April 2015 - Prairie Spirit Blogs

Rosthern Elementary School
Principal: Lorraine Fitzgerald
Phone: 232-4434
Vice Principal: Craig Reinhardt
email: res@spiritsd.ca
Website: http://blogs.spiritsd.ca/rosthernelementary April, 2015
Important Dates
April 3—April 12, 2015
Easter Break
April 29, 2015
SCC Family Night
Details will be provided
at a later date
May 14, 2015
SCC Elections and Annual
General Meeting
May 15, 2015
Day in Lieu for Interviews
May 18, 2015
Victoria Day
May 28, 2015
RES Track Meet
June 15, 2015
Deadline for Pre K
Principal’s Message
April 1st was anti-bullying day and we encouraged all students to
wear something pink in support of this day. Our Grade 5 students are
learning the importance of learning to “Say Something” to help
prevent bullying behavior. The grade 5’s are spreading that message
to the younger students, and we are thankful for the RCMP’s support.
We take bullying behavior very seriously. Bullying can be done in
various ways; physical, social, verbal and cyber. We encourage you
to discuss this with your children and the importance of speaking out
about bullying.
RES students have math “homework” that you will see coming home
this week. Each student has a game to play that is grade appropriate.
We appreciate your support in working on this with your child at home
between April 1—April 24th. There are prizes to be won. Thanks to
the SCC for sponsoring this educational event!
SCC elections are coming up soon if you are interested in becoming a
member of the SCC there are nomination forms available at the school
A big thank you to the Ladies Night Out Committee and the financial
support they have provided so RES could purchase new risers for
Have a wonderful Easter break and enjoy the Spring
Book Fair
Thank you to Carrie McDonald, Charlie Fraser,
Joan Claassen and all the families who supported
our fair! We raised over $2750 and we received
$1400 in free books for our school! Way to go
This year the grade 5 boys basketball
team had a very successful season. The
boys seemed to improve as each week
passed by. Mr. Reinhardt and Miss
Kenaschuk were so proud of how
respectful and hard working their team
was this year. Congratulations boys on
a fantastic season!
Pre Kindergarten
Rosthern Elementary School
April 2015
Pre Kindergarten Applications are
available at the school. There are
16 spots in the program each year.
The application deadline will be
June 15, 2015. Applicants will be
notified by the end of June.
Barn Playhouse
The Barn Playhouse will be holding
auditions for “Cheaper by the Dozen” on
Wednesday April 15, 2015 at 6:30pm.
They have roles for ages 8 and up. For
more information please check their
website at www.barnplayhouse.com.
Kindergarten 2015-2016
If your child will be 5 years of age on or before December 31, 2015, they are eligible to attend Kindergarten
this fall.
If your child is already in our pre-kindergarten program, the registration packages will be sent home with
them in May. If your child is not in our pre-kindergarten program please contact the school so we can add
your child to our list. Registration packages will then be mailed to you in late May.
If you know of someone who has a kindergarten aged child, please encourage them to contact the school.
Youth and Adult Yoga
Classes at Station Arts
starting in April.
Contact Lisa Ogle for
more information.