Tender Document for Supply and Installation of Fire Proof Safes (FRRC & FRFC) at various locations of IFCI Ltd. TENDER DOCUMENT FOR Supply and Installation of Fire Resisting Record Cabinets (FRRC) & Fire Resisting Filing Cabinets (FRFC) at various locations of IFCI Ltd. General Manager (Estates) IFCI Limited IFCI Tower 61 Nehru Place New Delhi-110 019 IFCI LIMITED Regd. Office: IFCI Tower, 61 Nehru Place, New Delhi-110019 Website: www.ifciltd.com Telephone- 011-26487444/41732000 Page 1 of 23 Signature of the bidder/authorized person with date and company seal Tender Document for Supply and Installation of Fire Proof Safes (FRRC & FRFC) at various locations of IFCI Ltd. Introduction: IFCI Background: IFCI Ltd., (IFCI) is the first Development Financial Institution of India (DFI), was set up in 1948, having its Registered Office at IFCI Tower, 61 Nehru Place, New Delhi-110019 with pan-India presence across 16 key locations. IFCI is a Government of India Undertaking under the Ministry of Finance. INSTRUCTION TO BIDDERS (ITB) 1. Name of Work: Supply and Installation of Fire Resisting Record Cabinets (FRRC) & Fire Resisting Filing Cabinets (FRFC) at various locations of IFCI Ltd. 2. Bids: IFCI Ltd. (IFCI) invites sealed bids in two bid system (Technical & Financial Bid) from manufacturers/authorized and reputed suppliers/dealers for Supply and Installation of Fire Resisting Record Cabinets (FRRC) & FRFC as under:1. Tender/NIT No. and date 2. Name of Work 1. Tender Document Cost 2. Pre Bid Meeting 3. 4. 5. 6. Earnest Money Deposit (EMD) Last Date of Submission of bid Opening of Technical bid Address for Submission of bids : IFCI/Estates/Tender/2015-16/01 dated 30.04.2015 : Supply and Installation of Fire Resisting Record Cabinets (FRRC) & Fire Resisting Filing Cabinets (FRFC) at various locations of IFCI Ltd. : Rs. 1000/- (Non Refundable) : On 06.05.2015 at 02:00 p.m. at IFCI Tower, Nehru Place, New Delhi. : Rs. 60,000/: Upto 12.05.2015 at 2.00 p.m. : On 12.05.2015 at 2.30 p.m. : General Manager (Estates) IFCI Limited IFCI Tower 61 Nehru Place New Delhi -110 019 The Tender Document along with terms and conditions can be downloaded from IFCI website www.ifciltd.com. Corrigendum/addendum, if any will be available on IFCI Website only. The bids received after last date and time of submission will not be considered. IFCI reserves the right to reject all or any tender wholly or partly without assigning any reason whatsoever. 3. Locations: List of locations mentioned in the Annexure-6 & 8. 4. Technical Specifications: As per Annexure-9. 5. Site Inspection: Bidders are advised to inspect and examine the site/s/locations and its surroundings and satisfy themselves before submitting their bids as to site conditions. The bidders are strongly advised to assess the site conditions and submit a realistic offer for the execution of the work at their own cost without any liability on Page 2 of 23 Signature of the bidder/authorized person with date and company seal Tender Document for Supply and Installation of Fire Proof Safes (FRRC & FRFC) at various locations of IFCI Ltd. IFCI. Further, the bidder is advised to inspect floor level of building/office/site, where FRRC and FRFC shall be actually installed. 6. Scope of Work: a) Supply and Installation of Fire Resisting Record Cabinets (FRRC) & FRFC at various locations of IFCI as per list of locations attached as Annexure-8 and as per specifications mentioned in Annexure-9. b) The bidder shall complete the entire job within 21 (twenty one) days from the date of LOI/Purchase Order in all respect as per tender documents, specifications and to the satisfaction of IFCI at Head Office New Delhi as per Annexure-6. c) Initially, FRRC are to be supplied and installed at Head Office, New Delhi within the stipulated delivery period as per tender. d) Besides Head Office at New Delhi, IFCI is having its Regional Offices at Ahmedabad, Bengaluru, Bhopal, Bhubaneswar, Chandigarh, Chennai, Delhi, Guwahati, Hyderabad, Jaipur, Kochi, Kolkata, Lucknow, Mumbai, Patna & Pune. Further, new offices are also being opened in Vijayawada and Raipur. e) The quantities given in the tender/BOQ are approximate and may vary as per requirement. The Vendor will not have any claim on this account and payment will be made only as per actual supply. f) It may be noted that there is tentative requirement of the FRRC/FRFC in near future at some locations of IFCI as per Annexure-8. The bidder has to quote rates for the said locations also in separate Optional Financial Bid as per Annexure-7. The bidder may be required to supply and install the said items as per their requirements as per quoted rates. This optional financial bid shall not be considered during evaluation of financial bid. g) The selected vendor, as per requirement of IFCI should also be able to supply FRRC/FRFC at other locations of IFCI at (d) above but not mentioned in Annexure-8 at same quoted rates. h) Rates quoted shall be inclusive of loading/unloading, transportation, excise, VAT and all other levies/taxes etc. i) Tender submitted by bidders shall remain valid for acceptance for a minimum period of 90 (ninety) days from the last date of submission of bid. However, IFCI may procure FRRC & FRFC on the same price as submitted in financial bid. Accordingly, bidder may quote their rates. j) The product should be covered under one year warranty from the date of supply and installation. k) Bidder shall also provide maintenance service support during the warranty period directly by bidder/manufacturer. If support is to provided directly by the manufacturer then bidder has to submit certificate from the manufacturer to this effect. Page 3 of 23 Signature of the bidder/authorized person with date and company seal Tender Document for Supply and Installation of Fire Proof Safes (FRRC & FRFC) at various locations of IFCI Ltd. 7. Procedure for submission of bids: The bids shall be submitted as under:a) Envelope-A: Marked with “Technical Bid” consisting tender document cost of Rs.1000/-(Rupees One thousand Only) (non-refundable) and EMD of Rs.60,000/-(Rupees Sixty Thousand Only) in the form of Demand Draft/Pay Order drawn on any Nationalized/Schedule bank in favour of “IFCI Ltd. ” payable at New Delhi. Technical formats i.e. Annexure-1 to 4, 8, 9 all other Annexures, relevant supporting documents including tender document duly signed with date and stamped as token of acceptance of the terms & conditions. b) Envelope-B: Marked with “Financial Bid” consisting only financial bid i.e. Annexure-5, 6 & 7 duly signed with date and stamped as token of acceptance of the terms & conditions. c) The Technical Bid and Financial Bids are to be submitted in separate sealed envelopes and kept in another big envelope duly sealed and super-scribed on top of all the envelopes ‘Name of the Work’. d) Both the bids shall be submitted on the same day and time as explained above. e) All pages of bid including terms and conditions of tender document shall be signed with stamp by authorized person only and serially numbered. f) The tenders are to be dropped only in the tender box kept at Ground Floor, IFCI Tower, 61 Nehru Place, New Delhi-110019. Please note that the tenders shall not be accepted after the last date and time of submission of bids. g) Last date of submission of Tender: upto 12.05.2015 by 2.00 p.m. h) Address for submission of Bid: General Manager (Estates) IFCI Limited IFCI Tower 61 Nehru Place New Delhi -110 019 i) Opening of Technical Bids: Envelope-A will be opened in IFCI Tower, Nehru Place, New Delhi on 12.05.2015 at 2.30 p.m. by the Tender Committee. IFCI shall evaluate the technical bids to pre-qualify the bidders. j) Opening of Financial Bids: If firm fulfills the technical criteria, only their Financial Bid will be opened. IFCI’s decision in this regard shall be final and binding. Exact date and time shall be communicated through official e-mail address given in the bid document. k) The firm may depute their representatives during opening of bids by issuing an authorization letter. Page 4 of 23 Signature of the bidder/authorized person with date and company seal Tender Document for Supply and Installation of Fire Proof Safes (FRRC & FRFC) at various locations of IFCI Ltd. 8. Validity of Bids: Tender submitted by bidders shall remain valid for acceptance for a minimum period of 90 (ninety) days from the last date of submission of bid. 9. IFCI reserves the right to reject any or all the offers without assigning any reasons thereof. 10.Conditional bids would be summarily rejected. 11.Pre-bid Meeting: For any clarification on the Bidding Document, a pre bid meeting will be held on 06.05.2015 at 02:30 p.m. at in IFCI Tower, Nehru Place, New Delhi. 12.Contact Person: In case of any query, you may contact any of the following officials: a) Shri Charanjeet Lal, AGM at New Delhi (09990725671) & E-mail: charanjeet.lal@ifciltd.com b) Shri Amit Joshi, Manager at New Delhi (07042505087) & E-mail: amit.joshi@ifciltd.com GENERAL CONDITIONS OF THE CONTRACT 1. Products will be supplied with BIS label on it, with complete details as engraved by BIS. 2. The vendor should have valid BIS license for the product/s supplied. Copy of the license to be enclosed. 3. The bidder has to enclosed certificate from the manufacturer that the bidder/vendor is authorized dealer of that product. 4. The vendor shall make own arrangement for transportation & delivery of the items up-to the given location of the office. No separate transportation will be paid for delivery and installation. 5. In case of any damage to the above items before handing over the equipment, the equipment is to be replaced or made good at the supplier expenses to the entire satisfaction of the IFCI. In case of delay in rectification of defect, IFCI shall be free to appoint another agency to get the job done at vendor’s risk & cost. 6. At any point of time if it is observed that requisite product supplied by the vendor do not meet the standards of BIS or is sub-standard and specification mentioned in tender document, the vendor has to replace it immediately. In such case, IFCI will be at liberty to blacklist the vendor from supplying any product to IFCI. 7. All alterations in the tender should be initialed by the authorized signatory. Overwriting may invite disqualification of the tender. 8. IFCI reserves the right to accept or reject any or all tender/s without assigning any reasons whatsoever and the said decision shall be final and binding upon the bidder/s. Page 5 of 23 Signature of the bidder/authorized person with date and company seal Tender Document for Supply and Installation of Fire Proof Safes (FRRC & FRFC) at various locations of IFCI Ltd. 9. Replacement under warranty clause shall be made by the bidder free of all charges at site including freight, insurance and incidental charges. 10. Materials: All materials to be provided by the Bidder shall be in conformity with the specifications laid down in the tender and the Bidder shall, if requested by the IFCI, furnish proof to the satisfaction of IFCI in this regard. 11. Insurance: a) It is the sole responsibility of the bidder to insure his materials, equipments, workmen, etc. against accidents and injury while at work and to pay compensation, if any, to workmen as per Workmen’s compensation Act. The work be carried out in protected area and all the rules and regulations of the IFCI in the area which are in force from time to time will have to be followed by the bidder. b) If due to negligence and or non-observation of safety and other precautions by the contactors, any accident/injury occurs to the property/manpower belong to third party, the bidder shall have to pay necessary compensation and other expense, if so impose by the appropriate authorities. c) The bidder will take necessary precautions and due care to protect the material, while in his custody from any damage/loss due to theft. 12. Liquidated Damages for Delay: Time is essence of the contract. In case the Bidder fails to complete the whole supply within the stipulated period, he shall be liable to pay liquidated damages @ 0.5% (zero point five percent only) of the value of order per week and or part thereof of the delay subject to a maximum of 10% (ten percent only) of the value of the o rde r . 13. Acceptance / Rejection of Bid: a) b) c) IFCI does not bind itself to accept the lowest tender. IFCI also reserves the right to accept or reject any tender in part or full without assigning any reason whatsoever. IFCI also reserves the absolute right to reject any or all the Bids at any time solely based on the past unsatisfactory performance by the bidder(s). The opinion/decision of IFCI regarding the same shall be final and conclusive. 14. Firm Rates: The rates quoted by bidder shall remain firm upto one year from the date of submission of bid. It is provided that the bidder shall not change any of the rates, quoted in the tender till one year from the date of submission of bid. Page 6 of 23 Signature of the bidder/authorized person with date and company seal Tender Document for Supply and Installation of Fire Proof Safes (FRRC & FRFC) at various locations of IFCI Ltd. SPECIAL CONDITIONS OF CONTRACT 1. Earnest Money Deposit(EMD):Bidder should pay specified amount towards Earnest Money deposit as follows: i) Rs. 60,000/-(Rupees Sixty Thousand Only) in the form of Demand Draft/PO drawn any Nationalized /Schedule bank in favour of “IFCI Ltd. ” payable at New Delhi. ii) EMD will not carry any interest. iii) EMD will be refunded to unsuccessful bidders after finalization of bid. iv) The Earnest Money Deposit made by the bidder will be forfeited if, a) He withdraws his tender or backs out after acceptance, b) He withdraws his tender before the expiry of validity period stipulated in the bidding document, c) He violates any of the terms and conditions of the tender, d) He revises any of the items quoted during the validity period , e) Evidences are found to be fraudulent/non-genuine. 2. Criteria for Pre-Qualification: The eligibility criteria for pre-qualification of bidder are as under:a) Average Annual financial turnover during the last 3 years, ending March 31, 2014 should be at least Rs.9.00 Lakhs b) Experience of having successfully completed similar works during the last 5 years either of the following: i) Three similar completed works costing not less than the amount equal to Rs.12.00 Lakh OR ii) Two similar completed work costing not less the amount equal to Rs.15.00 Lakh. OR iii) One similar completed work costing not less than the amount equal to Rs.24.00 Lakh. 3. IMPORTANT NOTE: i) The bidder shall submit authenticated documentary proof in support of financial turnover certificates/annual audited reports of last 3 years certified by Chartered Accountant. ii) Similar works means Supply & installation of FRRC & FRFC. iii) The bidder shall submit PO Copies, Work order copies, completion/ performance certificate issued by client in support of satisfactory completion of similar works during the last 5 years. iv) The bidder shall be summarily disqualified in case of non-submission of required documents. Page 7 of 23 Signature of the bidder/authorized person with date and company seal Tender Document for Supply and Installation of Fire Proof Safes (FRRC & FRFC) at various locations of IFCI Ltd. 4. Besides Head Office at New Delhi, IFCI is having its Regional Offices at Ahmedabad, Bengaluru, Bhopal, Bhubaneswar, Chandigarh, Chennai, Delhi, Guwahati, Hyderabad, Jaipur, Kochi, Kolkata, Lucknow, Mumbai, Patna & Pune. Further, new offices are also being opened in Vijayawada and Raipur. 5. Initially, FRRC are to be supplied and installed at Head Office, New Delhi within the stipulated delivery period as per tender. It may be noted that present requirement of FRRC only. 6. The quantities given in the tender/BOQ are approximate and may vary as per requirement. The Vendor will not have any claim on this account and payment will be made only as per actual. 7. It may be noted that there is tentative requirement of the FRRC/FRFC in near future at above locations as per Annexure-8. The vendor has to quote rates for above locations also in separate Optional Financial Bid as per Annexure-7 and supply and installed the said items as per their requirements. 8. The selected vendor, as per requirement of IFCI should also be able to supply FRRC/FRFC at IFCI other locations at 4 above but not mentioned in Annexure-8 at same quoted rates. 9. Rates quoted shall be inclusive of loading/unloading, transportation, excise, VAT and all other levies/taxes etc. 10.Technical Specifications: As per Annexure-9. 11.Authorization and Attestation: The bidder has to submit an authorization letter or valid Power of Attorney on behalf of company/firm for signing the document. 12. Completion of Work: The work is to be completed within 21 days from the date of issue of LOI/Purchase Order to the satisfaction of IFCI. 13. Award of Work: IFCI reserves the right to split the job into two or more parts and to award the work to separate agencies/bidders subject to the work experience and fulfillment of other terms & conditions and specifications. 14.Cancellation of Contract in Full or in Part: If the Bidder: a) At any time makes defaults in proceeding with the Works with due to negligence and continues to do so even after a notice in writing of seven (07) days from the IFCI ; or b) Commits default in complying with any of the terms and conditions of Contract and does not remedy it or take effective steps to remedy it within seven (07)days after a notice in writing is given to him in that behalf by the IFCI ; or Page 8 of 23 Signature of the bidder/authorized person with date and company seal Tender Document for Supply and Installation of Fire Proof Safes (FRRC & FRFC) at various locations of IFCI Ltd. c) Fails to complete the works or items of work on or before the date(s) of completion, and does not complete them within the period specified in a notice given in writing in that behalf by the IFCI ; or d) Violates any of the terms and conditions stipulated in this agreement. 15.Payment: a) Hundred Percent (100%) payment to the vendor shall be made on successful completion of the job by the selected bidder to the satisfaction of IFCI. The successful completion of the job means that the entire job has been completed to the satisfaction of IFCI, and repair/ maintenance/ changes/ modifications, if any, have been carried out by the selected bidder. b) All statutory deductions as applicable like TDS, sales tax/VAT shall be made from the due payment of the bidder. 16.Taxes and Duties The Bidders must include in their tender prices quoted for all taxes and duties royalties, cess and sales tax, Freight & Insurance Charges, works contract tax or any other taxes or local charges if applicable. No extra claim on this account will in any case be entertained. 17.Comprehensive Warranty: (a) The Bidder shall ensure that that equipments/ goods/materials to be supplied shall be new, unused and free from all defects and faults in materials, workmanship and manufacture and shall be in full conformity with the specifications and in accordance with the tender documents. (b) The product should be covered under one year warranty from the date of supply and installation. (c) Repair/Replacement under warranty clause shall be made by the bidder free of all charges at site including freight, insurance and incidental charges etc.. (d) The bidder shall have a well established after sale service centre in all the locations where goods have been supplied. 18.Arbitration & Reconciliation: a) In case amicable settlement is not reached in the event of any dispute of difference arising out of the execution of the contract or the respective rights and liabilities of the parties or in relation to interpretation of any provision by the bidder in any manner touching upon the contract, such dispute or difference shall (except as to any matters, the decision of which is specifically provided for therein) be referred to the sole arbitration of the arbitrator appointed by IFCI. b) The award of the Arbitrator shall be binding upon the parties to the dispute. c) Subject as aforesaid, the provisions of Arbitration and Reconciliation Act 1996 (India) or statutory modifications or re enactments thereof and the rules made there under and for the time being in force shall apply to the arbitration proceedings under this clause. The venue of the arbitration shall be the place from which the contract is issued or such other place as the Arbitrator at his discretion may determine. d) The cost of arbitration shall be borne equally by both the parties. e) The work under the Contract shall, however, continue during the arbitration proceedings and no payment due to the bidder shall be withheld on account of such proceedings. Page 9 of 23 Signature of the bidder/authorized person with date and company seal Tender Document for Supply and Installation of Fire Proof Safes (FRRC & FRFC) at various locations of IFCI Ltd. f) Failure to comply with any of the above conditions can result in termination of the contract, forfeiture of the security deposit, penalty as may be decided by IFCI and future blacklisting of the bidder. ******* Page 10 of 23 Signature of the bidder/authorized person with date and company seal Tender Document for Supply and Installation of Fire Proof Safes (FRRC & FRFC) at various locations of IFCI Ltd. BID SUBMISSION FORM Annexure-1 Name of Work: Supply and Installation of Fire Resisting Record Cabinets (FRRC) & FRFC at various locations of IFCI Ltd. Dated: ______________ S. No. Particulars/Details 1. Name of the Bidders/ Firm 2. Communication Address 3. Telephone No. Office Mobile Fax E-Mail Website Authorised Person - Name Designation Mobile E-Mail ID Alternate Authorised Person - Name Designation Mobile E-Mail ID 4. 5. 6. PAN No. 7. TIN No. 8. Service Tax Registration No. 9. Beneficiary Bank Details Bank Account No IFSC/NEFT Code Name of Bank Address of Branch 10. Particular of Tender Fee Amount (DD/PO) No. Date Name of the Bank Page 11 of 23 Rs. Signature of the bidder/authorized person with date and company seal Tender Document for Supply and Installation of Fire Proof Safes (FRRC & FRFC) at various locations of IFCI Ltd. Address of Bank 11. 12. Particular of Earnest Money Deposit (EMD) Amount (DD/PO) No. Date Name of the Bank Address of Bank Rs. Furnish the names with address & telephone nos. of three responsible persons who will be in a position to certify about the services/quality as well as the past performance of your organization. Note: Furnish supporting documents in respect of information provided above. Date: Place: Page 12 of 23 Signature of authorized person Full Name & Designation: Company’s Seal: Signature of the bidder/authorized person with date and company seal Tender Document for Supply and Installation of Fire Proof Safes (FRRC & FRFC) at various locations of IFCI Ltd. Annexure-2 1. Details of Similar Experience: Details of orders for Supply & Installation of FRRC & FRFC executed during the last 5 years. Sl. No. 1 Name & Address of the client, Concerned Person and contact/ Mobile No Location of supply 2 3 No. of FRRC & FRFC supplied Value of Work (In lakh) Stipulated Time of Completion 5 6 4 Actual time completio n with date of start & completio n 7 Completion/ Performance Certificate enclosed ‘Yes’ or ‘No’ Any other information you would like to give 8 9 Note: a) Attached separate sheet as per above format if space is not sufficient b) Furnish supporting documents in respect of information provided above. 2. Financial Capability: Average Annual Turnover of the bidder in the last 3 years SL. No. 1. 2. Financial Year 2011-12 2012-13 3. 2013-14 Turnover (Rs. in lakh) Average (Fill up the above table and Enclose copy of Turn over certificates, profit/loss statement certified by any Chartered Accountant.) Date: Place: Page 13 of 23 Signature of authorized person Full Name & Designation: Company’s Seal Signature of the bidder/authorized person with date and company seal Tender Document for Supply and Installation of Fire Proof Safes (FRRC & FRFC) at various locations of IFCI Ltd. DECLARATION Annexure-3 (TO BE TYPED ON A LETTER HEAD OF THE COMPANY/ FIRM) Dated: ____ , 2015. General Manager (Estates) IFCI Limited IFCI Tower, 61 Nehru Place New Delhi -110 019 Re: Supply and Installation of Fire Resisting Record Cabinets (FRRC) & FRFC at various locations of IFCI Ltd. Dear Sir, This is with reference to your Tender No. IFCI/Estates/Tender/2015-16/01 dated 30.04.2015 on the above subject that:1. We have carefully read and understood all the terms and conditions of the tender and hereby convey our acceptance to the same. 2. The information / documents furnished along with the above offer are true and authentic to the best of my knowledge and belief. We are well aware of the fact that furnishing of any false information / fabricated document would lead to rejection of our tender at any stage besides liabilities towards prosecution under appropriate law. 3. We have apprised our self fully about the job to be done during the currency of the period of agreement and also acknowledge to bear consequences to of nonperformance or deficiencies in the services on our part. 4. We have no objection, if enquiries are made about the work listed by us. 5. We have not been blacklisted by IFCI or any other organization where we have worked. Further, if any of the partners/directors of the organization /firm is blacklisted or having any criminal case against them, our bid shall not be considered. At any later point of time, if this information is found to be false, IFCI may terminate the assigned contract immediately. 6. We have not been found guilty by a court of law in India for fraud, dishonesty or moral turpitude. 7. We agree that the decision of IFCI in selection of Bidders will be final and binding to us. Date: Place: Signature of authorized person Full Name & Designation: Company’s Seal: N.B: The above declaration, duly signed and sealed by the authorized signatory of the company, should be enclosed with Technical Bid. Page 14 of 23 Signature of the bidder/authorized person with date and company seal Tender Document for Supply and Installation of Fire Proof Safes (FRRC & FRFC) at various locations of IFCI Ltd. Annexure-4 Technical Bid The General Manager (Estates) IFCI Limited IFCI Tower, 7th Floor 61 Nehru Place New Delhi -110 019 Dated: ____, 2015 Re: Supply and Installation of Fire Resisting Record Cabinets (FRRC) & FRFC at various locations of IFCI Ltd. Dear Sir, This is with reference to your Tender No. IFCI/Estates/Tender/2015-16/01 dated 30.04.2015 on the above subject. After reading above documents, your requirement, scope of work, site inspection and after discussions, we have understood them fully and we accept all the terms and conditions mentioned therein. We are also enclosing duly signed and stamped copy of the above letter along with annexures as token of acceptance of the terms indicated therein. Name & Address of the Bidders ______________________________ ______________________________ Contact phone Nos. of the key person. ______________________________ Official E-mail ID: ______________________________ Signature of Authorized signatory with date and seal ______________________________ Page 15 of 23 Signature of the bidder/authorized person with date and company seal Tender Document for Supply and Installation of Fire Proof Safes (FRRC & FRFC) at various locations of IFCI Ltd. Annexure-5 Financial Bid Dated: ____ , 2015 The General Manager (Estates) IFCI Limited IFCI Tower, 7th Floor 61 Nehru Place New Delhi -110 019 Re: Supply and Installation of Fire Resisting Record Cabinets (FRRC) & FRFC at various locations of IFCI Ltd. Dear Sir, This is with reference to your Tender No. IFCI/Estates/Tender/2015-16/01 dated 30.04.2015 on the above subject. After reading above documents, your requirement, scope of work, site inspection and after discussions, we have understood them fully and we accept all the terms and conditions mentioned therein. We quote our lump sum/consolidated Price (as per Annexure-6: Bill of Quantities) of Rs._________________(Rupees ____________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________only) for the above said work. We have also understood the tentative requirement of other locations of IFCI as per Annexure-8 and will supply and install FRRC/FRFC as per their requirement as per our quoted rates of Annexure7. Further, we are also agreeable to supply and install FRRC/FRFC at other locations of IFCI on the same rates. Rates quoted by us will remain valid for one year from the date of submission of bid. The price quoted by us are inclusive of all other charges, taxes & duties, Freight & Insurance, incidental expenses, site visit to IFCI Head Office, New Delhi and other locations of IFCI Regional Office/s etc. We are also enclosing duly signed and stamped copy of the above letter along with annexures as token of acceptance of the terms indicated therein. Name & Address of The Bidders ______________________________ ______________________________ Contact phone Nos. of the key person. ______________________________ Official E-mail ID: ______________________________ Signature of Authorized signatory with date and seal ______________________________ Page 16 of 23 Signature of the bidder/authorized person with date and company seal Tender Document for Supply and Installation of Fire Proof Safes (FRRC & FRFC) at various locations of IFCI Ltd. Annexure-6 Name of Work: Supply and Installation of Fire Resisting Record Cabinets (FRRC) & FRFC at various locations of IFCI Ltd. Location: IFCI Ltd., IFCI Tower, 61 Nehru Place, New Delhi-110019 Financial Bid Bill of Quantities (BOQ) Sl.No. 1- Product Description/Item Description Name of Manufact urer/ Make Supply & Installation of Fire Resisting Record Cabinet (FRRC) as per Specifications given in Annexure-9 The rate shall include cost of transportation and installation complete as per specification and satisfaction of IFCI Total Amount(in Figure) Godrej/ Gunnebo /Steelage Unit Qty. No. 15 Unit price including all taxes& duties, F&I etc. (Rs.) Total Amount (Rs.) Total Amount in words:______________________________________________ Note: 1. Above items (FRRC) are to be supplied and installed at Head Office, IFCI Ltd., IFCI Tower, 61 Nehru Place, New Delhi-110019 within the stipulated delivery period as per tender. 2. The quantities given in the tender/BOQ are approximate and may vary as per requirement. The Vendor will not have any claim on this account and payment will be made only as per actual. 3. Rates quoted shall be inclusive of loading/unloading, transportation, excise, VAT and all other levies/taxes etc. 4. Above rates will be valid for one year period from the last date of submission of bid. 5. Financial bid shall be evaluated on the basis of price mentioned in Annexure-6 only. Date: Place: Page 17 of 23 Signature of authorized person Full Name & Designation: Company’s Seal: Signature of the bidder/authorized person with date and company seal Tender Document for Supply and Installation of Fire Proof Safes (FRRC & FRFC) at various locations of IFCI Ltd. Annexure-7 Name of Work: Supply and Installation of Fire Resisting Record Cabinets (FRRC) & FRFC at various locations of IFCI Ltd. Locations: IFCI Ltd. Head office at New Delhi and Regional Offices: Ahmedabad, Chandigarh, Bhubaneswar, Guwahati, Kochi & Pune as per address given in Annexure-8. Optional Financial Bid Bill of Quantities (BOQ) Sl.No. Product Description/Item Description 1- 2- A.- Supply & Installation of Fire Resisting Record Cabinet (FRRC) as per Specifications given in Annexure-9 The rate shall include cost of transportation and installation complete as per specification and satisfaction of IFCI Supply & Installation of Fire Resisting Filing Cabinet (FRFC) 4 drawers 2 hours rated as per Specifications given in Annexure-9 The rate shall include cost of transportation and installation complete as per specification and satisfaction of IFCI Locations 1. New Delhi 2. Ahmedabad 3.Chandigarh 4. Bhubaneswar 5. Guwahati 6. Kochi 7. Pune Name of Manufact urer/ Make Unit Tentative Qty (FRRC/ FRFC) Unit price including all taxes& duties, F&I etc. (Rs.) FRRC Unit price including all taxes& duties, F&I etc. (Rs.) FRFC Godrej/ Gunnebo /Steelage Godrej/ Gunnebo /Steelage No. No. No. No. No. No. No. 1 7 3 1 1 1 1 Note: 1. Above items are to be supplied and installed at other locations of IFCI as per Annexure-8. The bidder has to quote rate of both items i.e. FRRC and FRFC. IFCI Page 18 of 23 Signature of the bidder/authorized person with date and company seal Tender Document for Supply and Installation of Fire Proof Safes (FRRC & FRFC) at various locations of IFCI Ltd. at above locations may procure, as per requirement, in near future any items as per quoted rates. 2. The bidder shall also supply and install FRRC/FRFC at IFCI locations other than mentioned in Annexure-8, as per office requirement, on the same rates quoted above. 3. The quantities given in the tender/BOQ are approximate and may vary as per requirement. The Vendor will not have any claim on this account and payment will be made only as per actual. 4. Rates quoted shall be inclusive of loading/unloading, transportation, excise, VAT and all other levies/taxes etc. 5. Above rates will be valid for one year period from the last date of submission of bid. 6. This optional financial bid shall not be considered during evaluation of financial bid. Date: Place: Page 19 of 23 Signature of authorized person Full Name & Designation: Company’s Seal: Signature of the bidder/authorized person with date and company seal Tender Document for Supply and Installation of Fire Proof Safes (FRRC & FRFC) at various locations of IFCI Ltd. Annexure-8 Name of Work: Supply and Installation of Fire Resisting Record Cabinets (FRRC) & FRFC at various locations of IFCI Ltd. List and address of IFCI locations, where FRRC & FRFC are likely to be supplied and installed in near future Dated: ______________ S. No. Contact Persons 1. Shri Satish Chandra, DGM (09990725963) Shri Charanjeet Lal, AGM (09990725671) 2. Shri Anil Vasava, Manager (09924441115) Shri Vaishal Shah, AGM (09924445778) Tel : 79-26405984 26445376 IFCI Ltd. Ahmedabad Regional Office 501 IFCI Bhawan C G Road Ahmedabad-380 006. 3. Shri S P Bhatt, DGM (09990725664) Shri Sanjeev Jindal, Manager (09988850605) Tel : 172-2650878 4. Shri Awadesh Kumar, DGM Shri S K Mitra, Manager (09990725698) 5. Shri Rajesh Singaria, AGM (09990725622) Tel : 361-2343757 6. Shri K L Rao, DGM Tel : (09633270755) 7. Shri Suneet Shukla, GM (07044002573) Shri Vishal Sharma, AGM Tel : 20-27291731 IFCI Ltd. Chandigarh Regional Office IFCI Bhawan 1-C, Sector 27-A Madhya Marg Chandigarh-160 019. IFCI Ltd. Bhubaneswar Regional Office HIG 4/8, BDA Colony Chandrasekharpur Bhubaneswar-751 016. IFCI Ltd. Guwahati Regional Office Christian Basti Guwahati Shillong Road Guwahati-781 005. IFCI Ltd. Kochi Regional Office KochiIFCI Ltd. Pune Regional Office 307, 3rd Floor Amar Naptune Near Big Bazar, Baner Pune-411 045. Page 20 of 23 Location IFCI Limited IFCI Tower 61 Nehru Place New Delhi -110 019 Signature of the bidder/authorized person with date and company seal Tender Document for Supply and Installation of Fire Proof Safes (FRRC & FRFC) at various locations of IFCI Ltd. Note: 1. Besides Head Office at New Delhi, IFCI is having its Regional Offices at Ahmedabad, Bengaluru, Bhopal, Bhubaneswar, Chandigarh, Chennai, Delhi, Guwahati, Hyderabad, Jaipur, Kochi, Kolkata, Lucknow, Mumbai, Patna & Pune. Further, new offices are also being opened in Vijayawada and Raipur. 2. It may be noted that there is tentative requirement of the FRRC/FRFC in near future at above locations as per Annexure-8. The vendor has to quote rates for above locations also in separate Optional Financial Bid as per Annexure-7 and supply and install the said items as per their requirements as per quoted rates. 3. Above rates will be valid for one year period from the last date of submission of bid Date: Place: Page 21 of 23 Signature of authorized person Full Name & Designation: Company’s Seal: Signature of the bidder/authorized person with date and company seal Tender Document for Supply and Installation of Fire Proof Safes (FRRC & FRFC) at various locations of IFCI Ltd. Annexure-9 Name of Work: Supply and Installation of Fire Resisting Record Cabinets (FRRC) & FRFC at various locations of IFCI Ltd. Technical Specification of FRRC & FRFC and Make List Height Width Depth (mm) (mm) (mm) All the Dimensions are approximate in range FRRC Outside (mm) Gross Weight (Kg) FRFC Outside (mm) Gross Weight (kg) 1870 645 845 780 1600 500 555 830 Note: Tolerance : Dimensions: (+/- 3%) : Weight : (+/- 6%) Manufacturer/Make: Godrej/Gunnebo/Steelage Technical Specifications: A. FRRC: FRRC should be able to protects records and other documents against fire. FRRC has a sturdy double-walled body, reinforced at vital points and a door featuring multiband construction fabricated from prime quality steel. In-situ insulation for reliable fire resistance. Tongue & groove construction that can withstand temperature upto 1010 C. Fire & impact resistant. Strong bolt-work mechanism. Secure locking with 6 lever lock with dual control key. 4 adjustable shelves are provided. FRRC has successfully withstood severe fire and impact tests conduced at the Central Building Research Institute (CBRI), Roorkee, UP. The fire impact test involved heating the FRRC in a furnace to 1010 c dropping it from a height of 4 metres and subsequently heating it again in an inverted position to 1010 C. The fire endurance test involved heating the FRRC in a furnace at a standard time temperature curve for two hours while constantly monitoring the temperature inside. Page 22 of 23 Signature of the bidder/authorized person with date and company seal Tender Document for Supply and Installation of Fire Proof Safes (FRRC & FRFC) at various locations of IFCI Ltd. B. FRFC: FRFC with 4 drawer and two hour fire resistance. FRRC should be able to protects records and other documents against fire. FRRC has a sturdy double-walled body, reinforced at vital points and a door featuring multiband construction fabricated from prime quality steel. In-situ insulation for reliable fire resistance. Tongue & groove construction. Each drawer of FRFC has an independent five side enclosure heavily insulated with fire resisting compound that can withstand temperature upto 1000 c. Fire & impact resistant. Secure locking with 6 lever lock with dual control key. Drawer isolation catch, interlocking system, telescopic slides for smooth movement, bush button handle and other standard features. FRFC successfully tested at Underwriters Laboratories Ltd. (UL) for 2 hours rating s for Fire endurance, fire and impact as well as explosion hazard as per UL 72 standard. UL test involved heating the cabinet in a furnace to 1850 F, dropping it from a height of 9 metres and subsequently heating it again in an inverted position to 1850 F. FRFC has successfully test conduced at the Central Building Research Institute (CBRI), Roorkee, UP for 2 hours of fire endurance, fire and impact as per BIS IS 14581:1998 Note: 1. The bidder has to submit detailed brochure/leaflet with picture of the product being offered along with its technical specifications. 2. The bidder has to provide list of its network/ dealers at other locations. 3. IFCI may reject bids, if the same is not as per above specifications. Date: Place: Page 23 of 23 Signature of authorized person Full Name & Designation: Company’s Seal: Signature of the bidder/authorized person with date and company seal
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