24th Jan new CALYPSO REST menu.qxp 24/1/12 13:05 Page 1 HEA VE NLY DE SSERT S Please see seperate menu DRINKS ‘N’ THINGS WINES Please see seperate menu SOFT DRINKS Juices - Mango, Cranberry, Orange, Pineapple, Grapefruit CARIBBEAN DRINKS Welcome to COCKTAILS & MOCKTAILS Please see seperate menu For the kids – Chef’s daughter recommends Lemon Daisy mocktail & for the boys, Toothless Shark, to be da best! Red Stripe (Jamaican Lager) Jamaican Rum Malibu & Pineapple Tia Maria & Coke Tea – Ginger & Mint, Ginger & Honey, Ginger and Sorrell Coffee – Fresh ground coffee Calypso Coffee – Tia Maria, Coffee, Topped with Cream FOR THAT SPECIAL OCCASION TA B L E B U F F E T S f o r 6 p e r s o n s o r m o r e (mu st be orde re d in ad van c e) Why not try our buffet wh ich i s served at y our table and includ es: A se le c t ion of chic ke n , (j e rk, s pe c ial f rie d) C aribbe a n ke babs ; Cal yp so r oast p ot a t oe s; Co rn o n th e cob C a l y p s o c u r r y ; Tr a d i t i o n a l Pa t t i e s ; P l a n t a i n ; B la ck Be a n Sa la d H o m e m a d e C o l e s l a w ; R i c e & Pe a s £15.00 per head or £20.00 per head includes all the above plus our famous R ed Snapper & K i n g Pr a w n s We a l s o c a t e r f o r c h r i s t e n i n g s , b i r t h d a y p a r t i e s , weddings, office parties and even funerals, ye man! Calypso Caribbean Restaurant Tel: 0125 4 2610 20 … bringing a taste of the Caribbean to urban Lancashire 24th Jan new CALYPSO REST menu.qxp 24/1/12 13:05 Page 2 SOUL FOOD (MAINS) C H EF’ S RE C OM M E N DATI ON Fo r t h o s e o f y o u w h o ’ v e n o t t r i e d C a r i b b e a n f o o d b e f o r e w h y n o t t r y t h e C H E F ’ S FA M O U S P L AT T E R w h i c h g i v e s y o u a t ast e of a nu mb er of foo ds f rom t he C aribbe a n wit h “ a l it t le bit of di s and a l ittle bit o f d at” ! A S e l e c t i o n o f C a l y p s o C h i c k e n Wi n g s (j e rk/sp e c ial fri ed ) C h o i c e o f C u r r y ( M u t t o n , C h i c k e n o r Ve g e t a b l e ) F i s h o f t h e d a y i n a S p e c i a l C a l y p s o Fi s h S e a s o n i n g R i c e & Pe a s , H o m e - M a d e C o l e s l a w Tr a d i t i o n a l Pa t t y C a r i b b e an B ar b e q u e d Ke b a b Fr i e d P l a n t a i n , C a l y p s o P r a w n B l a c k B e a n S a l a d , Fr i e d D u m p l i n g “B e read y to be impressed!” Platter for one £20 Platter for two £30 £9.80 CURRIED GOAT/MUTTON Tender, boneless chunks of tasty mutton marinated in Caribbean spices and simmered in a Caribbean curry sauce. Served with rice & peas and dumpling. Chef’s signature dish! £9.00 CURRIED CHICKEN Boneless chunks of chicken marinated in Caribbean spices and simmered in a Caribbean curry sauce. Served with rice & peas and dumpling (ye man!) £8.00 CURRIED VEGETABLES (v) Vegetables marinated in Caribbean spices and simmered in a Caribbean curry sauce. Served with rice & peas and dumpling £12.50 AKEE & SALTFIS H Jamaica’s National dish, salt fish sautéed with onions, scallion, thyme, tomato and folded with Akee (the National fruit of Jamaica). £ 11 . 5 0 OXTAIL STEW Oxtail cooked with butter beans, tender delicious and full of flavour, ‘Mamma’s recipe’. Served with homemade bread or fried dumplings Unless stated the dishes below are served with a choice of any two of the following: Rice & peas, sweet potato, Calypso roast potatoes, C a l y p s o f r i e s , h o m e m a d e c o l e s l a w, b l a c k b e a n s a l a d LITE F OOD (STARTERS) £9.00 C ALYPSO SPECIAL FR IED C HIC KEN H O M E M A D E S O U P O F T H E D A Y (see specials board) £4.50 SPICY CORN ON THE COB (v) £4.00 This is a true family favourite, strips of chicken fillet coated in lightly seasoned flour giving an aromatic, unique and delicious flavour with a real tropical taste. £9.50 Sautéed in butter and chilli flakes, then seared and served with a bean salad C ALYPSO JERK C HICKEN PATTY – BEEF OR VEGETABLE Strips of chicken fillet marinated with authentic spicy jerk seasoning and cooked on a griddle. A true taste of the West Indies, man! £4.00 Patties are the heart of traditional Caribbean cuisine and part of everyday life across the islands; from Jamaica to Antigua. Served with a mixed leaf salad C ALYPSO C HICKEN WINGS C ALYPSO JERK PORK C HO PS £4.80 A selection of chicken wings (special fried, jerk, bbq) marinated and seasoned with our authentic Caribbean spices. Served with homemade coleslaw & salad with a Calypso dip. STAMP AND GO £5.00 £6.80 Succulent king prawns (with shell on), pan fried in olive oil with lime, chilli and garlic, served with a Calypso dip and salad C ALYPSO BBQ SPARE RIBS £12.50 REGGAE LAMB CHOPS Lamb chops griddled with a tropical seasoning. Soul food for Marley fans! A traditional Jamaican salt fish fritter. Served with a Calypso dip and salad SPICY STIR FRIED PRA WNS £12.00 Two succulent loin pork chops marinated in jerk seasoning. CARIBBEAN KEBABS (c hic ken and steak) £10.50 Barbeque chicken and organic rump steak, served on a skewer with tomatoes, peppers and mushrooms. SPICY STIR FRIED PRA WNS £14.50 Succulent large king prawns, pan fried in olive oil with lime, chilli and garlic. £6.50 £13.00 RED SNAPPER Red Snapper Supreme boneless (6oz-8oz) seasoned in Calypso special fish seasoning. Red Snapper is the Islanders staple diet Tender, juicy spare ribs, slow cooked in our special flavouring and smothered in BBQ sauce. Served on a bed of salad with homemade coleslaw. FISH OF THE DAY (whole fish) GROUND FOOD (SIDES) BLACK BEAN SALAD (v) £3.00 MACARONI CHEESE BAKE (v) This salad is a kaleidoscope of colour and taste – black beans, yellow corn, green peppers and red tomatoes in lime juice, garlic, cumin & coriander to give it some punch GARDEN SALAD (v) £2.50 (v) vegetarian dishes Please see our Specials Board for seasonal dishes and more flavours from the Caribbean £2.50 If you have any special dietary requirements please state before ordering £2.50 Seasoned rice and gungo peas cooked together with fresh herbs and a hint of coconut milk, ‘cooked di Jamaican way’ COLESLAW (v) £8.50 A delicious family favourite in the Caribbean eaten at any time of the year – yummy! A variety of peppers, onions, tomatoes and carrots on a bed of crisp leafy salad RICE & PEAS (v) £POA Fish seasoned in Calypso special fish seasoning and grilled. Fish is popular in the Caribbean (the head is eaten in most cases and is said to be “de best part of de fish”!) Fresh homemade coleslaw FRIED DUMPLINGS (v) £2.00 KIDS CORNER Fried dough, known as Bakes (ye man!) C RE AME D SW EE T POT AT OE S (v) £3.00 Sweet potatoes mashed with cream, butter, nutmeg and fresh chives C ALYPSO RO ASTED POTAT O ES (v) BEEF BURGER Beef burger served on a bread roll with a BBQ or tomato dip £3.00 Potatoes roasted in garlic, peppers and Calypso tropical special spices (ye man!) C ALYPSO FISH CAKES FRIED PLANTAIN (v) Fish cakes made with potatoes and fish £2.80 Plantain is a type of banana which is highly nutritious, a good source of vitamin A & C, a great energy booster HOMEMADE BREAD (v) HOMEMADE CALYPSO CHICKEN GOUJONS OR WINGS £2.50 Freshly baked in Calypso’s own kitchen CALLALOO (v) £2.50 £2.50 Calypso’s famous curry sauce C RISPY C ALYPSO CARI BBEAN FRIES £3.00 Fries, lightly coated with the Chef’s special Calypso seasoning INDIVIDU AL DIPS (v) Choose from Calypso, Jerk, Barbeque or Hot Pepper Sauce (very hot!) £ 1. 0 0 £4.50 £4.50 Chicken breast or wings lightly seasoned JUMBO FISH FINGERS A vegetable from the Caribbean, a close relative of spinach and a rich source of iron C UR RY SA UCE £4.00 Two jumbo cod fish fingers C ALYPSO SPECIAL FR IED C HIC KEN DR UMSTIC KS Chicken drumstick cooked in Calypso famous seasoning 2 Drumsticks £ 5 . 0 0 1 Drumstick £ 3 . 5 0 All the above are served with a choice of any two of the following: Caribbean roast potato, Calypso fries, f r i e d p l a n t a i n , c o l e s l a w, s a l a d £4.50
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