“Free Art in a Free Europe?” 10 General Assembly of IAA Europe

Norwegian visual
artists association
and conference
October 4 – 5, 2013
Oslo, Norway
OFFICE of IAA Europe
Bratislava Sept 18, 2013
To the National Committees of IAA Europe
Dear colleagues,
We are pleased to welcome you at the National Committees of IAA Europe conference “Free
Art in a Free Europe?” and 10th General Assembly of IAA Europe which will be held on October
4 - 5 (Friday-Saturday) 2013 in Oslo, Norway.
Please inform us, as soon as possible, of the delegate or/and observer from your National
Committee who will be participating. You will find attached a Registration Form. Please, let us have
your reply about your presence before Wednesday 25th September (via e-mail to iaa.eur@gmail.com,
The IAA Europe Office together with the Norwegian National Committee is co-organizing this
year’s General Assembly. Please note that the National Committees need to cover the costs for
travel, accommodation and some of the meals for the delegates themselves.
Arrival and accommodation of delegates and observers
Attendance: The Artist`s house (Kunstnernes Hus), Wergelandsveien 17.
16.00 Meeting of Executive Committee of IAA Europe
18.00 Information and reception of the delegates, with cuisine at the Artists' house
19.00 Autumn Exhibition
Attendance: Håndverkeren, Rosenkrantz' gate 7
9.30 – 16.00 Conference
See attached program.
19.00 Dinner at restaurant EIK, Universitetsgata 11
9.00 – 17.00 – 10th General Assembly of IAA Europe
Attendance: Norsk Billedhoggerforening/Association of Norwegian Sculptors, Hekkveien 5
Proposal of agenda of GA:
1/ Foreword by representative of the host NC
2/ Election of two discussion leaders
3/ Approval of delegates and agenda
4/Approval of the minutes of the GA in Istanbul – October 2012
5/ Presidents report on activities of IAA Europe
6/ Treasurers and auditor´s report
7/ Secretary´s and IAA Office report
8/ Statements of Vice-president and EC members
9/ Coordinators report about activities of IAA
10/ Questions on national reports and discussion
11/ Future IAA Europe activities
- Implementation and promotion of IAA Cards
- Future of the World Art Day
- Social and legal rights of artists
- The percentage rule to IAA (1%)
- Financial issues
- Draft project on external financing of IAA projects from European resources
- New fee system proposal
- New members of IAA
- Offers of National Committees for exchange exhibitions, residencies…
- IAA Europe and its lobby in Brussels to the EU
- IAA World cooperation
- Proposals of NC´s for organizing next General Assembly 2014
- Symposium 2014 on digitalization and copyright within the European Union
- Preliminary proposals of NC´s for organizing next Conference and General Assembly 2015
12/ Decisions and recommendations of GA IAA Europe 2013
- Yearly activity plan for 2014
- Recommendations from conference
- Suggestions for EC
13/ Miscellaneous
17.30 Reception at the Munch Museum, Tøyengata 53
20.00 Party at the Association of Norwegian Sculptors, Hekkveien 5
Sunday, October 6
11.00 Attendance at Artists house (Kunstnernes Hus), Wergelandsveien 17
Free cultural program:
Cultural heritage: The Viking ship museum, Kontiki museum, The Norwegian Opera house.
Modern Art: Astrup Fernley Museum, Munch Museum, The National Museum of Contemporary Art,
galleries: OCA, Artists' Association, Tegneforbundet, Boa, Gallery 1857 and other "off" galleries.
We would like to ask the NCs:
To send national report in brief written form ASAP; we will send them to all NC´s before GA in Oslo,
this will save us the time and we can concentrate in Oslo just to the main points and questions about it – we
suppose about 5 – 10 minutes for every delegate (item: questions on national reports and discussion).
With any questions, please do not hesitate to contact Ms. Andrea Kozarova, Office of IAA
Europe: iaa.eur@gmail.com, kozarova@svu.sk, 00421 915 713 315
We are looking forward to seeing you in Oslo.
Andrea Kozarova, Mgr.
Secretary of IAA Europe
Hilde Rognskog
Norwegian NC
Pavol Kral, MA
President of IAA Europe