1 of 16 IFCI Ltd. IFCI Tower, 61, Nehru Place New Delhi

IFCI Tower, 61, Nehru Place
New Delhi -110019
Request For Proposal (RFP) For Comprehensive AMC of IBM Servers & Tandberg Tape Library
Tender Reference No.
Date Of Issue:
Last date for seeking clarifications, if any
Last Date & Time For Submitting Bids
Date & Time of Opening Bids
Bid Validity
Tender Fee
Tender Fee Payable To
Tender Fee Payable At
Address for submission of Bids
Contact Details
IT/111/2014 - 4744
16/01/2015 5:00 PM
20/01/2015 10:30 AM
3 months
Rs. 2500/IFCI LTD
New Delhi
The General Manager (IT)
IFCI Tower, 61, Nehru Place
New Delhi – 110019
Alok Varshney, DGM(IT)
Debashish Gupta, DGM(IT)
1. Invitation of Bids
IFCI invites sealed tender offers (Technical offer and Commercial offer) for comprehensive AMC
of computer hardware as detailed in Annexure – A.
2. Delivery
The vendor shall immediately execute the AMC contract with IFCI after receiving the PO for the
3. AMC Support
The bidder shall provide comprehensive maintenance support for the equipment’s as
mentioned in Annexure –A for a period of one year.
In case of Non-Availability off a particular spare, Vendor can also replace existing hardware
with the equivalent or higher configuration in compliance with the licensing policy.
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However, it is the vendor's responsibility to ensure that all the existing applications are
operationalized on the new hardware without any data loss.
Bug Fixing / Patches Upgrade to the operating system software installed wherever
The bidder shall ensure compatibility of the hardware, software and other equipment’s that
they supply with the hardware and software systems being used in IFCI in event of
Hardware failure.
The vendors are advised to study all technical and commercial aspects, instructions, forms,
terms and specifications in the tender document carefully. Failure to furnish all information
required in the Tender Document or submission of a bid not substantially responsive to the
Tender document in every respect will be at the vendors risk and may result in the rejection
of the bid.
The parts replaced during the contract should be from Original Equipment Manufacturers
(OEM) only. The vendor would have to submit the proper proof of the same at the time of
part replacement.
The quotations shall be submitted strictly in conformity with the specifications given in this
tender document and as per mandatory response format. The tenders not submitted in the
prescribed format or incomplete in any manner are likely to be rejected
Tender document is not transferable.
IFCI is not responsible for non-receipt of quotations within the specified due date to any
reason including postal delay or holidays.
Technical bid would be opened first. IFCI reserves the right not to process the Commercial
Bids in case the Technical Bid is found to be unsuitable / not fulfilling the requirements as
specified in the tender document.
In case of any reduction in the price due to Government levies/duties/OEM prices, vendor
should offer the price reduction to IFCI on all the Components of the proposed solution
scheduled to be delivered after one week of the effective date of such announcement. For
this purpose, Vendor should voluntarily intimate such price reduction to IFCI, produce the
document of OEM's listed price and the discounted price offered to IFCI.
IFCI reserves the right to cancel the Tender without assigning any reason.
The price quoted should be inclusive of all Central/State Government levies, taxes, sales tax,
excise duty, custom duty, VAT and insurance charges, excluding Octroi, which, if any, shall
be paid as per the actual on production of relevant documents (Billed to IFCI only), in
The prices quoted by the vendors shall be in Indian Rupees, only
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The category of item and quantity indicated in the Tender Document are tentative. IFCI
reserves the right to increase or decrease the quantity or delete some or all of the items
depending on the needs of IFCI.
5. Eligibility criteria:
Documents To be submitted
The vendor should have a registered
office in India.
The vendor should have Service
support centers at New Delhi and
The vendor Should have minimum 10
years (ending March 2014) of
experience in servicing Computer
care/warranty packs, with either of
the following:-.
Should have executed three orders of
similar nature, each order costing not
less than Rs. 10 lakhs.
Should have executed one order of
the similar nature, costing not less
than Rs. 30 lakhs.
Vendors should be authorized service
provider (ASP) of at least one OEM
out of IBM, CISCO & Tandberg.
a. ASP for all three – 30 Marks
b. ASP for any two – 20 Marks
c. ASP for anyone – 10 Marks
Certificate of incorporation
Complete details of the service 20
centers to be submitted.
Vendors should attach copies 20
Vendors should submit a letter 30
from OEM (neatly typed on
OEM letter head and signed by
authorized signatory in the rank
of GM or above) authorizing
the vendor to participate in the
The vendor should be profit making Certified copies of balance 10
company for last 3 years.
Vendor should not have been black A self-declaration by the 10
listed / banned by any Government vendor (neatly typed on letter
organization in last 10 years.
head and signed by authorized
signatory in the rank of GM or
above) to be submitted in this
regard. [Annexure – D]
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6. Two Bid System Tender
The offers shall be in two separate parts containing Technical and Commercial Offers. Two
separate sealed envelopes containing the Technical and Commercial offers respectively should
be enclosed together in a larger envelope, sealed and super scribed with the Tender Reference
Number and Name of Vendors. Both the two envelopes kept inside should be separately
securely sealed and stamped. The sealed envelopes must be super-scribed with the following
Type of Offer: (Technical or Commercial)
Name of Vendor:
ENVELOPE - I (Technical Offer):
The Technical offer must contain the following:(a) Documents in support of meeting the eligibility criteria.
(b) Compliance with all terms and conditions mentioned in the tender document as per the
format placed at Annexure –B.
ENVELOPE-II (Commercial Offer):
The Commercial Offer must be given in a sealed envelope and must contain Commercial details
as per Annexure - C.
7. Last date
The sealed quotations shall be in conformity with the specifications given in Annexure - A
should reach us on or before 16/01/2015 5:00 PM.
Quotations received after the due date and/or not submitted in the prescribed formats or in
the prescribed manner, incomplete in any respect or not accompanied by prescribed
documents are liable to be rejected
Vendor will be responsible to ensure that the quotations reaches the above address on or
before the due date and time.
8. Offer Validity Period
The tender offer must be valid for a period of three months from the date of submission. Any
offer falling short of the validity period is liable for rejection.
9. Tender Fee:
The Tender Fee is Rs. 2500/- and it shall be enclosed with bid in the form of Demand Draft in
favor of IFCI LTD payable at New Delhi. Tender Fee is non-refundable.
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10. Signing of Tender Offers
The Tender Offer shall be typed or written in ink and shall be signed by the vendor or a person
duly authorized in writing to bind the vendor to the Contract. All pages of the Tender Offer,
except for un-amended printed literature, shall be initialed by the person or persons signing the
Tender Offer. The Tender Offer shall contain no interlineations, erasures or overwriting except
as necessary to correct errors made by the vendor, in which case such corrections shall be
initialed by the person or persons signing the offer.
11. Language of Bids
The bid prepared by the Bidders as well as all correspondence and documents relating to the
Bid exchanged by the Bidder and the IFCI and supporting documents and printed literature shall
be written in English.
12. Amendment to the bidding document
At any time prior to the date of submission of Bids, the IFCI, for any reason, may modify the
Bidding Document, by amendment and publish the same on its website and/or newspapers.
All Bidders must ensure that such clarifications have been considered by them before
submitting the bid. IFCI will not have any responsibility in case some omission is done by any
In order to allow prospective Bidders reasonable time to take the amendment into account in
preparing their Bids, the IFCI, at its discretion, may extend the deadline for the submission of
13. Clarification of Bids pre-submitting
Clarification sought by bidder should be made in writing (E-mail) and submitted at least one day
prior to the date of seeking clarifications. IFCI has discretion to consider any other queries
raised by the bidder’s representative.
The text of the clarifications asked (without identifying the source of enquiry) and the response
given by the IFCI, together with amendment to the bidding document, if any, will be intimated.
14. Opening of Bids
Bids received within stipulated time, shall be opened as per schedule given in the Bid
Information Sheet.
On the scheduled date and time, bids will be opened by the IFCI Internal Committee.
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If any of the bidders or all bidders who have submitted the tender/bid and are not present
during the specified date and time of opening it will be deemed that such bidder is not
interested to participate in the opening of the Bid/s and the IFCI at its discretion will proceed
further with opening of the bids in their absence.
Bids that are not opened at Bid opening shall not be considered for further evaluation,
irrespective of the circumstances. Withdrawn bids, if any, will be returned unopened to the
Bidders/ its representatives against written request.
15. Clarification of bids post-submission:
During evaluation of Bids, the IFCI, at its discretion, may ask the Bidders for clarifications of
their Bids. The request for clarification and the response shall be in writing (e-Mail).
Any deviations from the specifications should be clearly brought out in the bid.
Bidder to quote for entire package on a single responsibility basis for the services it proposes to
offer under the contract.
16. Arithmetic Errors Correction
Arithmetic errors, if any, in the price break-up format will be rectified on the following basis: If
there is discrepancy between the unit price and the total price, which is obtained by multiplying
the unit price with quantity, the unit price shall prevail and the total price shall be corrected
unless it is a lower figure. If the supplier bidder does not accept the correction of errors, its bid
will be rejected.
If there is discrepancy in the unit price quoted in figures and words, the unit price, in figures or
in words, as the case may be, which corresponds to the total bid price for the item shall be
taken as correct.
It the vendor has not worked out the total bid price or the total bid price does not correspond
to the unit price quoted either in words or figures, the unit price quoted in words shall be taken
as correct.
IFCI may waive off any minor infirmity or nonconformity or irregularity in a bid, which does not
constitute a material deviation, provided such a waiving, does not prejudice or affect the
relative ranking of any bidder
17. Evaluation of Technical Bids
Technical Bids shall be opened first and technical marks shall be assigned to each technical bid
as mentioned in the eligibility criteria. The minimum technical score (TS) is set as 60 out of 100.
Bidders who scores more than 60 in technical evaluation shall qualify for commercial bid
evaluation. Bidders, who get less than 60, shall not qualify for commercial bid evaluation. The
weightage of Technical Bid is 70%.
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18. Evaluation of Commercial Bids
Commercial Bids shall be opened only after completing the evaluation of all technical bids. The
lowest commercial bid (L1) shall be assigned 100 marks. The commercial score shall be
calculated from the formula given below:
Commercial Score (CS) = L1/Li x 100
[i= 1, 2, 3….n]
The weightage of Commercial Bid is 30%.
19. Selection of Bidder
The final selection of the bidder shall be done after evaluating the Technical and Commercial
bids and the compliance with all terms and conditions as mentioned in the RFP. The final Score
is calculated as follows:
Final Score = 70% of TS + 30% of CS
A bidder, who gets highest Final Score, shall be selected for awarding the contract.
20. IFCI's Right to Accept Any Offer and to Reject Any or All Offers
IFCI reserves the right to accept or reject any tender offer, and to annul the tendering process
and reject all tenders at any time prior to award of contract, without thereby incurring any
liability towards the affected vendor(s) or any obligation to inform the affected vendors(s).
21. Inspection
IFCI or its representative will carry out inspection to confirm their conformity to the Contract in
terms of technical specification, technical details and inspection of internal components. Should
any inspected or tested equipment fail to conform to the specifications or it is not as per the
purchase order, IFCI may reject them and the supplier shall either replace the rejected items or
make all alterations necessary to meet specification requirements free of cost to IFCI within 2
weeks from the date of inspection.
22. Liquidity Damages (LD)
Liquidated damages for delay in Execution of Contract – The vendor shall have to pay liquidated
damages to IFCI at the rate of one percent (1%) per week on the contract value for late
execution after one week from the date of PO. There shall be an upper ceiling of ten percent of
the total PO Value for the LD to be deducted. The LD applicable on the entire order amount
shall be deducted from the payment amount due after execution of the contract.
23. Payment Terms:
Payment shall be made to the vendor after the end of each quarter on receipt of invoice,
quarterly uptime report and after deducting penalty due to non-performance, if any.
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24. Service Level Agreement
The vendor shall provide an uptime of 99% of the total hardware as mentioned in Annexure – A
calculated on monthly basis.
25. Penalty
Penalty Clause
Amount to be deducted
Uptime 99% or above
Uptime between 98 – 99%
1% of monthly charges (Excluding Tax)
Uptime between 97 – 98%
2% of monthly charges (Excluding Tax)
Uptime between 96 – 97%
3% of monthly charges (Excluding Tax)
Uptime between 95 – 96%
4% of monthly charges (Excluding Tax)
Uptime below 95%
10% of monthly charges (Excluding Tax)
26. Termination of Contract:
IFCI reserves its right to cancel the entire / unexecuted part of contract at any time by giving a
30 days’ notice in the event of one or more of the following conditions:
Non satisfactory performance.
Serious discrepancies noted during contract period.
Breaches in the terms and conditions of the contract.
Effect of Termination
The Vendor agrees that after completion of the Term or upon earlier termination of the
assignment the Vendor shall, if required by IFCI, continue to provide AMC services to IFCI at no
less favorable terms than those contained in this RFP. In case IFCI wants to continue with the
Vendor's services after the completion of this contract then the Vendor shall offer the same or
better terms to IFCI. Unless mutually agreed, the rates shall remain same.
IFCI shall make such prorated payment for services rendered by the Vendor and
accepted by IFCI at the sole discretion of IFCI in the event of termination, provided that the
Vendor is in compliance with its obligations till such date. However, no payment for "costs
incurred, or irrevocably committed to, up to the effective date of such termination" will be
admissible. There shall be no termination compensation payable to the Vendor.
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Termination shall not absolve the liability of IFCI to make payments of undisputed
amounts to the Vendor for services rendered till the effective date of termination. Termination
shall be without prejudice to any other rights or remedies a party may be entitled to hereunder
or at law and shall not affect any accrued rights or liabilities or either party nor the coming into
force or continuation in force of any provision hereof which is expressly intended to come into
force or continue in force on or after such termination.
 IFCI shall hold the selected bidder, its Successors, Assignees and Administrators fully
liable against loss or liability, claims, actions or proceedings, arising out of
non-fulfillment of any obligations under the Contract.
 Selected Bidder shall be the principal employer of the employees, engaged by Selected
Bidder and shall be vicariously liable for all the acts, deeds or things done by its
 Such liability of the Selected Bidder will be restricted to the actual amount of the
However, the selected bidder would be given an opportunity to be heard by IFCI prior to
making of a decision in respect of such loss or damage.
In connection with the work or contravenes the provisions of General Terms, if the selected
bidder neglects to execute the work with due diligence or expedition or refuses or neglects to
comply with any reasonable order given to him in writing by IFCI, in such eventuality, IFCI may
after giving notice in writing to the selected bidder calling upon him to make good the failure,
neglect or contravention complained of, within such times as may be deemed reasonable and
in default of the said notice, IFCI shall have the right to cancel the Contract holding the
selected bidder r liable for the damages that IFCI may sustain in this behalf. Thereafter, IFCI is
to be compensated for good the failure at the risk and cost of the selected bidder.
29. Indemnity
Vendor shall indemnify, protect and save IFCI against all claims, losses, costs damages,
expenses, action suits and other proceeding, resulting from infringement of any patent,
trademarks, copyrights etc. or such other statutory infringements in respects of all care packs
supplied by him.
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30. Publicity
Any publicity by the Vendor in which the name of IFCI is to be used should be done only with
the explicit written permission of the Purchaser.
31. Force Majeure
Neither Party shall be liable for any default or delay in the performance of its obligations if and
to the extent such default is caused, directly or indirectly, by fires, floods, power failures, Acts
of God, act of public enemy, civil commotion, sabotage, wars, insurrections, riots, labor
disturbances, strikes, lockouts, go-slow, damage to machinery on account of accident or passing
of any statutory order by the eligible authority/ies, prohibiting performance of such obligation
by a competent authority; and restrictions of any country affecting the performance of this
agreement or any part hereof. The affected party shall intimate the other party within
reasonable time period of such occurrences.
32. Applicable laws
The Contract shall be interpreted in accordance with the laws prevalent in India.
Compliance with all applicable laws: The Bidder shall undertake to observe, adhere to, abide by,
comply with and notify the IFCI about all laws in force or as are or as made applicable in future,
pertaining to or applicable to them, their business, their employees or their obligations towards
them and all purposes of this Tender and shall indemnify, keep indemnified, hold harmless,
defend and protect the IFCI and its employees/ officers/ staff/ personnel/ representatives/
agents from any failure or omission on its part to do so and against all claims or demands of
liability and all consequences that may occur or arise for any default or failure on its part to
conform or comply with the above and all other statutory obligations arising therefrom.
33. Arbitration/ Dispute Resolution
In case any disputes arise out of the contract the party shall try to negotiate the same within 30
days of such dispute. In case the matters remain unresolved the same shall be referred to the
Arbitration in accordance with Arbitration and Conciliation Act, 1996 after giving the notice of
such reference to the other party. The Arbitral Tribunal shall consist of three arbitrators. Each
party shall appoint one arbitrator and both the arbitrators shall appoint the presiding arbitrator
with mutual consent. The venue of the arbitration shall be New Delhi and the language
preferred will be English. The award of the Arbitral Tribunal shall be final and binding on the
34. Jurisdiction
The jurisdiction for the purpose of settlement of any dispute of differences whatsoever in
respect of or relating to or arising out of or in any way touching this contract or the terms and
conditions thereof or the construction and/or interpretation thereof shall be that of the
appropriate court in New Delhi. The jurisdiction of any other court in any place other than New
Delhi is specifically excluded.
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35. Confidentiality
The vendor shall keep confidential any information obtained under the contract and shall not
divulge the same to any third party. In case of non-compliance of the confidentiality agreement,
the contract is liable to be repudiated by IFCI. IFCI shall further have the right to regulate
vendor staff.
The vendor shall not divulge to any person handling other divisions, subsidiaries or groups of
vendor and its service support agency any information obtained by it in the course of its
execution of its work and all the information gathered by the vendor shall be treated as
professional communication and confidential. Any violation of this clause shall be liable to
cancellation of the contract and invoking the bank guarantee without notice to the vendor.
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Annexure – A
Technical Specifications:
Hardware Type
Hardware Details
Support Details
IBM Server
New Delhi
Model – x3650M3[7945I3A]
Processor – Intel Xeon E5649 2.53
RAM – 8 GB
Disks – 300GB SAS x 2, 500GB SAS x
Storage Controller – ServeRAID
M5014 SAS/SATA Controller
Brocade 425/825 4G/8G FC HBA
OS – Windows 2008
Application: Symantec Net Backup
Model – x3650M3[7945I3A]
Processor – Intel Xeon E5649 2.53
RAM – 8 GB
Disks – 300GB SAS x 4
OS – Windows 2008
Application: SWIFT
Model - X2350M3
OS – Windows 2008
Application: File Server
Comprehensive onsite support with
part replacement NEXT BUSINESS
IBM Server
New Delhi
IBM Server
Cisco Switch
New Delhi
Cisco Switch
New Delhi
Tape Library for
Data Backup
New Delhi
NetBackup 7.1
New Delhi
Magnum 2x24 Tandberg Tape
Comprehensive onsite support with
part replacement NEXT BUSINESS
Comprehensive onsite support with
part replacement NEXT BUSINESS
Comprehensive onsite support with
part replacement SAME BUSINESS
Comprehensive onsite support with
part replacement SAME BUSINESS
Comprehensive onsite support with
part replacement NEXT BUSINESS
Remote Support SAME BUSINESS
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Annexure – B
Compliance with Terms & Conditions:
General Terms & Conditions
Eligibility Criteria
Compliance (Yes/No)
Deviation, if any
1. Non-Submission of Annexure-B shall be treated as acceptance of all Terms and
Conditions mentioned in the Tender Document.
2. Deviation, if any shall be clearly mentioned
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Annexure – C
Hardware Type
IBM Server
New Delhi
IBM Server
New Delhi
IBM Server
Cisco Switch
New Delhi
Cisco Switch
New Delhi
Tape Library for Data
New Delhi
Symantec NetBackup
7.1 Software
New Delhi
Commercial Bid
Hardware Details
Model – x3650M3[7945I3A]
Processor – Intel Xeon E5649 2.53 GHz
RAM – 8 GB
Disks – 300GB SAS x 2, 500GB SAS x 6
Storage Controller – ServeRAID M5014
SAS/SATA Controller
Brocade 425/825 4G/8G FC HBA Card
OS – Windows 2008
Application: Symantec Net Backup
Model – x3650M3[7945I3A]
Processor – Intel Xeon E5649 2.53 GHz
RAM – 8 GB
Disks – 300GB SAS x 4
OS – Windows 2008
Application: SWIFT
Model - X2350M3
OS – Windows 2008
Application: File Server
Magnum 2x24 Tandberg Tape Library
AMC Rate /
Annum (Rs.)
(Exclusive of
Total Amount
* All figures shall be quoted exclusive of all taxes. Octroi, if any, would be reimbursed on
actuals on production of original octroi receipts in favor of IFCI.
Signature of Authorized Signatory
Name of the Authorized Signatory
Name of the Organization …
Seal …
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Annexure - D
Declaration that the vendor has not been blacklisted
(To be submitted on the Letterhead of the vendor)
The GM (IT)
IFCI Tower, 61 Nehru Place
New Delhi - 110 019
Subject: Comprehensive AMC of IBM Servers & Tandberg Tape Library Etc.
Dear Sir/Madam,
We confirm that our company is not blacklisted in any manner whatsoever by any central
Government department, autonomous organisations, Public Sector Undertakings (PSUs) or any
other Government organisations in India on any ground including but not limited to indulgence
in corrupt practice, fraudulent practice, coercive practice, undesirable practice or restrictive
It is hereby confirmed that I/We are entitled to act on behalf of our company/ corporation/
firm/ organisation and empowered to sign this document as well as such other documents,
which may be required in this connection.
Dated this ___ day of ___201_
Yours sincerely,
On behalf of [Vendor’s Name]
Authorised Signature [In full and initials]:
Name and Title of Signatory:
Seal/Stamp of Vendor:
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Annexure – E
Forwarding Letter
(To be submitted on Vendor’s letter head)
The GM (IT)
IFCI Tower, 61 Nehru Place
New Delhi - 110 019
Dear Sir/Madam,
Sub: Comprehensive AMC of IBM Servers & Tandberg Tape Library Etc.
This is in reference to your above mentioned tender for Comprehensive AMC of IBM Servers &
Tandberg Tape Library Etc. Having examined the tender document, the receipt of which is
hereby duly acknowledged, we the undersigned, hereby submit our proposal along with
necessary supporting documents as desired by IFCI.
Further, we agree to abide by all the terms and conditions as mentioned in the tender
document. We have also noted that IFCI reserves the right to consider/ reject any or all
applications without assigning any reason thereof.
Authorized Signatory.
Organization Seal
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