FIARC FEDERAZIONE ITALIANA ARCIERI TIRO DI CAMPAGNA 3° Campionato Italiano di Pesca con l'arco 1st International Bowfishing Championship Sellano 6-7 Giugno 2015 SELLANO 2015 FIARC è lieta d’invitare gli arcieri al 3° Campionato Italiano di Pesca con l’arco L'evento è aperto anche agli arcieri IFAA con il 1° International Bowfishing Championship FIARC is glad to invite any archer signed up one national archery association affiliated with IFAA (International Field Archery Association) to take part in the 1st International Bowfishing Championship SELLANO 2015 L'evento si svolge il 6-7 Giugno 2015 al lago Loch Ness presso Sellano (PG) The venue of event is “Loch Ness” lake close to Sellano (PG) on June 6th-7th 2015 PROGRAMMA AGENDA Venerdi' 5 Giugno 2015 16:00-18.00 Accreditamento e controllo materiali Friday June 5th 2015 16:00 - 18:00 Registration and equipment check Sabato 6 Giugno 2015 9:00-11:30 Accreditamento e controllo materiali 12:00 Cerimonia di apertura nel centro storico di Sellano cui seguirà un piccolo rinfresco 14:00 Briefing presso il lago Loch Ness 14:30 Inizio prima gara di Pesca con l'arco 20:00 Esposizione classifica parziale presso il Ristorante Loch Ness 20:30 Serata conviviale con ricco menù: antipasti misti, due primi,due secondi, contorni,dessert,acqua, vino, caffè al prezzo concordato di 28 euro Nel corso della serata si potrà assistere in sala alla preparazione e degustazione di specialità gastronomiche tipiche sellanesi Saturday June 6th 2015 9.00 - 11.30 Registration and equipment check 12.00 Opening ceremony in the historic centre of Sellano followed by some light refreshments 14.00 Briefing at the "Loch Ness" lake 14.30 Bow Fishing tournament Day 1 20.00 First days results presentation at the "Loch Ness" restaurant 20.30 An evening socialising and dining. Menu offering mixed starters, two first courses, two second courses, side dishes, dessert, water, wine, coffee at the price of €28.00 During the evening, in the dining room, there will be demonstrations showing the preparation and also the chance of tasting the speciality foods from Sellano Domenica 7 giugno 2015 7:30 Ritrovo presso il lago Loch Ness e briefing 8:00 Inizio seconda gara di pesca 12:30 Premiazione e chiusura del Campionato Sunday June 7th 2015 7.30 Briefing at the "Loch Ness" lake 8.00 Bow Fishing tournament Day 2 12.30 Closing and awards ceremony SELLANO 2015 POSTI DISPONIBILI Il lago può ospitare fino a 60 arcieri, nelle classi Cacciatori e Scout. Per i Cuccioli è previsto un piccolo laghetto a parte, con acqua profonda 70 centimetri e supervisione dello staff, in grado di ospitare fino a 10 piccoli arcieri. I posti disponibili vengono assegnati in ordine di arrivo dei pagamenti fino ad esaurimento. PLACES AVAILABLE The lake can accommodate up to a maximum of 60 archers split between Adults and Juniors. For Cubs there is a staff supervised lake (70cm deep) which can accommodate up to 10 “young” archers. Places are on a strictly offered on a first come first served basis and full payment is required to secure your place. COME ISCRIVERSI Le iscrizioni iniziano il 16 Marzo 2015. Gli arcieri FIARC devono iscriversi, come al solito, tramite il Gestionale FIARC. Gli arcieri IFAA devono inoltrare un'email di “Richiesta Iscrizione al 1° International Bowfishing Championship” all’indirizzo per ricevere dalla Segreteria la procedura cui attenersi. BOOKING INFORMATION Registration opens on March 16th 2015. Archers from FIARC must sign up as usual through the on-line procedure. Archers from IFAA must write an email with the subject "Request Sign up to 1st international bow fishing championship" and send to: to receive your application form from the secretary. QUOTE ISCRIZIONE €60 per i Cacciatori – €30 per Scout e Cuccioli Nota Il pagamento delle quote deve essere effettuato entro Lunedì 4 maggio 2015. In caso di pagamento oltre tale data la quota individuale deve essere maggiorata di 10 euro. Cancellazione e rimborsi La cancellazione ad avvenuto pagamento deve essere richiesta con email inoltrata all’indirizzo La richiesta di rimborso della quota di iscrizione è ammissibile solo per le domande pervenute in Segreteria entro il 18 maggio 2015. Dopo tale data le quote non saranno rimborsate. Rimborso per eccedenza posti disponibili I pagamenti pervenuti dopo la saturazione dei posti disponibili saranno in ogni caso rimborsati. COSTS €60 Adults - €30 Juniors and Cubs Note All payments must be made by Mon. May 4th 2015. Late payments will incur a €10 surcharge per capita. Cancellation & Refunds Any cancellations following payment must be made via email through All refunds requests must made to the secretary and no later than May 18th 2015. No refunds can be considered after this date. Any over-subscription will be refunded in full. PAGAMENTI Bonifico Bancario su FIARC, via G. Banfi 4, (MI) c/o Banca Popolare Commercio & Industria Filiale Milano Meda IBAN: IT04 I 05048 01657 00000 0000 573 Le attestazioni di pagamento vanno inoltrate all’indirizzo per consentire la conferma dell’iscrizione. PAYMENTS DETAILS Account name: FIARC – Federazione Italiana Arcieri Tiro di Campagna Bank: Banca Popolare Commercio & Industria BIC: POCIITM1 IBAN: IT 04 I 05048 01657 0000 0000 0573 SWIFT: BLOPIT22 Payments must include all bank charges Confirmation of payment must be sent via email to once processed you will receive your confirmation of booking by return. SELLANO 2015 Informazioni, regolamenti, aggiornamenti... Restate connessi... Informations, rules, news... Stay tune... Pesca con l'arco: ieri e oggi in un filmato FIARC Bowfishing from the past up today in a FIARC movie Per consultare l'elenco iscritti – To have a look at the subscription list SELLANO 2015 Sellano: un posto bellissimo in un territorio fantastico Sellano: a beautiful location in a wonderful land COME ARRIVARE Sellano: GPS 42°53'18.5”N, 12°55'33.5”E Lago Loch Ness: GPS 42°53'43.3”N, 12°55'48.3”E HOW TO REACH Sellano: GPS 42°53'18.5”N, 12°55'33.5”E Loch Ness Lake: GPS 42°53'43.3”N, 12°55'48.3”E DOVE ALLOGGIARE Contattate FEDERICA STOCCHI, vi assisterà nel trovare la migliore sistemazione per voi Tel: +39 333 2761298 - +39 0743 926637 Email: WHERE TO STAY Keep in contact with FEDERICA STOCCHI, she is the one helping you to find your best accomodation Phone: +39 333 2761298 - +39 0743 926637 Email: Gubbio Perugia Assisi Spello SELLANO Todi Spoleto Norcia Castelluccio 1st International Bowfishing Championship 6th – 7th June 2015 - Sellano (PG) - ITALY APPLICATION FORM Please fulfill and return to _____________________________________ Last Name _____________________________________ First Name ________________________________ _________________ _____________ Address City State ________ Zip Code _____________________________________ ____________________ _______________ Email Phone Country __________________________________________________ IFAA National Organization ___________________________ ________________________ Member ID n° □ Male □ Female Date of birth (dd/mm/yyyy) Gender Shooting style Division □ No-Compound Bow (any bow without cams) □ Compound Bow (any bow with cams) □ Adults – (turned 18 years of age and over) □ Juniors – (from turned 14 to 17 years of age) □ Cubs – (from turned 8 to 13 years of age) KEEP IN MIND Fees €60 Adults - €30 Juniors and Cubs Note All payments must be made by Monday 4th May 2015. Late payments will incur a €10 surcharge per capita. Cancellation & Refunds Any cancellations following payment must be made via email through All refunds requests must made to the secretary and no later than 18th May 2015. No refunds can be considered after this date. Any over-subscription will be refunded in full. PAYMENTS DETAILS Account name: FIARC – Federazione Italiana Arcieri Tiro di Campagna Bank: Banca Popolare Commercio & Industria BIC: POCIITM1 IBAN: IT 04 I 05048 01657 0000 0000 0573 SWIFT: BLOPIT22 Payments must include all bank charges Confirmation of payment must be sent via email to once processed you will receive your confirmation of booking by return. Rules of International Bowfishing Tournament FIARC (abstract from Regolamento di Pesca con l’arco FIARC, delibera del Consiglio Federale n°8/2015 del 24/1/2015) Article 1 – Not Available Article 2 – Archers admitted Only the archers signed up one national archery association affiliated with International Field Archery Association (IFAA) can take part in. Article 3 – Shooting styles and Divisions a) Any type of bow and equipment recognised by IFAA is permitted by fitting the following 2 categories: 1) No-Compound Bow – any bow without cams 2) Compound Bow – any bow with cams b) Any divisions of competition is divided by gender Male and Female. There are the following: 1) Adults – (turned 18 years of age and over) 2) Juniors – (from turned 14 to 17 years of age) 3) Cubs – (from turned 8 to 13 years of age) c) Style and division nomenclature NCB AM No-Compound Bow Adult Male NCB AF No-Compound Bow Adult Female NCB JM No-Compound Bow Junior Male NCB JF No-Compound Bow Junior Female NCB CM No-Compound Bow Cub Male NCB CF No-Compound Bow Cub Female CB AM Compound Bow Adult Male CB AF Compound Bow Adult Female CB JM Compound Bow Junior Male CB JF Compound Bow Junior Female CB CM Compound Bow Cub Male CB CF Compound Bow Cub Female Article 4 – Equipment The equipment of any archer is made up of various essential and optional part, as the following: a) one bow, as mentioned above. b) one fishing reel or retriever fixed on the bow, mounting strength and long rope or line to securely retrieve the shoted arrow also with the harpooned fish. One rod attachment is allowed. c) any kind of fishing arrow, even in different shape, material and length, but compulsorily 1) made with a shaft (with or without feather/vanes) connected to the rope/line, one nock, one fishing point with harpoon (fixed or movable); 2) sinkable just laying on the water. d) Optionals: landing net, grapnel, cutting and fishing tools, etc. Article 5 – Course layout a) The course layout is the side in front of the fishing water where is allowed bowfishing. b) Visibly lines limit the portion of the river side where to bowfish in. If the fishing water is a full lake the visibly lines are not necessary. c) Dangerous spots inside the portion of the river side available for the bowfishers are excluded with visibly lines. Article 6 – Acknowledgement a) On the acknowledgement the archer receives the score card and a bib number to be visibly fastened during the tournament. b) The archer have to disclose his equipment intended to store the fish. The staff assign the same number of the given bib to this storing equipment. c) To share among archers the same storing fish equipment is forbidden. If it is, all the archers involved will be disqualified. Article 7 – Fishing contest a) The challenge is structured with 4 periods of fishing time, eachone 45 minutes length, spaced out by a 15 minutes break. b) Each fishing time starts and ends with a distinct sound. c) Each archer shall mark the score card just after each captured fish. Any time the marshal can check if the number of stored fish match the marked fish on the score card. If it isn’t, on the first infringement all the captured fish will be cancelled from the score card, while on the next same infringement the archer will be disqualified. d) Each captured fish have to be always placed into the storing equipment before fishing again. If it isn’t, on the first infringement the archer will be booked, while on the next same infringement the archer will be disqualified. e) Just after the end of the challenge, any archer must to bring the score card to the counting and weighting check point. The archers with at least one captured fish must wait for the call by the marshal in order to count and weight their own fishes. If the archer disregards the call will be set to zero points. Article 8 – Important warnings a) The archer may walk (just walk, no run) with a nocked arrow along the river side just close to the water, but absolutely he cannot draw the bow until he stops the walk. If it isn’t, on the first infringement the archer will be booked, while on the next same infringement the archer will be disqualified. b) The archer may draw the bow and shot the arrow only aiming low to the surface of the water. If it isn’t, on the first infringement the archer will be booked, while on the next same infringement the archer will be disqualified. c) It is forbidden shot in the water just in front on the next archer. The archer playing this unfair behaviour will be booked on the first infringement, while on the nextone will be disqualified. d) It is forbidden use any kind of bait. In the case the first infringement the marshal moves the archer to another spot and cancels all the captured fish from the score card, on the next one the archer will be disqualified. e) Sometimes there are in the fishing water some uncatchable sizes or species of fish, which are clearly pointed out to the archers before fishing. If the archer wounds or gets these kind of fish have to refound the owner of the fishing location and the catched fish will be cancelled from the final count and weight. f) The marshal can disqualify and expel any time an archer having dangerous behaviour. Article 9 – Counting and weighting check point a) The counting and weighting check point is the stand with: 1) a table where to collect the score cards by the staff; 2) landing net; 3) scale in grams. b) The staff call each archer one by one. c) The called archer will be asked for putting his fish into the landing net, so the staff register the weigth and assign the final grade to the score card. If in the score card there are some cancelled fish by the marshal, is the archer charged to choose which size of fish have to be excluded from counting and weighting. Article 10 – Scoring a) by number: each captured fish assigns 30 points. b) by weight in grams of all together captured fish: each 100 grams assign 1 point and the last under weight fraction have to be rounded up or down to the unit Article 11 – Ranking a) In each style and division the first three highest score will be awarded. b) In the event of a tie for an award the concerned archers will break the tie by counting fish: the highest number of captured fish is the winner. c) If the tie is not then broken the concerned archers will be same awarded. Article 12 – Not Available Article 13 – Not Available
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