FOR YOUR INFORMATION Church Office Address/Phone: 730 Mesa Avenue 970-242-7747 Grand Junction, CO 81501 970-242-4408 Fax Phone: Church E-mail: Church Website: Office Hours: Tuesday-Thursday Friday Tuesday & Thursday Sabbath Pastor’s Office Hours: Library Hours: GRAND JUNCTION 9:00am-3:00pm 9:00am-1:00pm 9:00am-3:00pm 9:00am-12:30pm Church Staff Senior Pastor: Randy Mills E-mail: John Goley Pam Mills Susie Bautch Laurie Kunze Claudette Lane Myron Stanley Dollie Bell Pastor for Visitation: Secretary: Treasurer: Church Clerk: Head Elder: Head Deacon: Head Deaconess: 970-210-8796 970-243-1654 970-242-7747 970-462-1378 970-245-3784 970-261-1305 970-314-1379 970-201-3531 Ministry Reference Elders: *Claudette Lane Sylvia Barton David Brian Sandy Carosella Elder on call for February: Claudette Lane 970-261-1305 Ron Carrick 970-314-1809 970-314-1012 Levi Comstock 970-402-1489 970-260-1417 Mike Hoch 970-250-5501 970-250-6967 Paul Sturges 970-314-7065 SS Superintendent: Church Ministries Coord: Audiovisual: Church Library: Communication Sec: Finance Chair: Greeter Ministry: Guest Lunch Coor: Hospitality Ministry: MCSO Ministry: Mission Booth: Music Coordinator: Pathfinders: Sanctuary Flowers: Special Meals/Funerals: Telephone Ministry: Community Service Reps: Home & School: IAA School Board Reps: LLLC Board Chair: Brenda Hart Sandi Adcox Ron Johnson Midge Propp Ron Johnson Don Drobny Brook Wade Dollie Bell Mike Hoch Sandy Carosella Laurie Kunze Sylvia Barton Christy Parfet Karla Klemm Valerie Lowe Grace Lane Linda Weber Garry Wolf Sherri Nicolay Brett Clifton Miki Sturges Bob Nicolay 970-640-9351 970-270-1727 970-245-2294 970-263-4235 970-245-2294 970-314-4023 970-234-1455 970-201-3531 970-250-5501 970-250-6967 970-245-3784 970-314-1012 970-314-1404 970-261-8809 970-260-3104 970-210-4866 970-245-6782 970-314-1022 970-464-0661 970-314-2857 970-314-7065 970-464-0661 Intermountain Adventist Academy Principal: Address/Phone: IAA E-mail: IAA Website: School Board Chair: Casey Prindle 1704 N. 8th Street 970-623-2633 970-242-5116 Little Lambs Learning Center Director: Address/Phone: LLLC E-mail: LLLC Website: Camille Chancellor 880 Mesa Avenue 970-242-9665 Adventist Community Center Director: Address/Phone: Hours: Food Store Hours: Susie Bautch 970-462-1378 2554 Patterson Road 970-242-2277 Tuesday 9:00-11:45am, 1:00-2:45pm Tuesday 9:00-11:45am, 1:00-2:45pm Sunday 9:30-11:30am Sabbath, February 14, 2015 GOD’S PURPOSE FOR HIS PEOPLE: to Belong to God’s Family to Be Like Christ to Build God’s Kingdom to Broadcast God’s Word OUR VISION FOR MINISTRY: To minister God’s love by… Serving People Who Serve Others For Our Guests We believe in Encouragement for Everyone! Our Hope For You… That God’s love will flow from us to you as we fellowship today. May you be heartened by God’s love, inspired by God’s Holy Spirit and encouraged to make Jesus Christ your Lord and Savior. Looking For A Church Family? To serve you better, please complete the Welcome/Request Information Card located in the sanctuary pew. Place the completed card in the offering plate when it is passed or hand it to a greeter or the pastor as you leave the sanctuary. Having Difficulty Hearing? Wireless hearing aid devices are available at the sound booth in the rear of the sanctuary. WORSHIP SERVICE 10:40 am Prelude CALENDAR Susie Bautch, Organ Announcements & Welcome Hymnal No. 34 Wake the Song Pastor Randy Mills Children’s Story Jacque Berry Mission Report/Offering Appeal Sandy Carosella Sandi Adcox Offertory Susie Bautch Special Music Victoria Gabardi Praise in Singing Congregation Morning Prayer Sandy Carosella Today’s Message Pastor Randy Mills Cupid or Stupid: Words to the Wise Closing Song Hymnal No. 407 Sent Forth by God’s Blessing Benediction Church Office Sandy Carosella Hymn of Praise Invocation Today, Sabbath, February 14 Valentine’s Day 10:35am Prayer Sentinel Pastor Randy Mills Audio/Visual: Dana Nkana Music Leader: Viki Carrick Greeters: Sarah Gould & Megan Geiger Presiding Elder: Sandy Carosella Deacon in Charge for February: Greg Kolsky BIBLE STUDY CLASSES 9:30-10:30 am Adult Sabbath School Classes Sanctuary (left rear) Laurie Kunze Living Free (IAA library) Olson/Pietro Fellowship Hall (lower level) Sandy Carosella Grace Lane/Richard Luke Conference Room Gail Pritchard/John Goley Seeker’s Room (lower level) David Klemm Something Else (upper room) Nick Gillen Programs for Teens Junior/Earliteen (grades 5-8) Youth (grades 9-12) Lower Level Lower Level Programs for Children Beginners (ages 0-3) Kindergarten (age 4-Grade 1) Primary (grades 2-4) Lower Level Lower Level Lower Level Sunday, February 15 3:00pm Linda Dillon Funeral Monday, February 16 Presidents’ Day No School IAA 5:30pm Pathfinder Meeting Tuesday, February 17 6:30pm EI: “Tell Yourself the Truth” 6:30pm Volleyball GJ Sanctuary IAA PF Room Seeker’s Room IAA Gym Wednesday, February 18 12:00pm Bulletin Information/Announcement Deadline 4:30pm Al-Anon Seeker’s Room 4:30pm Alateen Earliteen Room 7:00pm Prayer Meeting Conference Room Thursday, February 19 5:30pm IAA Home & School Parenting Seminar Friday, February 20 6:00pm Worship Team Practice Sabbath, February 21 9:30am Sabbath School/Bible Study Classes 10:35am Prayer Sentinel 10:40am Pulpit: Pastor Randy Mills 12:30pm All Church Fellowship Dinner IAA Sanctuary See Box Church Office Sanctuary IAA Gym UPCOMING EVENTS IAA Work Bee: Sunday, February 22, 8:00am-12noon Finance Committee Meeting: Wed., February 25, 5:30pm Church Board Meeting: Wednesday, February 25, 6:30pm IAA Kindergarten Round-Up: Thurs., February 26, 6-8pm Church Business Meeting: Monday, March 2, 6:30pm IAA Visitation Day: Tuesday, March 3, 8:00am-12noon IAA Talent Show: Saturday, March 21, 7:00pm JUST A GENTLE REMINDER Please turn off or silence all cell phones in the sanctuary. Can You Hear Me Now? We want EVERYONE to hear clearly. The BEST location in the sanctuary for hearing is close to the center aisle, 8 to 10 rows back from the front. If you are having trouble hearing, you might want to try sitting near this area. Sunset Today: 5:50pm Sunset Next Friday: 5:57pm “Remember the Sabbath day to keep it Holy…” Exodus 20:8-11 Christian Relationships GIVE GOD YOUR BEST $ TITHE: By designating your giving Tithe, you support the world-wide gospel ministry of the Seventh-day Adventist Church You are God’s chosen race, his saints; $ LOCAL CHURCH BUDGET: By designating your giving Local Church Budget, you support all Grand Junction SDA Church Ministries. in sincere compassion, in kindness and He loves you, and you should be clothed humility, gentleness and patience. Make an investment in eternity this week. Your actions will affirm your faith! Church Financial Report As of 2/7/15 Year to Date $ 51,768.07 $ 17,916.00 4,867.29 $ 13,048.71 $ 35,832.00 19,312.64 $ 16,519.36 TITHE Church Budget Received for Feb. Short Please remember to give to CHURCH BUDGET. Bear with one another; forgive each other as soon as a quarrel begins. The Lord has forgiven you; now you must do the same. Over all these clothes to keep them together and complete them, put on love. And may the peace of Christ reign in your hearts, because it is for this that you were called together as parts of one body. Always be thankful. Intermountain Adventist Academy Let the message of Christ, in all its richness find a home with you. Teach each other and advise each other, in all wisdom. With gratitude in your hearts sing psalms and hymns and inspired songs to God; And never say or do Your giving to Local Church Budget helps fund a vibrant curriculum for grades K-8 Little Lambs Learning Center anything except in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him. Colossians 3:12-17 His Love Endures Your Local Church Budget contributions support the mission of quality Christian Childcare for ages 6 weeks to 6 years. IAA Tuition Assistance Fund Received as of 2/7/15 To Raise $ 25,000.00 8,359.44 $ 16,640.56 It is good to give thanks to the Lord for his love endures forever. Give thanks to the God of gods; his love endures forever. Alone he works great marvels; his love endures forever. In this the love of God was manifested toward us, that God has sent His only begotten Son into the world, that we might live through Him. 1 John 4:9 Give thanks to the God of heaven, for his love endures forever. Psalm 136, NEB ANNOUNCEMENTS A Warm Welcome to our guests today. We hope you will be blessed by our service and will worship with us again. Please join us downstairs in the Fellowship Hall after the service for dinner which has been prepared especially for you. Linda Mae Dillon Funeral: A Memorial Service is planned for tomorrow, Sunday, February 15, at 3:00pm in the Grand Junction SDA Church. Linda, age 69, died February 7, 2015, at HopeWest Care Center. Although a member of Palisade SDA Church, Linda and her husband Wayne occasionally attended GJ SDA. Linda is survived by her husband, Wayne and two daughters, Melody Dixon of Palisade and Melissa Kramer of GJ. Memorial contributions can be made to the Linda Dillon Memorial Fund at Wells Fargo banks. Church Business Meeting: Monday, March 2, is the proposed date for the Church Business Meeting where we can, with appraisal in hand present both the appraisal and the annual budget for 2015. ShareFest is Coming: April 18 & 19, 2015. Plan now to set aside this weekend to SHARE God’s love in our community, NO strings attached! More details coming soon! Questions? Call David Phillips at 970-314-3165. MISCELLANEOUS Host Needed: The February 21 All Church Fellowship Dinner is in need of a host. If anyone is interested in heading it up, please contact Dollie Bell at 970-201-3531 or Patti Kunze at 970-216-8358. Upcoming Guest Dinners Provided by: February 21: February 28: March 7: March 14: March 21: All Church Fellowship Dinner Young Adults Church Board/Pam Mills Deacons/Myron & Karen Stanley All Church Fellowship Dinner Ladies With A Purpose women’s group has introduced the 2015 Calendar of Events, plus four on-going projects: Pillowcase Project for chronically ill or needy children Baking Project for Mesa County Sheriff’s Department Take-a-Prayer/Leave-a-Prayer and Prayer Journal project Bible Study Group (Beth Moore’s Breaking Free) on Wednesdays at 9:30am, and a repeat at 6:15-8:15pm on Wednesday evenings at the church. More information and sign-up sheets are in the lobby. For questions, call Sandi Adcox 970-270-1727 or Sandy Carosella 970-250-9572. ON MISSION SERVING MESA COUNTY SHERIFF’S DEPARTMENT SERVING PEOPLE WHO SERVE OTHERS INTERMOUNTAIN ADVENTIST ACADEMY No School IAA: Monday, February 17, due to Presidents’ Day Holiday. “The Science of Parenting”: IAA Home and School will host a parenting seminar at the school, with Domenica Steele as the guest speaker sharing her knowledge of parenting. There will be two different sessions, both at 5:30-7:30pm: Thursday, February 19, infant to 2nd grade Thursday, March 5, 3rd grade and up Everyone is invited to attend both sessions, however, RSVP is requested at 970-242-5116. Registration is also available on line at for 2/19 and for 3/5. Please see the flyer on the IAA bulletin board in the foyer. IAA Work Bee: February 22, 8:00am-12noon there will be a work bee to spruce up the school in preparation for Kindergarten Round-Up. Lots of hands are needed to get the work done. Mark your calendars! Thank you for your support. Kindergarten Round-Up: All potential kindergarten children and their parents are invited to the IAA Kindergarten RoundUp Thursday, February 26, 6:00-8:00pm for a fun taste of Kindergarten life. IAA Visitation Day: March 3, 8:00am-12:00 noon is a visitation day at IAA for all grades. If anyone knows of someone who is looking into a new school, please have them contact IAA at 90-242-5116. IAA Talent Show and Auction: Mark your calendars for the annual IAA Talent Show and auction coming Saturday night March 21. If anyone has a talent or an act they would like to share, please contact the school at 970-242-5116. Everyone is invited to this event which is always full of fun, so plan now to attend, and be ready to bid on the delicious treats that will be auctioned. Used CPU’s for Sale: They run Windows XP and are mostly 2007’s. If interested, please call the IAA at 970-242-5116. Prayer App: Download the “In Prayer” app on your ios/Android device. By doing so, you will receive reminders to pray at 7:00am and 7:00pm each day. Sermon On-line: sermon on-line. Go to to hear the weekly On-line Giving: Go to the church website at, click the On-line Giving tab. Log in or register. Easy as that. RMC News Nuggets: Keep up-to-date on what’s happening around the Rocky Mountain Conference by going to to sign-up. Official SDA Website: This website, highly recommended by Pastor Mills, is dedicated to spiritual revival by the reading of God’s Word and prayer. Check it out! Register. Let’s pray for renewed spiritual strength!
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