Schindewolf Howler From the Desk of Mrs. Hamilton Wow! It is hard to believe that this is the last six weeks of the school year. Before we know it, we will be enjoying our summer vacation. May and June will be busy months for our T-Wolves with our grade level awards programs and all of the special activities involving our 8th graders. The 8th grade awards program will be held on Monday, May 18th at 7:00 P.M. in the Schindewolf gym. The 6th grade awards program will be held on Monday, June 1st in the Schindewolf cafeteria at approximately 9:15 A.M. The 7th grade awards program will be held on Tuesday, June 2nd also in the Schindewolf cafeteria at approximately 9:15 A.M. We look forward to the opportunity to recognize our Timberwolves! The last day of school will be a very special day for our 8th graders as we honor them and their efforts while at Schindewolf. This Appreciation Day will involve a breakfast for our 8th graders, an opportunity to sign Memory Books provided by our PTO, a grade level lunch, and a party. It will be an enjoyable day for our soon to be Tigers! As we approach the end of the school year and all the activities and excitement that come with it, it is important for our students to maintain their academic focus. Assignments will still need to be completed and tests will still be administered. We appreciate your assistance in reminding your child of their scholastic responsibilities this last month of school. Shooting fireworks or explosive devices of any kind in the building or on the campus, at any time, during the day or night, is forbidden. Students with such paraphernalia in their possession on the campus will be subject to suspension or expulsion. ELA Celebration! Rylie McBride, 8th grader, has been awarded a place as a national finalist in the Do the Write Thing competition, which is a writing competition for Harris County. She is representing the entire Houston and Harris County area. We are so proud of Rylie! Library News The Schindewolf Library would like to wish everyone a happy and safe summer. Stop by the library daily to see our countdown to summer. Don’t forget, whatever you do this summer, KEEP READING! We look forward to serving you and your children. If we can be of any assistance to you, please contact your child’s teachers, assistant principal, counselor, or me, Debbie Hamilton, Principal. Volume 13, Issue 5 May/June 2015 Digital Design Attendance News Attendance Information / Procedures I am excited to serve you and your student this school year. Please follow the guidelines below to assure your child’s correct attendance records. You may also refer to your Student Handbook for more details on attendance procedures. Thank you, Karen Williams Schindewolf Attendance 832-249-5920 Fax #832-249-4074 Student Absences: We are required to have a note or email from the Parent/Guardian for each absence within five (5) days of the absence. The note is needed to verify the absence as an excused absence. Unfortunately, we will not be able to accept a phone call as documentation of your child’s absence. We appreciate your call, and we strongly encourage you to continue to notify the attendance office of your child’s absence, however, we now also require a written note or email within 5 days of the absence. Please refer to the Student Handbook Intermediate School 2014-2015 pages 31-35 and 137. Any absence not verified by a note from a student’s parent or guardian within five (5) days will be considered an unexcused absence. Not turning in notes can result in an attendance warning letter being sent from the Harris County District Attorney’s Office and possibly being fined and summoned to appear in court. Please send the note or email to the attendance office and include the following: Student’s first and last name Grade Date of absence Reason for absence Signature of Parent/Guardian Date note was written If you have any questions, please feel free to call. Early Dismissals: If your child needs an early dismissal, please send a note with your child to the attendance office before first period. We must have written permission of the parent or guardian who signed the enrollment card before a student can leave campus with any person other than the parent or guardian. Any one picking up a student must be 18 or older with valid , current picture ID. For emergency dismissals call 832-249-5920. Parents and guardians must also be prepared to show your valid current, picture ID to pick up your child. Doctor’s Notes Students that attend classes part of the day and leave school for a medical or dental appointment may have that absence removed in any classes missed if he/she brings a note from the attending physician to the attendance office within 5 days of the absence. Receipts will not be accepted. If your child was absent for a full day or longer and saw a doctor, please bring the doctors note with the days to be excused within 5 days of the absence. It is not necessary for a student to have a note from a doctor each time he/she is ill. However, parent notification is required within 5 days of the absence. Tardies: If your student arrives to school after 8:55 (6th grade) or 9:00 (7th and 8th grade) in the morning they must check into the attendance office to receive a pass to class. They are considered absent to first period after 9:18. After this time, please either personally sign your student in, call 832-249-5920, email at the above address or send them with a note/Dr. note. Excessive Absences: The state compulsory attendance law allows for legal action, if necessary, for excessive absences. If the number of absences exceeds 18 in any school year (9 days per semester for high school credit courses) one of the following will be required in order to receive academic credit unless waived by the attendance committee. • Illness of the student as verified by a doctor’s written statement showing the dates of absence. • A parent’s written request for a homebound teacher. • Extenuating circumstances approved by the campus attendance committee consisting of the principal and two classroom teachers. Sports News for 2015-2016 No Place for Hate Klein ISD Summer Camp information will be coming out around the first week of May. Once we have the forms we will be sending them home with the students. The form will also be available on Coach Burleson’s website. The No Place for Hate Club wants to thank all students, staff, and parents for your support of this year’s activities. Club members worked hard this year to help create activities that promote respect for all and an understanding of individual differences. Thanks to all of you who helped to support the “Be the One” project which created care packages for the Women’s Shelter at N.A.M. Our sponsors are planning for next year and would love to hear your ideas about how we can impact our school and community. Please email Coach Linville with any activity/project ideas you may have. We want to hear from you. All perspective basketball players are encouraged to get a ball in their hands as much as possible this summer. Klein will host a girls’ basketball camp June 22-25 from 8:00-12:00 at Klein Collins. There will also be a basketball league hosted by Klein this summer. For more information, please email Coach Linville at Forms for all Klein summer activities will be available in May. We encourage all of our players to stay active playing volleyball with clubs and/or leagues throughout the year and to attend the KISD volleyball camp in the summer of 2015. The date for the KISD volleyball camp at Klein Collins is July 27 through July 30 from 8:00 am – 12:00pm. There will also be a volleyball league at KCHS this summer- for more information please email Coach Landers- Volleyball try-outs for the 2015-2016 school years will begin the second day of school, August 25th through the 27th. All athletes trying out for a sport at Schindewolf must have a physical. Tryouts begin at 7:00 am each day. For any additional informational please emailCoach Landers STUCO News Student Council has been busy. We still have a few projects to go! Stuco made dog toys for the animals in the Montgomery County Animal Shelter. It was a fun project as everyone donated gently worn or even new t-shirts and braided them for the animals. There were some beautiful designs and colors. The shelter was appreciative. Also, we are gearing up for officer elections next year. A big thank you to our officers this year: Rylie, Emerson, Kwame, Peyton, and Karenna, we thank you for a great year! Custodial Reminder Please assist us in the handling of custody related issues. It is the responsibility of the parent to provide the principal a certified copy of the court order affecting any other person’s right to their children. Should you have any questions, please call the Schindewolf administration at 832-5900. Theater Arts News Theater Arts News Cast members relax after their performance of The Sequence by Vincent Delaney. On April 18th, Schindewolf performed at the Klein ISD One Act Play Festival. Receiving awards were (l. to r.): Madison Webb and Rylie McBride for All Star Cast, Kindall Walker received Tech Award, and receiving Honarable Mention were Caty Nordeen and Lizzy Cooper. Arts News On Saturday, May 2, Schindewolf Art Students attended the Texas Art Educators Association’s Jr. Visual Arts Scholastic Event. The following students came away with 1st place medals for 8th graders: Kristen Conklin, Madelyn Flores, Lindsey Hodges, Paige Little, Danielle Moreno, Gabriel Mullis (awarded 2 first place medals), R. Eric Perez, Autumn Smith (awarded 2 first place medals), and for 7th graders: Brycelinn Gilbert, Courtney Rowley, and Shannon Sheffer. Clinic News 6th GRADE: Important Notice regarding your child’s immunizations: All present 6th graders are required to show proof of the following immunizations prior to the last day of school, Thursday, June 4th. If you have not already provided a copy to the clinic, please do so as soon as possible. TDaP (Diphtheria/Pertussis/Tetanus): must have one 5 years after the last tetanus Meningococcal: one dose before 7th grade Varicella (chicken pox): 2 doses are required prior to 7th grade. Written documentation of illness is acceptable proof of immunity. Notices were mailed in February. The clinic will be closed for the summer however if you are unable to provide the proof of immunization before the end of school, there will be a box located in the front office for you to provide the immunization information. If your child receives his/her immunizations over the summer, you can also scan and email them to the school nurse clinic. You will receive a response before August 7th once they are received. Immunizations not received prior to the last day of school may result in a delay in your child receiving a schedule on the first day of school. Information related to immunizations can be found on the Schindewolf Intermediate website/clinic or on the KISD website. If you need your child’s immunization records for your child to attend summer camp or if they are planning to attend a different school, please contact the clinic before Friday, May 29th so you may pick them up before the end of the school year. Medical records for students transferring to Klein Collins High School or any other Klein school will be sent from the clinic directly to those schools. If your child has prescription medication in the clinic, a parent or guardian must pick it up by the end of the school day on Thursday June 4th. After that date all medications must be destroyed in accordance with KISD policy. If you are unable to pick up the medication and wish the clinic to destroy please email or send written notification to the clinic before the last day of school SCREENING RESULTS: If you received a notice that vision, hearing, spinal results indicated your child needed a follow-up visit with his/her doctor or that your child needed to be evaluated for risk factors for diabetes or hypertension and have not yet returned the referral form to the clinic, please do so as soon as possible and return the information to the clinic. Have A Safe & Happy Summer! Donna Streeter, MSN,RN Dana Lawson School NurseClinic Assistant 832-249-5890 832-249-5891 Clinic Fax: 832-249-4071
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