Whitley County 4-H Goat Club In Cooperation With Michiana Goat Breeders Association 26th Annual ADGA Sanctioned Dairy Goat Show At the Whitley County Fairgrounds Columbia City, IN FRIDAY EVENING JUNE 5, 2015 - 6:30 P.M. ADGA SANCTIONED YOUTH SHOW (See Separate Rule Sheet) SINGLE SANCTIONED FOR SR. & JR. DOES PLUS SHOWMANSHIP Alpine, Lamancha, Nigerian Dwarf, Nubian, AOP (All other Purebreds), Recorded Grade. JUDGE TIM FLICKINGER SATURDAY JUNE 6, 2015 - 8:00 A.M. 2 RINGS (EST) ALL BREEDS SEPARATELY SANCTIONED JR. DOE & SR. DOE SHOW ADGA Show Chairman for Youth Show & Ring A Cindy Eslava (260) 571-6683 ADGA Show Chairman Ring B Dawn Bauman Birr (574) 596-9467 ADGA Show Secretaries Tammy Pluimer & Rebecca Cooley Stafford ADGA Youth Show Secretary Carol Kloiber RING A - Starting at 8:00 A.M. - Erin Griner, Scottsville, VA ORDER OF SHOW: Sable Saanen, Alpine, Toggenburg, Saanen, Nubian, Nigerian Dwarf, Recorded Grade, Lamancha, Oberhasli. RING B - Starting at 8:00 A.M. - Dakota Darst, Ferndale, CA ORDER OF SHOW: Recorded Grade, Lamancha, Oberhasli, Alpine, Sable Saanen, Toggenburg, Nubian, Saanen, Nigerian Dwarf. NO ANIMALS ALLOWED ON FAIRGROUNDS BEFORE 1 P.M. EASTERN STANDARD (INDIANA) TIME ON FRIDAY JUNE 5, 2015 FOOD AVAILABLE FROM WHITLEY CO. 4-H GOAT CLUB The Michiana Goat Breeders Association is sponsoring a double ring ADGA sanctioned Jr. and Sr. doe show, on Saturday, June 6, 2015 at the Whitley County Fairgrounds, Columbia City, Indiana. THE JUNIOR DOE SHOWS AND SENIOR DOE SHOWS ARE SEPARATELY SANCTIONED by the American Dairy Goat Association and ADGA RULES SHALL GOVERN. The Show will start at 8:00 a.m., Indiana time (EST). ALL ANIMALS MUST BE ON PREMISES, PENNED AND CHECKED IN BY 7:30 A.M. American Goat Society, Canadian Goat Society and registered, recorded or applied for goats may be shown in breeds: Sable Saanen, Alpine, Toggenburg, Saanen, Nubian, Nigerian Dwarf, Recorded Grade, Lamancha, Oberhasli. RING A. Recorded Grade, Lamancha, Oberhasli, Alpine, Sable Saanen, Toggenburg, Nubian, Saanen, Nigerian Dwarf. RING B. This shall be the order of the Senior Doe and Junior Doe Show. ORDER OF IF YOU WIN A BREED SHOW MAY BE SUBJECT TO CHANGE. CHAMPION YOU MUST STAY FOR BEST DOE TO MAKE THESE CLASSES OFFICIAL WITH ADGA. . A registration or required for all animals under six months of age. A stamped duplicate is valid for 30 days from the ADGA completion of requirements from ADGA will be accepted provided it is issued in the current show year. Entry Fees are $4.00 per goat, per class, per show if postmarked on or before May 26, 2015. Late entries will be $5 per goat. Pen Fees are $4.00 per pen. PENS ARE VERY LARGE AND WILL ACCOMMODATE 3 MATURE MILKERS. PENS WILL BE ASSIGNED. ANIMALS MUST BE PENNED. Entry and pen fees must accompany entry form. EARLY ENTRY APPLIES ONLY TO THOSE ANIMALS PRE-ENTERED ON OR BEFORE THE MAY 26, 2015 deadline. All health papers must include your Federal Scrapie ID Number. Health papers will be checked as to tattoo or other description on papers. GOATS SHOWING SIGNS OF INFECTIOUS DISEASE OR ILL HEALTH WILL BE in-state exhibition but will be subject to health check. There will be no pre-show milkout but exhibitors are discouraged from over-uddering their does. Clipping is optional BUT clean goats are to be presented. No horned dairy goats allowed. Bring your own hay and bedding. Shavings are preferred. No dogs allowed in barns. Michiana Goat Breeders Association and Whitley County 4-H Goat Club and Whitley County Fairgrounds will not be held responsible for loss, damage or accident to any person, animal or property. All goats are entered at owner’s risk. Showers are available. Camping is available for $20.00 per night. No camper hookup allowed to barn electric. ALL ANIMALS AND EXHIBITORS MUST VACATE THE PREMISES AT THE CONCLUSION OF THE SHOW ON SATURDAY. NO ANIMALS ALLOWED ON GROUNDS BEFORE 1:00 P.M. EASTERN STANDARD (INDIANA) TIME ON JUNE 5, 2015. VISIT THE MICHIANA GOAT BREEDERS SILENT AUCTION TABLE. PROCEEDS TO FUND MICHIANA GOAT BREEDERS 4-H/FFA TUITION ASSISTANCE FUND. Base Date for Age of Animal FOR OPEN SHOW will be the Day of the Show, June 6, 2015 RING A - START TIME 8:00 A.M. - JUDGE ERIN GRINER ORDER OF SHOW:AL, LM, ND, NB, SN, OB, SB, T, RG Sr. Doe Show 1. Milking yearling Under 2 yrs as of........ 6/6/2015 2. Does 2 yrs. & under 3 yrs. as of............ 6/6/2015 3. Does 3 yrs. & under 4 yrs. as of............ 6/6/2015 4. Does 4 yrs. & under 5 yrs. as of............ 6/6/2015 5. Does 5 yrs. & older as of....................... 6/6/2015 Senior Grand Champion (rosette) Senior Reserve Grand Champion (rosette) Best Senior Doe in Show (rosette) Jr. Doe Show 6. Junior Kid Born on or after....................... 4/1/15 7. Intermediate Kid Born..................3/1/15-3/31/15 8. Senior Kid Born...........................1/1/15-2/28/15 9. Junior yearling Born.......... May 1-Dec. 31, 2014 10. Senior yearling Born on or before.April 30, 2014 Junior Grand Champion (rosette) Junior Reserve Grand Champion (rosette) Best Junior Doe in Show RING B - START TIME 8:00 A.M. - JUDGE DAKOTA DARST ORDER OF SHOW: LM, AL, NB, ND, OB, SN, TG, SB, RG Sr. Doe Show Jr. Doe Show 1. Milking yearling Under 2 yrs as of........ 6/6/2015 6. Junior Kid Born on or after....................... 4/1/15 3. Does 3 yrs. & under 4 yrs. as of............ 6/6/2015 8. Senior Kid Born...........................1/1/15-2/28/15 2. Does 2 yrs. & under 3 yrs. as of............ 6/6/2015 4. Does 4 yrs. & under 5 yrs. as of............ 6/6/2015 5. Does 5 yrs. & older as of....................... 6/6/2015 Senior Grand Champion (rosette) Senior Reserve Grand Champion (rosette) Best Senior Doe in Show (rosette) 7. Intermediate Kid Born..................3/1/15-3/31/15 9. Junior yearling Born.......... May 1-Dec. 31, 2014 10. Senior yearling Born on or before.April 30, 2014 Junior Grand Champion (rosette) Junior Reserve Grand Champion (rosette) Best Junior Doe in Show HOST HOTEL FOR THE SHOW SUPER 8 (Formerly Executive Inn) The Whitley County Fairgrounds is located on 235 Frontage Road Columbia City, IN Lincolnway approximately 1/3 mile South of the Double Occupancy Room (2 people) $45.00 plus tax Columbia City. The 4-H Center faces Squawbuck Must be booked 10 days in advance of the show by calling 260-244-5300 Mention you are with the goat show at the fairgrounds to receive this rate. Does NOT apply to online bookings. intersection of US Highway 30 and Lincolnway on the East Side of Road on the South property line of the fairgrounds. See Attached Map & Listing of Hotels BREED INITIAL FULL NAME OF ANIMAL REGISTRATION NUMBER D.O.B. ADDITIONAL ENTRY SPACE ON BACK SIDE OF THIS FORM CLASS NO. One Tack Per Exhibitor, Please R TATTOO C L RING A B TOTAL AMOUNT TOTAL ___________ Make Entries Payable to Michiana Goat Breeders Assn. & Send entries to:Dawn Birr 67244 County Road 9 Nappanee, IN 46550 NAME: ____________________________________________________ ADGA MEMBER #: ________________________________________ ADDRESS:_________________________________________________ PHONE: ________________________________________ CITY & STATE ____________ ZIP CODE: ______________________ NO. OF ANIMALS _______________ @ $_____________ EACH EMAIL: ___________________________________________________ NO. OF PENS @ $4.00 ___________ Entry fees will be $4.00 per goat per class per show. Deadline is May 26, 2015. Late entries will be $5.00 per goat per class per show. There will be a pen fee of $4.00 per pen. PENS ARE LARGE. EARLY ENTRY FEE APPLIES ONLY TO THOSE ANIMALS PRE-ENTERED ON OR BEFORE THE MAY 26, 2015 DATE. All others will be charged the $5.00 per goat per class per show fee. PLEASE CHECK APPROPRIATE ARENA A OR B OR BOTH. PLEASE SEE SEPARATE ENTRY FORM FOR YOUTH SHOW. OPEN DAIRY GOAT SHOW MICHIANA GOAT BREEDERS ASSOCIATION CLASS NO. BREED INITIAL FULL NAME OF ANIMAL REGISTRATION NUMBER D.O.B. R TATTOO C L RING A B TOTAL AMOUNT ADGA YOUTH SHOW RULES The Michiana Goat Breeders Association is sponsoring a single ring ADGA sanctioned Jr. and Sr. doe show, on Friday evening, June 5, 2015 at the Whitley County Fairgrounds, Columbia City, Indiana. THE JUNIOR DOE SHOWS AND SENIOR DOE SHOW ARE NOT SEPARATELY SANCTIONED by the American Dairy Goat Association and ADGA RULES SHALL GOVERN. The Show will start at 6:30 p.m., Indiana time (EST). ALL ANIMALS MUST BE ON PREMISES, PENNED AND CHECKED IN BY 6:00 P.M. American Goat Society, Canadian Goat Society and registered, recorded or applied for goats may be shown in an official ADGA show. This show is open to all geographical areas. Does are sanctioned for the following breeds: Alpine, Lamancha, Nigerian Dwarf, Nubian, AOP (Sable, Saanen, Toggenburg, Oberhasli) and Recorded Grade. This shall be the order of the Senior Doe and Junior Doe Show. ORDER OF SHOW MAY BE SUBJECT TO CHANGE. Showmanship will be shown first followed by Milking classes and then junior classes OF EACH BREED. IF YOU WIN A BREED CHAMPION YOU MUST STAY FOR BEST DOE TO MAKE THESE CLASSES OFFICIAL WITH ADGA. The original registration certificate is required for all goats six months (6 months) or older. A registration or recordation certificate or a stamped duplicate application showing the date received by the ADGA office is required for all animals under six months of age. A stamped duplicate is valid for 30 days from the ADGA office date stamped on it. This must be shown to the secretary before the start of the show. No copies of the registration certificate, copies of the stamped application (except fax), telegrams or phone calls will be accepted in lieu of the original certificate. In lieu of GCH or CH designation on registration papers, a letter stating completion of requirements from ADGA will be accepted provided it is issued in the current show year. This show is open to YOUTH ONLY up to 20 years of age day of show. Exhibitors may enter as many does as they wish but ONLY YOUTH are allowed to exhibit in the arena for the youth show. OWNERSHIP OF ANIMALS EXHIBITED: All animals entered in the youth show must be in the child’s, children’s, family or herd name. IF IN A HERD NAME OR FAMILY NAME, a letter from ADGA verifying the child as part of the herd or family name must be presented. If the animal is leased an ADGA lease paper must be presented and on file with ADGA. Child’s name MUST appear on the lease form. Entry Fees are $2.00 per goat, per class if postmarked on or before May 26, 2015. Late entries will be $5 per goat. Pen Fees are $4.00 per pen. PENS ARE VERY LARGE AND WILL ACCOMMODATE 3 MATURE MILKERS. PENS WILL BE ASSIGNED. ANIMALS MUST BE PENNED. Entry and pen fees must accompany entry form. EARLY ENTRY APPLIES ONLY TO THOSE ANIMALS PRE-ENTERED ON OR BEFORE THE MAY 26, 2015 deadline. All Out-of-State goats must carry an official health certificate from the state of origin within 30 days. All health papers must include your Federal Scrapie ID Number. Health papers will be checked as to tattoo or other description on papers. GOATS SHOWING SIGNS OF INFECTIOUS DISEASE OR ILL HEALTH WILL BE BARRED FROM THE BARNS AND THE SHOW RINGS. Indiana animals do not need health certificates for in-state exhibition but will be subject to health check. There will be no pre-show milkout but exhibitors are discouraged from over-uddering their does. Clipping is optional BUT clean goats are to be presented. No horned dairy goats allowed. Bring your own hay and bedding. Shavings are preferred. No dogs allowed in barns. Michiana Goat Breeders Association and Whitley County 4-H Goat Club and Whitley County Fairgrounds will not be held responsible for loss, damage or accident to any person, animal or property. All goats are entered at owner’s risk. CONCESSIONS AVAILABLE ON GROUNDS FRIDAY EVENING ADGA YOUTH SHOW CLASSES SHOWMANSHIP Base Date for Age of Exhibitor & Animal Day of Youth Show June 5, 2015 STARTING PROMPTLY AT 6:30 P.M. SY1 - 8 years and under SY2 - 9-12 years SY3 - 13-15 years SY4 - 16-20 years NOTE: This is a COMBINED SANCTION SHOW. Senior and Junior animals OF EACH SANCTIONED BREED will be shown before the next breed begins. Sr. Doe Show Y1. Y2. Y3. Y4. Y5. Milking yearling Under 2 yrs as of..................................................................... 6/6/2015 Does 2 yrs. & under 3 yrs. as of.......................................................................... 6/6/2015 Does 3 yrs. & under 4 yrs. as of.......................................................................... 6/6/2015 Does 4 yrs. & under 5 yrs. as of.......................................................................... 6/6/2015 Does 5 yrs. & older as of..................................................................................... 6/6/2015 Senior Champion (rosette) Senior Reserve Champion (rosette) Jr. Doe Show Y6. Junior Kid Born on or after..................................................................................... 4/1/15 Y7. Intermediate Kid Born................................................................................3/1/15-3/31/15 Y8. Senior Kid Born.........................................................................................1/1/15-2/28/15 Y9. Junior yearling Born........................................................................ May 1-Dec. 31, 2014 Y10. Senior yearling Born on or before............................................................. April 30, 2014 Junior Champion (rosette) Junior Reserve Champion (rosette) Grand Champion Doe Reserve Grand Champion Doe BREED INITIAL FULL NAME OF ANIMAL ________________________________________ ________________________________________ REGISTRATION NUMBER D.O.B. R TATTOO C L TOTAL AMOUNT NO. OF ANIMALS @ 2.00 __________ NO. OF ANIMALS @ 5.00 __________ NO. OF PENS @ $4.00 ___________ One Tack Per Exhibitor, Please TOTAL ___________ PHONE: ADDITIONAL ENTRY SPACE ON BACK SIDE OF THIS FORM CLASS NO. EMAIL: ___________________________________________________ CITY & STATE ____________ ZIP CODE: ______________________ ADDRESS:_________________________________________________ NAME: ____________________________________________________ ADGA MEMBER #: Make Entries Payable to Michiana Goat Breeders Assn. & Send entries to:Dawn Birr 67244 County Road 9 Nappanee, IN 46550 Entry fees will be $2.00 per goat per class. Deadline is May 26, 2015. Late entries are $5 per animal per class. There will be a pen fee of $4.00 per pen. PENS ARE LARGE. If you pay a pen fee for the youth show you are NOT REQUIRED to pay an additional pen fee for the same animals for open show. PLEASE NOTE YOUTH CLASSES CARRY A Y PREFIX. PLEASE ENTER ANIMALS UNDER THOSE CLASS CODES. YOUTH SHOW MICHIANA GOAT BREEDERS ASSOCIATION CLASS NO. BREED INITIAL FULL NAME OF ANIMAL REGISTRATION NUMBER D.O.B. R TATTOO C L TOTAL AMOUNT The Whitley County 4-H Fairgrounds is located on Lincolnway approximately 1/3 mile South of the intersection of US Highway 30 and Lincolnway on the West Side of Columbia City. The 4-H Center faces Squawbuck Road on the South property line of the fairgrounds.
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