March 2015 SA Waste Laws & Classification

SA Waste Laws
2008 – 2015 and
Waste Classification
8 – 10 April 2015
SPECIAL RATES – contact us for details
Cost of course: R6 000 with
discount for multiple registrations
Richards Bay
21 -23 April 2015
cell: 083 626 3785
Tel: 031 903 1961
Course fee includes meals and refreshments, a manual of
presentations and all of the laws, a CD and stationery
The Most Comprehensive Waste Laws Course in the Country
DURBAN VENUE: Umbogavango Nature Reserve, Amanzimtoti
RICHARD’S BAY VENUE: Richard’s Bay Country Club
Course Objectives
Since 2008 South African Waste Legislation has mushroomed and diversified. Keeping up with it all
is a tall order. However, for the generators of waste, for municipalities and for waste companies and
other environmental practitioners, keeping up with it all is a must and not an option. With this in
mind, Laura Taylor has put together a course that covers all of the critical developments in waste
legislation, planning and policy since 2008. This will enable key role players to plan for the future and
seize the opportunities that will present themselves.
In addition we now have a new system of waste classification in terms of SANS 10234. Delegates will
be provided with a working knowledge of how to classify their waste according to this system and
the new waste laws.
This very intensive three day workshop will provide delegates with the following:
 Knowledge and a clear understanding of waste management legislation, policy and
 A clear explanation of the new waste classification system together with exercises to make
sense of it all; and
 Discussion, examples and exercises in order to understand how it applies to their
Three Day Course Outline
Date and status of
Day One
Session 1
Session 2
Session 3
Session 4
Overview of SA Waste Legislation up to the present
Liability and Penalties in Environmental Legislation
National Environmental Management Waste Act (NEMWA)
NEMWA: Amendment Act
 New definitions
 Schedule 3 waste list
 Waste Management Bureau
Session 5
National Pricing Strategy and National Waste Summit
Session 6
Waste Licensing in terms of NEMWA: the why and how
List of Waste Management Activities - 2009
Amendments to lists of Waste Management Activities – 2013, May 2014,
Feb 2015
Changes to EIA Lists to accommodate changes in waste lists.
Session 7
National Waste Management Strategy – in brief
June 2014
Jan 2015 and
March 2015
Nov 2013, May
2014 and Feb
Dec 2014
May 2012
Day Two
Session 8
Session 9
Session 10
Session 11
Session 12
National Waste Information Regulations
Waste Classification and Management Regulations
National Norms and Standards for Assessment of Waste for Landfill
National Norms and Standards for Disposal to Landfill
Waste classification using SA Waste Laws and SANS 10234
 The old system of classification according to the Minimum
 Background on the GHS and how it is to be applied
 Classification according to physical, health and environmental
 Hazard Communication
o Labelling
o Safety Data Sheets
 Classification examples using SANS 10234 and SA Waste Laws
Aug 2012
Aug 2013
Aug 2013
Aug 2013
Day Three
Session 13
Session 14
National Policy on Thermal Treatment of General & Hazardous Waste
NEM:AQA – National Ambient Air Quality Standards and List of Activities
which result in Atmospheric Emissions which may have a significant
detrimental effect on the environment
July 2009
Dec 2009
March 2010
Session 15
Session 16
Session 17
Session 18
Session 19
National Norms and Standards for Storage of Waste
Contaminated Land and the National Norms and Standards for the
Remediation of Contaminated land and Soil Quality and
Draft Regulations for Site Assessment and Reports
Waste Tyre Regulations
Other Waste Laws in brief – main issues and requirements covered
 National Domestic Waste Collection Standards
 National Standards for Scrapping or Recovery of Motor Vehicles
 Standards for extraction, flaring or recovery of landfill gas
 Draft National Norms and Standards for Organic Waste
 Regulations – Phase out of PCBs
 Draft Regs: Planning and Management of Residue Stockpiles and
Residue Deposits
Special Addition
NEMBA: Alien and Invasive Species Regulations and lists
Nov 2013
May 2014
March 2012
Feb 2009
Nov 2012
Oct 2010
Nov 2013
Nov 2013
Feb 2014
Jul 2014
Nov 2014
Aug 2014
About the Trainer in the Field of Waste
Laura Taylor
BA (Hons), BSc, MSc
(Env Mgt)
Manager on the
Mines and in
This is the fourth year that Laura has been running this constantly
updated course and her knowledge and experience are evident.
Waste management is a field that Laura has a passion for and has
specialized in since her student days and an area in which she has
considerable industry experience. She has run waste management
workshops all over the country in the last few years, as well as in Namibia
and is currently involved in helping several companies to better manage
their waste as well as obtain waste licenses.
Recently she assisted Sappi Saiccor with issues related to their
waste ash and also provided environmental training to block makers who
receive the ash.
Laura was the waste and hazardous substances consultant to
Letseng Diamond Mine in Lesotho. She participated in a large scale and
comprehensive Social and Environmental Impact Assessment (SEIA) and the
drawing up of a Social and Environmental Management Plan (SEMP) at the
mine during the course of 2012/13.
While working at Anglo Platinum (AP) she coordinated the
implementation of an Integrated Waste Management Plan across all the
business units of the Rustenburg region. She also participated in the
permitting of the AP landfill site and the process leading up to the
establishment of the municipal regional landfill site on AP land.
Laura was also an Environmental Manager specialising in waste at
the Toyota factory in Durban between 2008 and 20011.
Laura is well qualified to guide any organisation through the
plethora of waste3laws and in the implementation of a waste management
system that meets legal compliance and environmental best practice.
Laura is the founder and Director of EnviroSus Consulting which specializes in:
 Environmental and Sustainability training
 Waste Management and Training
 Environmental Management System
 Sustainability Reporting and Training
She has the unique quality of years of hands-on practical experience as an environmental
manager in industry and on the mines as well as a solid academic and teaching background. As a
result she is an excellent trainer, delivering very practical courses with a great deal of information.
She has considerable experience in training, having been both a high school teacher and
university lecturer. Laura has delivered training courses to professionals all over South Africa and in
Lesotho and Namibia.
Who should attend?
Consultants with an interest in waste management
Municipal Waste Departments
Waste producing industries and businesses
Waste planners and regulators
Waste management companies and personnel
Waste contractors responsible for managing waste
Environmental managers, co-ordinators and champions
Quality Assurance Managers
To secure a booking:
Cost of Course – R6 000
Deposit the R1000 booking deposit or full fee into the following account:
Name of account: EnviroSus Consulting
Bank: FNB
Type of Account: Business Cheque Account
Account number: 6232 5783 141
Branch code: 220127
To secure a booking a R1000 non-refundable deposit is required. (Refund will take place if the course is
cancelled). The balance of the payment must be received on the day the course starts. (Courses are
limited to 20 participants – book early to avoid disappointment)
Complete the following registration form and e mail it to:
along with the proof of payment.
Delegate Registration Form:
Name and Dates of Course: ……………………………………………………………………………………..
Delegate Name: ……………………………………………………………
Company/Organisation: …………………………………………………………………….
E mail:. ………………………………………………………………………….
Contact numbers: Landline : ………………………………………….. Cell: ……………………………………………
Contact details for invoice: ………………………………………………………………………………………………………….
Special Dietary requirements: …………………………………………………………………….
Signature: ………………………………………………..
E mail form or equivalent information to :
Discount Scale
1. Register 2-4 delegates, and receive a 10% discount.
2. 5 delegates and over, 20% discount.
3. Registered Environmental NGOs and Conservancy
Members at half price.