Ask for
passwords in the library. We are open from 8:20-4:10
and available to assist students. Happy Researching!
Clinic News
6th GRADE: Important Notice regarding your child’s immunizations:
All present 6th graders are required to show proof of the following immunizations prior to the last day of school,
Thursday, June 4th. If you have not already provided a copy to the clinic, please do so as soon as possible.
TDaP (Diphtheria/Pertussis/Tetanus): must have one 5 years after the last tetanus
Meningococcal: one dose before 7th grade
Varicella (chicken pox): 2 doses are required prior to 7th grade. Written documentation of illness is
acceptable proof of immunity.
Notices were mailed last month. The clinic will be closed for the summer. Immunizations not received prior to the
last day of school may result in a delay in your child receiving a schedule on the first day of school
If you need your child’s immunization records for your child to attend summer camp or if they are planning to
attend a different school, please contact the clinic before Friday, May 22nd so you may pick them up before the end
of the school year. Medical records for students transferring to Klein Collins High School or any other Klein school
will be sent from the clinic directly to those schools.
If your child has prescription medication in the clinic, a parent or guardian must pick it up by Thursday,
June4th. After that date all medications must be destroyed.
SCREENING RESULTS: If you received a notice that vision, hearing, spinal results indicated your child needed a
follow-up visit with his/her doctor or that your child needed to be evaluated for risk factors for diabetes or hypertension and
have not yet returned the referral form to the clinic, please do so as soon as possible.
CONGRATULATIONS: Dana Lawson, Clinic Assistant recently passed her test and is now a Certified Emergency
Medical Responder.
As always, if you have any questions regarding your child’s health, please do not hesitate to contact the clinic.
Donna Streeter, MSN, RN
Dana Lawson
School NurseClinic Assistant
and stay on track to a healthy life
M Join the race
Saturday May 2, 2015
Klein Memorial Stadium
8 a.m. - noon
$10 per person includes T-shirt, prizes & awards
lots of Prizes •Male & feMale Winner in eaCh Category
Medals for 1st, 2nd, & 3rd place male & female in each category
Chick-fil-A baskets for 1st place boy & girl winners in pre-K through 5th grade
Prize for craziest tennis shoes, craziest socks & coolest sun glasses
Drawings for prizes throughout the morning for Fun Run/Walk participants
easy registration
Categories for all ages:
Visit to register
Click on Items
Click on 4th Annual Kleinwell One Mile Fun Run/Walk
9:45 Pre-K
10:00 Kindergarten
10:15 2nd & 3rd grade
10:30 4th & 5th grade
10:45 Intermediate
11:00 High School