May 3, - Immaculate Conception Parish

Announcements & Events
May Events
May 9th
K of C Plant & Shrub Sale (Campbell Hall)
May 11th
Heart of a Parish Community (Campbell Hall)
May 24th
Confirmation 11 am Mass
(Br. Pio will be with us on May 24th & 25th, celebrating
one of his first Masses.)
May 24th
Pentecost Children's Gathering (Victoria Park)
May 30th
Lobster Dinner (Campbell Hall)
Immaculate Conception Parish
P.O. Box 25050, 669 Prince Street, Truro, NS B2N 7B8
Tel: 893-7188 Fax: 895-7011
email: icc .truro@ns .s ym patic o.c a
Website: http: //w ww
Weekday Mass Times
Monday - 7:00 pm - Barbara Wytrykowski , †Russell Kennedy
Tuesday - 7:00 pm - †Lester & Mary Burke, †Holy Souls
12th Annual Used Book Sale for Youth: The Steubenville Pilgrims will host their annual Used Book Sale in
Campbell Hall on Friday, May 1st from 6:30-8:30pm and Saturday, May 2nd from 9am-1pm. Donations of used books
will be accepted on Thursday April 30th from 6-9pm. Please no encyclopedias or Reader's Digest books.
Wednesday - 7:00 pm - †Ambrose & Marguarite Leblanc
Ordination to the Priesthood of Deacon Br. Pio Libby, FoH - It is with great joy that The Franciscans of Halifax
invite you to the Ordination to Holy Priesthood for Deacon Br. Pio Libby by Most Reverend Anthony Mancini,
Archbishop of Halifax-Yarmouth Saturday, May 9, 2015 @ 11 am, St. Mary’s Cathedral- Basilica Halifax, N.S. Reception to Follow in Church Hall. There will be a bus going to Deacon Br. Pio’s Ordination, if you wish to travel by bus
contact Louise at the Office. (Email: or telephone 902-893-7188). The bus departs ICC at
9:00 am and will depart Halifax at 2:00 pm. Cost is approximately $20.00.
Friday - 8:00 am - †Madeline Hennigar
Canadian Catholic Organization for Development and Peace –You are invited to one of three 20-minute introductory workshops about Development & Peace after the 4 pm Mass on Sat., May 2nd or Sunday May 3rd after the 9am or
11 am Masses. Contact Tara Hurford or (902) 956-1400
Msgr. Martin Scholarship - The CWL's Annual Monsignor Martin Scholarship applications are now in the
schools, at the Guidance Counselor's Office. Applications are also available in the Church office. To be considered;
applications must be returned no later than May 15, 2015. Any female graduating grade 12 and continuing on with post
secondary studies may apply. Certain merit criteria apply. Candidates/applicants who demonstrate a high, or good
grade standing, who are active within the church, and/or have a financial need, or any combination of the three, will
merit a higher priority consideration. All or any of the three merit criteria will be used as a tool to determine who is
awarded the scholarship valued at $1000.00. For further information, interested persons may contact Anne White,
Chair of Education, and Health for Truro Council CWL @ 902-895-4630.
Knights Of Columbus Bursary - Attention High school Graduates or those attending 1st year University or
Community College beyond the secondary level! To apply for one or both awards which are in the amount of
$1,000.each. Bursary is offered by local council and is open to family members in good standing as well as family
members of deceased Knights. Deadline for applications May 15/15. Applications available at the Church Office or
from committee members (Ron Vautour 897-0785 or Gordon Weatherbee 893-2329)
Thursday - 7:00 pm - †Mose & Susan Fortune
Sacrament of Reconciliation
Tuesday - Thursday @ 6:30 pm
Anticipated Lord’s Day Masses, Saturday
4:00 pm Immaculate Conception, Truro
Our Sunday Gathering for Eucharist
9:00 am St. Michael’s, Brule
9:00 am Immaculate Conception, Truro
11:00 am Immaculate Conception, Truro
11:30 am Sacred Heart, Millbrook
Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament
Thursday from 9 am –1pm
Mass with Rosary & Litany to Mary
First Saturday of each month at 9 am
Heritage Bursary Applications are invited for the Immaculate Conception Heritage Bursary. The bursary is
open to male students who are practicing Catholics and who are entering first year university or college this fall 2015.
Submit your resume and the most recent copy of your High School Transcript to the parish office by May 31, 2015.
5th Sunday of Easter
4th Annual Joe Walsh Memorial Golf Tournament will be held on August 28th at the Mountain Golf Club. Join us
for a fun day of golf, a delicious Roast Beef Dinner and Prizes. Enter as a team or as an individual. For Registration
and Information go to our website:
May 3rd, 2015
Immaculate Conception Church
Baptism - Baptisms are celebrated on the last
Sunday of each month. To register your child or to find
out more contact Ext.5002
First Holy Communion - Follows the Sacrament of
Penance in Level 2 for children in Family Faith
Formation. To register your child go to our web-site.
Contact Deacon Br. Grant 902-893-7188 ext. 5003.
Confirmation - Is open to individuals who received
the sacraments of Baptism and Eucharist. This two year
preparation process follows the Confirmed in the Spirit
discipleship series. rel.ed.coordinator.icc
R.C.I.A. -If you are not baptized, and those who are
baptized as Christians in other Christian denominations
& would like to become Catholics contact Fr. Dariusz.,
Fr. Francesco ext.5002
Coordinator - Deacon Br. Grant ext.5003 or
Registrar - Contact Betty Chapman 902-895-4877
Level 4—6 - Gathering Sunday May 3rd @ 10 am
Library - Books, DVD’s & CD’s available in Campbell
Hall. Contact Erin MacPherson at:
Teen Choir - Practice Monday evenings 7:30 pm. Bring
your voices & instruments.
Altar Servers - Aidan Ballard will train new servers
after the 11 am Mass. Br. Grant after 9:00 am Mass.
Liturgy of the Word for Children - Sunday at the 9
am Mass. Children ages 3 and up gather to listen to
God's word in Our Lady’s Chapel. Contact Teresa
Mantin: 895-0305 or
Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion - Please
contact Jane Allen @ 902-843-0410 or email her @
Lectors - Lectors are currently required for the 9:00
am and 11:00 am Masses. Contact Zig Domaratzki at
902-843-2356 or
Sacred Heart Church (Millbrook)
St. Michael’s Church (Brule)
Tuesday Am Prayer Group - Tuesday’s @ 10:30. For
CWL - Something special on Mother’s Day, May 10,
information contact Mary Heukshorst 902-895-5530
2015. Our Lady of Good Council, the CWL is planning
a display of flowers for the Alter on Mother’s Day. For
$3.00 you can purchase a carnation – white in memory
of a deceased Mother and red for a living Mother.
Meditation Group - Meet each Wednesday morning at
10am in Our Lady’s Chapel. Contact Maria Miko @ 902895-3663.
Immaculate Conception Parish
P.O. Box 25050, 669 Prince Street,
Truro, NS B2N 7B8
Tel: 902-893-7188; Fax: 902-895-7011
Women’s Bible Study - Wednesdays in Kinsella 1.
Contact Nanette Crowell at 902-897-0059.
following the 7pm Mass In Kinsella 1 & 2.
information call Judy Ballard 902- 897-7007.
Knights of Columbus - Executive Meeting 1st
Oil of Gladness Prayer Group - Tuesday evening
For more
Men's Friday Morning Group - After Easter we gath-
Tuesday of the month. General Meeting: 3rd Tuesday
of the month. To become a member Contact Randy
St. Vincent De Paul - General meeting 2nd Wednes-
er again in the morning at 7:00am in Kinsella 2. Please
day of the Month at 7:30pm Kinsella room. Everyone
welcome. Contact Brenda Chisholm 902-897-0877
Pastoral Care Team - If you know of anyone who is
located on Robie Street has lots for parishioners contact the Superintendent’s Office at 902-893-3304.
sick at home or in the hospital, forward their information
to our Pastoral team coordinator: Mike MacMullin at or 902-895-1773.
CD & MP3 Download of the Month: Do you want to
enrich your own faith life? Join today and each month
you will receive an exciting talk by one of the great
Catholic speakers of our time. Go to this link:
The Youth Choir - Children ages 6+ practice Monday
evenings 6:00 - 6:45pm. Contact Beth or Chris Terry at
902-843-0989 or
Staff Directory
Fr. Dariusz Miskowicz: ext.5001
Fr. Francesco Pirisi: ext.5002
Br.Grant McLean; ext.5003
Immaculate Conception Cemetery - Our cemetery,
Guatemala Outreach - Please contact Lesley Payne
for information 902-895-1365 or
Administration Louise Cormier ext.5000
& Operations
Kane’s Kitchen - We serve a hot meal to those in
need each Wednesday at noon. For more information
Contact Kevin Mantin:
David Belben ext. 5008
Staff Office Hours
Parish Office: Monday - Thursday 8 am - 4pm
Closed Fridays & Noon - 1pm for lunch
MP3 Download from the Pastor
Fr. Dariusz:
By appointment
Monday & Tuesday
Sunday Coffee, Tea & Chat - Join us for our Sunday
socials in Campbell Hall from 10am - 11am. Come and
meet other parishioners.
Steubenville Atlantic 2015 - Registration: Contact
Betty Chapman @ 902- 895-4877 or Keith Gillis @ 902
Card Play (45's) - There will be no cards on April 3rd
(Easter Sunday). Cards will resume on April 11th.
Seniors Group - Meeting
in Campbell
Hall every
refreshments and
Contact Olga
The True Meaning of Easter
Archbishop Fulton J. Sheen was one of the bestknown and best-loved Catholic
orators of the twentieth century, reaching millions of Christians of all denominations.
here are his timeless reflections on the
Death, and Resurrection of
our Lord, combined with
Scripture and Gregorian Chant to create a powerful
presentation that is sure to become a family favorite. Please check your Flocknote from April 5th, click
on the link for your free download, from Fr. Dariusz.
Reflections from Diary of Saint Maria Faustina Kowalska
Meditation: Tell souls not to place within their own hearts
obstacles to My mercy, which so greatly wants to act
within them. My mercy works in all those hearts which
open their doors to it. Both the sinner and the righteous
person have need of My mercy. Conversion, as well as
perseverance, is a grace of My mercy (Diary, 1577).
My Prayer Response: Lord Jesus, help me to be more
present to Your presence in my heart. I pray for the grace
of Your mercy that I may persevere in keeping my heart
open to You. And I pray that the hardened hearts of
sinners may be softened for conversion, which is also a
grace of Your mercy.
*Diary passages in italics is Jesus speaking”