Volume 2 Number 7 21 February 2014 Pages 1167–1348 Journal of Materials Chemistry C Materials for optical and electronic devices www.rsc.org/MaterialsC Themed issue: Flexible Electronics ISSN 2050-7526 PAPER Ming-Qiang Zhu, Guozhen Shen et al. High performance rigid and flexible visible-light photodetectors based on aligned X(In, Ga)P nanowire arrays Journal of Materials Chemistry C View Article Online Published on 30 August 2013. Downloaded by Institute of Semiconductors, CAS on 17/03/2015 06:36:07. PAPER View Journal | View Issue Cite this: J. Mater. Chem. C, 2014, 2, 1270 High performance rigid and flexible visible-light photodetectors based on aligned X(In, Ga)P nanowire arrays† Gui Chen,ab Bo Liang,ab Zhe Liu,ab Gang Yu,a Xuming Xie,ab Tao Luo,ab Zhong Xie,a Di Chen,a Ming-Qiang Zhu*a and Guozhen Shen*b InP and GaP nanowires (NWs) were synthesized via a simple thermal evaporation method for applications as high performance visible-light photodetectors. Individual InP NW field-effect transistors (FETs) were fabricated to study their electronic transport and photoresponse characteristics, which exhibited typical n-type transistor characteristics with an efficient electron mobility of 1.21 cm2 V1 s1, a fast response time (0.1 s) and good sensitivity with a spectral responsivity of 779.14 A W1 and a high quantum efficiency of 1.53 105% to visible light irradiation. Using the contact printing process, large scale aligned InP NW arrays were assembled on both rigid SiO2/Si and flexible PET substrates. Both rigid and flexible InP NW array based photodetectors demonstrated excellent photoresponse performance, especially a faster response, for example, from 0.1 s to 80 ms. In addition, the flexible InP NW array Received 2nd August 2013 Accepted 29th August 2013 based photodetectors exhibited good flexibility, good folding endurance and electrical stability. Using similar processes, aligned GaP NW array based photodetectors were also fabricated on SiO2/Si and PET substrates, which also exhibited fast, reversible, and stable photoresponse properties. These merits DOI: 10.1039/c3tc31507j demonstrate that the as-prepared InP and GaP NWs are good candidates with substantial potential for www.rsc.org/MaterialsC future electronic and optoelectronic nanodevice applications. Introduction One-dimensional (1D) semiconductor nanostructures have attracted extensive interest due to their unique electronic, optical, thermal and mechanical characteristics, which are excellent building blocks for next-generation integrated nanodevices.1–8 Many studies have been carried out to fabricate various types of nanodevices based on 1D nanostructures such as solar cells, lithium-ion batteries, supercapacitors, gas sensors, photodetectors, eld-effect transistors (FETs), lightemitting diodes (LEDs) and so on.9–25 Among these nanodevices, photodetectors have gained particular attention because of their wide applications in light-wave communication, imaging techniques and integrated circuits.26 Moreover, compared with conventional photodetectors based on thinlms or bulk materials, photodetectors based on 1D a Wuhan National Laboratory for Optoelectronics and School of Optical and Electronic Information, Huazhong University of Science and Technology, Wuhan 430074, China. E-mail: mqzhu@mail.hust.edu.cn b State Key Laboratory for Superlattices and Microstructures, Institute of Semiconductors, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100083, China. E-mail: gzshen@semi.ac.cn † Electronic supplementary 10.1039/c3tc31507j information 1270 | J. Mater. Chem. C, 2014, 2, 1270–1277 (ESI) available. See DOI: nanostructures show much better performance because of their large surface-to-volume ratios and rational designed surfaces.26–28 Semiconducting III–V compounds are of scientic and technological importance because of their high electronic mobility and efficient luminescence properties. For example, Indium phosphide (InP) has a direct band gap of 1.34 eV at room temperature and the band gap of Gallium Phosphide (GaP) is 2.26 eV. They have demonstrated great potential in photonic and photoelectronic applications.29–32 To date, many reports could be found for the synthesis of InP or GaP 1D nanostructures with different morphologies, such as nanowires, nanotubes, unconventional zigzag nanowires, nanosprings, etc.33–41 Optical properties and electronic transport properties of the produced InP or Gap 1D nanostructures were also studied. However, little work has been done to investigate the photoresponse properties of 1D InP or GaP nanostructures, regardless of their principally high potential for optical switches and optical photodetectors. Herein, we report the synthesis of high-quality InP and GaP NWs via a simple thermal evaporation method. Electrical transport and photoresponse properties of the as-synthesized InP NWs were studied by fabricating individual NW devices on a SiO2/Si substrate. Using a simple contact printing process, aligned InP and GaP NW arrays were easily obtained to fabricate both rigid and exible photodetectors with a fast response to This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry 2014 View Article Online Paper Journal of Materials Chemistry C visible light irradiation. Especially, the as-fabricated exible devices displayed extreme exibility, good folding endurance and electrical stability. Published on 30 August 2013. Downloaded by Institute of Semiconductors, CAS on 17/03/2015 06:36:07. Experimental section High-quality n-type X(In, Ga)P NWs were synthesized in a horizontal furnace via a simple thermal evaporation method. In a typical process, commercially available InP (or GaP) powder was put in a quartz boat placed in a furnace. Silicon wafers coated with gold nanoparticles (20 2.0 nm) were used as substrates to collect the products in the downstream. The reaction system was rst pumped to eliminate the remaining air, and then high-purity Ar gas was introduced through the system at a rate of 100 sccm. The furnace was rapidly heated to 950 C within 25 min and kept at that temperature for 2 h. Aer reaction, the furnace was cooled to room temperature and darkyellow wool-like products were found deposited on the Si substrate. The as-prepared product was characterized using an X-ray diffractometer (XRD, X’pert Pro, PANalytical B.V., Netherlands), a scanning electron microscope (SEM, Hitachi S4800) and a transmission electron microscope (TEM, JEOL JEM3000F) equipped with an energy-dispersive X-ray spectrometer (EDS). The photoluminescence (PL) spectrum was collected at room temperature with an HORIBA Jobin Yvon LabRAM Spectrometer HR 800 UV with a He–Cd laser line at 514 nm as the excitation source. To study the electrical transport and photoresponse properties of the NWs, single-NW eld-effect transistors (FETs) and individual nanowire photodetectors were fabricated via a traditional photolithography process. The as-obtained NWs were rst dispersed in alcohol and then deposited onto a degenerately doped silicon wafer covered with a 500 nm SiO2 layer. Using the contact printing process,42 large scale aligned InP or GaP NW arrays were assembled on both the rigid SiO2/Si substrate and the exible PET substrate. Aer the wafer was dried in air, UV lithography, thermal evaporation and li-off processes were performed to pattern the Cr/Au drain and source electrodes (10 nm/100 nm) on both ends of the NWs. The electrical transport measurements of single nanowire devices were conducted by the four-probe station with a semiconductor characterization system (Keithley 4200-SCS). The incident power of the light was measured using an Ophir NOVA power meter. Monochromatic light from a source composed of a tungsten lamp (250 W) and a monochromator (WDG15-Z) was focused and guided onto the semiconductor NW. All measurements were performed in air and at room temperature. Fig. 1 (a and b) SEM images of the as-synthesized InP NWs. (c) XRD pattern of the InP NWs. (d) Room-temperature PL spectrum of InP NWs. In2O3 or other crystalline phases was found, revealing the formation of a pure InP product. Fig. 1d depicts the roomtemperature PL spectrum of the as-synthesized product. From the spectrum, it can be clearly seen that a strong emission peak is located at 809 nm (about 1.53 eV). Compared with the bulk InP PL (about 925 nm, 1.34 eV), it exhibits a distinct blue shi, which can be explained by the defects in the NWs, according to previously reported results.31 To further evaluate the crystal quality and elemental composition of the as-synthesized NWs, the TEM, HRTEM images and the EDS spectrum of InP NWs are recorded and the corresponding results are shown in Fig. 2. TEM images of the nanowire shown in Fig. 2a and b indicate that the NWs have well-dened 1D geometry with smooth surfaces and uniform diameter along the whole wire length. Fig. 2c shows the top portion of several NWs, which clearly shows Au particles at the Results and discussion Fig. 1a and b show the SEM images of the as-synthesized InP NWs at different magnications, indicating the formation of NWs with a very high yield. Typical NWs have a uniform geometry with diameters in the range of 50–100 nm and the lengths of several tens of micrometres. Fig. 1c depicts the XRD pattern of the as-prepared product. All the diffraction peaks can be assigned to cubic InP (JCPDS, no. 32-0452). No peak from This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry 2014 (a)–(c) TEM images, (d) EDX spectrum and (e) HRTEM image of the InP NWs. Fig. 2 J. Mater. Chem. C, 2014, 2, 1270–1277 | 1271 View Article Online Published on 30 August 2013. Downloaded by Institute of Semiconductors, CAS on 17/03/2015 06:36:07. Journal of Materials Chemistry C tips of the NWs, revealing that the NWs were grown via a conventional vapor–liquid–solid (VLS) mechanism. The EDS spectrum shown in Fig. 2d reveals that the NW is composed of In and P with a composition of ca. 1 : 1, close to the stoichiometry of InP. In the spectrum, signals from Cu and O elements are from the TEM grid and the surface oxide layer of the NWs (see ESI, Fig. S1†), respectively, further indicating the formation of a pure InP product. The HRTEM image shown in Fig. 2e is used to study the detailed structure of an individual InP nanowire. We can see from the image that the NW exhibited good structural crystallinity. A periodically twinned zincblende (ZB) crystal structure with the [111] grown direction was observed, which is consistent with the literature value.34 Moreover, the HRTEM image shown in the inset of Fig. 2e reveals two sets of adjacent lattice fringes with interplanar spacings of 0.34 and 0.29 nm, respectively, corresponding to the (111) and (200) planes of the zincblende (ZB) InP phase, which is in good agreement with the XRD result. In order to study the electronic transport properties of the InP NWs, eld-effect transistors (FETs) based on single InP nanowires were fabricated on a SiO2/Si substrate, and their corresponding results are shown in Fig. 3. Fig. 3a depicts the drain current (Ids) versus source–drain (Vds) curves measured at various gate voltages (Vgs). The single InP NW FET exhibits obvious gate dependence with good conductivity. With a Paper positively increased gate voltage (0–20 V), the conductance of the device gradually increases, revealing typical n-type semiconducting behavior, which is in agreement with the result observed by Johnny C. Ho et al.34 Meanwhile, clear contact resistance can be found at the low Vds regime, which may be due to the energy barrier between electrodes and NWs induced by the thick surface oxide layer of the InP NWs (see ESI, Fig. S1†). The Ids–Vgs curve was also investigated for the same device and the result is shown in Fig. 3b. From the curve, it can be seen that for an identical Vds, Ids increases as Vgs increases, which is consistent with an n-type transistor. In addition, the threshold voltage (Vth) is determined to be about 2.7 V by extrapolating the linear region of the Ids–Vgs curve in Fig. 3b. The small threshold voltage is important to decrease the power consumption. The transconductance (gm) of the device can be derived from the linear region of Vgs shown in Fig. 3b via the following equation: gm ¼ dIds/dVgs The value is calculated to be around 33 nS. The mobility (m) of the single InP NW device was calculated by applying the following equation:24 m ¼ gmL2/(VdsCi) where L (4 mm) is the NW channel length and Ci is the NW capacitance, which can be calculated from the equation: Ci ¼ 2p303sL/ln(2h/r) Fig. 3 Transistor characteristics of a back-gate single InP nanowire field-effect transistor (FET) on a SiO2/Si substrate. (a) Ids–Vds curves at various Vgs. (b) Ids–Vgs curve measured at Vds ¼ 10 V. The inset is the SEM image of a nanowire transistor with a channel length of about 5 mm. 1272 | J. Mater. Chem. C, 2014, 2, 1270–1277 where h (500 nm) is the thickness of the dielectric SiO2 layer, r (136.5 nm) is the NW radius, 3s is the relative dielectric constant of SiO2 (3s ¼ 3.9) and 30 is the vacuum dielectric constant (30 ¼ 8.85 1012 F m1). From the data shown in Fig. 3d, the capacitance Ci and effective mobility m can be estimated to be 4.36 1016 F and 1.21 cm2 V1 s1, respectively. The effective mobilities of our devices range from 1–10 cm2 V1 s1 according to our experiments (Fig. S2†). To study the photoresponse behavior of the InP nanowires, single NW photodetectors were fabricated by using standard lithography on a rigid SiO2/Si substrate. Monochromatic light illumination was vertically on the device with two adjacent (Cr/Au) electrodes and the corresponding photoresponse properties were determined (as shown in Fig. 4). A schematic illustration of the single NW photodetector is depicted in Fig. 4a. The upper le inset in Fig. 4b shows the SEM image of the device with a channel width of 5 mm between the two adjacent electrodes. Fig. 4b shows the I–V plots of the device illuminated with 633 nm light of different intensities and in the dark. It can be seen that the photocurrent increases as the light intensity increases, consistent with the result that the charge carrier photogeneration efficiency is proportional to the absorbed photon ux. The corresponding dependence of a photodetector on light intensity can be tted to a power law (Fig. 4c), I ¼ APb,43 where I is the photocurrent, A is a proportionality constant, P is the light intensity, and b is an empirical value. From the curves, This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry 2014 View Article Online Published on 30 August 2013. Downloaded by Institute of Semiconductors, CAS on 17/03/2015 06:36:07. Paper Journal of Materials Chemistry C Fig. 4 (a) Schematic illustration of a single InP NW photodetector on a SiO2/Si substrate. (b) Photocurrent versus voltage plots of the device in the dark and under 633 nm light illumination at different intensities. The upper left inset: SEM image of the device. (c) Photocurrent versus light intensity plot at a bias of 2 V. The corresponding function is I ¼ 10.4P0.75. (d) Photocurrent versus time plots of the device obtained using red light (633 nm) at an intensity of 3.15 mW cm2 at a bias of 2 V. the photocurrent shows a strong dependence on light intensity and depicts a relationship of I P0.75, indicating superior photocurrent capability of the InP NWs. The photoresponse switching behavior of the device was measured by periodically switching the 633 nm light on and off at varying bias voltages, as shown in Fig. 4d and Fig. S3.† At identical applied voltages, the photocurrent increases sharply and reaches a steady state at the “ON” state upon light illumination, and it decreases quickly at the “OFF” state aer the light was turned off, revealing the excellent stability and reproducibility of the single InP NW photodetectors. Meanwhile, from the response curve, the response and decay times can be estimated to be about 0.1 and 0.46 s, respectively. The spectral responsivity (Rl) and external quantum efficiency (EQE) are two key parameters used to evaluate the suitability of NWs for photodetector applications.44 The spectral responsivity (Rl) of the photodetector, dened as the photocurrent per unit power on the effective area of the photodetector, is measured at a light intensity of 3.15 mW cm2 at 2 V bias and can be calculated to be 779.14 A W1 by the relationship: Rl ¼ DI PS (1) where DI(DI ¼ Iphoto Idark) is the difference between the photocurrent and dark current, P is the light power irradiated on the NWs, S is the effective illuminated area on a single nanowire. The external quantum efficiency (EQE) is dened as the number of electrons detected per incident photon and is expressed by the relationship: EQE ¼ hc Rl el (2) where h is Planck’s constant, c is the velocity of light, e is the electronic charge and l is the exciting wavelength. In our This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry 2014 experiments, the single InP NW photodetector was irradiated by red light (633 nm) at a light intensity of 3.15 mW cm2. The EQE of the photodetector (1.53 105%) can be calculated at a bias of 2 V. To investigate the photocurrent properties of the aligned InP NW arrays, photodetectors on SiO2/Si substrates were rst fabricated. Fig. S4† shows the SEM image of the large scale ordered NW arrays obtained on a rigid SiO2/Si substrate by the contact printing process. Fig. 5a depicts the schematic illustration of the aligned InP NW array device. A red light with a typical wavelength of 633 nm was used as an irradiation source. The power of the light can be controlled from 0.96– 3.15 mW cm2. The distance between the device and the irradiation source is kept at about 10 cm. All the measurements were performed at room temperature in air. Fig. 5b displays the photocurrent versus time plots of the single InP NW photodetector on a rigid SiO2/Si substrate irradiated with the 633 nm light at a bias of 2 V, 4 V and 8 V, respectively. The light intensity was kept constant at 3.15 mW cm2. The irradiation source was switched on and off periodically at 10 s intervals. From the curve, it can be seen that the device exhibits excellent photoresponse properties. At an identical light intensity, the photocurrent increases with an increase in bias voltage. At a bias of (a) Schematic illustration of the aligned InP NW array photodetector on a SiO2/Si substrate. (b) Photocurrent versus time plots of the aligned InP NW array photodetector on a SiO2/Si substrate using 633 nm light at an intensity of 3.15 mW cm2 at a bias of 2 V, 4 V, and 8 V. (c) Current versus voltage plots of the device at different intensities at the same bias of 2 V. The upper left inset: SEM image of the device. (d) Photocurrent versus light intensity plot at a bias of 2 V. The corresponding function is I ¼ 89.6P0.71. (e and f) Photocurrent rise and decay of the device measured at a bias of 2 V and at a light intensity of 3.15 mW cm2. Fig. 5 J. Mater. Chem. C, 2014, 2, 1270–1277 | 1273 View Article Online Published on 30 August 2013. Downloaded by Institute of Semiconductors, CAS on 17/03/2015 06:36:07. Journal of Materials Chemistry C 2 V, the dark current is around 18.8 nA. However, under red light irradiation the photocurrent could approach 208.3 nA with an ON/OFF current ratio of around 11.1. At 4 V bias the dark current is 24.1 nA, the photocurrent is 423.2 nA and the ON/OFF ratio is around 17.6. At a higher bias of 8 V, the dark current is 29.8 nA, the photocurrent increases to 577.3 nA, and the ON/OFF ratio is around 19.4. Photocurrent versus voltage plots of the device at different intensities are depicted in Fig. 5c. From the curve, it can be seen that the photoconductance increased obviously when the device was illuminated. The photocurrent increases with an increase in light intensity as well. Fig. 5d shows the photocurrent versus light intensity plot at a bias of 8 V. The dependence relationship was tted with the power law as I P0.71, revealing excellent photocapture in the aligned InP NW arrays. The enlarged portions of a typical ON/OFF cycle measured at a bias of 2 V at the light intensity of 3.15 mW cm2 are shown in Fig. 5e and f, respectively. The rise time and decay time are 80 ms and 2.08 s, respectively. Current versus voltage (I–V) curves of the single NW photodetectors in the dark and under illumination with light of various wavelengths were also measured and shown in Fig. S5.† These results demonstrate that the InP NWs have enormous potential application as highly photosensitive detectors and efficient photoswitches. To evaluate the potential of the aligned NW arrays for application in exible electronics, the photodetectors based on aligned InP NW arrays were fabricated on a exible PET substrate to explore their electrical characteristics. To study the photoresponse of the exible device, the same red light (633 nm) was used as an irradiation source. The distance between the exible device and the irradiation source is also kept at about 10 cm. All the measurements were performed at room temperature. Fig. 6a shows the photocurrent versus (a) Current versus voltage plots of the aligned InP NW array photodetector on a PET substrate at different intensities. The upper left inset: the digital image of the device. (b) Photocurrent versus light intensity plot at a bias of 2 V. The corresponding function is I ¼ 67.8P0.49. (c) Photocurrent versus time plots of the device under illumination with light of various wavelengths. The light intensity is kept constant at 3.15 mW cm2. (d) Photocurrent rise of the device measured at a bias of 2 V. Fig. 6 1274 | J. Mater. Chem. C, 2014, 2, 1270–1277 Paper voltage plots of the exible device measured in the dark and under illumination with red light of various intensities (from 0.32 to 3.15 mW cm2). The voltage was swept from 2 V to 2 V. It can be seen clearly that the exible device based on aligned InP NW arrays is also sensitive to the red light and has excellent photoresponse characteristics. At identical voltages the photocurrent increases with an increase in light intensity. The upper le inset in Fig. 6a shows a digital image of the exible photodetector, demonstrating its excellent exibility. The light intensity dependence of the photocurrent measured at a bias of 2 V is shown in Fig. 6b. From the curve, it can be seen that the photocurrent increases almost linearly with the increased light intensity, which is very similar to the device on a rigid substrate. Moreover, by tting the measured data in the curve, the corresponding function is I P0.49, revealing that the photocurrent exhibits good dependence on light intensity, which further indicates excellent photocapture in the InP NWs. Fig. 6c shows the photocurrent versus time plots of the aligned InP NW array photodetector on the PET substrate irradiated by light of different wavelengths. The light intensity was kept constant at 3.15 mW cm2. The interval of 10 seconds was used to control the ON and OFF states of the irradiation source. From the curve, it can be seen that the aligned InP NW array exible device exhibits excellent photoresponse properties with the current ON/OFF ratios of 3.8, 5.3, 5.7 and 7.5 for different-wavelength light of 350, 520, 633 and 880 nm, respectively. At identical light intensity and applied voltage, the photocurrent increases with an increase in light wavelength (from 350 to 633 nm). However, under 880 nm light irradiation the photocurrent can be reduced to 87.8 nA. The commonly observed phenomenon can be originated from the enhanced absorption of high-energy photons at or near to the surface region of semiconductor materials.43 In addition, the exible device also exhibits good stability and reproducibility, and is sensitive to ultraviolet light and visible light. Compared with the aligned InP NW array device (208.3 nA) on a rigid SiO2/Si substrate, the exible device (107.4 nA) measured under identical conditions (light: 633 nm, intensity: 3.15 mW cm2, bias voltage: 2 V) has much lower photocurrent, which is usually attributed to the worse contact between NW and the exible substrate compared with the rigid SiO2/Si substrate according to previous reports.42 Fig. 6d shows the rise time of the exible device measured using differentwavelength light at a bias of 2 V and the light intensity of 3.15 mW cm2. It can be seen that the rise time on 350, 520, 633 and 880 nm light is about 0.13 s, 0.15 s, 0.11 s and 0.21 s, respectively. These results demonstrate that the exible aligned InP NW array photodetectors have excellent stability and fast response towards visible light, which may have application in exible optoelectronic switches and photodetectors. In order to accommodate to practical application of exible electronic devices, the electrical properties of the exible device aer bending should remain unchanged. We also measured here the electrical properties of our exible photodetectors. The exible device was xed on two X–Y mechanical stages. Each end of the device was placed on one stage. By adjusting the distance of the two adjacent stages, the bending curvature of the This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry 2014 View Article Online Published on 30 August 2013. Downloaded by Institute of Semiconductors, CAS on 17/03/2015 06:36:07. Paper Journal of Materials Chemistry C different states (the upper insets in Fig. 7c). It demonstrates that the photocurrent of the exible device was hardly inuenced by external bending stress. These results indicate the extreme exibility, good folding endurance and electrical stability of the exible device. Moreover, we also fabricated aligned GaP nanowire array photodetectors on both rigid SiO2/Si substrate and exible PET substrates by the same process. The characterization of asgrown GaP nanowires is shown in Fig. S6.† The photoconductivity of the aligned GaP nanowire arrays can be investigated. The SEM image of the device is shown in the upper inset of Fig. 8a. The Cr/Au (10 nm/100 nm) parallel electrodes with 8 mm separation were deposited on aligned nanowire arrays printed on a SiO2/Si substrate. The uncovered part of the nanowire arrays was exposed to light. Fig. 8a shows typical current versus voltage plots of the device measured in the dark and under 550 nm light illumination at different intensities, respectively. It can be seen clearly that at identical voltages, the photocurrent of the device increases as the intensity increases, which is in good agreement with the result of the InP nanowire array based device observed in Fig. 5c. The photocurrent versus light intensity can be measured at a bias voltage of 2 V under Fig. 7 Current versus voltage plots of the flexible aligned InP NW array based photodetector under red light illumination. (a) Without bending and (b) after 20, 40, 60, 80, 100, 120 and 140 cycles of bending. (c) I–T curve of the flexible device when bent with various curvatures under a bias voltage of 2 V. The upper insets are the corresponding digital images of the device in five bending states. exible device was precisely controlled. The electrical stability of the exible aligned InP NW array based photodetector was examined at various bending curvatures. As shown in the upper insets of Fig. 7c, ve different bending states of the exible device were studied and labelled as state I, II, III, IV, and V, respectively. Bending of the device from states I to V followed by releasing of it back to state I was considered as one cycle. Fig. 7b shows the I–V curves of the device aer bending for various cycles. From the curves, it can be seen that, compared with the conductance of the exible device without bending (Fig. 7a), the conductance endurance of the device remains almost constant even aer 20, 40, 60, 80, 100, 120 and 140 cycles of bending, revealing the good folding endurance of the exible aligned InP NW array photodetector. The bending stress is also a key factor affecting the properties of the exible device. Fig. 7c shows the I–T curve of the exible photodetector under illumination. It can be seen that the photocurrent ow through the exible device nearly kept unchanged at a xed voltage of 2 V at ve This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry 2014 Fig. 8 (a) Current versus voltage plots of the aligned GaP NW array photodetector on a SiO2/Si substrate at different intensities. The upper left inset: the SEM image of the device. (b) Photocurrent versus light intensity plot at a bias of 2 V of the rigid device. The corresponding function is I P0.33. (c) Photocurrent versus time plots of the rigid device under illumination with light of various wavelengths. (d) Zoomin view of middle cycle at a bias of 2 V when illuminated with a 550 nm light. (e) I–V plots of the aligned GaP NW array based flexible device in the dark and under 550 nm light illumination. The upper left inset: the digital image of the device. (f) I–T plots of the flexible device at a bias of 2 V. The light intensity is kept constant at 3.15 mW cm2. J. Mater. Chem. C, 2014, 2, 1270–1277 | 1275 View Article Online Published on 30 August 2013. Downloaded by Institute of Semiconductors, CAS on 17/03/2015 06:36:07. Journal of Materials Chemistry C 550 nm light illumination. The dependence relationship can be tted with the power law as I P0.33, revealing excellent photocapture in the GaP NWs. Fig. 8c depicts the typical current versus time (I–T) properties of the devices under different wavelength illumination of 325 nm, 450 nm, 490 nm, 550 nm and 633 nm, respectively. The device is further proved to exhibit excellent photoresponse properties. At an identical applied voltage (2 V), the photocurrent markedly increases as light wavelength is increased from 325 to 550 nm, and decreases under 633 nm light illumination. At these wavelengths of the light, the photoresponse exhibits an obvious increase when the device is illuminated with light of energy above the threshold excitation energy of 2.26 eV (549 nm). The photocurrent of 0.83 nA was recorded when the device was illuminated with 550 nm light at a light intensity of 3.15 mW cm2. The photocurrent under 520 nm light irradiation was more than 2 times that under dark conditions. Furthermore, the analysis from an enlarged view of the photoresponse process (Fig. 8d) indicates that the device has a fast detection time. The rise time and decay time of the device are about 60 ms and 2.1 s, respectively. Flexible photodetectors based on aligned GaP NW arrays also were fabricated on the PET substrate, and the device was measured under the same conditions used in the rigid device. Photoresponse properties of the exible device are shown in Fig. 8e and f. From the curves, the exible devices also exhibit excellent photoresponse performance. Under 550 nm light illumination, the photocurrent dramatically increases compared to the dark state. Furthermore, the device shows outstanding mechanical exibility and electrical stability. All the above results indicate that the device based on aligned GaP NW arrays on both rigid SiO2/Si and exible PET substrates has excellent stability, reproducibility, and a fast detection time, which will exhibit good advantage for application in the next generation high-speed and high-sensitivity large scale photodetectors and photoswitches. Conclusions High-quality X(In, Ga)P NWs were fabricated via a simple thermal evaporation method. Individual InP NW devices on a rigid SiO2/Si substrate were fabricated to study their electronic transport and photoresponse characteristics. Single InP NW photodetectors showed a fast response time (0.1 s) and good sensitivity to visible light. Using the contact printing process, photodetectors based on aligned InP and GaP NW arrays were fabricated on a rigid SiO2/Si substrate and a PET substrate, respectively. Both the rigid and the exible devices exhibited excellent photoresponse performance to visible light, for example, good wavelength selectivity, light intensity sensitivity and a quite fast response speed of a couple of tenths of milliseconds. Flexible photodetectors based on aligned InP and GaP NW arrays displayed extreme exibility, good folding endurance and electrical stability. Our results reveal that the as-synthesized X(In, Ga)P NWs have enormous potential application in highly photosensitive detectors and efficient photoswitches for nanoscale optoelectronics. 1276 | J. Mater. Chem. C, 2014, 2, 1270–1277 Paper Acknowledgements This work was supported by the National Natural Science Foundation (61377033, 51002059, 20874025, 21174045), the Program for National Basic Research Program of China (grant no. 2013CB922104), the 973 Program of China (2011CB933300), and the Program for New Century Excellent Talents of the University in China (grant no. NCET-11-0179). 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