Measuring Global Flow of Funds and Integrating Real and Financial Accounts:. Concepts, Data Sources and Approaches Nan Zhang (Stanford University) Discussant: Dennis Fixler (Bureau of Economic Analysis) IARIW-OECD Conference: βW(h)ither the SNA?β Paris, France April 16-17, 2015 Background π΅ = π β π + πΆπΆ β πΆπΆ (1) βͺ Where: ο§ ο§ ο§ ο§ ο§ B β‘ balance of payments X β‘ exports M β‘ imports CI β‘ capital inflow CO β‘ capital outflow 2 Background βͺ From national accounting have: πβπ =πβπΌ βͺ Where S β‘ national saving and I β‘ Investment, which implies: π΅ = π β πΌ + πΆπΆ β πΆπΆ (2) ο§ π β πΌ β‘ Domestic financial markets ο§ πΆπΆ β πΆπΆ β‘ International (ROW) financial markets 3 Background βͺ Using (2) consider two countries A and B ο§ π΅π΄ = ππ΄ β πΌπ΄ + πΆπΆπ΄ β πΆπΆπ΄ ο§ π΅π΅ = ππ΅ β πΌπ΅ + πΆπΆπ΅ β πΆπΆπ΅ βͺ Assuming π΅π΄ = π΅π΅ = 0 ο§ if for A; ππ΄ > πΌπ΄ then πΆπΆπ΄ < πΆπΆπ΄ ο§ then for B; ππ΅ > πΌπ΅ then πΆπΆπ΅ < πΆπΆπ΅ βͺ If π΅ β 0, then the deficits and surpluses bring about changes in reserve assets: currencies, gold and SDRs 4 Background βͺ This in essence is what is illustrated in Figure 1 βͺ The paper seeks to account for the flows between countries by: instrument; IIP functional category; and from whom-to-whom βͺ Underlying causes of flows; interest rate differentials, and exchange rate movements β both current levels and expected future levels and real changes such as technology 5 Accounting βͺ Aftermath of crisis of 2008: need for better understanding of cross-border vulnerabilities βͺ Extensive international effect: IMF, BIS, OECD to name a few βͺ Derivation of matrix accounting structures that incorporate SNA information and other financial information ο§ Data sources are discussed in section 4 of the paper ο§ The Balance sheet approach to Global Flow of Funds 6 Accounting ο§ Have non-financial assets + Financial assets + liabilities yielding net worth of economy ο§ Changes in non-financial assets can occur outside of balance flows - transaction and value changes has: ο§ Opening stock + (transactions + valuation adjustment + other changes in value) = Closing Stock 7 Accounting ο§ Focus is on how the data from ROW relates to the other institutional sectors through the type of instrument held by non-residents ο§ If General Gov. issues a liability then it is held as an asset by a nonresident ο§ But what of General Gov. liabilities held by residents? ο§ Should there be a set of rows for residents? ο§ Where are the Governmentβs assets or the assets for any of the other sectors? 8 Accounting ο§ Table 3 in the paper is fairly common from whom-to-whom matrix like the one from IMF 9 Accounting βͺ Since the focus is on international, information from Table 2 is used to generate Table 4 10 Accounting βͺ Note that the rows are now the categories from the international investment position βͺ Again, not clear what assets are βͺ Allocation of position across different countries βͺ Table does not show the from whom to whom relationships 11 Accounting βͺ Main point of paper is to introduce Table 5 12 Accounting βͺ Provides from whom-to-whom information βͺ Question: how to incorporate the financial instrument categories or IIP categories? βͺ Paper says that Table 5 could use financial instrument categories in SNA 2008 13 Accounting βͺ These are: ο§ Monetary Gold and SDRs; currency and deposits; Debt securities; Loans; Equity and investment fund shares; Insurance, pension and standardized guarantee schemes; Financial derivatives and employee stock options; and other accounts receivable and payable 14 Accounting βͺ These categories are similar to the ones used in Table 2 βͺ Next version of paper should have an example of Table 5 with the detail 15 Summary and Conclusions βͺ Given the attention directed toward financial flows, a framework integrating from whom to whom with financial instruments βͺ Comparing the suggested tables with those suggested by IMF and BIS would be informative 16
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