Workshop on Heat metering, efficient heat cost allocation and billing Challenges and Opportunities Paris, May 5th and 6th, 2015 Individual Heat Metering Setting the scene Luca Castellazzi Yamina Saheb Paolo Zangheri Katalin Bodis Serving society Stimulating innovation Supporting legislation JRC is the European Commission's in-house science service It provides independent customer-driven scientific and technical support for the conception, development, implementation and monitoring of EU policies. o Established in 1957 o 7 institutes in 5 countries o More than 3000 staff o Over 1030 publications in 2014 The JRC The building sector is the largest single final energy consumer in Europe Source: Eurostat 8 May 2015 3 Space heating is the main end-use in residential buildings at EU level n/a Source: ODYSSEE (2012) 8 May 2015 4 At the EU level, gas is the main energy carrier used for space heating in residential buildings 8 May 2015 Source: ODYSSEE (2012) Pathway towards an energy efficient EU building stock 1 • Reducing energy needs: Bioclimatic design and passive solutions 2 • Reducing energy consumption: Efficient envelope and building equipment 3 • Supplying with RE sources: on site and/or in the surroundings 4 • Working on behavioural change: accurate information to consumers via metering and sub-metering 8 May 2015 6 By April 2014, the implementation of art.9.3 of the EED was uncompleted Mandatory requirements Mandatory with exemptions Sub-metering not cost effective Not transposed/unclear JRC analysis based on NEEAPs submission 8 May 2015 7 A theoretical potential of 20 Million of permanently occupied dwellings to be sub-metered Dwellings in multi-apartment buildings with collective central heating 8 May 2015 JRC estimates based on ODYSSEE and EVVE data (Year 2015) 8 Favourable policy frameworks do not always match the theoretical potential in each MS 8 May 2015 Source: JRC analysis based on NEEAPs, ODYSEE and ANCCA data 9 Do existing technological solutions allow for sub-metering existing heat distribution systems? Horizontal distribution piping 8 May 2015 Vertical distribution piping 10 Heat Meters and Heat Cost Allocators don't save energy, but Users do! Effective control systems are pre-requisite for behaviour change Room temperature controls: • Thermostatic Radiator Valves • Programmable thermostats Training and education on the use of control systems are needed 8 May 2015 11 How to assess the cost effectiveness of sub-metering and what shall we include in the assessment Sub-metering is cost effective when the savings throughout the life span of the system will be higher than the installation and operational costs of the system Cost vs Savings Cost of the Metering system: Energy cost savings: Installation of metering system + services Temperature controls? Training of occupants? Reduction of consumption depends on energy quality level of the building and on user behavioural changes 8 May 2015 12 Points for discussion • How big is the sub-metering market in different MSs? And how much savings shall we expect? • Is heat metering cost effective in all MSs? What are the assumptions and calculation methods used in each MSs? • Should control systems be included in the cost-effectiveness calculations? • Who provides training to end-users? Who pays for it? Should this cost included in the cost-effectiveness calculations? • Can sub-metring trigger other energy efficiency actions at dwelling level (e.g. replacement of windows, air infiltration reduction, internal insulation etc) • The heat consumption measured by meters is influenced by both the dwelling characteristics and the occupant behaviours. But should heating charges relate to occupant behaviour only? How to have fair distribution of heat consumption cost between apartments? • Do existing sub-metering technologies addressing different heat distribution configurations of existing building in each MSs? Is there a need for more R&D? 8 May 2015 13 Thank you for your attention Luca Castellazzi EC DG Joint Research Centre (JRC) IET - Institute for Energy and Transport Ispra - Italy
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