opening doors Fundraising and Events

Peter McVerry Trust
opening doors for homeless people
Inside this issue:
New look for PMVT
Annual Christmas Carol Concert
Note from Fr Peter McVerry S.J.
Housing with Support Service
Under 18s Services
My Story
Fundraising News
Winter 2012 Volume 7, Issue 2
Peter McVerry Trust’s new look!
Next year, the charity will mark its 30th anniversary and will
launch a series of events and activities to not only pay tribute to
Fr McVerry and his unwavering commitment to young homeless
people, but also to promote the charity to a wider audience,
which will be necessary to safeguard our services in the future.
At this important time of reflection for the organisation, we have decided to refresh our profile
to better express our mission. As a result, we are delighted to introduce you, our supporters, to
our revamped logo and website –
The designer of our new logo and website, Diarmuid Scollard, Creative Director at 20:20
Vision said, “I had heard a staff member of the organisation years ago mention where Fr Peter
McVerry lived and the fact that his door was always open for people to just walk in if they
needed help or just somewhere to stay. That really encapsulated to
me what PMVT was all about and the new logo tries to capture this
spirit of open doors.”
We hope you like our new look and that it will help us in our efforts to
continue helping to bring positive change to the lives of those using
our services.
Anne-Marie Connolly
Head of Fundraising & Communications
Annual Christmas Carol Concert
Sunday, 2nd December, 2012
We’re pleased to announce that Peter McVerry
Trust’s Carol Concert will take place on Sunday
2nd December, at 7.30pm, in the majestic setting
of St Patrick’s Cathedral, Dublin with an amazing
line up to get us all into the Christmas spirit!
We are delighted to see the return of Dublin Male Voice Choir after
their wonderful début performance at our concert last year.
New Dublin Voices, winners of the Culwick and McAuliffe Silver
Cup at Feis Ceoil 2012, will perform a mixture of excellent choral
music. No strangers around Dublin – we are honoured to have
Blanchardstown Brass Band, one of the oldest brass bands in
Ireland, raising the roof with their festive mix.
From traditional carols to contemporary pieces, there will be
something for everyone,
and, of course, a chance
to test your vocal chords
on some old favorites.
Come along for a night
full of festive cheer while
helping to support Peter
McVerry Trust’s work with
young homeless people.
RTE’s Mr Pat Kenny will host this popular evening and the audience
will have the opportunity to hear Fr Peter McVerry speak.
Tickets cost €25/€20 concession and are available by telephoning
the fundraising office on 01 8230776 or online through our website This is a very popular event so we advise you to
book your tickets early to avoid disappointment.
Peter McVerry Trust
Christmas cards on
sale now!
We have a fantastic selection of
cards to suit all. Please contact us
directly at 01 8230776 to place an
order or visit to
view and purchase our range of
cards online.
PMVT Services - Open Access, Streets to Home Service, Drug Stabilisation Service, Residential Drug Detoxification
Service, Supported Temporary Accommodation, Housing with Support Service and Under 18s’ Residential Services.
Note from Fr Peter McVerry S.J.
In 1979, I met a nine year
old boy sleeping on the
streets in Dublin. He was
the first child to come
into the hostel which
I opened and he still
remains in touch with
me on a regular basis.
From that small beginning,
there developed what is now
the Peter McVerry Trust, with
three homes for homeless
children, six hostels for young
homeless adults, three drug treatment
centres and about seventy apartments. Despite the difficult
economic circumstances, those homeless people who live with
Despite the difficult economic circumstances, those
homeless people who live with us continue to get a
friendly, professional and often life-changing service
us continue to get a friendly, professional and often life-changing
service, due to the commitment of our staff and management and
the support of so many friends and contributors. Unfortunately,
the waiting list to access our services continues to grow, which is
frustrating for us, and even more frustrating for them. More and more
people are becoming homeless, and less and less people are exiting
out of homelessness into private rented accommodation largely as
a result of cutbacks in state subsidies and fewer landlords willing
to accept the state subsidies. Along with our fellow organisations
working with homeless people, we continue to represent the issues
facing homeless people with the statutory authorities and to lobby
for improved services.
It is very early to wish all our readers and supporters a very happy
Christmas. But this is the last opportunity to do so this year.
Christmas is the most difficult time of the year for homeless people;
not only is it financially stressful, as it is for many others also, but it
is a painful reminder of the missing link in their lives of not having
family to return to and to celebrate with. It is a special time for
homeless services as we try to make Christmas as enjoyable as
possible in the circumstances.
I hope you all have a wonderful Christmas and we hope that we can
rely on your continued support in 2013.
Housing with Support Service
One of the most exciting new developments in Peter McVerry Trust has been our commitment
to the “Housing First” initiative which aims to move people into their own homes and beyond
This came about after strategic changes within the sector and
in PMVT to go beyond managing homeless services and, where
possible, eliminate the need for them. In essence, the “Housing
First” model works on the basis that the greatest need for
homeless people is, of course, a place to call home.
There has never been a greater availability of affordable housing
stock on the market, and this coincides with a period where we
have a growing number of homeless people who are in need
of support. Given the right support and access to their own
accommodation, many individuals could successfully move beyond
Peter McVerry Trust has
There has never been a greater availability of affordable
embraced this model and, in
addition to providing a large
housing stock on the market, and this coincides with a period
amount of beds for homeless
where we have a growing number of homeless people who are
children and adults as well as
in need of support.
a range of day services across
the four local authorities in
homelessness indefinitely. Peter McVerry Trust has the experience
Dublin, it has been steadily building up its housing stock to provide
and the drive to assist them to achieve this goal. Together, with
a range of independent living options to move people beyond
your support and our experience we could double the numbers
homelessness. Through a combination of private donations,
of housing units available in order to ensure that we can move as
fundraising initiatives, and government sponsored schemes
many people as possible beyond homelessness.
through local authorities the organisation has been able to expand
its stock of independent housing units for homeless persons to
I would like to take this opportunity to thank you for your
its current figure of 70. We are hoping to secure an additional 19
continued support.
housing units by the end of 2012, bringing our total to 89 housing
units with a view to continuing to work towards a target of 200
Pat Doyle
units by 2015.
Under 18s Services
Peter McVerry Trust runs three Under 18s Services across Dublin city. The oldest of
which has been running for over 30 years now. Each service operates under license
from the HSE and comes under the Childcare Inspection Service. These services are run
to the highest standard and subject to regular audits.
choices. Through continued support by Peter McVerry Trust
We provide support to a maximum of 17 young people across
Housing with Support Service, former residents are assisted in
these three services and all our referrals come from the HSE. The
making the full transition to independent living.
young people referred by the HSE are between 12 -18 years of age
and typically come to stay with us from 2 – 4 years. Peter
McVerry Trust tries to establish a home away from home
The services offer a highly individualised developmental
environment for these young people and typically aims to
programme that supports each young person’s progression
match the environment of any household with teenagers.
towards adulthood and endeavours to equip them with the
Prior to coming to live in Peter McVerry Trust, each young
necessary skills needed for positive self-care, independent
person is supported to assist their transition into their
living and social integration.
new living environment and to facilitate the building
of positive relationships with staff and other children
who are already resident. The services offer a highly
Peter McVerry Trust is hugely proud of its contribution to this
individualised developmental programme that supports each
young person’s progression towards adulthood and endeavours to work over the last 30 years. It has seen many young people
develop into adulthood and go on to make positive contributions
equip them with the necessary skills needed for positive self-care,
to society. Unfortunately it has also seen others who have
independent living and social integration.
struggled to make the change from home to care but thankfully
Each of the three services has an adjacent semi-independent
we have been in a position with your continued support to offer
unit to which young people can progress on turning 18 years of
them additional support in early adulthood to a suite of other
age so that they can continue to grow and develop and yet take
services Peter McVerry Trust provides.
increasing responsibility for their own development and lifestyle
Mark’s Story
I became homeless at sixteen years of age due to my drug use. I was linked in with
the under age out of hours service until I was eighteen years old. Then I moved into
adult accommodation which consisted of hostels.
I met Peter McVerry while in prison and he gave me the option to move into
accommodation run by Peter McVerry Trust. I stayed there for 2-3 yrs and
unfortunately ended up back in prison. While in prison I detoxed from drugs
and Peter got me into treatment. I then moved to PMVT’s aftercare house. From
there I went to independent living accommodation where I stayed for 18 months.
After this period, I moved into private rented accommodation. I stayed there for
a year but relapsed and remained in addiction for 10 months.
I decided to avail of methadone in order to stabilise my drug use. The private
rented accommodation broke down and I stayed with family for a while. I got
the chance to link with PMVT’s Housing with Support Service and moved in to
an apartment in the city. Things didn’t work out in the apartment so I moved in
to PMVT’s Supported Temporary Accommodation in order for me to stabilise
and gain independent living skills with the help and support of the staff there.
I was encouraged to find a day programme to help address my issues. I
am currently back living independently within the community and actively
involved in a day time course. I am able to manage living alone with the
new skills I have developed. I can look forward to the future now with secure
accommodation and a full time day programme.
I am currently back living independently within the
community and actively involved in a day time course. I
am able to manage living alone with the new skills I have
Fundraising and Events
Gala Ball
Saturday 3rd November
Our 6th Gala Ball, generously sponsored
by Clontarf Castle Hotel, will be hosted by
Miriam O’Callaghan, with comedian Barry
Murphy acting as auctioneer for the night.
Long Walk Home
Well done and thanks to all who took on
the momentous challenge of walking the
entire length of the Grand Canal from
Shannon Harbour to Dublin.
World Habitat Day Campaign
Trek Sahara
World Habitat Day was established by the
United Nations to highlight the basic right
to shelter for all. PMVT will be collecting at
various places of worship during October and
November. Money raised from the collections
helps us to support young homeless people to
move into their own homes.
Good luck to
our group of
trekkers on the
Sahara Desert
Trek – update
and photos can
be viewed on our
Facebook page.
Women’s Mini Marathon
Thanks to all those who took part and
congratulations to Margie Lynch - winner of
our beauty hamper, sponsored by Summerhill
News from our Supporters
Welcome Home
The annual Wexford Cycle took place
on Saturday, 22nd September, with
more than 350 people cycling the 136k
from Dublin to Wexford. More details
and photos can be found on www.
Challenge Events
Thanks to all those who have taken on a
challenge event during 2012 in aid of PMVT!
Photos and stories from all our events as well
as details about our exciting new events in
2013 can be found on our re-vamped website
- or on our Facebook page.
Calcutta Run
Over 900 participants
completed the annual 10k
through Dublin’s Phoenix
Park, organised by the legal
profession. A phenomenal
€65,000 was raised for PMVT! More details
can be found on
No mountain too high for Marc and
his dad!
Some of you may remember reading about 16 year old
Marc Blennerhassett and his father Tom in our last
newsletter, who were planning to scale Imja Tse at
6,189m! We’re delighted to update you that they achieved
their goal. Well done to both!
Christmas fundraising
Corporate Christmas Appeal - help us raise €100,000!
As the numbers of homeless increase, we are appealing to companies to consider donating
their Christmas card or gift budget to help people urgently in need of housing and support.
For further details please contact the Fundraising Office by telephone 01 8230776 or e-mail
Annual G.P.O. Collection
The annual carol singing event organised on our behalf takes place on Saturday, 1st December, at
the G.P.O. from 10am-2pm. Collectors, musicians and singers needed – please let us know if you
can help top the €4,500 raised in 2011!
Annual Belvedere College Sleep-Out
Please support the students of Belvedere who will be collecting in the city centre from 22nd24th December to raise much-needed funds for our homeless services.
Tax Reclaim
Thanks to all of you who returned tax reclaim forms to us, helping to raise an extra €30,000 for
PMVT in 2012. If you are a PAYE taxpayer we can reclaim the tax on your donations of €250 or
more, at no extra cost to you. Please contact the Fundraising Office to request a tax relief form
(CHY2) or to find out more.
Volunteers Needed!
Annual Collections - we
are holding a series of
collections around Dublin
between October and
December to raise muchneeded funds. If you can
spare a few hours to
help, please contact us
on 01 8230776 or email
On behalf of everyone at Peter McVerry Trust, we wish you all a happy and peaceful Christmas season.
Peter McVerry Trust, 29 Mountjoy Square, Dublin 1
T: 01 8230776 F: 01 8230778 E: W:
Place of registration Dublin, Ireland. Registration number: 98934.
Charity registration number: CHY 7256.
Process Version