Haldimand Health Link - Haldimand War Memorial Hospital

Haldimand Health Link
Experienced and Dedicated Individuals Making
Healthy Change Happen
Haldimand Health Link Team: Left to right: Wendy Renault, Harriet Ekperigin, Dr. Jeffrey Remington, Janine
van den Heuvel.
Dunnville Ontario, (March 2015) - Haldimand War Memorial Hospital CEO David Montgomery
on behalf of the Haldimand Health Link is pleased to announce the completion of appointments for
the Haldimand Health Link. The new staff members join the Haldimand Health Link for one year
Harriet Ekperigin joins the team as the Project Lead and is a dedicated and skilled health leader
and management specialist. Although there has always been a lot of conversation about
transforming the health care system to help patients, Harriet believes this new model of care is
‘The One’ and is committed to delivering better health outcomes for patient in Haldimand. “Health
Links is unique. For the first time a program will be tailored that will involve all levels of care and
engages all sectors that touch an individual’s life.” Harriet is a true believer in Health Links and
her experience, leadership and attitude will enable success locally for patients in Haldimand.
Wendy Renault is currently completing her Ph.D and brings with her vast, front-line experience
from the Hamilton Niagara Haldimand Brant Community Care Access Centre (CCAC). Wendy will
excel in the role of Care Coordinator with a mix of knowledge, skill and a caring, patient-based
approach. Wendy will see that patients are provided with the services that they need through
better coordination and is intent on creating connections and improving outcomes.
Dr. Jeffery Remington is a Family Physician with over 20 years’ experience helping patients and
is the Primary Care Lead for Haldimand Health Link. From his perspective as an Emergency
Physician and a Family Doctor, Dr. Remington can clearly articulate the need for Health Links and
can envision what this internationally proven model of care will mean to patients with complex
needs and their providers.
Janine van den Heuvel rejoins the team as Communications Advisor. She has experience in
health care public affairs and governance. Her background is comprised of LHIN communication
roles, advisory experience to the Minister of Health and Long-Term Care, hospital and community
level experience. Janine successfully authored two Health Link Business Plans and remains
dedicated and enthusiastic about the philosophy of wrap around care that Health Links
David Montgomery is the Haldimand Health Link CEO sponsor. “Health Links will drastically
improve coordination, support patient and family involvement and improve the working lives of
health care providers like Family Physicians. Our hospital is still going to be here for everyone
and with this unique, province-wide program we will be even better at addressing every individual
patient’s health care journey.”
On December 6th 2012 the Government of Ontario announced a plan to improve care for patients
with high needs and complex conditions in Ontario. The new initiative is called Health Links and
the approach brings together health care providers and providers from sectors other than health
(justice, housing, Ontario works) to coordinate care for high needs and complex patients.
Five per cent of patients account for two-thirds of health care costs. These are most often patients
with multiple, complex conditions. When the hospital, the family doctor, the long-term care home,
community organizations and others work as a team, the patient experiences more coordinated
care, leading to improved outcomes. Health Links will design a care plan for each patient and work
together with patients and their families to ensure they receive the care they need.
For the patient it means they will :
Have an individualized, coordinated plan
Have care providers who ensure the plan is being followed
Have support to ensure they are taking the right medications
Have a care provider they can call who knows them, is familiar with their situation and can
Work Underway for Our Community
Haldimand Health Link has brought together local area partners with the support of the HNHB
LHIN to commit to and begin work on Health Links. The group of providers consists of community
level health care agencies, mental health providers and representation from housing and EMS;
more providers are also included and the group will evolve and grow. The group is led by
Haldimand War Memorial Hospital with notable partnerships with the HNHB CCAC and the HNHB
LHIN as well as other area hospitals and primary care providers.
The process for becoming a Health Link includes the submission of a Readiness Assessment to
the Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care. This assessment acknowledges the willingness of
local providers to work together and also the local need. Upon the approval of the Readiness
Assessment, Health Links submit a Business Plan. The plan details the activities, targets and
timelines of the Health Link. Work has started to develop Coordinated Care Plans for the local
high needs and complex population.
Media Contact
Janine van den Heuvel