IPN – IWNEST LANGKAWI 2015 2015 IPN – IWNEST LANGKAWI LANGKAWI, MALAYSIA JUNE 5-6, 2015 IPN – IWNEST LANGKAWI 2015 Welcome to IPN-IWNEST 2015 Conferences Langkawi Dear Professor, Dr and distinguished delegates, Welcome to the IPN - IWNEST 2015 Conferences in Langkawi, Malaysia. On behalf of International Postgraduate Network (IPN.org) and IWNEST, I would like to thank all the Conference Chair, Program Chairs and the Technical Committees. Their high competence and professional advice enable us to prepare the high-quality program. For the participants, we hope all of you have a wonderful time at the conference and also in Langkawi, Malaysia. We believe that by this excellent conference, you can get more opportunity for further communication with researchers and practitioners. For the conferences of ICPRC, ICSM, ICOHS & ICLG than 50 submitted papers have been received and 40 papers have been accepted and published finally. In order to hold more professional and significant international conferences, your suggestions are warmly welcomed. And we are looking forward to meet you again next time. Best Regards, Thank you. Yours Sincerely, Datin MZ Zainab Director – Conference Management IPN.org Chairman, IPN – IWNEST 2015 Conferences, Langkawi IPN – IWNEST LANGKAWI 2015 Message from IWNEST President On behalf the IWNEST publications team, it is my privilege to welcome you to the IPN IWNEST 2015 Conferences Langkawi. IWNEST is an independent, non-political, nongovernmental organization of distinguished scientists dedicated to advancing science around the world. We aim to help scientists and researchers to publish their findings in our scientific journals and to promote and help to organize worldwide conferences. We believe that has no boundaries, regardless of the great distances between countries and continents. Thus IWNEST welcomes contributions from researchers from all concern irrespective to the race, colour, religion and nationality. Best Regards Prof. Dr. Abdel Rahman Mohammad Said Al Tawaha Founder President Honorary Advisor IPN – IWNEST 2015 Conferences, Langkawi IPN – IWNEST LANGKAWI 2015 About International Postgraduate Network (IPN.org) The International Postgraduate Network (IPN.org) is a non-profit international association dedicated to the promotion of international education and university cooperation in the field of Business, Art, Social Science, Management, Education, Science, Technology, Engineering and any other related field. Through the organization of different international events, it brings together institutions, bodies and organizations from different countries of the world for discussion and cooperation IPN.org Mission is to promote and enhance the dialogue in education among the institutions devoted to field mentioned above through: Promotion of best practice standards in the service of international education. The facilitation of relevant forums, training and information exchange. Creation and dissemination of knowledge; exert an influence in public policy. Production of publications used as a database document for research works, projects and innovation activities held on the international education field. IPN.org believes that this is best achieved through international cooperation and promotes the development of closer links among relevant institutions and individuals around the world.IPN.org supports that such international cooperation can help countries learn from each other and promotes the dissemination of scientific and engineering activities. IPN.org intends to achieve the mentioned objectives and get an international visibility by the organization of international conferences and by interacting with public and private organisms from all parts of the world. www.internationalpostgraduatenetwork.org www.ipnconference.org www.ipnmalaysia.org www.mpcn.org IPN – IWNEST LANGKAWI 2015 Announcement Australian Journal of Basic and applied Sciences (ISI /Thomson Reuters Journal) (ISSN 1991-8176) (abstract and indexing by ISI/Thomson Reuters, Ulrich periodicals, Ebscohost, Cabi International and DOAJ) or Advances in Environmental Biology (ISI/THOMSON REUTERS) (online issue ISSN 1995-0756) (abstract and indexing by ISI/Thomson Reuters, , Ulrich periodicals, Ebscohost, Cabi International and DOAJ) or Journal of Applied Science Research (online issue ISSN 1819-544X) Google Scholar, Ulrich Periodicals, EBSCO HOST, CSA, CAB Abstract, U.K., DOAJ, ISC or Research Journal of Social Sciences (online issue ISSN 1815-9125) (abstract and indexing by Google Scholar, Ulrich, EBSCO HOST, DOAJ One excellent presentation will be selected from each session and the author of excellent presentation will be awarded the certificate. IPN – IWNEST LANGKAWI 2015 Keynote Speakers Keynote Speaker 1: Dr. Syd Gilani Dubai Maritime Authority Biography: Dr. Syd Gilani is a recipient of the British High Commissioner’s Award. He holds a Ph.D. in Management from Edith Cowan University, Australia and an MBA in Corporate Planning & Advanced Financial Management from Bradford University, UK. He has extensive experiences in the areas of strategy development and implementation, having held roles as Chief Strategist and Director of Strategy in MNCs internationally. He has also been COO and Group CEO of several conglomerates, having experience in development, implementation and improvement of systems on a large and extremely profitable scale. Dr. Gilani drives corporate culture to ensure that strategy, performance and results are prioritised whilst implementing structures for governance, growth and performance management. He steers vision and mission, restructuring core systems and accomplishing quick and comprehensive turnarounds. He is skilled with takeovers, international ventures, alliances between corporations and governments, subsidiary management and new opportunity development. Dr. Gilani brings together strategic rationale with financial reasoning to ensure best policies. For the higher education sector, Dr. Gilani has developed the Bachelor of Applied Business Studies (BABS) in New Zealand, a degree accredited by the New Zealand Qualifications Authority and still in use to this day. He has also been the Deputy Dean of Business at the University of Dubai where he helped implement the AACSB accreditation program for the College of Business Administration. As Chair of Business at the American University in Dubai, he introduced and implemented the co-operative education program for business students, a first in the GCC. Known for his meticulous supervision of his Ph.D. students and inspiring experience-based MBA classes, Dr. Gilani has mentored several Emirati students who have gone on to become leaders in their respective fields while contributing to the corporate and government sectors across the GCC. Currently, Dr. Gilani is the Director of Strategy & Excellence at the Government of Dubai’s Maritime Authority. In this capacity, he has spearheaded the development and implementation of the Emirate of Dubai’s Maritime Sector Strategy 2011-2014. He was also responsible for development and implementation of the second chapter of this work which is the Maritime Sector Strategy 2015-2021. In 2014, he single-handedly visualized and created the Maritime Vision 2030 for the Emirate of Dubai. Within the same year, Dr. Gilani produced the Emirate’s first comprehensive Maritime Safety Policy and Strategy IPN – IWNEST LANGKAWI 2015 for its territorial waters. Under the patronage of H.H. Sheikh Hamdan Bin Mohammed Rashid Al Maktoum, the Crown Prince of the Emirate of Dubai, and under the supervision of The Dubai Executive Council, Dr. Gilani was part of the team that contributed to the development of the new Dubai Strategic Plan 2021. In tandem with Dubai World Central (DWC) and Dubai Airport Engineering Projects (DAEP), he is responsible for the development of the Emirates’ Logistics and Transportation Competitive Strategy to position Dubai internationally as the key shipping and logistical Super Gateway. Dr. Gilani also serves as board advisor and board member to companies in New Zealand, Australia, Singapore and the GCC. Abstract The Pre-Strategy Preparedness Check Developing a strategic plan takes discipline, foresight and a lot of honesty. Regardless of how well prepared, a strategic plan is bound to encounter challenges along the way. Even the best-laid of organisational strategies are rendered useless without proper implementation. This is far from straightforward as corporate strategy by nature is often conceptual and complex. Numerous researchers and authors cite reasons behind these strategy failures and categorize them into fundamental internal and external causes. A plethora of research has also provided guidance on rectifying these problems. However, there is a necessity to look beyond into an area in between Strategy Formulation and Strategy Implementation, which Dr. Syd Gilani terms the Pre-Strategy Preparedness Check. Dr. Gilani explains the importance of understanding the architectural configuration of the Pre-Strategy Preparedness Check, both in terms of its hard and soft elements and components, in order to help organizations prepare for better success in strategy achievement and implementation. Keywords: strategy failure, internal and external causes, strategy implementation, PreStrategy Preparedness Check, hard and soft elements IPN – IWNEST LANGKAWI 2015 Keynote Speaker 2: Dr. Razif Bin Muhammed Nordin Universiti Teknologi MARA Abstract Preparation and biodegradation characteristic of polyethylene Polyethylene’s are widely utilized in many applications, ranging from household items to engineering and advanced application. In fact they are part and parcel of our daily life, which can be easily attributed to several factors. Among those include versatility and large window of properties, ease of design and applications and development of materials and processing, to quote a few. This paper will attempt to discuss the pertinent issues, current and future, pertaining to biodegradability of polyethylene, based on a specific example. This is amid at illustrating on how to improve biodegradation of polyethylene without sacrifice the tensile properties. IPN – IWNEST LANGKAWI 2015 List of the Conference Committee IPN – IWNEST 2015 Conferences Langkawi, Honorary Advisor Prof. Dr. Abdel Rahman Mohammad Said Al-Tawaha (Ph.D McGill University) Founder President of Islamic World Network for Environmental Science and Technology Editor in Chief, Journal of Applied Science and Agriculture Editor in Chief, Australian Journal of Basic and Applied Sciences Al Talal Bin Hussein University, Jordan IPN – IWNEST 2015 Conferences Langkawi, Chairman Datin MZ Zainab IPN – IWNEST 2015 Conferences Langkawi, Academic Committee Conference Chair Prof. Dr. Abdel Rahman Mohammad Said Al-Tawaha (Ph.D McGill University) Technical Committee Dr. Ismail Khalaf Abbas, Iraq Dr. Sana A. Al-Khashab, Iraq Dr. Wafa'a Abdelrahman Abdulla Al Taisan, Saudi Arabia Dr. Samah Djeddi, Algeria Dr. Nada Fadhil Tawfiq, Iraq Dr. Ajay Verma .India Dr. Sarwoko Mangkoedihardjo, Indonesia Dr. Sharif Hossain, Saudi Arabia Dr. Babak Daneshvar Rouyendegh, Turkey Dr. Sunil Kumar, India Dr. Ezzeddine Ben Mohamed, Tunis Dr. Mahboub Sheikhalizadeh Heris, Iran Dr. Azimi Anaraki, Iran Dr. Cheevin Limsiri, Thailand Dr. Prayong Keeratiurai, Thailand Assistant Prof. Dr. Cheevin Limsiri, Thailand Dr. Sureeporn Nipithwittaya, Thailand Dr. Kamran Mohamadkhani, Iran Dr. Piotr Tryjanowski, Poland. Dr. Rafael Caballero, Spain. Dr. Ömür Baysal, Turkey. Dr. Aamir Nazir, Usa. Dr. Li, Feng-Rui,China. Dr. Zafer Olmez, Turkey. Dr. Yasir Hasan Siddique Fibr, India. Dr. S. Karthikeyan, India. Dr. Bragadeeswaran, India Dr. Sevil Toroglu, Turkey. Dr. Ezekiel Olatunji, Nigeria. Prof. Dr. Mohammed Rahmatullah, Bangladesh Prof. T.R.Mankhand, India Prof. Bhaskar Bhattacharya.India Prof. Dr. Kyung-Dong Lee, Korea Prof. P. Ramkumar M., India Prof. Dr. Abubakr Gomaa, Egypt Dr. Anuchit Uchaipichat, Thailand IPN – IWNEST LANGKAWI 2015 IPN – IWNEST 2015 Conference Langkawi, Organising Committee YKY Nurul Shaiful Rafie Wafiy Instruction for Oral Presentation Devices Provided by the Conference Organizer: Laptop (with MS-Office & Adobe Reader) Projector & Screen Laser Sticks Materials Provided by the Presenters: PowerPoint or PDF files Duration of each Presentation (Tentatively): Regular oral presentation: about 15 minutes (including Q&A) Keynote speech: about 40 minute (including Q&A) Notice: Please keep your belongings (laptop and camera etc) with you! During registration: Original Receipt Representative / Pass Card with lanyard Printed Program Participation Certificate (collected from Session Chair after the session) Conference Souvenir Conference Bag IPN – IWNEST LANGKAWI 2015 IPN – IWNEST 2015 Conferences Langkawi Conference Program June 5, 2015 Venue : Lobby Venue: Adya 5 June 6, 2015 0900 – 1200 Registration 0830 – 0840 Opening Remarks 0840 – 0910 Plenary Speech 1 IPN.org Dr. Syd Gilani Dubai Maritime Authority Dr. Razif Muhammed Nordin UiTM 0910 – 0940 Plenary Speech 2 0950 – 1020 Group Photo and Coffee Break Venue:Adya 5 1030 – 1230 Session 1 Venue: Adya 6 1030 - 1230 Session 2 Venue: Restaurant Jelapang 1245 – 1415 Lunch Venue: Adya 5 1430 – 1630 Session 3 Venue: Adya 6 1430 - 1630 Session 4 Venue: Adya 5 1630– 1700 Coffee Break Best Presenter/Best Paper Awards Ceremony Venue: Restaurant Jelapang 1930 - 2100 Dinner IPN – IWNEST LANGKAWI 2015 Session 1 Time: 1030 - 1230 Venue: Adya 5 Session Chair: Dr Ekwipoo Kalkornsurapranee No Paper ID 1 001-icprc Presenter Novel Rubber Hot Tear Test by Using Suction Cups Mechanism. An Investigation for Two Vulcanizates of Different Crosslink Densities Soh Tiak Chuan, Qumrul Ahsan, Noraiham Mohamad 2 004-icprc Universiti Teknikal Malaysia Literature Mapping of Electrical Discharge Machining (EDM) System Dana Dehghani, Azli Yahya, Norhalimah Idris, Muhammad Arif 3 011-icprc Universiti Teknologi Malaysia The Effect of Process Parameter for Graft Copolymerization of Sorbic Acid Onto Polypropylene Film by Full Factorial Experimental Design Nor Azwin Shukri, Zulkafli Ghazali, Nor Azillah Fatimah Othman, Mat Uzir Wahit 4 002-icprc Malaysian Nuclear Agency Development of PTFE-filled NR/NBR/CR Rubber Blend for Chemical Resistant Applications M.N Noorzalila, M. Buvearasan, R. Muhammad Izzuan 5 003-icprc Universiti Teknologi MARA Sound Absorption Properties of Epoxidized Natural Rubber Mahmud Iskandar Seth A Rahim, Mohamad Asri Ahmad 6 015-icprc Lembaga Getah Malaysia Functionalization of Gma-Grafted Banana Fibers With Ethylenediamne for Metal Ion Adsorption Selambakkannu, S., Othman, N.A.F., Mohamad, F. Bakar, K.A. and Saidi, H. Malaysian Nuclear Agency IPN – IWNEST LANGKAWI 2015 7 005-icprc Studying the Effects of Alkali Treatment on the Properties of Kenaf Fiber for Reinforced Concrete Elements Lam Tian Fook, Jamaludin Mohamad Yatim 8 009-icprc Universiti Teknologi Malaysia Particleboard from Para Rubber Wood bonded with Natural Rubber-gMethyl (methacrylate) Dr Ekwipoo Kalkornsurapranee, Wisut Kaewsakul, Phontipa Daengli, Padinya Aree, Sitisaiyidah Saiwari and Anoma Thitithammawong Prince of Songkla University, Songkhla IPN – IWNEST LANGKAWI 2015 Session 2 Time: 1030 - 1230 Venue: Adya 6 Session Chair: Dr Norma Alias No Paper ID 1 006-icprc Presenter Microorganism as plastic biodegradation agent towards sustainable environment W Naimatul Asiah W Muhamad, Rashidi Othman, Ruhul Izzati Shaharuddin, Mohd Shah Irani Hasni 2 012-icprc International Islamic University Malaysia Characterization of Spent Bleaching Earth After Thermal And Chemical Treatment Tuan Amran Tuan Abdullah, Safwanah Salleh, Mohd Johari Kamaruddin, Ramli Mat, Anwar Johari, Nor Azillah Fatimah Othman 3 013-icprc Malaysian Nuclear Agency Preparation of a Novel 1-Vinylimidazole/2-Hydroxyethyl Methacrylate Grafted Polyethylene Terephthalate/Kenaf Adsorbent via Radiationinduced Graft Copolymerization Nor Azillah Fatimah Othman, Wan Nur Shahida Wan Jusoh, Nor Azwin Shukri, Tuan Amran Tuan Abdullah 4 008-icprc Malaysian Nuclear Agency Some Studies On The Preparation And Characterization Of Natural Rubber Grafted Poly (Methyl Methacrylate), Polystyrene And Poly (Styrene-Co-Methyl Methacrylate) Wanida Yung-Aoon, Preeyaporn Khunmaung, Parichat Chaisongkram, Nitinart Seatung, Jobish Johns, Ekwipoo Kalkornsurapranee 5 019-icprc Prince of Songkla University, Songkhla Study The Effect of Milling Parameters on Surface Roughness During Milling Kenaf Fibre Reinforced Plastic Azmi bin Harun, Che Hassan bin Che Haron, Jaharah binti A. Ghani, Suhaily binti Mokhtar, Sia Ting Ting IPN – IWNEST LANGKAWI 2015 6 016-icprc Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia Silica filled Epoxidised Natural Rubber / cis 1,4-Polybutadiene Dr Mazlina Mustafa Kamal, 7 010-icprc Malaysian Rubber Board Nucleation and Compatibilization of Poly (butylene adipate-coterephthalate) and Polylactide Biodegradable Composite Films Dr Worasak Phetwarotai, Ekwipoo Kalkornsurapranee, PoonpailinJan homklai, TunsudaSuparanon, Neeranuch Phusunti 8 018-icprc Prince of Songkla University HPCL: Integrated Software for Parameter Characterization and Mechanical Properties of Rubber Nanocomposite Dr Norma Alias, Nadia Nofri Yeni Suhari Universiti Teknologi Malaysia IPN – IWNEST LANGKAWI 2015 Session 3 Time: 1430 - 1630 Venue: Adya 5 Session Chair: Dr. Kavitha Palaniappan No Paper ID Presenter 1 004-icohs Blood Cholinesterase Level and Cognitive Functioning among Primary School Children near Paddy Field in Tanjung Karang, Selangor Noor Aishah Hamzah, Zailina Hashim, Nurul Husna Miswon and David Baguma 2 005-icohs Universiti Putra Malaysia Blood Cholinesterase Level and Neurobehavioral Performance among Primary School Children at Tanjung Karang, Selangor, Malaysia Nur Naqibah Lokhman, Zailina Hashim, Vivien How, Raihanah Chokeli 3 007-icohs University Putra Malaysia Women Left Behind After Workplace Accidents: Legend of Human Pillar and Safety Campaign Ryoichi HORIGUCHI 4 008-icohs Kinki University The Construct Validity of Health and safety executive “HSE” Tools for Measuring a organizational Performance: Evidence from the aviation industry in Yemen Mohammed Alkhawlani, Prof. Dr. Zaini Abdullah 5 009-icohs Universiti Teknologi MARA Integration of Quality Management and Construction Accident Causation: Development of Accident Causation Theories. Noor Aisyah Asyikin Mahat, Faridah Ismail, Sharifah Nur Aina Syed Alwee 6 006-icohs Universiti Teknologi MARA Study of Performance of Thyroid Counter for Monitoring of Intake of Iodine-131 among Radiation Workers in Malaysia Norhayati Abdullah, Siti Sara Deraman, Saleha Safie, Mohd Syafiq Jawari, Raabiatun Adawiyah Mat Zin Malaysian Nuclear Agency IPN – IWNEST LANGKAWI 2015 7 012-icohs Theoretical Review of Safety Climate in Malaysian Construction Industry Syamsul Hendra Mahmud and Roslan Amirudin 8 013-icohs Universiti Teknologi Malaysia Knowledge Management in Human Error in Accident Prevention Ahmad Soyuti Hj Sabran 9 002-icohs SapuraKencana-TL Offshore Toxicity, Occupational Exposure Risks and Management Framework for Nanomaterials used in Singapore Kavitha Palaniappan University of Newcastle Singapore IPN – IWNEST LANGKAWI 2015 Session 4 Time: 1430 - 1630 Venue: Adya 6 Session Chair: Assoc. Prof. Dr. Abdul Talib Bin Bon No Paper ID 1 002-iclg Presenter Local population: A study in the influence of learning styles in computing field Sin-Ban Ho, Chuie-Hong Tan 2 002-icsm Multimedia University, Business Model Innovation beyond Resource Constraint Hui-Hua Ou yang , Hsiao-Yu Chang 3 003-icsm Chien Hsin University of Science and Technology From Vision to Strategy Achievement - A Strategic Leadership Case in Focus: HH Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum, Ruler of Dubai Dr. Syd Gilani, Berina E.O. Gilani 4 004-icsm Dubai Maritime Authority Measuring Framework for Information System Evaluation Lew Sook Ling 5 005-icsm Multimedia University Assessment Of Items Premeditated For Trust Philosophies Integrated Into Technology Adoption Solomon Oluyinka, Alina Shamsuddin, Eta Wahab 6 006-icsm University Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia Model of Customer Loyalty on Professional Services: Empirical Study on Independent Surveyor Service Industry In Indonesia Hannan S., Suharjo B, Kirbrando and Nurmalina R Bogor Agricultural University, Indonesia 7 007-icsm Determining Core Business for Aquaculture in Indramayu District - West Java Rostika, R. and R. Ahmad Universitas Padjadjaran IPN – IWNEST LANGKAWI 2015 8 008-icsm The Determinant Factors Of Technology Adoption For Improving Firm’s Performance; An Empirical Research Of Indonesia Electricity Company Zainal Arifin , Firmanzah , Avanti Fontana 9 010-icsm PLN Indonesia The Validation of Self Efficacy Instrument for Franchise Entrepreneur Fosa Sarassina, Nik Kamariah Nik Mat, Ruswiati Suryasaputra 10 009-icsm Universiti Utara Malaysia Mediating Role of Organization’s Continuous Commitment between Strategy Implementation and Organizational Performance in Libya’s Industrial Sector Ahmed Alghazali Mohammed Alghannai , Abdul Talib Bin Bon University Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia IPN – IWNEST LANGKAWI 2015 Conference Venue ADYA HOTEL LANGKAWI No 1 PT, 4001, Persiaran Mutiara 2 Mukim Kuah 07000 Langkawi Phone : +604-960 8000 Email : reservation@adyahotel.com Conference Secretariat Contact: International Postgraduate Network (IPN.org) 37B Jalan Pelabur 23/B, Seksyen 23 40300 Shah Alam Selangor Darul Ehsan Malaysia Phone No. : +6018-2189487 (call/sms/whatsapp) Tel no: +603-55486116 / +603-55455516 Fax: +603-55480616 Programme website: www.ipnconference.org www.internationalpostgraduatenetwork.org www.ipnmalaysia.org Contact Person: Mr Mohd Shaiful Shariffuldin IPN – IWNEST LANGKAWI 2015 Note IPN – IWNEST LANGKAWI 2015 Note IPN – IWNEST LANGKAWI 2015 List of Abstract No 1 Paper ID 001-icprcjasr Presenter Novel Rubber Hot Tear Test by Using Suction Cups Mechanism. An Investigation for Two Vulcanizates of Different Crosslink Densities Soh Tiak Chuan*1, Qumrul Ahsan2 , Noraiham Mohamad 3 Faculty of Manufacturing Engineering, Universiti Teknikal Malaysia, Melaka, Malaysia *Corresponding author: Soh Tiak Chuan, Faculty of Manufacturing Engineering, Universiti Teknikal Malaysia, Durian Tunggal, 76100 Melaka, Malaysia. Tel: +6016-3982071, Fax: +606-2634898, E-mail: sohtc@rubber-leisure-products.com 1,2,3 2 002-icprcjasa Abstract- A new test method to analyze the hot tear resistance of rubber vulcanizates comparable to the molding temperature of 165 0C was investigated. A mold consists of 18 suction cups in complicated shape was made. Quantities of fractured suction cups were analyzed after the suction cups were stripped off automatically from the heated mold through a special mold opening mechanism. Two industrial applied formulations at different levels of crosslink density were analyzed under this new test method. Hot tear test reveals the vulcanizate with lower crosslink density is lesser in the amount of fractured suction cups than the one with higher crosslink density with an improvement of 317.52 %. The advancement level is profoundly higher than the result of conventional trouser tear test conducted at ambient temperature with an improvement of just 10.00 %. Hot tear test exhibits better sensitivity to different levels of rubber crosslink density pertaining to the tear resistances of vulcanizates at high temperature. Statistical t-test and SEM micrographs analyses are consistence to the results of hot tear test. Keywords: Rubber Vulcanizate; Hot Tear Resistance; Crosslink Density; Trouser Tear Test. Development of PTFE-filled NR/NBR/CR Rubber Blend for Chemica l Resistant Applications M.N Noorzalila *1, M. Buvearasan 2, R. Muhammad Izzuan3 1 Faculty of Chemical Engineering, Universiti Teknologi MARA Pulau Pinang, 13500 Permatang Pau h, Pulau Pinang, Malaysia 2,3 Harvik Rubber Industries Sdn. Bhd, 1414 Lorong Perusahaan 4, (Off Jalan Perusahaan), Free Ind ustrial Zone (1), 1300 Prai, Pulau Pinang, Malaysia Abstract- Rubbers may come in contact with different types, combinations and concentration of chemicals and solvents which IPN – IWNEST LANGKAWI 2015 3 003-icprcjasa ultimately reduces its functionality and deteriorate over the time. The blends of natural rubber (NR), nitrile rubber (NBR) and chloroprene rubber (CR) have been designed for products being exposed with solvents. In this work, the NR/NBR and NR/CR/NBR have been blended with polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE) to enhance chemical resistance of the rubber blends. The rubber blends have been investigated for its characteristics such as rheological properties, mechanical analysis and immersions with respective solvents. The results showed that the incorporation of PTFE in rubber blends could enhance the tensile strength and hardness of the NR/NBR rubber, reduce the degree of swelling and decrease in its penetration rate and diffusion coefficient. This study showed that the PTFE-filled NR/NBR rubber have the potentiality to be used for application and products working in contact with chemicals or solvents. Sound Absorption Properties of Epoxidized Natural Rubber Mahmud Iskandar Seth A Rahim *1, Mohamad Asri Ahmad 2 1 High Value-Added Rubber Products and Nanostructured Materials, Technology and Engineering D ivision, Stesen Penyelidikan RRIM, Lembaga Getah Malaysia, 47000, Sungai Buloh, Selangor, Malay sia. 2 Industrial Technical and Advisory Services, Quality and Technical Services Division, Stesen Penyeli dikan RRIM, Lembaga Getah Malaysia, 47000, Sungai Buloh, Selangor, Malaysia. 4 004-icprcjasa Abstract- This study presents the process to develop a green rubber using Epoxidized Natural Rubber (ENR) with sound insulating properties that could compete with commercial rubber sound insulator. The aim of this paper is to evaluate performances of this green rubber material in order to assess the feasibility of use in sound insulation application. A two-microphone impedance tube was used to investigate the sound absorption properties of the rubber formulated. The data obtained show clearly that the ENR based sound insulation materials performance is promising that almost match to commercial rubber sound insulator. The data set obtained here could be a fundamental study with available sound insulation materials model to take the approach further and extended to other mechanical and thermal properties performances. Literature Mapping of Electrical Discharge Machining (EDM) System Dana Dehghani *1, Azli Yahya 2, Norhalimah Idris 3, Muhammad Arif 4 1 Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, 81310, Skudai, Johor, Malaysia of Biosciences and Medical Engineering, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, 81310, Skudai, Joh or, Malaysia 3Faculty of Management, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, 81310, Skudai, Johor, Malaysia 4Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, 81310, Skudai, Johor, Malaysia 2 Faculty Abstract- Electrical Discharge Machining (EDM) is a non-traditional machining process used for end pieces in application of aerospace, automotive industry and many manufacturing industries. The process IPN – IWNEST LANGKAWI 2015 5 005-icprcaeb removes the material from a workpiece by a series of frequent electrical discharges between the electrode tool and the work piece in a dielectric fluid environment. Due to the non-direct contact between the workpiece and the electrode during the machining process, mechanical stresses and chatter vibration issues are eliminated. This paper presents a review of EDM particularly in control system, Material Removal Rate (MRR) and power generator design and development. Studying the Effects of Alkali Treatment on the Properties of Kenaf Fiber for Reinforced Concrete Elements Lam Tian Fook 1, Jamaludin Mohamad Yatim 2 1 Department of Structure and Materials, Faculty of Civil Engineering, Universiti Teknologi Malaysi a, 81310 UTM Skudai, Malaysia. 2 Department of Structure and Materials, Faculty of Civil Engineering, Universiti Teknologi Malaysi a, 81310 UTM Skudai, Malaysia. Abstract- Kenaf fibers are coming into interest to use in reinforced concrete elements in recent years due to its attractive properties such as lightweight, non-abrasive, degradable, renewable and inexpensive. However, lack of good interfacial adhesion and high moisture absorption make the use of kenaf fiber reinforced concrete elements less attractive. Alkali treatment is one of the best used chemical treatment for natural fibers. It can clean the fiber surface, chemically modify the surface and increase the surface roughness. The purpose of this study is to do a fundamental study on the effects of kenaf fiber in different pH of NaOH. In this study, various alkali pH of NaOH were used and the effects on the color of fiber, weight loss and water absorption of treated kanef fibers were evaluated. From the study, It found that the color of kenaf fiber was significantly changed due to alkali treatment and become more and more yellowish whenever the pH of NaOH increased. Treated kenaf fibers were lighter than untreated fibers. The water absorption for fiber was also higher for treated kenaf fiber and the time to reach saturation level was reduced after alkaline treatment. 6 006-icprcaeb Microorganism as plastic biodegradation agent towards sustainabl e environment W Naimatul Asiah W Muhamad 1, Rashidi Othman *2, Ruhul Izzati Shah aruddin 3, Mohd Shah Irani Hasni 4 International Islamic University Malaysia (IIUM), Kulliyyah of Architecture and Environmental Des ign (KAED), International Islamic University Malaysia, Jalan Gombak, 53100 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia Abstract- The usage of plastic is critically in demand due to its character which can be shaped into almost any desired shape and its ability to retain that shape. Unfortunately, the wastage of those plastics leads to many environmental issues and hazards towards human health. Basically, plastics can degrade in the environment through four IPN – IWNEST LANGKAWI 2015 7 007-icprcjasr mechanisms which are photodegradation, thermooxidative, hydrolytic degradation and microbial degradation. Microbial degradation is subject to microorganism which acts as biodegradation agent. In this case, microorganism will secrete an active enzyme to break down long chain polymers. Microbial enzymes are attractive because the cost to grow and maintain them is less and they are easy to manipulate. Rhizopus delemar , Rhizophus arrizus and Pseudomonas sp. were among the most cited bacteria that have successfully degraded certain type of plastics. Whereas, fungal species of Aspergillus flavus and Penicillium funiculosum were recorded by scientist which react with certain plastic’s substrate. The objective of this paper is to review several species of microorganism that have been experimented by scientist and were claimed to have the capability to degrade plastic towards eco-friendly approaches in order to sustain our environment. In conclusion, microorganisms are very effective agent to fasten degradation process of plastics without causing any side effect like chemical or synthetic method does. The Effect of Epoxide Functionality on Basic and Compound Proper ties of In-House and Industrial Epoxidized Natural Rubbers Patompong Pummor and Wisut Kaewsakul* Department of Materials Science and Technology, Faculty of Science, Prince of Songkla University, Hat Yai Campus, Songkhla 90110 Thailand *Corresponding author: Kaewsakul W., Ph.D., Department of Materials Science, Faculty of Science, P rince of Songkla University, Songkhla 90110 Thailand. Tel.:+66-74288383, Fax:+66-74288395, Ema il: wisut.ka@psu.ac.th 8 008-icprcaeb Abstract- The intrinsic properties of the raw rubbers are an important factor which determines the overall properties of the compounds and end-use vulcanizate rubber products. The epoxidized natural rubber (ENR) is one of the most commonly used modified natural rubber materials in industry. Many research works have been carrying out on ENR-related subjects. But a very few of those has paid an attention on the difference between raw epoxidized natural rubbers produced from laboratory and from industry. In the present work, the ENRs from the two production sources were studied for their basic and compound properties. Based on the results, ENRs at the same level of epoxidation degree from both sources show the similar basic properties in terms of chemical structure, thermal dependence, specific gravity, and cure characteristics of compounds, except for their viscosity. The epoxide groups play a significant role on basic characters and compound properties of the epoxidized natural rubbers when compared to the unmodified natural rubbers. Keywords: Epoxidezed Natural Rubber, ENR, NR, Compound, Properties Some studies on the preparation and characterization of Natural rubber Grafted poly (methyl methacrylate), polystyrene and poly (styrene-co-methyl methacrylate) IPN – IWNEST LANGKAWI 2015 Wanida Yung-Aoon1, Preeyaporn Khunmaung1, Parichat Chaisongkram1, Nitinart Seatung1, Jobish Johns2, Ekwipoo Kalkornsurapranee1* 1 Department of Materials Science and Technology, Faculty of Science, Prince of Songkla University, Songkhla, Thailand. 2 Research & Development Center, Department of Physics, Rajarajeswari College of Engineering, Ba ngalore-74, India. 3 009-icprcaeb Abstract- Background: Natural rubber sensitive to heat, oxidation and poor oil and solvent resistance due to its unsaturated structure and hydrocarbon. Objective: To improve thermal and oil resistant properties of natural rubber by chemical modification. Results: Graft copolymerization of natural rubber with poly (methyl methacrylate), polystyrene and poly (styrene-co-methyl methacrylate) were successfully prepared by using emulsion polymerization. The chemical structures of grafted NRs were confirmed using Fourier-transform infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy and transmission electron microscopy (TEM) technique. The grafted NRs exhibited better heat and oil resistant properties than that of unmodified NR. Among the four different types of natural rubbers, NR-g-PMMA exhibited the highest oil resistance properties and NR-g-P(S-co-MMA) exhibited the highest thermal stability. Conclusion: A synergetic improvement in the properties of NR by grafting leads the resulting material can be used widely in industrial applications. Particleboard from Para Rubber Wood bonded with Natural Rubber-g-Methyl (methacrylate) Ekwipoo Kalkornsurapranee1, Wisut Kaewsakul1, Phontipa Daengli1, Pa dinya Aree2, Sitisaiyidah Saiwari2 and Anoma Thitithammawong2 1 Department of Materials Science and Technology, Faculty of Science, Prince of Songkla University, Songkhla, Thailand. 2Department of Rubber Technology and Polymer Science, Faculty of Science and Technology, Prince of Songkla University, Pattani Campus, Pattani, 10 010-icprc- Abstract- Background: Para rubber wood particleboard (PB) was prepared from NR-g-PMMA based adhesive using hot compression processes. The NR-g-PMMA was prepared in house by using emulsion polymerization. Different weight ratios of NR/MMA (90/10, 80/20 and 70/30) were used to prepare the adhesive. PBs from Para wood sawdust along with NR-g-PMMA based adhesive were successfully prepared. It was found that the properties (i.e., tensile strength, hardness, swelling and water absorption) of PB enhanced with increasing the MMA concentration of the graft copolymer. The graft copolymer with higher MMA concentration exhibited the greater ability to interact between the graft copolymer and wood particle surfaces. As a consequence, higher interaction between the carbonyl group on PMMA of the graft copolymer and the hydroxyl group on wood particles was observed. Nucleation and Compatibilization of Poly (butylene adipate-co- IPN – IWNEST LANGKAWI 2015 aeb terephthalate) and Polylactide Biodegradable Composite Films Worasak Phetwarotai *P1,3P, Ekwipoo KalkornsurapraneeP1P, PoonpailinJ anhomklaiP1P, TunsudaSuparanonP1P, Neeranuch Phusunti P 2P1P Department of Materials Science and Technology, Faculty of Science, Prince of Songkla Universi ty, Hatyai, Songkhla 90112, Thailand. P2P Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Science, Prince of Songkla University, Hatyai, Songkhla 901 12, Thailand. P3P Bioplastic Research Unit, Department of Materials Science and Technology, Faculty of Science, P rince of Songkla University, Hatyai, Songkhla 90112, Thailand. 11 011-icprcaeb Abstract- Poly(butylene adipate-co-terephthalate) (PBAT) and polylactide (PLA) biodegradable composite films were hot-melted via a twin screw extruder. The influences of PLA contents, nucleating agent types and compatibilizer levels on the tensile, thermal, physical, and morphological properties of the composite films were investigated. PLA contents were varied from 10 to 50 wt%. Nanoprecipitated calcium carbonate (NPCC) and talc were used as a nucleating agent at 2 phr. Whereas, toluenediphenyl diisocyanate (TDI) was used as a compatibilizer at different concentrations (1 to 9 wt% based on PLA contents) to enhance an interfacial adhesion between PBAT and PLA. The presence of PLA, nucleating agent, and compatibilizer had significant effect on mechanical strength, elongation, morphology, and thermal behaviors of the PBAT/PLA biodegradable composite films. The results showed that tensile strength of the composites was increased with increment of PLA contents; in contrast, elongation at break was substantially decreased due to phase separation of PBAT and PLA according to SEM results. In addition, thermal stability and crystallization of PBAT composite films were affected with the addition of PLA. However, a presence of nucleating agent and an appropriate level of TDI led to significant improvement of the tensile properties of the PBAT composites compared with the uncompatibilized ones. These effects are in agreement with morphological results. The effect of process parameter for graft copolymerization of sorbic acid onto polypropylene film by full factorial experimental design Nor Azwin Shukri Mat Uzir Wahit2 *1,2, Zulkafli Ghazali1, Nor Azillah Fatimah Othman1, 1 Radiation Processing Technology, Malaysian Nuclear Agency(Nuclear Malaysia), Bangi, 43000,K ajang, Selangor, Malaysia 2 1Center for Composites. Universiti Teknologi Malayia, 81310, UTM Johor Bahru, Johor, Malaysia Abstract- Background: This study aimed to identify the significant factor for the radiation-induced grafting of sorbic acid onto polypropylene film using full factorial design of experiment. The important parameters which effect percentage grafting yield (%GY) such as absorbed dose (A), monomer concentration (B), reaction IPN – IWNEST LANGKAWI 2015 12 012-icprcaeb temperature (C) and reaction time (D) were investigated. Full factorial design was applied and statistical analysis of the data was performed using Minitab 16. Factorial plot of normal probability, pareto chart, main effect and interaction effect were generated to determine significant and insignificant factors which influence the grafting yield Objective: To identify important statistical analysis variables for graft copolymerization of sorbic acid onto polypropylene film by a full factorial experimental design. Results: From the statistical analysis, B, A and C influenced the %GY significantly, while D have a negative effect on %GY. The interaction between BC, AB, AC and ABC was found to be the most influencing interaction. The obtained results will be a guide for subsequent optimization of the parameters of grafting sorbic acid onto polypropylene film. Conclusion: The results of this study proved that factorial design is a useful tool for the identification of the most important parameter affecting %GY and henceforth, provides a comprehensive understanding of the effect and the interaction effect of each process parameter. Characterization of Spent Bleaching Earth after thermal and chemical treatment Tuan Amran Tuan Abdullah1,2, Safwanah Salleh2, Mohd Johari Kamaruddin2, Ramli Mat2, Anwar Johari1,2, Nor Azillah Fatimah Othman3 Centre of Hydrogen Energy, Institute of Future Energy, UniversitiTeknologi Malaysia, 81310 Skudai, Johor, Malaysia 2 Department of Chemical Engineering, Faculty of Chemical Engineering, UniversitiTeknologi Malaysia, 81310 Skudai, Johor, Malaysia 3 Radiation Processing Technology Division,Malaysian Nuclear Agency (Nuclear Malaysia), 43000 Kajang, Selangor, Malaysia 1 13 013-icprcaeb Abstract- Regeneration of spent bleach earth (SBE) from the palm oil solid waste were studied by treatment with heat and treated with steam, acid and base. The spent bleaching earth was calcinated in open air at 600C for an hour before further activated by steam, 0.1M and 0.5M hydrochloric acid (HCl), and with 0.1M and 0.5M sodium hydroxide (NaOH). The physical and chemical properties of the treated sample were analyzed using BET-N2 surface area, X-ray Diffraction (XRD) and temperature programmed desorption carbon dioxide (TPD-CO2). The result indicated that the treated SBE with acid have higher surface area followed by the treatment with low concentration of base, steam and high concentration of base. All treated SBE with acid and base showed strong CO2 adsorption. Preparation of a Novel 1-Vinylimidazole/2-Hydroxyethyl Methacrylate Grafted Polyethylene Terephthalate/Kenaf Adsorbent via Radiation-induced Graft Copolymerization Nor Azillah Fatimah Othmana,b*, Wan Nur Shahida Wan Jusohb, Nor Azwin Shukrib, Tuan Amran Tuan Abdullaha IPN – IWNEST LANGKAWI 2015 a Centre of Hydrogen Energy, Institute of Future Energy, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, 81310 UTM Johor Bahru, Johor, Malaysia b Radiation Processing Technology Division, Malaysian Nuclear Agency, Bangi 43000 Kajang Selangor, Malaysia 14 015-icprcaeb Abstract- 1-Vinylimidazole (VIM) / 2-Hydroxyethyl methacrylate (HEMA) were synthesized using radical-initiated copolymerization using benzoyl peroxide as an initiator in toluene at 60°C for 5 hours. Composition of copolymer for different monomers feed were determined quantitatively by Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR) through characteristic absorption bands (660 cm-1 for VIM and 1729cm-1 for HEMA). The pre-synthesized copolymer was anchored onto polyethylene terephthalate (PET)/kenaf surface by hydroxyl groups linker via radiation-induced grafting. Objectives: To develop a novel and simple way to prepare functionalized adsorbent where thin layer of polymer can be directly transferred to the substrate, and therefore reduces chemical waste and save time. Results: Ratio 50:50 was found to be the best monomer feed ratio and 20kGy of absorbed radiation dose produced the highest percentage of grafting (%) with the average of 20.1%. Conclusion: A novel yet simple radiation-induced grafting-to method was demonstrated to prepare thin polymeric layer on PET/kenaf substrate using thermal annealing. The results have proven that the combination of radiation and thermal annealing can be used to graft polymers. FUNCTIONALIZATION OF GMA-GRAFTED BANANA FIBERS WITH ETHYLENEDIAMNE FOR METAL ION ADSORPTION Selambakkannu, S*1., Othman, N.A.F1., Mohamad, F1. Bakar, K.A1. and Saidi, H2. Malaysian Nuclear Agency, Radiation Processing Technology, Bangi, 43000,Kajang, Selangor, Malaysia 2 Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, Jalan Semarak, 54100, Kuala Lumpur, Selangor, Malaysia. 1 15 016-icprcjasr Abstract- Background: Banana fiber been grafted with glycidyl methacrylate (gma) were functionalized with ethylenediamine (eda) in order to develop an efficient metal adsorbent. Objective: Functionalization of gma-grafted fibers was carried out with eda as for the preparation of amine type fibrous adsorbent and few process parameters had been analyzed. Metal ion removal capacity of the functionalized fibers been analyzed too. Results: The gma-grafted fibers were able to generate functionalized fibers with amine density of 2.00mmol/g-ad at 50% eda concentration for 1.5hours. Conclusion: Functionalization of gma-grafted fibers with eda was effectively carried out in this study. Silica filled Epoxidised Natural Rubber / cis 1,4-Polybutadiene Mazlina Mustafa Kamal1, 1 Malaysian Rubber Board, Technology Centre, RRIM Research Station Sg. Buloh, 47000 Selangor, IPN – IWNEST LANGKAWI 2015 Malaysia mazlina@lgm.gov.my Corresponding author:, E-mail: mazlinalgm.gov.my 16 017-icprcaeb Abstract- The blending of two or more polymers by physical or chemical means may improve a variety of physical and chemical properties of the constituent polymers. ENR/BR blends were prepared by using three different sequences. Results demonstrated that the dynamic and viscosity properties were sequence dependant. The peak value of tan δ at the glass transition temperature (Tg) in the plot of tan versus temperature in the ENR/BR blend is influenced by the mixing sequence applied Evaluation of Bertam Fiber Composite Hood Subjected to Pedestrian Crash Test M.H. Norhidayah Najmuddin4 *1, A. Hambali 2, Y. Mohd Yuhazri 3, W.S.W.A. Faculty of Manufacturing Engineering, Universiti Teknikal Malaysia Melaka, Durian Tunggal, 76100 Melaka, Malaysia. 4 International College of Automotive (ICAM),Mechanical Department, Faculty of Engineering, DRB-HICOM Pekan Automotive Complex, Lot 1449, PT 2204 Peramu Jaya Industrial Area,26607 Pekan, Pahang Darul Makmur, Malaysia. 1,2,3, 17 018-icprcaeb Abstract- Background: The safety aspects were being hot issues in globalization era. One of the issues is safety of pedestrian when crashing with vehicles. Many regulations were introduced and meets the safety of pedestrian. Objective: The aim of this study is to analyze the effect of Bertam fiber composite on pedestrian head injury criteria(HIC) in crash simulation and then compared the result with existing material of carhood. Results: the outer carhood which used Bertam fiber composite has the lower value of HIC than existing material. Conclusion: the Bertam composite fiber material is better than existing material HPCL: Integrated Software for Parameter Characterization and Mechanical Properties of Rubber Nanocomposite Norma Alias*1, Nadia Nofri Yeni Suhari 2 Center for Sustainable Nanomaterials (CSNano), Ibnu Sina Institute for Scientific and Industrial Research, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, 81310 Skudai, Malaysia. 2 Department of Mathematical Science, Faculty of Science, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, 81310 Skudai, Malaysia. 1 Abstract- This paper presents the integrated scientific software called High Performance Computing Library (HPCL) as a breakthrough strategy for predicting, visualizing and observing some parameter characteristics and mechanical properties of rubber nanocomposite for advance polymer processing. The function and use of HPCL excessively to manage a big data set and organized the computational library related to mechanical parameters of composite material searchable through a user-friendly web-based system. This software will involve IPN – IWNEST LANGKAWI 2015 18 019-icprcaeb some mathematical modeling, numerical simulations and high performance computing technology to improve the accuracy of prediction, quality of resolution and performance measurements. The parameter characterization of rubber nanocomposite will focus on heat flow, rubber elasticity, stress and stiffness, density and pressure distribution, stress-displacement relation, phase change condition, cooling and heating processes, solid-liquid interface, time step and dimensional of the targeted area. The implementations of parallel algorithms for investigating the parameter changes involving Partial Differential Equation (PDE) are based on large sparse parabolic and elliptic-Poisson types. PDE models are efficiently used to govern the complex dynamic systems for rubber nanocomposite processing. The discretization technique to obtain a large sparse linear system of equations of PDE is based on Finite Difference Method (FDM). A set of mathematical modeling are the computational engine for HPCL visualization. The HPCL software supports high performance computing of numerical simulation library and repository on distributed parallel computing system (DPCS) using multiple computers communicating over the local area network. The contribution of modeling and simulation involve the algorithm provider, organizing process by scientific librarian and application by user. The sequences and parallel programs are supported by Parallel Virtual Machine (PVM) and C language on DPCS based on Linux operating system. The performance measurement will be investigated by run time, accuracy, convergence, errors, speedup, efficiency and effectiveness. As a conclusion, the integrated of HPCL software will be an alternative software system to speed up the large sparse computational complexity and optimize the visualization quality for predicting, visualizing and observing some parameter characteristics of the unique combination of rubber composite to save resources, time consuming and space allocation during the injection molding process, melt-molding process, assemble process of rubber nanocomposite material and manufacturing the assembled product. The validation of mathematical modeling and simulation of HPCL is compared to the real data set from Malaysia Rubber Board (LGM). Study the effect of milling parameters on surface roughness during milling kenaf fibre reinforced plastic Azmi bin Harun, Che Hassan bin Che Haron, Jaharah binti A. Ghani, Suhaily binti Mokhtar, Sia Ting Ting 1School of Manufacturing Engineering, Universiti Malaysia Perlis, 02600 Arau, Perlis, Malaysia of Mechanic and Material Engineering, Faculty Of Engineering, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia, 43600 UKM, Bangi, Selangor, Malaysia 2Deparment Abstract- Background: Natural fibre is a hairy like raw material which comes from natural sources such as animal, plant and mineral fibres. Kenaf fibre is one of natural fibres which becoming popular as a reinforced for plastic composite material in the industrial application IPN – IWNEST LANGKAWI 2015 19 020-icprcjasr such as aircraft, automotive, sporting goods, and marine engineering. The objectives of this research are to study the effect of milling parameters on the surface roughness in milling kenaf fibre reinforced plastic composite using Taguchi Method. Later the optimization is carried out to determine the optimum condition for the range of milling parameters under investigation in order to minimize the surface roughness (Ra). In this study, Taguchi Method L8 (23) design is used to conduct a non-sequential experiment. The milling parameters were cutting speed in the range of (V): 500rpm – 1000rpm, feed rate (F): 200mm/mim – 1200mm/mim, and depth of cut (DOC): 1.00mm – 2.00mm. The experimental results were analysed using the Minitab 16 software. It was found that, the optimum parameters for the minimum surface roughness were the cutting speed at 1000 rpm, feed rate at 200mm/min and the depth of cut 1.0 mm. The feed rate and the cutting speed are the main factors that influence the effect of surface roughness in milling kenaf fibre reinforced composite. High cutting speed and low feed rate resulted and low surface roughness for milling kenaf fibre reinforced composite. Influence of Pre-Treatment on the Physico-Chemical Properties of Acacia nilotica fiber- Epoxy resin Composites A.A. Salisu1, K.M. Aujara*2, M.Y. Yakasai3 1Department of Pure and Industrial Chemistry, Bayero University, Kano, Nigeria of Science Laboratory Technology, Jigawa State Polytechnic, Nigeria(kabiraujara@yahoo.com) 3Department of Science, Saadatu Rimi College of Education, Kano, Nigeria. 2Department Dutse, Abstract- Acacia nilotica fibers were chemically modified by treatment with NaOH, Benzoyl chloride and phenyltriethoxysilane. The treated and un-treated fibers were characterized using Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM) and Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FT– IR). The surface chemistry of the fibers was altered as a result of the chemical modification as depicted by FT–IR studies. This chemical treatment was also found to alter the characteristic of the fiber surface topography as seen by the SEM. Composites were prepared with treated and untreated fibers and epoxy resin by hand-lay-up technique. The water absorption, thickness swelling, chemical resistance and density of the treated and untreated fiber composites were evaluated. The water absorption and thickness swelling decreases significantly with chemical treatments and the minimum value recorded was on saline treated fiber composites. Also density measurement showed a decrease in value when the fibers are subjected to treatments. No 1 Paper ID 002-icohs ICOHS 2015 Toxicity, Occupational Exposure Risks and Framework for Nanomaterials used in Singapore Kavitha Palaniappan *1 Management IPN – IWNEST LANGKAWI 2015 1 University of Newcastle Singapore, Division of Environmental and Occupational Health and Safety, Faculty of Health and Medicine, Singapore. 3 004-icohs Abstract- Nanotechnology plays a key role in the technological revolution of this century. Singapore outranks the world as an investment destination and advancements in the field of nanotechnology is becoming a significant contributor to its growth. Currently there are a handful of companies and research organizations that are involved in the development, manufacturing and commercialization of nanomaterial products and applications in Singapore. However, very little research focuses on the toxicological aspects and occupational exposure of the nanomaterials that are being used. Moreover, the toxicological aspects that are studied mainly include in vitro testing, animal studies and cellular toxicities. It is important to note that in vitro studies may not take into account the translocation, toxico-kinetics and coordinated tissue responses towards the nanoparticles that are most likely to happen in vivo. Human exposure to nanomaterials and their effects are yet to be looked at and with the alarming differences in toxicity of nanomaterials compared to their non-nano counterparts, this angle of research comes as a necessity in the current scenario. This paper provides a summary of the toxicities of the nanomaterials that are being used in Singapore, namely, nanotitanium dioxide, nano-silver, nano-carbon, nano-cerium oxide, nanocalcium carbonate, nano-zinc oxide and nano-silicon carbide followed by a theoretical framework to determine the occupational exposure risks to nanomaterials in Singapore and possible management practices that could be employed to overcome this adverse situation. Blood Cholinesterase Level and Cognitive Functioning among Primary School Children near Paddy Field in Tanjung Karang, Selangor Noor Aishah Hamzah *1, Zailina Hashim 1, Nurul Husna Miswon1 and David Baguma1 Department of Environmental and Occupational Health, Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences, Universiti Putra Malaysia, 43400, UPM Serdang, Selangor Darul Ehsan, Malaysia 1, Abstract- Background: Paddy is the third most widely planted crop in Malaysia after oil palm and rubber. The use of pesticides lead to increase in yields by protecting the plantation from any pest and unwanted plants. The extensive use of insecticide, may affect the human health especially from occupational and environmental exposures. Children are a vulnerable group to exposures of insecticides because of lessdeveloped metabolism and the on-going maturation of their organ systems. Blood cholinesterase activity is the most effective biomarkers to measure the level of exposure for various pesticides. Objective: The purpose of this study is to determine the relationship between blood cholinesterase levels with cognitive function of selected primary IPN – IWNEST LANGKAWI 2015 4 005-icohs schoolchildren. Results: Highest percentage of schoolchildren had normal (52.7%) exposure. About 92.9% reported watery eyes as signs and symptoms of pesticide exposure. Most of the school children school children were in the average scores (44.6%) of cognitive function test. All scales in the McCarthy Scale Cognitive Abilities (MSCA) showed significant correlation with blood cholinesterase levels (p<0.05). Conclusion: There were significant relationship between blood cholinesterase levels with cognitive function in all the MSCA scales. No school children was reported with mentally retarded cognitive function. Finally, gender, mother’s education and blood cholinesterase showed significant relationship with memory and motor scales in the MSCA. Blood Cholinesterase Level and Neurobehavioral Performance among Primary School Children at Tanjung Karang, Selangor, Malaysia Nur Naqibah Lokhman *1, Zailina Hashim 1, Vivien How 1, Raihanah Chokeli1. 1University Putra Malaysia, Department of Occupational and Environmental Health, Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences, 43400, Serdang Selangor, Malaysia. 5 006-icohs Abstract- Background: Organophosphate pesticide with the main role is to kill pest are numerously used in agricultural activity. However, organophosphate also found to cause harm on human well-being as it might have possibility to render neurobehavioral performance after prolonged exposure. Numerous research done on adult workers found organophosphate to cause significant problem but yet lack study on children living in agricultural area. Objective: This study is aim was to determine the cholinesterase level and the relationship with neurobehavioral performance. Results: Result showed a significant difference of blood cholinesterase levels between the exposed and unexposed group (χ2 = 39.822, p=<0.001). The total score of NCTB test showed that the exposed group (351.08) score was significantly lower than the score of unexposed group (365.93).Time reaction test shows significant difference between exposed and unexposed group. There is also significant relationship between blood cholinesterase level and Pursuit Aiming Test (p <0.001). Housing area (p = 0.017), total household income (p=0.011), father’s occupation (p = 0.012) and mother’s occupation (p = 0.001) were found to have influenced on the blood cholinesterase level. Conclusion: Blood cholinesterase level significantly influenced the Pursuit Aiming Test score which reflected on the impairment of motor steadiness. Study of Performance of Thyroid Counter for Monitoring of Intake of Iodine-131 among Radiation Workers in Malaysia Norhayati Abdullah *1, Siti Sara Deraman 1, Saleha Safie 2, Mohd Syafiq Jawari 3, Raabiatun Adawiyah Mat Zin 4 1 Medical Physics Group, Radiation Safety and Health Division, Malaysian Nuclear Agency, Bangi IPN – IWNEST LANGKAWI 2015 43000 Kajang. Selangor. Malaysia. 2 Faculty of Science, University of Technology Malaysia (UTM), 81310 Skudai. Johor. Malaysia. 3 School of Ocean Engineering, Universiti Malaysia Terengganu, 21030 Kuala Terengganu. Terengganu. Malaysia. 4 Ecole des Mines de Nantes, Universite de Caen, Caen Cedex, France. 6 007-icohs Abstract- Background: Routine assessment of internal contamination for potential exposed radiation workers is essential to be carried to ensure dose received by the workers are adhered the annual dose limits of 20 mSv as stated in the AELB’s Basic Safety Radiation Protection (BSRP) 2010. In the Medical Physics Group, Nuclear Malaysia, the intake of 131I radionuclide by the workers could be monitored using a Captus 3000 Thyroid Counter System. In order to ensure the consistency and reliability of measurements, this thyroid counter system is calibrated and maintained using two types of gamma emitter radionuclides; 137Cs and 152Eu. A weekly check on the system performances including energy calibration, constancy and chi-square tests are performed. In addition, checks on minimum detectable activities (MDA) and efficiencies detection for several radionuclides are also carried out. Objective: The objectives of this paper are: (i) To assess the performance of thyroid counter includes energy calibration, constancy and precision tests; (ii) To investigate the effect of neck-collimator distance on efficiency detection of 131I; (iii) To determine the MDA of 131I at various neckcollimator distances; and (iv) To study the fluctuation of background radiation in the Nuclear Medicine Standard Laboratory. Results: The results of energy calibration, constancy and precision tests of the thyroid counter are complied with the IAEA’s tolerance limits. We found that the efficiency detection is inversely proportional with neckcollimator distance. The MDAs of 131I at 0-7 cm neck-collimator distances for 300 s were determined to be within 320.42 Bq to 547.12 Bq. Conclusion: As a conclusion, the Captus 3000 Thyroid Counter System now is fully operational and could be used for routine internal monitoring of exposed personnel. Women Left Behind After Workplace Accidents: Legend of Human Pillar and Safety Campaign Ryoichi HORIGUCHI *1 Professor of history at Kinki University, Faculty of Law, 3-4-1 Kowakae, Higashi Osaka City 5778502, Japan. 1 Abstract- This article discusses, from a historical point of view, two cases of workplace accidents, that is, a history of Nagara bridge and a history of safety campaigns, which happened in Japan respectively in the Middle Ages and in the 1910s in making a comparison with one another and reveals that unexpected accidents generated sorrowful memories among those who were beside accident victims and the memories embedded in their minds transformed their sorrows into a legend of human pillar on one hand and safety campaigns on the other hand by focusing on a close relation between memory and history on the basis of IPN – IWNEST LANGKAWI 2015 7 008-icohs a concept coined by French historian Pierre Nora, lieux de mémoire. The first case that we examine here belongs to a well-known legend of a victim who was widely supposed to sacrifice himself as a human pillar when constructing a bridge. We argue that it is not a human pillar but an 'occupational' accident that caused his death, based on a more convincing explanation of the event given by Japanese folklorist Itsuo Wakao who acutely appoints out that the victim was not killed as a human pillar but in an accident. We share his view in this point. In the second case, we consider nationwide safety campaigns that Toshibumi Gamo organised and conducted in the 1910s in order to show that a worker’s death promoted him to launch safety campaigns at work. Each case has a twofold aspect that is common to both of the cases that we discuss in this paper: a structural similarity and a duality of victims. The former refers to a relation between memory and history in Nora’s sense of the terms, showing that a sorrowful memory associated with a human pillar embedded in a legend dedicated to the victim or with a worker’s death symbolised in a green cross of the safety flag is a main source to promote today’s safety awareness, whereas a history of each case about the Nagara bridge or safety campaigns has its own way to illustrate what really happened in the eyes of everyone but does not belong to no one. In such a relation between memory and hisotry, we are always invited to “the eternal present” of the event that happened in the past in the sense that memory is always living not in the midst of history but in their memory. The latter means that victims are not always those who were killed by workplace accidents. In fact, a worker’s death has an extraordinary impact upon his family not only in the daily life but also in their own mind. Therefore, we should not overlook that it is often women, daughter or wife more or less with her babies or young children, who were left behind after occupational accidents had unexpectedly happened. Safety awareness aims to save primarily accident victims and secondarily victims’ families. To keep workers safe is, once upon a time or even now, to keep family smile. The Construct Validity of Health and safety executive “HSE” Tools for Measuring a organizational Performance: Evidence from the aviation industry in Yemen Mohammed Alkhawlani*1, Prof. Dr. Zaini Abdullah2 1 Department of Business Management, UiTM University, Shah Alam, Malaysia Abstract- This study attempts to study the psychometric properties of the Health safety and executive “HSE” construct validity, which used as a performance indicator for the organizational performance. This tool integrates seven factors- demand, control, managers’ support, peer support, relationship, role and change using English version of the instrument developed by the HSE. The HSE construction validity tested and analyzed using AMOS structural equation model version 18. The results found support for the fact that HSE construct factor can be IPN – IWNEST LANGKAWI 2015 8 009-icohs measured by the seven theorized factors. The findings also showed an acceptable internal consistency reliability of the overall and the seven specific subclasses of HSE factor. Based on the results, it can be concluded that the HSE model measurement tool can be a useful and appropriate tool in as an indicator of the organizational performance construct. Integration of Quality Management and Construction Accident Causation: Development of Accident Causation Theories. Noor Aisyah Asyikin Mahat*1 , Faridah Ismail2, Sharifah Nur Aina Syed Alwee 3 Universiti Teknologi MARA, School of Studies Quantity Surveying, Faculty of Architecture, Planning & Surveying, 40450, Shah Alam, MALAYSIA 1 ,2,3 11 012-icohs Abstract- Background: Managing safety in construction projects requires strategic management in preventing and controlling accident from occur. Many researchers have sought to understand why accidents happen and a lot of sophisticated systemic accident causation theories have been developed and proven successful in managing safety. Insuring safe and quality construction is an utmost concern of in construction industry. This paper represents the preliminary findings of fragmentary research carried out in Malaysian construction environment. The study focuses on the development of Accident Causation Theories that suit with Malaysian Construction environment, hence identifying the relationship of quality management in accident causation. Objective: The objective of this study is to identify the integration of quality management that influence to the development of Accident Causation Theories. Results: The findings highlight factors contributing to accident and the crucial attributes of quality management in ensuring safety in construction environment. The result can be used as a platform for the future research in developing Accident Causation Theories. Conclusion. The shift in emphasis on the role of the management, and considered the causes of accidents are provoked among others factors such environment, humans and job factors as well as work place conditions. The influence of management are demand to be addressed to reduce the causes of an accident. Although the safety improvement are implemented on the construction site (safety working environment, safety guidelines and safety program); the crucial area is to targets are the working organization, especially for the employees to understand and take the responsibility to ensure the presence of the hazard can tremendously evade on site. Theoretical Review of Safety Climate in Malaysian Construction Industry Syamsul Hendra Mahmud1 and Roslan Amirudin2 1, Lecturer, 2, Faculty of Built Environment, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, 81310 Skudai, Johor Associate Professor, Faculty of Built Environment, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, 81310 Skudai, IPN – IWNEST LANGKAWI 2015 Johor Abstract- In order to survive in the competitive environment, it is critical for the construction company to maintain their good performance in term of health and safety. Since the industry that has a reputation due to the high rates of incidents, injuries and fatalities, the management team needs to begin by giving attention to health and safety management approach that integrate between safety systems and people. An improvement to safety will only be achieved if all project stakeholders recognised the need to change their belief, attitude, commitment and behaviour to create a good safety culture. This paper presents an extensive literature review to highlight the need for establishing a positive safety climate towards better construction safety. Construction safety managers need to adapt more holistic strategies which focus on not only improving physical working environment and employees’ safety knowledge, but also on shaping employees’ beliefs and attitude which lead to safe behaviour and ultimately healthy safety culture. No 1 Paper ID 002-iclg ICLG 2015 Local population: A study in the influence of learning styles in computing field Sin-Ban Ho *1, Chuie-Hong Tan 2 Faculty of Computing and Informatics, Multimedia University, Jalan Multimedia, 63100 Cyberjaya, Selangor Darul Ehsan, Malaysia. 2 Faculty of Management, Multimedia University, Jalan Multimedia, 63100 Cyberjaya, Selangor Darul Ehsan, Malaysia. 1 Abstract- Background: Learners have preferences about how they like to learn. Existing literature suggests that understanding learning style of local population is helpful providing them an effective learning experience. Objective: The main objective for this paper is to determine the learning styles preferences of computing learners. Results: Local learners are more towards visual learning style, with the most significant difference from international learners. Local learners prefer reflective, while international learners prefer active. Both the local and international learners opt for sensing and sequential learning styles. Conclusion: A range of teaching ways and learning exercises should be provided in computing education in order to match the local variety of learning styles. No Paper ID 1 002-icsmajbas ICSM 2015 Business Model Innovation beyond Resource Constraint Hui-Hua Ou yang *1, Hsiao-Yu Chang IPN – IWNEST LANGKAWI 2015 1 Department of Interventional Radiology, Baskent University School Of Medicine, Ankara, Turkey *Corresponding author: Hui-Hua Ou yang, Department of Business Administration, Chien Hsin University of Science and Technology, Jung-Li, Taiwan, R.O.C. Tel: +886-34581196, Fax: +88632503909, E-mail: oyhh@uch.edu.tw 2 003-icsmajbas Abstract - The business model is prevalent in recent studies, but not well defined and knew. Most preview studies tried to explain business model by value creation and value capturing. In practical, business models innovations are for fitting their environment changing. This study interprets the bricolage concept for building a new business model beyond resource constraint environment. The methodology is case study by a small, young business. Their new business models were frequently created to fit their environment. The findings are that “at hand” and “making do” which are important for new business model as resource constrain. Resource exchange and rearrangement are the ways to create new business models. The resources exchange would concern both inside and outside. From Vision to Strategy Achievement - A Strategic Leadership Case in Focus: HH Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum, Ruler of Dubai Dr. Syd Gilani1, Berina E.O. Gilani2 Director of Strategy & Excellence, Dubai Maritime Authority, Government of Dubai, United Arab Emirates 2 Independent Consultant, Dubai, United Arab Emirates 1 Abstract - Strategy development and execution of strategies are two key areas where leaders cannot simply delegate responsibility. Just like an organization, a State can only make things happen, drive change, and deliver strategic objectives if a leader’s heart and soul are immersed in the State. Whilst vision is also about action, in order to make strategy happen from a strategic leadership point-of-view, vision requires an understanding of what exactly a leader, who is in charge of execution, does. This study aims at exploring and analyzing the impact of leadership towards an organization or a State’s performance. In specific, the study aims at identifying the common base component factors of leadership attributes or characteristics, which may have linkages and might have contributed towards the achievement of the performance success of organizations and States. The study focuses on an exemplary strategic leader of our time: His Highness Sheikh Mohammed Bin Rashid Al Maktoum, U.A.E. Vice President, Prime Minister and Ruler of Dubai. The study also explores and confirms how His Highness Sheikh Mohammed has driven the achievement of Dubai’s success to this day and how he has managed to make Dubai become internationally known for its competitiveness in achieving its strategic programs and initiatives performance through three key leadership attributes or characteristics: Vision, Determination and Engagement, or the VDE Factor. IPN – IWNEST LANGKAWI 2015 3 004-icsmajbas Measuring Framework for Information System Evaluation Lew Sook Ling *1 Lecturer, Multimedia University, Faculty of Information Science and Technology, Jalan Ayer Keroh Lama, 75450 Bukit Beruang, Melaka, Malaysia. 1 4 005-icsmajbas Abstract - Background: Information Systems (ISs) have been developed to assist human to create, store, share and utilise information across businesses for quick and accurate data and information for wise decision making. However, from a big pool of existing ISs, selecting the best IS as business solution for an organisation is based on personal judgments that are usually from very subjective personal feeling. Clear criteria for measuring IS performance is hence critically importance especially for some low budget organisations such as small and medium enterprises (SMEs). Objective: This study aims to propose a new measuring model to evaluate information system (IS) performance. Different types of IS were empirically tested using the developed six domains as criteria of measurement. Results: Six domains such as “System Quality”, “Information Quality”, “Service Quality”, “System Use”, “User Satisfaction” and “Net Benefits” were confirmed to be the measurement criteria. Six ISs such as “Executive Support System” (ESS), “Management Information System” (MIS), “Decision Support System” (DSS), “Knowledge Work System” (KWS), “Office System” (OS) and “Transaction Processing System” (TPS) were adopted as the six types of ISs for SMEs. Conclusion: This study proposes a research model that is important for SME to improve IS performance. Apart from contributing to the literature of IS, this study would assist in developing appropriate criteria to adopt IS for domestic companies. This research is one of the limited studies in Asia and Malaysia that examines how to evaluate IS to improve organisational performance in Malaysian SMEs. Assessment of items premeditated for trust philosophies integrated into technology adoption Solomon Oluyinka1, Alina Shamsuddin2, Eta Wahab3 University Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia, Faculty of Technology Management and Business, Department of Management and Technology, 86400 Batu Pahat, Johor, Malaysia 1,2,3 Abstract - This study scrutinized well-groomed related technology adoption theories and synthesis related models on trust to provide more complete set precursors that can better explain the intention to adopt internet banking. In consequence, this study focused on examining reliability and validity of the proposed instruments. Quantitative approach through a survey method was utilized with total number of 147 usable questionnaires obtained from Nigerian postgraduate students at University Technology Malaysia and University Tun Onn Malaysia. The Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) and IPN – IWNEST LANGKAWI 2015 5 006-icsmajbas Analysis of Movement (AMOS) was used to analyze the data. Based on the result obtained in the study, the overall results strongly confirm the reliability and validity of the instruments. Model of Customer Loyalty on Professional Services: Empirical Study on Independent Surveyor Service Industry In Indonesia Hannan S.1, Suharjo B.1, Kirbrando1 and Nurmalina R.1. 1Graduate 6 007-icsmajbas School of Management and Business, Bogor Agricultural University, Indonesia Abstract- The advanced development of global economic competition in accordance with the ongoing openness of domestic markets, one of which is independent surveyor service, in Indonesia has been evident by the growing amount of foreign independent surveyor service providers opening their business in the country’s market. It is inevitable for the local independent surveyor service companies, in order to survive in the free of competition, to adapt the ideal competition strategies. Based on the mentioned background, this research, therefore, aims to provide a model of consumer loyalty for the professional purposes of independent surveyor service in relation to activities of examining coal export in Indonesia by adopting the relationship marketing concept as the approach. Data are collected through handing out questionnaires for 51 exporting companies and coal traders represented by 93 respondents selected by their professional levels that include management and official working directly with the independent surveyor service providers. The collected data are analyzed using the Structural Equation Model (SEM). The results from the analysis show that customer satisfaction is a crucial factor to strengthen the relationship between the independent surveyor service providers and their clients. However, other factors are not less important in building consumer loyalty; these include switching barrier, relationship bond, trust and information sharing by each own’s level of contribution. In addition, customer satisfaction is found to be influenced by perceived quality, perceived value and customer expectation. Customer perceived quality is achieved by having reliability, assurance, responsiveness and empathy with different contribution respectively. The managerial implication of this research is thus to offer competition strategies for the independent surveyor service providers. The suggestions consist of the willingness to maintain their interaction with the customers by integrating factors that help strengthening the relationship mainly through the provided integrated service with aspects of legal, knowledge, technology and systems to facilitate the communication. Furthermore, it is important for the providers to pay attention to their customers’ time by furnishing their business with reliability, assurance and value of money as the center. Determining Core Business for Aquaculture in Indramayu District West Java IPN – IWNEST LANGKAWI 2015 Rostika, R. and R. Ahmad 1 1 Universitas Padjadjaran, Aquaculture Department, Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Science, Jalan Raya Jatinangor km 20, Kabupaten Sumedang-West Java-Indonesia 7 008-icsmajbas Abstract - This research aims to identify problems and indicators as the foreground for arranging development pattern for aquaculture business, to recommend direction and target for regional government’s policies in anticipating the development of aquaculture business as a potential that needs integrated management, and also to recommend possible core business to be expanded. Data are collected from general condition in the location, spatial utilization pattern (land/waters), human population, intraregional and interregional movement of goods and services, identification of aquacultural core business potentials, market identification and analysis, intraregional and interregional local market, investment opportunities, sociocultural condition including institutional, business pattern, consumption, income per capita, transportation system, number and distribution of facilities and infrastructures, as well as internal aquacultural facilities. The methods used for data collecting include surveys and interviews related to the core business planning for aquaculture in Indramayu. The data are then analyzed using Space Factor application intended to map business optimalization by identifying the condition, position, or problems in business (strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, threats) to formulate the next strategies. SWOT Analysis is used as the tool and results in catfish farming places in IFAS point (3.01) and EFAS (3.03) while vannamei shrimp farming places in IFAS (3.43) and EFAS (2.80) indicating that those farmings may be potentials in overcoming weaknesses and obstacles in the future. Core business strategy planning is composed using matrix space. Though vulnerable to various threats, aquaculture businesses still have strengths in internal scope. The suggested strategy for this is to use strength in using long-term opportunities by implementing diversification (for products or markets). Vannamei shrimp farming falls into this category. It is also suggested for the business to minimize company’s internal problems in order to seize better marketing opportunities. Catfish farming falls into this category. The determinant factors of technology adoption for improving firm’s performance; an empirical research of Indonesia Electricity Company Zainal Arifin *1, Firmanzah 2, Avanti Fontana 3 1 PLN Indonesia, Division of Strategic Procurement Planning, Engineering and Technology, Jakarta 12160 Indonesia 2 Universitas Indonesia, Department of Management, Faculty of Economic and Business, Depok 16424, Indonesia 3 Universitas Indonesia, Department of Management, Faculty of Economic and Business, Depok 16424, Indonesia IPN – IWNEST LANGKAWI 2015 8 009-icsmajbas Abstract - Although many technology adoption theories have been formulated there is still lacking any studies that show a correlation between the particular models in relation to firm’s performance in dynamic circumstances. This study proposed technology adoption as a functional competence/capability which mediate relationship between dynamic capabilities with firm’s performance. The four determinant factors has been identified are externalities, entrepreneurial leadership, resources readiness, and absorptive capability. There is positively significance relation among them in firm level. The study found that without dynamic capability for managing the resource, technology adoption will be less effective. Consequently manager should provide some supporting “hardware” content such as externalities, resources and leadership, and should improve firm’s “software” ability such as absorptive capability in order to achieve a successful technology adoption in their organization. Mediating Role of Organization’s Continuous Commitment between Strategy Implementation and Organizational Performance in Libya’s Industrial Sector Ahmed Alghazali Mohammed Alghannai *1, Abdul Talib Bin Bon 2 1 Faculty of Technology Management, University Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia Abstract - Background: Libya is offering a unique place for the study of strategic management because it is still a developing nation. The problem exists on the issue and challenges faced by industrial companies operating in Libya where business practices remain severely underdeveloped. However, due to lack of the right strategy management practices, industries can achieve only 50% of the total production capacity in Libya. This suggests further investigation for the advancement of the industrial sector in Libya. Objective: This research aims to establish and verify the hypothesized relationship between strategy implementation and organizational success and the mediating role of organization’s continuous commitment in Libya’s industrial sectors. Results: A self-administered questionnaire was used to collect data from the 223 respondents through disproportionate stratified random sampling of employees working at the different industries in Libya. Structural equation modeling (SEM) was used to test the hypotheses. The results indicate that organization’s continuous commitment fully mediates the relationship between strategy implementation and organizational success in the Libyan industry context. Conclusion: For proper implementation of strategic moves for Libyan industrial sector needs to confirm the proper practices and support from the senior managers towards implementation. This means significant amount of resources will need to be allocated for education and training. The vision of improving the Libyan industrial sector can be fully realized only if all the related professional bodies take the full responsibility and work together to attain this goal. IPN – IWNEST LANGKAWI 2015 9 010-icsmajbas The Validation Entrepreneur of Self Efficacy Instrument for Franchise Fosa Sarassina1, Nik Kamariah Nik Mat2, Ruswiati Suryasaputra3 1Othman Yeop Abdullah Graduate School of Business, Universiti Utara Malaysia, Sintok, 06010, Malaysia (PhD.Candidate) 2,3 Othman Yeop Abdullah Graduate School of Business, Universiti Utara Malaysia, Sintok, 06010, Malaysia (Professor) Abstract - Background: This study intends to validate a construct of entrepreneurship self-efficacy on entrepreneurial start up phase franchising context in Indonesia. Results: Via factor analysis using principle component with varimax rotation, initially extracted a-two factor solution. After measures of sampling adequacy (MSA) deletion, a single factor consisting of 8-item self- efficacy scale was established with reliability alpha of 0.87. The final CFA analysis establishes a 9-item self-efficacy scale with reliability alpha of 0.84 and composite reliability of 0.91. The CFA model reaches its satisfactory model fit at p-value= 0.187, GFI= 0.929 and RMSEA=0.052 CONCLUSION: This study validated the self efficacy instrument through the analysis using Exploratory Factor Analysis in SPSS and Confirmatory Factor Analysis. Although the resulting underlying factors are quite similar, the CFA could be more accurate since it tested for goodness of fit indices.
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