Tender for selection of Consultant for preparation of Feasibility Report on land at Financial City, Bengaluru. TENDER DOCUMENT FOR Tender for appointment of Consultant for preparation of Feasibility Study with viability Reports for construction on the land in Financial City, Devanahalli Industrial Area, Bengaluru, General Manager (Estates) IFCI Limited IFCI Tower 61 Nehru Place New Delhi-110 019 IFCI LIMITED Regd. Office: IFCI Tower, 61 Nehru Place, New Delhi-110019 Website: www.ifciltd.com Telephone- 011-26487444/41732000 Signature of the Bidder with Company seal Page 1 of 16 Tender for selection of Consultant for preparation of Feasibility Report on land at Financial City, Bengaluru. Tender No. IFCI/Estates/Tender/2015-16/02 Dated: 06.05.2015 1. IFCI Ltd., (IFCI) is the first Development Financial Institution of India (DFI), was set up in 1948, having its Registered Office at IFCI Tower, 61 Nehru Place, New Delhi-110019 with pan-India presence across 16 key locations. IFCI is a Government of India Undertaking under the Ministry of Finance. 2. Name of Work: Tender for appointment of Consultant for preparation of Feasibility Study with viability Reports for construction on the land in Financial City, Devanahalli Industrial Area, Bengaluru. 3. Sealed tenders are invited by IFCI for the above mentioned work (in two bids system) from experienced and reputed consultants/agencies/firms. The Technical Bid and Financial Bid are to be submitted in a separate sealed covers and both envelope kept in another big envelope duly sealed super-scribed on the top of all envelopes ‘Name of the work’. Tender document is available and can be downloaded from IFCI website: www: ifciltd.com. Corrigendum/addendum, if any will be available on IFCI Website only. 4. IFCI reserves the right to reject all or any tender wholly or partly without assigning any reason whatsoever. 5. IFCI reserve the right to change /modify/amend any or all provisions of this RFP document. Such revision/ amendments etc. will be made available on IFCI websites only. 6. Background of the site (Plot) : The Government of Karnataka had allotted 50 Acre of Land through Karnataka Industrial Area Development Board (KIADB) to IFCI Infrastructure Development Limited (IIDL), a 100% subsidiary of IFCI, for developing the country’s first and only Financial City at Devanahalli Industrial Area, Bengaluru, close to Bengaluru International Airport. a) Lease-cum-Sale Agreement was entered into between KIADB and IIDL wherein the above 50 acres of land was conveyed to IIDL on lease hold basis. IFCI has acquired land on 28.03.2013, admeasuring 5.63 acre from IIDL with the options to develop Convention Centre, Hotel, Commercial Space, Service Apartments or any other activities as permissible. b) As per Sub-Lease-cum-Sale-Agreement, (IFCI) shall have to complete civil construction work, erect machinery and commence operation within 48 months from the date of taking possession of the scheduled property after obtaining necessary licenses/clearances/approvals from the concerned Authorities, wherever required. The possession of land was taken by IFCI on March 28, 2013. c) As per Sub-Lease-cum-Sale-Agreement, IFCI presently proposed to utilize minimum 50% of the scheduled property which may include building, Roads, Parking Areas & other allied activities. As per by-laws of the area, the Signature of the Bidder with Company seal Page 2 of 16 Tender for selection of Consultant for preparation of Feasibility Report on land at Financial City, Bengaluru. tentative permissible FAR as per the building regulation is 3.25 for a plot above 6000 sq. mtr. (IFCI plot is approx. 22779 sq. mtr. i.e. 5.63 Acres). 7. Address for submission of Bid: The General Manager (Estates) IFCI Limited IFCI Tower 61 Nehru Place New Delhi -110 019 8. Last date of submission of Tender: Upto 27.05.2015 at 02:00 p.m. 9. Procedure for submission of bids: The bids shall be submitted as under:a) Envelope-A: Marked with “Technical Bid” consisting tender document cost of Rs.1000/-(One Thousand Only) (non-refundable) and EMD of Rs. 100,000/- (One Lakh Only) in the form of Demand Draft/Pay Order (PO) drawn on any Nationalized/Schedule bank in favour of “IFCI Ltd. ” payable at New Delhi. Technical formats i.e. Annexures-1 to 9 and any other relevant supporting documents. All the pages of tender document must be duly stamped and signed along with date as token of acceptance of the terms & conditions of tender. b) Envelope-B: Marked with “Financial Bid” consisting only Financial bid i.e. Annexure- 10 duly stamped and signed along with date. c) All Bid documents must be submitted in properly paginated with indexed duly stamped and signed along with date by authorized person. d) The Technical Bid envelope and Financial Bid envelope are to be submitted in separate sealed covers and both envelope kept in another big envelope duly sealed super-scribed on the top of envelope ‘Name of the work’. e) The tender are to be dropped in the tender box kept at Ground floor, IFCI Tower. However, tenders may be submitted by `SPEED/REGISTERED POST / BY COURIER’ and shall be posted with due allowance for any postal/courier delays. IFCI takes no responsibility for delay, loss or non-receipt of tenders sent by post/courier. The tenders received after the specified time of their submission are treated as `Late Tenders’ and shall not be considered under any circumstances. 10. The Sequence for opening the sealed bids would be on random basis. 11. Only one bid would be considered from one firm. Signature of the Bidder with Company seal Page 3 of 16 Tender for selection of Consultant for preparation of Feasibility Report on land at Financial City, Bengaluru. 12. Opening of Technical Bids: Envelope-A will be opened at IFCI Tower, Nehru Place, New Delhi on 27.05.2015 at 02:30 p.m. by the Tender Committee. IFCI shall evaluate the technical bid to pre-qualify the bidders. 13. Opening of Financial Bids: Exact date and time shall be communicated through official E-mail address given in the bid document. 14. Opening of bids: The firms may depute their representatives during opening of bids by issuing an authorization letter. 15. Validity of bids: Tender submitted by Bidders shall remain valid for acceptance for a minimum period of 90 (ninety) days from the last date of submission of Bid. 16. IFCI reserves the right to reject any or all the offers without assigning any reasons thereof. 17. Conditional bids would be summarily rejected. 18. Pre-bid Meeting: For any clarification on the Bidding Document, a pre bid meeting will be held on 15.05.2015 at 02:30 p.m. at in IFCI Tower, Nehru Place, New Delhi. 19. Contact Person: In case of any query, you may contact any of the following officials: a) Shri Gautam Meour, GM at Head Office, New Delhi (08527192394) & E-mail: gautam.meour@ifciltd.com b) Shri Satish Chandra, DGM at Head Office, New Delhi (09990725963) & Email: satish.chandra@ifciltd.com 20. Earnest Money Deposit(EMD):Bidder should pay specified amount towards Earnest Money deposit as follows: i) Rs. 1,00,000/-(One Lakh Only) in the form of Demand Draft/PO drawn on any Nationalized /Schedule bank in favour of “IFCI Ltd. ” Payable at New Delhi. ii) EMD will not carry any interest. iii) EMD will be refunded to unsuccessful bidders after finalization of bid. iv) The Earnest Money Deposit submitted by the bidder will be forfeited if, a) If successful bidder fails to execute an of awarded work within specified time as per intimation/request of the IFCI, b) He withdraws his tender or backs out after acceptance, c) He withdraws his tender before the expiry of validity period stipulated in the bidding document, d) He violates any of the terms and conditions of the tender, e) He revises any of the items quoted during the validity period, f) Evidences are found to be fraudulent/non-genuine 21. Scope of Work: a) IFCI desirous for construction of any one activity out of most three suitable options suggested by consultant viz., Convention Centre/Hotel/Commercial Signature of the Bidder with Company seal Page 4 of 16 Tender for selection of Consultant for preparation of Feasibility Report on land at Financial City, Bengaluru. b) c) d) e) f) g) h) i) j) k) l) m) Space/Service Apartments/any other permissible activities on the land acquired in Financial City, Devanahalli Industrial Area, Bangaluru. Minimum permissible i.e. 50% of the scheduled property i.e 2.81 acres, as per rules of Government of Karnataka more specifically KIADB as applicable for the said land/area. Presently, IFCI plan to construction only 2.81 acres out of 5.63 acres. The Consultants shall prepare feasibility Study with viability Reports of three most suitable options permitted as per Karnataka Industrial Area Development Board (KIADB) with preliminary cost estimates along with cost benefit analysis. The consultants will undertake detailed assessment and market analysis for various components of proposals. The consultant shall prepare preliminary cost estimates covering all project components related to project & other allied facilities. Provide feasibility reports with preliminary design/layout plan, recommendations and analysis of the project features, structure and way forward strategy on project development. The consultant shall suggest the project structuring options keeping in mind all the relevant policies and guidelines of Government of Karnataka & KIADB issued from time to time. Based on the project structuring option, as approved by the IFCI, the necessary statutory/administrative clearances required for setting up project from different agencies like environmental authorities, Central/State Governments and its bodies etc. shall also be indentified and listed. The consultant shall deliberate various service providers/regulatory bodies/government agencies role in setting up of the project along with necessary statutory provisions and recommend ways for smooth functioning of the project as a single window facilitation location. In case, the Consultant engage qualified and competent reputed structural/ or any other consultant(s), as per requirement of the job, to assist them in the preparation of report and other related work/ services. The fees payable to these consultants shall be borne by the consultant out of the fees received by them. The consultant shall be fully responsible for the works of such consultants(s) and shall also co-ordinate the activities of such consultants Based on the exercise carried out as above, the consultant shall prepare all 3 3os. feasibility study reports with preliminary cost estimates along with cost benefit analysis. The selected consultant have to submit two copies of each feasibility reports in bound volume and soft copies in CDs or as may be required by IFCI. The duties and functions mentioned above are only indicative and not exhaustive. Any other services usually and normally rendered by the consultant with regard to the said work may also be provided as per need of IFCI. Signature of the Bidder with Company seal Page 5 of 16 Tender for selection of Consultant for preparation of Feasibility Report on land at Financial City, Bengaluru. n) The Selected Consultant has to give detailed presentation at IFCI New Delhi/Bengaluru Office and explain and represent the merits and demerits of all the 3 nos. feasibility reports. On the basis of presentation and recommendation of consultant, IFCI will finalize suitable proposal. Presentation of all 3 nos. feasibility reports with preliminary cost estimates along with cost benefit analysis is also in the scope of work of selected consultants. Please note that the Scope of work shall be as per above section. The bidder has to quote their rates/consultancy charges, keeping in view the above scope of work. Project implementation shall be only one or two activities, as the case may be, out of 3 nos. suitable options. Further, Please note that consultants will not include the fees of project implementation expenses such as, design & drawing, Layout, preparation of tender document, BOQ, supervision & monitoring of work etc. The implementation part is not in the scope of selected consultant. If any of the activity/activities found suitable, IFCI is not bound to avail further services of the selected consultant for implementation of the proposal. 22. Minimum pre-Qualification Criteria: a) The bidder should have experience of preparation of feasibility Reports of minimum 2 no. of projects of Govt. Organizations/PSU/Bank/Financial Institutions and other reputed institutions in the last 5 years for similar projects with an area of around 3 acres. b) Average annual turnover of the bidder for last 3 financial years i.e. 2011-12, 2012-13, 2013-14 should be at least Rs.60.00 lakh. 23. IMPORTANT NOTE: a) Similar Project means Convention Centre/Hotel/Commercial Space/Service Apartments/any other feasibility reports. b) The bidder shall submit authenticated documentary proof in support of financial turnover certificates/annual audited reports of last 3 years certified by Chartered Accountant. c) The bidder shall submit copies of Purchase Order, Work order, completion/ performance certificate issued by client in support of satisfactory completion of similar works during the last 5 years. d) The Bidder should be having adequate manpower, equipment etc. e) The bidder shall be summarily disqualified in case of non-submission of required documents. Signature of the Bidder with Company seal Page 6 of 16 Tender for selection of Consultant for preparation of Feasibility Report on land at Financial City, Bengaluru. 24. Authorization and Attestation: The bidder has to submit an authorization letter or valid Power of Attorney on behalf of company/firm for signing the document. 25. Completion of Work: The work is to be completed within 30 days from the date of issue of LOI/Award Letter, to the satisfaction of IFCI. 26. Abnormal Rates: In case, it is noticed that the rates quoted by the bidder for the said job are unusually high or unusually low, it will be sufficient case for the rejection of the tender unless the reasonableness of the rates is convincing. For scrutiny, the analysis for such rates is to be furnished by the bidder on demand. 27. Acceptance / Rejection of Bid: i) IFCI does not bind itself to accept the lowest tender. ii) IFCI also reserves the right to accept or reject any tender in part or full without assigning any reason whatsoever. iii) IFCI also reserves the absolute right to reject any or all the Bids at any time solely based on the past unsatisfactory performance by the bidder(s). The opinion/decision of IFCI regarding the same shall be final and conclusive. 28. Bidders are advised to study the tender documents carefully and accordingly submit the bid. If any doubt in the tender document or find discrepancies or omissions in the scope of work or require clarification on any of the technical aspect, in the scope of work etc., bidder shall contact to the authority inviting the tender well in time for clarification, before the submission of the tender. The specifications and terms and conditions shall be deemed to have been accepted by the bidders in his offer. Non-compliance with any of the requirements and instructions of the tender enquiry may result in the rejection of the tender. 29. The successful firm’s responsibility under this contract commences work from the date of issue of the Letter of Intent by IFCI. The successful firm shall be required to execute an agreement (in the prescribed form) with IFCI within 7 days after the acceptance of the Letter of Intent/Award. 30. The Consultant for the said work will have to give detailed presentation before the committee of experts as appointed by IFCI. The venue of presentation may at New Delhi/Bengaluru. 31. It will not be binding on IFCI to engage/appoint the same consultant for implementation of the selected project by IFCI for further work. 32. The quoted fees should be inclusive of all charges including incidental expenses, preparation of reports, engaging any other consultant etc., site visit, visit at IFCI Head Office New Delhi/ Bengaluru Regional Office etc. However, the applicable service tax is payable extra by IFCI 33. Before submission of quotation/bid, you are advised to inspect the site of work and the environments and be well acquainted with the actual working and other prevalent conditions, facilities available at site, rules regulations, applicable for the Signature of the Bidder with Company seal Page 7 of 16 Tender for selection of Consultant for preparation of Feasibility Report on land at Financial City, Bengaluru. said site of Govt. of Karnataka, KIADB, local authorities etc. No claim will be entertained later on the grounds of lack of knowledge of any of these conditions. 34. Payment Terms: i) 50% payment after submission, presentation of all 3 nos. feasibility reports preliminary cost estimates along with cost benefit analysis. ii) Balance, 50% payment after incorporation the comments, suggestions, modification as per IFCI requirement and submission of revised final feasibility report and further presentation, if any. 35. Income tax and other taxes and surcharge at source, as applicable will be deducted from your payments at the prevailing rates. 36. The Consultant shall agree to revise the study report as per requirement of IFCI. 37. In case where the consultant perform partial services for any reason, including the abandonment, deferment, substitution or omission of any project and /or work, or part thereof, and if the services of the consultant are terminated, the payment will be made in accordance with the payment clause and for the stages that have been completed. For the incomplete stage, payment will be made on quantum-merit basis in which case assessment of fees will be made with due regard to all relevant factors. 38. In case at any stage, if it is found that Consultant is not adhering to the time schedule for completion of work, delivering things with inordinate delay and not co-operating, IFCI may terminate the contract any stage giving short notice and IFCI may impose penalty as deemed fit. 39. In case amicable settlement is not reached in the event of any dispute of difference arising out of the execution of the work/contract or the respective rights and liabilities of the parties or in relation to interpretation of any provision by the consultant in any manner touching upon the contract, such dispute or difference shall (except as to any matters, the decision of which is specifically provided for therein) be referred to the arbitration of a single arbitrator, to be appointed by IFCI, as per the provisions of The Arbitration & Conciliation Act 1996 and the Parties shall bear the costs of such arbitration in equal shares. Such arbitration shall be held at Delhi and the language of the proceedings shall be in English. Subject to the above, the Courts at Delhi alone shall have the jurisdiction to deal any disputes between the Parties pertaining to the contract/agreement. Signature of the Bidder with Company seal Page 8 of 16 Tender for selection of Consultant for preparation of Feasibility Report on land at Financial City, Bengaluru. Annexure-1 BIDDER INFORMATION Dated:______________ S. No. Particulars/Details 1. Name of the Bidders/ Firm 2. Communication Address 3. Telephone No. Office Mobile Fax E-Mail Website Authorised Person - Name Designation Mobile E-Mail ID Alternate Authorised Person - Name Designation Mobile E-Mail ID 4. 5. 6. PAN No. 7. TIN No. 8. Service Tax Registration No. 9. Beneficiary Bank Details Bank Account No IFSC/NEFT Code Name of Bank Address of Branch 10. Particular of Tender Fee Amount (DD/PO) No. Date Name of the Bank Address of Bank Rs. Signature of the Bidder with Company seal Page 9 of 16 Tender for selection of Consultant for preparation of Feasibility Report on land at Financial City, Bengaluru. 11. 12. Particular of Earnest Money Deposit (EMD) Amount (DD/PO) No. Date Name of the Bank Address of Bank Rs. 13. Furnish the names with address & telephone nos. of three responsible persons who will be in a position to certify about the services/quality as well as the past performance of your organization. Attached Detailed Company/Firm Profile Yes 14. Name of Proposed suitable options Give details compulsory a b c Date: Place: Signature of authorized person Full Name & Designation: Company’s Seal Signature of the Bidder with Company seal Page 10 of 16 Tender for selection of Consultant for preparation of Feasibility Report on land at Financial City, Bengaluru. Annexure-2 A. List of feasibility Reports: Feasibility reports carried out during the last 5 years Sl. No. 1 Name & Address of the client with contact No. 2 Location of feasibility report Type of feasibility report Estimated cost (Rs. In lakh) Whether implemente d or not 4 5 6 3 Any other informat ion 7 Note: The bidder has to provide details of minimum 2 nos. of similar type of Feasibility reports with documentary proof in the above format. Non-Submission of valid document may result in rejection of bids. B. List of feasibility Reports: Feasibility reports in hands Sl. No. 1 Name & Address of the client with contact No. 2 Location of feasibility report Type of feasibility report Estimated cost (Rs. In lakh) Whether implemente d or not 4 5 6 3 Any other informat ion 7 Note: The bidder has to provide details in the above format. C. Financial Capability: Average Annual Turnover of the bidder in the last 3 years. SL. No. 1. 2. Financial Year 2011-12 2012-13 3. 2013-14 Turnover (Rs. in lakh) Average (Fill up the above table and Enclose copy of Turn over certificates, profit/loss statement certified by any Chartered Accountant.) Date: Place: Signature of authorized person Full Name & Designation: Company’s Seal Signature of the Bidder with Company seal Page 11 of 16 Tender for selection of Consultant for preparation of Feasibility Report on land at Financial City, Bengaluru. Annexure: 3 DECLARATION (TO BE TYPED ON A LETTER HEAD OF THE COMPANY/ FIRM) Dated: ____ , 2015. The General Manager (Estates) IFCI Limited IFCI Tower 61 Nehru Place New Delhi -110 019 Re: Tender for appointment of Consultant for preparation of Feasibility Study with viability Reports for construction on the land in Financial City, Devanahalli Industrial Area, Bengaluru. Dear Sir, This is with reference to your Tender No. IFCI/Estates/Tender/2015-16/02 dated 06.05.2015 on the above subject that:1. We have carefully read and understood all the terms and conditions of the tender and hereby convey our acceptance to the same. 2. The information / documents furnished along with the above offer are true and authentic to the best of my knowledge and belief. We are well aware of the fact that furnishing of any false information / fabricated document would lead to rejection of our tender at any stage besides liabilities towards prosecution under appropriate law. 3. We have apprised our self fully about the job to be done during the currency of the period of agreement and also acknowledge to bear consequences to of nonperformance or deficiencies in the services on our part. 4. We have no objection, if enquiries are made about the work listed by us. 5. We have not been blacklisted by IFCI or any other organization where we have worked. Further, if any of the partners/directors of the organization /firm is blacklisted or having any criminal case against them, our bid shall not be considered. At any later point of time, if this information is found to be false, IFCI may terminate the assigned contract immediately. 6. We have not been found guilty by a court of law in India for fraud, dishonesty or moral turpitude. 7. We agree that the decision of IFCI in selection of Bidders will be final and binding to us. Date: Place: Signature of authorized person Full Name & Designation: Company’s Seal: Signature of the Bidder with Company seal Page 12 of 16 Tender for selection of Consultant for preparation of Feasibility Report on land at Financial City, Bengaluru. Annexure-4 TENDER FORM Dated: ____ , 2015. The General Manager (Estates) IFCI Limited IFCI Tower 61 Nehru Place New Delhi -110 019 Re: Tender for appointment of Consultant for preparation of Feasibility Study with viability Reports for construction on the land in Financial City, Devanahalli Industrial Area, Bengaluru. Dear Sir, This is with reference to your Tender No. IFCI/Estates/Tender/2015-16/02 dated 06.05.2015 on the above subject. After reading above documents, Amendments/ Clarifications/ Corrigenda/Errata/etc issued in respect of tender document by IFCI, your requirement, scope of work, site inspection and after discussions, we have understood them fully and we accept all the terms and conditions mentioned therein. We are also enclosing duly stamped and signed copy of the above form along with annexures as token of acceptance of the terms indicated therein. Name & Address of the Bidders ______________________________ ______________________________ Contact phone Nos. of the key person. ______________________________ Official E-mail ID: ______________________________ Signature of Authorized Signatory with date and seal ______________________________ Signature of the Bidder with Company seal Page 13 of 16 Tender for selection of Consultant for preparation of Feasibility Report on land at Financial City, Bengaluru. Annexure-5 Details of Proprietor/Partners/Directors Sl. No 1 Name Designation 2 Qualification 3 4 Any other information 5 (Name, Signature, Seal of the agency/firm with date) Annexure-6 List of Key personnel permanently employed in your firm Sl. No Name and Designatio n 1 Qualification 2 Experience 3 Particular s of Work Done Employed n Your Firm Since 5 6 4 Any Other Informa tion 7 (Name, Signature, Seal of the agency/firm with date) Annexure-7 List of Associates Sl. No 1 Name and address of the Associate 2 Specify the field (area of operation) 3 Experience 4 Associated in the project (give name of work) 5 Any other information 6 Signature of the Bidder with Company seal Page 14 of 16 Tender for selection of Consultant for preparation of Feasibility Report on land at Financial City, Bengaluru. (Name, Signature, Seal of the agency/firm with date) Annexure-8 Details of Empanelment, if any (with Govt. Organization/PSUs/Banks etc.) with proof Sl. No 1 Name and address of the Organization and Contact No. of concerned official 2 Nature of Works Value of Works 3 Date of Registration Any other informa tion 5 6 4 (Name, Signature, Seal of the agency/firm with date) Annexure-9 Details of Major Clients Sl. No 1 Name and address of the Organizatio n 2 Name of the concerned official 3 Contact no. 4 Give nature of work carried out 5 Any other information 7 (Name, Signature, Seal of the agency/firm with date) Signature of the Bidder with Company seal Page 15 of 16 Tender for selection of Consultant for preparation of Feasibility Report on land at Financial City, Bengaluru. Annexure-10 Financial Bid Dated: ____ , 2015 The General Manager (Estates) IFCI Limited IFCI Tower 61 Nehru Place New Delhi -110 019 Re: Tender for appointment of Consultant for preparation of Feasibility Study with viability Reports for construction on the land in Financial City, Devanahalli Industrial Area, Bengaluru. Dear Sir, This is with reference to your Tender No. IFCI/Estates/Tender/2015-16/02 dated 06.05.2015 on the above subject. After reading above documents, Amendments/ Clarifications/Corrigenda/ Errata/etc issued in respect of tender document by IFCI, your requirement, scope of work, site inspection and after discussions, we have understood them fully and we accept all the terms and conditions mentioned therein. We quote our lump sum/consolidated consultancy charges/ professional fee of Rs._________________(Rupees ______________________________________________ _________________________________only) for the above said work. The fees quoted by us are inclusive of all other charges and incidental expenses for the site visit, visit to IFCI Head Office at New Delhi/Regional Office at Bengaluru etc. However, the service tax, as applicable, is to be payable extra by IFCI on the fees payable to us. We are also enclosing duly stamped and signed copy of the above letter along with annexures as token of acceptance of the terms indicated therein. Name & Address of the Bidders Contact phone Nos. of the key person. Official E-mail ID: Signature of Authorized Signatory with date and seal ______________________________ ______________________________ ______________________________ ______________________________ ______________________________ Signature of the Bidder with Company seal Page 16 of 16
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