XΑΡΤΟΓΡΑΦΙΚΗ ΕΠΙΣΤΗΜΟΝΙΚΗ ΕΤΑΙΡEΙΑ ΕΛΛΑΔΑΣ ΜΕΛΟΣ ΤΗΣ INTERNATIONAL CARTOGRAPHIC ASSOCIATION ΤΑΧ. ΘΥΡ. 1644 540 06 ΘΕΣΣΑΛΟΝΙΚΗ ΤΗΛ. 2107722730 / FAX 2107722734 http://xeee.topo.auth.gr email:lysandro@central.ntua.gr HELLENIC CARTOGRAPHIC SOCIETY MEMBER OF THE INTERNATIONAL CARTOGRAPHIC ASSOCIATION POB. 1644 GR 540 06 THESSALONIKI, GREECE ΤΗΛ. 2107722730 / FAX 2107722734 http://xeee.topo.auth.gr email:lysandro@central.ntua.gr Athens 09 March, 2015 Prof. László Zentai Secretary-General and Treasurer Department of Cartography and Geoinformatics Eötvös University H-1117 Budapest, Pázmány Péter sétány 1/A Hungary Dear Professor Zentai, In response to your letter of 3 September 2014 and with reference to the proposals that can be made to the 16th General Assembly of the International Cartographic Association, the Hellenic Cartographic Society would like to make a proposal concerning the continuation of the Commission on Digital Technologies in Cartographic Heritage and a nomination for its Chair and Vice-Chair. This Commission was established – initially as a working group - in 2005 during the 22th International Cartographic Conference held in La Coruña, Spain. The 14th ICA General Assembly, during the 23rd International Cartographic Conference held in Moscow, decided the establishment of the Commission on Digital Technologies in Cartographic Heritage for the period 2007-2011. Subsequently the 15th ICA General Assembly, held in Paris in 2011, decided the continuation of the Commission on Digital Technologies in Cartographic Heritage for a second period, 2011-2015. During this decade the Commission on Digital Technologies in Cartographic Heritage under the chairmanship of Prof. Evangelos Livieratos showed an outstanding activity through the organization of workshops and tutorials covering a number of topics on Cartographic Heritage. It must be pointed out that the participation in the Commission’s activities has been particularly high and this is a result of efficient organization and identification of attractive themes. The Commission except the annual reports on its activities to the ICA, publishes a scientific journal entitled e-Perimetron. It is an international peer reviewed quarterly e-journal on sciences and technologies affined to history of cartography and maps. Up to now nine volumes have been published covering a wide range of research subjects dealing with humanistic, artistic, scientific and technological issues related to map history and cartographic heritage at large. The 10th Jubilee Conference+Workshop on Digital Approaches to Cartographic Heritage will be held in Corfu, Greece, 27-29 May 2015 co-organised and hosted by the History Department of the Ionian Univesrity in cooperation with the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki Cartoheritage Group in association with the Commission Supporting Institutions and the partnership of the Maps & Geoinformation Curators Group- MAGIC Group. In the framework of this Conference, the meeting of the ICA Commission on Map Projections will also take place on 29 May 2015. Based on the above, the council of the Hellenic Cartographic Society decided unanimously to make the following proposals to the 16th General Assembly of the International Cartographic Association: a. The continuation of the Commission on Digital Technologies in Cartographic Heritage for the period 2015 – 2019. b. The change of the present name of the Commission to read: “Cartographic Heritage into Digital”. This has been proposed by the Chairman of the Commission and reflects the current trends in the respective scientific field. c. The nomination of Prof. Evangelos Livieratos as Chairman of the Commission for 2015-2019 and the nomination of Dr. Carme Montaner as Vice-Chair. Attached to this letter you may find a copy of Prof. Livieratos’ statement of acceptance along with his short Curriculum Vitae. Sincerely yours, Prof. Lysandros Tsoulos President Hellenic Cartographic Society From: livier@topo.auth.gr Sent: ÐÝìðôç, 5 Ìáñôßïõ 2015 7:51 ìì To: Lysandros Tsoulos Subject: Proposal for ICA Commission and nomination of chairperson Importance: High To the President of the Hellenic Cartographic Society Prof. Lysandros TSOULOS Dear President, Dear Lysandros, As you know and have personal idea on the issue, I am chairing for ten years now the ICA Commission on Digital Technologies in Cartographic Heritage with a certain, I suppose, success, thanks to the proposals and support constantly received from the Hellenic Cartographic Society. The outcome of the ten annual Commission's international Conferences organised since 2006 (Thessaloniki, Athens, Barcelona, Venice, Vienna, The Hague, Barcelona, Rome, Budapest, Corfu) and the synergies developed with other institutions are good examples of the Commission's work, which offered also support to the Hellenic Cartographic Society's National Conferences. A representative illustration of the Commission work and its impact is clearly shown in the relevant website xeee.web.auth.gr/ICA-Heritage as well as in the papers published in the Commission associated web journal "e-Perimetron" on sciences and technologies affined to history of cartography and maps (www.e-perimetron.org). In order to finalize the work in the domain of Cartographic Heritage on international level, I feel that I could offer my services in chairing for the period 2015-2019 of the Commission proposing a slightly different name, i.e.: ICA COMMISSION ON CARTOGRAPHIC HERITAGE INTO THE DIGITAL In this context, I would be glad if the Hellenic Cartographic Society agrees to propose this Commission under my guidance to the ICA for consideration and decision in the coming General Assembly to be held in Rio de Janeiro. Here it is a short CV and my personal website with more information of my work and activities: << Prof. Evangelos Livieratos graduated in Rural & Surveying Engineering (1970) from the National Technical University of Athens (Greece). He received his Doctoral degrees in 1974 from NTUA and in 1976 from the University of Uppsala (Sweden). Docent of NTUA in 1978. In 1979 we was elected full professor of the Chair of Higher Geodesy and Cartography at the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki. He worked in research and teaching at the Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory (USA), the University of Uppsala (Sweden), University of Trieste (Italy), University of Stuttgart (Germany), and as Visiting Prof. at the Technical University of Delft (Netherlands), University of Bologna and University IUAV of Venice (Italy). He was twice an Alexander von Humboldt Fellow (Germany) and served as WG Head in the International Association of Geodesy (IAG) and the International Cartographic Association (ICA). IAG Fellow in 1991 and since 2007 elected Chair of the ICA Commission on Digital Technologies in Cartographic Heritage with two mandates (Moscow 2007, Paris 2011). Founder of the Greek Cartographic Society (1993) and the National Centre for Maps and Cartographic Heritage (1997), now Archive of Cartographic Heritage by the State General Archives of Greece (2013). Bureau Member of the Higher Education and Research Committee of the Council of Europe (1998-2002). Since 2006 he is the founder and the coordinating editor of the international web journal “e-Perimetron” for sciences and technologies affined to history of cartography and maps. Minister of Environment, Energy and Climatic Change in the Government of Greece (2012-2013). Website: cartography.web.auth.gr/Livieratos >> Thanking you for your concern and for HCS's support, Evangelos Livieratos Professor of Higher Geodesy & Cartography School of Rural & Surveying Engineering Faculty of Engineering Aristotle University of Thessaloniki
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