INSTITUTE OF AERONAUTICAL ENGINEERING Dundigal, Hyderabad -500 043 CIVIL ENGINEERING COURSE DESCRIPTION Course Title Course Code Regulation : STRENGTH OF MATERIALS-II : A40114 : R09(JNTUH) Lectures Course Structure Course Coordinator Team of Instructors I. Tutorials : 4 Mr U. S. P. Rao, Assistant Professor : : Ms M. Satya Vidyadhari, Assistant Professor Practical’s Credits - 4 COURSE OVERVIEW: Civil Engineers are required to design structures like buildings, dams, bridges, etc. This course is intended to introduce the basic principles for the design of power transmission of shafts, springs, columns and struts, beams curved in plan, beam columns, dams, chimneys, retaining walls, unsymmetrical beams, thin and thick cylinders. This course also imports knowledge about the failure phenomenon and principles to present failure of structural members, pressure in cylinders. II. III. COURSE OBJECTIVES: 1. To impart adequate knowledge to find stresses in various structural parts used in buildings, dams, bridges, retaining walls and pressure in vessels, etc. 2. To understand the failure phenomenon and to learn how to prevent the failure. 3. To impart adequate knowledge to continue the design and research activity in structural analysis. COURSE OUTCOMES: After completing this course the student must demonstrate the knowledge and ability to: a) Calculate the stresses developed in the shafts subjected to torque, bending moment and thrust and understand the design considerations to prevent the failure. b) Able to apply the formulae for the design of springs. c) Understand the failure phenomenon of columns and struts and finding the stresses developed in them. d) Able to apply the design principles for the design of beams curved in plan. e) Able to calculate the stresses induced in beam columns. f) Able to apply the design principles for the design of dam, chimneys, retaining walls which are subjected to both direct and bending stresses. g) Able to calculate the stresses developed in a beam subjected to unsymmetrical bending and also find shear centre. h) Able to calculate the stresses induced in thin cylinders and thick cylinders and obtain safe dimensions. i) Ability to correlate engineering knowledge to the social causes, impact of engineering solutions on the society j) Ability to explore in research area. k) Participate and succeed in competitive examinations like GATE, CEED, PSUs, etc. 1|Page IV. SYLLABUS: UNIT - I: TORSION OF CIRCULAR SHAFTS: Theory of pure torsion- derivation of torsion equations: T q N - assumptions made in the theory of pure torsion - torsional moment of resistance - polar J r L section modulus - power transmitted by shaft - combined bending and torsion and end thrust - design of shafts according to theories of failure. SPRINGS: Introduction - types of springs - deflection of close and open coiled helical springs under axial pull and axial couple - springs in series and parallel - carriage or leaf springs. UNIT – II COLUMNS AND STRUTS: Introduction - Types of columns - Short, medium and long columns - Axially loaded compression members - Crushing load - Euler’s theorem for long columns - assumptions derivation of Euler’s critical load formulae for various end conditions, Equivalent length of a column slenderness ratio - Euler’s critical stress - Limitations of Euler’s theory - Rankine’s and Gordon formula Long columns subjected to eccentric loading - Secant formula - Empirical formulae - Straight line formula and Prof. Perry’s formula. BEAMS CURVED IN PLAN: Introduction - circular beams loaded uniformly and supported on symmetrically placed columns - semi-circular beam simply supported on three equally spaced supports.maximum bending moment and stress due to transverse and lateral loading. UNIT – III BEAM COLUMNS: Laterally loaded struts - subjected to uniformly distributed and concentrated loads maximum bending moment and stress due to transverse and lateral loading. DIRECT AND BENDING STRESSES: Stresses under the combined action of direct loading and bending moment, core of a section - determination of stresses in case of chimneys, retaining walls and dams conditions for stability - stresses due to direct loading and bending moment about both the axes. UNIT – IV UNSYMMETRICAL BENDING: Introduction - centroidal principle axes of section-graphical method for locating principle axes -moments of inertia referred to any set of rectangular axes -stresses in beams subjected to unsymmetrical bending -principle axes -resolution of bending moment into two rectangular axes through the centroid -location of neutral axis-direction of beams under unsymmetrical bending. SHEAR CENTRE: Introduction, shear centre for symmetrical and unsymmetrical (I, T, L) sections. UNIT – V THIN CYLINDERS: Thin seamless cylindrical shells - derivation of formula for longitudinal and circumferential stresses - hoop, longitudinal and volumetrical strains - changes in diameter and volume of thin cylinders - thin spherical shells. THICK CYLINDERS: Introduction - Lames theory for thick cylinders - derivation of Lames formulae distribution of hoop and radial stresses across thickness - design of thick cylinders - compound cylinders necessary difference of radii for shrinkage - thick spherical shells. Textbooks: 1. R. K. Bansal (2010), A Text book of Strength of materials, Laxmi Publications (P) ltd., New Delhi, India. 2. Strength of materials by Dr. Sadhu Singh, Khanna Publications Ltd Reference Books: 1. R. S. Khurmi (2009), strength of Materials, S. Chand, New Delhi, India. 2. S. Ramamrutham (2008), Strength of Materials, Dhanpat Rai Publications, New Delhi, India. 3. Bhavi Katti (2009), Strength of Materials, Vikas Publishing House Pvt Ltd, New Delhi, India. 4. B. S. Basavarajaiah (2010), Strength of Materials, Taylor Francis, USA. 5. R. K. Rajput (2010), Strength of Materials, S. Chand, New Delhi, India. 2|Page V. DISTRIBUTION AND WEIGHTAGE OF MARKS (THEORY): Subject English End Examination 75 Marks End Examination 75 Marks All the Units (1, 2, 3, 4 and 5) Internal Examination25 Marks (Average of three midterm examinations) Part A 25 Marks Part B 50 Marks I Mid-term examination 25 Marks ( 1 hour 20 minutes) II Mid-term examination 25 Marks ( 1 hour 20 minutes) VI. Internal Examinations 25 Marks Total Marks 100 Marks All units Compulsory Questions 5 questions to be answered. Each question carries 10 marks. Only one question to be answered out of 2 questions from each unit. 10 multiple answer questions, each question carries ½ mark. 10 fill-in the blanks, each carries ½ mark. Descriptive type 2 questions to be answered out of questions 4 questions, each carries 5 marks. (60minutes) Assignment 5 marks for assignment. II and III Objective type 10 multiple answer questions, each questions question carries ½ mark. units (20minutes) 10 fill-in the blanks, each carries ½ mark. Descriptive type 2 questions to be answered out of questions 4 questions, each carries 5 marks. (60minutes) Assignment 5 marks for assignment. I unit Objective type questions (20minutes) MID EXAMINATION WISE BREAKUP OF TOPICS: I Mid UNIT I II III 3|Page TOPIC TORSION OF CIRCULAR SHAFTS: Theory of pure torsion- derivation of torsion equations: T q N - assumptions made in the theory of pure torsion - torsional J r L moment of resistance - polar section modulus - power transmitted by shaft - combined bending and torsion and end thrust - design of shafts according to theories of failure. SPRINGS: Introduction - types of springs - deflection of close and open coiled helical springs under axial pull and axial couple - springs in series and parallel - carriage or leaf springs. COLUMNS AND STRUTS: Introduction - Types of columns - Short, medium and long columns - Axially loaded compression members - Crushing load - Euler’s theorem for long columns - assumptions - derivation of Euler’s critical load formulae for various end conditions, Equivalent length of a column - slenderness ratio - Euler’s critical stress - Limitations of Euler’s theory - Rankine’s and Gordon formula - Long columns subjected to eccentric loading - Secant formula - Empirical formulae Straight line formula and Prof. Perry’s formula. BEAMS CURVED IN PLAN: Introduction - circular beams loaded uniformly and supported on symmetrically placed columns - semi-circular beam simply supported on three equally spaced supports.- maximum bending moment and stress due to transverse and lateral loading. BEAM COLUMNS: Laterally loaded struts - subjected to uniformly distributed and concentrated loads - maximum bending moment and stress due to transverse and II Mid III IV V Unit I Lecture Topics Planned to cover Learning Objectives Number Course Content Delivery --- Lecture Wise Break-up of Topics I SPELL 1-2 Torsion of circular shafts: Explain theory of pure torsion and Introduction, Explain theory of pure assumptions made in pure torsion. Derive torsion and assumptions made in pure torsion. Derive 3-4 5-6 7-8 9-10 11-13 II 14-15 16-17 4|Page lateral loading. DIRECT AND BENDING STRESSES: Stresses under the combined action of direct loading and bending moment, core of a section - determination of stresses in case of chimneys, retaining walls and dams - conditions for stability - stresses due to direct loading and bending moment about both the axes. UNSYMMETRICAL BENDING: Introduction - centroidal principle axes of sectiongraphical method for locating principle axes -moments of inertia referred to any set of rectangular axes -stresses in beams subjected to unsymmetrical bending -principle axes -resolution of bending moment into two rectangular axes through the centroid location of neutral axis-direction of beams under unsymmetrical bending. SHEAR CENTRE: Introduction, shear centre for symmetrical and unsymmetrical (I, T, L) sections. THIN CYLINDERS: Thin seamless cylindrical shells - derivation of formula for longitudinal and circumferential stresses - hoop, longitudinal and volumetrical strains changes in diameter and volume of thin cylinders - thin spherical shells. THICK CYLINDERS: Introduction - Lames theory for thick cylinders - derivation of Lames formulae - distribution of hoop and radial stresses across thickness - design of thick cylinders - compound cylinders - necessary difference of radii for shrinkage thick spherical shells. Define torsional moment of resistance and polar section modulus. Derive power transmitted by shafts and its efficiency Derivation of Principal stresses due to combined bending and torsion for shafts. Derive expression for strain energy stored in a body due to torsion Strength of shaft for varying sections, composite shafts and problems Springs: Introduction, types of springs. Derive expressions for stiffness and efficiency for springs connected in series and parallel and problems Derive the expressions for maximum shear stress induced in wire, expression for deflection of spring, expression for stiffness of springs. Brief explanation on leaf springs Columns & struts: Introduction, explain types of columns- long, medium and short. Brief explanation on axially compression members. Define crushing load. Explain Euler's theorem for long Define torsional moment of resistance and polar section modulus. Derive power transmitted by shafts Explain combined bending and torsion and end thrust Design of shafts according to theory of failures. Explain types of springs- Derive springs connected in series and parallel Derive deflection of closed and open coiled helical springs under axial pull and axial couple. Define leaf springs Explain types of columns, axially loaded compression members, crushing load Explain Euler's theorem for long columns Unit III IV 5|Page Lecture Topics Planned to cover Learning Objectives Number columns - assumptions, limitations, derivation of Euler's critical load for various end conditions. Define Euler's critical stress. 18-20 Explain briefly about equivalent Define Equivalent length of column, length of column and slenderness slenderness ratio. ratio. Calculate the critical load for Evaluate critical load for long columns long column using Rankine, Gordan subjected to eccentric loading Secant, Perry and straight line formula. 21-23 Introduction to beams curved in plan Derive stresses developed on Circular beams and Derive stresses developed on loaded uniformly and supported on Circular beams loaded uniformly and symmetrically placed columns supported on symmetrically placed columns and solve problems. 24-26 Derive stresses developed on a semiDerive stresses developed on a semi-circular circular beam simply supported on beam simply supported on three equally three equally spaced supports and spaced supports solve problems 27-29 Beam Columns: Introduction, explain Explain laterally loaded struts for different laterally loaded struts for UDL and loadings concentrated loads and solved Discuss maximum bending moment and problems. Discuss maximum bending stress moment and stress due to transverse and lateral loading. 30-31 Direct & Bending stress: Introduction, Define core of a section. discuss: core of a section, problems Discuss stresses under both bending and related to stresses under combined direct loading. action of direct loading and bending moment 32-34 Determine stresses in chimneys, Determine stresses in chimneys, retaining retaining walls and dams. Application walls and dams. - conditions for stability and solved Discuss conditions for stability problems 35-36 Explain stresses due to direct loading Explain stresses due to direct loading and and bending moment about both axes bending moment about both axes. and its application with solved problems. 37-39 Unsymmetrical bending: Introduction, Explain Centroidal Principle axes of section concept of principle axes of section. Explain graphical method for locating Discuss the graphical method for principle axes locating principle axes and solved problems 40-41 Explain moment of inertia referred to Explain moment of inertia for rectangular any set of rectangular axes, explain axes stresses in beams subjected to Explain stresses in beams subjected to unsymmetrical bending and problems unsymmetrical bending 42-44 Explain resolution of bending Explain resolution of bending moment moment, define principle axes, Define principle axes evaluate location of neutral axis for Evaluate location of neutral axis symmetrical and unsymmetrical sections 45-46 Explain deflection of beams under Explain deflection of beams unsymmetrical bending. Unit V VII. Lecture Topics Planned to cover Learning Objectives Number 47-49 Shear centre: Introduction, define Explain shear centre shear centre, shear centre for symmetrical and unsymmetrical (I,T,L) sections. 50-53 Thin cylinders: Introduction, explain Explain thin seamless cylindrical shells thin seamless cylindrical shells. Derive longitudinal and circumferential Derive longitudinal and stresses circumferential stresses and problems 54-57 Explain hoop, longitudinal and Explain hoop, longitudinal and volumetric volumetric strains - change in strains diameter and volume of thin cylinders. Discuss thin spherical shells Discuss thin spherical shells and problems 58-60 Thick cylinders: Introduction, explain Derive Lame's theory Lame's theory for thick cylinders. Derivation of Lame's formulae. 61-62 Explain distribution of hoop and radial Discuss distribution of hoop and radial stresses across thickness. Design of stresses thick cylinders using Lame's theory Design of thick cylinders 63-65 Brief explanation of compound Explain compound cylinders cylinders, necessary difference of radii Explain thick spherical shells for shrinkage. Explain thick spherical shells. UNIT WISE ASSIGNMENTS: Unit I, II, III III, IV, V Assignment No. Assignment Details 1 Unit 1: Design of circular shaft, deflection of closed coiled helical spring, leaf spring - Problems Unit 2: Axially loaded columns, long columns subjected to eccentric loading, circular beams loaded uniformly - Problems Unit 3: Maximum bending moment of laterally loaded struts subjected to UDL Textual questions and Problems 2 Unit 3: Stress under combined action of direct loading and bending moment, determination of stresses in dams and their stability - Problems Unit 4: Stresses and deflection in beams subjected to unsymmetrical bending, shear centre of unsymmetrical bending - Problems Unit 5: Determination of stresses, strains in thin cylinders, design of thick cylinders, compound cylinders - Textual questions and Problems Prepared By: K. Varsha Reddy, Assistant Professor HOD, CIVIL ENGINEERING 6|Page
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