The Internal Audit Agency, GoL HOW INTERNAL AUDIT HELPS YOU ACHIEVE YOUR DELIVERABLES Helping you do the right thing in the right way The Internal Audit Agency, GoL What is Internal Audit According to the Institute of Internal Audit: ‘Internal auditing is an independent, objective, assurance and consulting activity designed to add value and improve an organization's operations. It helps an organization accomplish its objectives by bringing a systematic, disciplined approach to evaluate and improve the effectiveness of risk management, controls, and governance processes.’ Helping you do the right thing in the right way The Internal Audit Agency, GoL Perception of Internal Audit According to a recent world survey by Protiviti, an internal audit, risk management and consulting firm, the mention of internal audit inspires fear or assurance: fear for those with competence and integrity issues; and assurance for those anxious to deliver top quality services efficiently, effectively and economically Helping you do the right thing in the right way The Internal Audit Agency, GoL How Internal Audit is Perceived in the Public Sector In Liberia, the Internal Audit Agency (IAA) has found that internal audit, or audit for that matter, evokes: anger among those who think they are above the laws governing the public sector; fear among those with integrity and competence issues; assurance among those who need comfort that they are doing the right thing in the right way; and hope among those who don't want to get into trouble, and who want to demonstrate to their staff, the public and critical stakeholders that they are transparent and accountable. Helping you do the right thing in the right way The Internal Audit Agency, GoL Clarification of misunderstanding about internal audit (IAA) and external audit (GAC): IAA is different from the GAC, and there are no overlapping functions. Here are some key differences: GAC is the supreme audit institution, the external auditor, whose mandate is derived from the GAC’s Act of 2005 and other legal instruments. GAC’s functions and standards are guided by the International Organization of Supreme Audit Institution, or INTOSAI. INTOSAI’s guiding principles clearly state that the internal and external audit functions should coexist, coordinate and cooperate. ISSAI 1610 provides guidance on how the external auditors should rely on the work of internal auditors especially if the internal audit function is established by a legislation, and sufficiently removed from political pressure and management control. Furthermore, INTOSAI GOV 9150 elaborates the modalities for coordination and cooperation between the GAC and the IAA. GAC is based outside of the entities they audit and visits periodically for audit purposes. The GAC conducts post audits, i.e., by CHECKING after the fact; and GAC REPORTS to the National Legislature and the general public. Helping you do the right thing in the right way The Internal Audit Agency, GoL Clarification of misunderstanding about internal audit (IAA) and external audit (GAC): IAA on the other hand is a management support tool, the internal auditor, based within the entity. IAA’s mandate is derived from the IAA Act of 2013, and its functions are defined by the Institute of Internal Auditors (IIA), the global professional coordinating body for the profession. The IAA reports to the head of the entity and to the President of Liberia. It performs both pre and post audits; advises and gives assurance; and most importantly IAA supports you by alerting you promptly about issues/risks and how to correct them thus preventing fraud, corruption, waste and abuse If the tone from above within any given entity is keen on transparency and accountability, supportive, cooperative, and accommodative, the IAA is better able to support you in strengthening internal controls, thereby ensuring efficiency, effectiveness and economy in your operations Simply put, IAA "helps you do the right thing, in the right way." Helping you do the right thing in the right way The Internal Audit Agency, GoL Cooperation and Collaboration amongst Anti-graft Entities The IAA is part of an effort of collaboration and cooperation with the GAC, LACC, PPCC, etc. to ensure that public sector entities meet the accountability and regulatory requirements of the public sector as they execute their respective mandates and objectives. Since its inception, IAA has conducted four major entity-wide risk assessments across 35 MACs and SOEs. With the risk assessments, you are able to see clearly the health/state of your entity. Enterprise or entity wide risk assessments are conducted every six months following the rotation of Internal Audit Directors to identify opportunities for improvement and to add value to operations. Additionally, we have conducted assessments for the Judiciary, the Office of the Senate Pro Temp, USAID and other development partners. Helping you do the right thing in the right way The Internal Audit Agency, GoL Status of IAA’s Rollout IAA is currently in 40 entities including MACs, SOEs, etc. In January this year, we rolled out to the Legislative and Judiciary branches of Government. The IAA’s sole objective is to support senior management to deliver high quality services fully compliant with the relevant regulatory requirements thereby avoiding potential issues that could get you in trouble with the GAC, LACC, PPCC, GSA, CSA, etc. Helping you do the right thing in the right way The Internal Audit Agency, GoL How IAA Supports You in Human Resource Management The IAA has supported the removal of more than 200 ghost names from the payroll of over 30 entities. IAA has ensured that all 40 entities have time and attendance records which are monitored. IAA has helped more than 15 entities develop personnel manuals in compliance with CSA’s requirements. Due to IAA’s support, now more than 60% of government’s employees in 30 entities have files with accurate records as opposed to less than 10% when we first deployed. Over 70 staff due for retirement have successfully gone through the process Helping you do the right thing in the right way The Internal Audit Agency, GoL How IAA Supports You in Bank Reconciliation Due to IAA’s intervention, many entities are now doing monthly bank reconciliation. Many had not reconciled their accounts in years. The head of entity now knows exactly how many bank accounts the entity has along with the bank balances The Finance Departments have been able to close dormant accounts that were accruing bank charges In one, the IAA helped an entity discover and recover over US$80,000 which was erroneously charged by the bank The head of entity/finance head can determine on a monthly basis how many checks issued were not cashed, cancelled checks, etc Helping you do the right thing in the right way The Internal Audit Agency, GoL How IAA Supports You in Procurement Controls The IAA ensures that your procurements procedures are in compliance with the PPC Act IAA works with the relevant departments to ensure that all statutory taxes are withheld from vendors IAA counter checks that the goods and services paid for are actually delivered IAA works with the procurement department to ensure that all records of procurement are kept safely, as required by the PPC Act; and so as to avoid suspicion or accusation that the procurement was fraudulent which is usually the case when documents are not available to verify Helping you do the right thing in the right way The Internal Audit Agency, GoL How IAA Supports You in Asset Management IAA has ensured that more than 35 entities either develop an asset register or update the existing asset register. Ministry of Health and several other entities have succeeded in coding and registering more than 90% of their fixed assets through internal audit’s support. The Internal Auditors have helped entities retrieve assets from staff who took away assets when leaving. IAA is working with the various entities to put in place an efficient method of tracking assets. IAA ensures that GSA’s policies on assets is adhered to. The IAA advises and supports management in conducting verification exercises periodically. Helping you do the right thing in the right way The Internal Audit Agency, GoL How IAA Supports You in Accounting and Budgetary Controls IAA has worked with over 30 entities to develop their financial manuals as required by the PFM law. IAA has supported more than 35 entities to develop their petty cash policies. In entities where the Finance Department subsumed HR, Procurement, or other functions, IAA supported management in segregating duties. For instance in many entities, the Finance Dep. prepares and pays the general allowance listing without the HR’s involvement. IAA is supporting the entities to prepare quarterly budget performance reports for submission to MFDP as required by law. The IAA over the last months has been working with MACs and SOEs to prepare IPSAS and IFRS compliant financial reports. Helping you do the right thing in the right way The Internal Audit Agency, GoL How IAA Supports You in Pre-audit of Disbursements Internal Auditors check to ascertain that all required documents are attached and signed by the appropriate persons before payments are made. IAA works with the Finance Department to ensure that checks are written in the appropriate names to avoid payments to third party. In cases where liquidation is required, IAA ensures that funds are adequately liquidated before disbursement In the case of a contract, the Internal Auditor verifies that the payment are in line with the terms of the contract. In one instance, a contractor was about to be paid the final installment for completing a building, however, pre -audit revealed that in fact the building was not completed and the work completion certificate was not authentic. IAA also pre-audits the quality and quantity of goods and services before the entities pay. Internal Auditors have no authority to block or interfere with management's operations or decisions. Internal Audit is purely an advisory and assurance function consistent with the definition of internal auditing. Helping you do the right thing in the right way The Internal Audit Agency, GoL How IAA Supports You in Focusing on Prior Audit Recommendations Internal auditors collate and track the status of implementation of recommendations from GAC, donors and all external and internal auditors. Internal Auditors work with the various departments concerned to implement audit recommendations. Management is supported by IAA to set realistic timelines for the implementation of recommendations. Helping you do the right thing in the right way The Internal Audit Agency, GoL How IAA Supports You in Validating Your Deliverables The internal auditors advise management on the importance of a workplan for all departments. Project implementation is monitored and reported on regularly. Internal Auditors work with management to institute system such as setting time limits on various kinds of documents aimed at making time spent processing documents more efficient to avoid unnecessary delays, and kickbacks. IAA monitors through continuous audits the control environment, giving real time advice to support senior management. Helping you do the right thing in the right way The Internal Audit Agency, GoL How IAA Supports You in Revenue Management IAA supports management in blocking revenue leakages and ring fencing revenue. Internal Auditors work with revenue generating entities to ensure revenue generated is deposited into the general revenue account. IAA strengthens internal controls around revenue collection. Helping you do the right thing in the right way The Internal Audit Agency, GoL What Informs IAA’s Support to You Annual audit plans informed by risk findings and management's priorities are developed to support entities. Reports are written and addressed to senior management to inform them of audit issues and recommendations on how to fix those issues before they become a major hindrance to the achievement of the entity’s objectives. A Recommendations Tracker is developed and updated regularly to keep management informed of outstanding issues requiring management's action. A quarter end report is submitted to the President to provide a snapshot of the state of affairs at the individual entities. Helping you do the right thing in the right way The Internal Audit Agency, GoL IAA’s Staff Capacities and Competences Our personnel come with diverse credentials, but are undergoing continuous professional development. We are enrolling our staff into these certification programs of the IIA and the CFE program of the Association of Certified Fraud Examiners (ACFE). • Certified Government Auditing Professional (CGAP) • Certified Financial Services Auditor (CFSA) • Certification in Control Self-Assessment (CCSA) • Certification in Risk Management Assurance (CRMA) • Certified Internal Auditor (CIA) • Certified Fraud Examiner (CFE) To achieve this, we are engaging Pearson VUE and Prometric to establish a testing center in Liberia. We have also submitted proposals to collaborate with LIPA to run training courses at LIPA for internal audit professionals, and have enrolled a number of our staff in the LICPA/ICAG certification courses in Accountancy. Helping you do the right thing in the right way The Internal Audit Agency, GoL Introduction of a Course on Internal Audit at Universities Finally, we are planning to engage a number of universities in Liberia to adopt an IIA approved academic course on internal auditing, so that university students can have a choice like student in the rest of the world to study internal auditing as a separate and distinct course. Helping you do the right thing in the right way The Internal Audit Agency, GoL Conclusion IAA is the Government's best opportunity to reverse the culture of systemic and endemic practice of corruption, inefficiency, and ineffectiveness. Our approach however is to help you do the right thing in the in the right way. Sanction entities that are hindering the work of IAA. Reinforce implementation of audit recommendations. Designate a focal person in the Office of the President to follow up on internal audit matters. Helping you do the right thing in the right way The Internal Audit Agency, GoL Internal Auditor The eyes and ears of management Helping you do the right thing in the right way
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