— — ,r 41 .‘E ! :—.‘ ‘~~ ~_‘iIi. ..aus’ — -. ‘~‘~‘ “.‘ws, £c’rtr ‘HEALTH COMMUNITY CALENDAR Spot reducing just reduces wallet HEALTH HAPPENINGS (drI~o’Jreduce local fat deposits move into the exercising niusdc from its overlying fat pad. Instead, it Spot reducing appears that fatty acids frotn fat deposits h.i~ hen widely throughout the body (perhaps in areas of greatpro it:.!tr ii by health est concentrationi are mohEli,zed to supply the :0’, to take needed energy reserves. in. ic, off your ‘the apparent effecoveness of spot reduction a,1i’t. thighs or may be due, il some instances, to two other ,i trock-, without there were no differences In the fat deposits phenomena: 1) strengthening and repositioning iticting. voth reguover the arms. as assessed by laboratory skin of the muscles and 2) activiryinduced mobi’ iac r.tercise, in Just fold measurements. Thus, the greater amount llzauon of fat from over the enore body, includrniituteS a day.’ of exercise in the playing arms was not accom- ing a particular ‘spot.’ Spot reduction partied by reduced fat deposits over that arm. programs and 9; Exercise for kids ii OK, but sonietimes Perhaps the most convincing evidence exercise devices agamst spot reduction comes from more recent I wonder about athletics. What are the odds area multi-million dollar industry. studies on the effects of localized abdominal of sudden death among young athletes? The primary spot reduced is the consumers exercise training on regional fat cell size. Stomwallet ach, hip and back fat samples were taken from A: Sudden death among young athletes Is The idea is that it you exercise a specific 13 subJects before and after a 27-day abdomi- rare — only four or five casualties are reported body area, the fat in that area will be utilized nal exercise training program. Each subject each year. Most of these deaths result from and reduced. trained five days per week to a total of 5.004 abnormalities in the heart or blood vessels that Dr. Grant Gwinup and co-workers in 1971 sit-ups. Fat cell diameter decreased similarly at were present at birth. subJected the concept to critical evaluation by all three sampling sites. The Investigators concluded that conventional sit-up exercise does Barry &anktin. Ph.D.. is director of Cardiac comparing and of subcutaneous fat ofthe the circumference right and left arms accom- not reduce preferentially fat cell size in the Rehabtlitation and Exercise Laboratories at plished tennis players. While the clrcumfer- stomach region to a greater extent compared William Beaumont Hospital. His new book. ences were substantially greater in the playing tslth other body areas, ‘Making Heawuj Tomorrows,’ is available by arms due to greater muscular development, Presently there is no scientific evidence that calling 1-800289-4843. BARRY FRANKLIN Pregnancy does not cause tooth decay Once and for all, lets put the myth to rest. Pregnancy does NOT cause tooth decay. It Is easy to see where certain factors may lead to ills erroneous conclusion. During pregnancy, women tend to be busier preparing for the upcoming birth. Once the baby arrives, she is even busier. Obviously, more dental work will be required during a period of one to two years than tn a six-month check-up. During pregnancy, women also experience hormonal changes. These changes may produce a temporary condition of puffiness or bleeding of the gums. ibis condillon is called ‘pregnancy gingiviUs’ and can be controlled by keeping the mouth ‘preventive clean’ by brushing and flossing properly. Equally false is the notion that the baby robs the mothers teeth of calcium The composition of adult teeth cannot be changed once they are fully formed, Babies may be responsible for stretch marks — hut not dental decay. GUM DISEASE One of your concerns as a parent is to protect your child from tooth decay and gum disease that ran threaten loss of permanent A. ALLEN TUCHKLAPER Dr. A. Alien Thchkloper has a denial practice, Not Denial C-truer lnEeaiat Center located ci 43410 meet your match. Its easy. And, your classified ad is FREE NEW HUDSON UNITED METHODIST CHURCH CROSS OF ClflT Um$ERAII ;s’t?tL a rn FOOD Farmer’s Market will be open 7 am, to 1 p.m. Friday at the municipal lot on W’hipple Street (the recycling center). featuring locally grown produce, bedding piants and flowers, as well as eggs. baked goods and crafts. The market will run through Oct. 28, CHURCHES Sponsored by S~UThLyon Area Chamber of Commerce. Call 437Community prayer group 3257. meets 8:30-9:30 am, Thursdays Seafood and chicken dinners and 8:30-7:30 p.m. Tuesdays at are served 5-8 p.m. Fridays at the First United Methodist Church yEW Post 1224. 8991 Spicer Road. chapeL 640 S. Lafayette St. Eveiy- Hamburg. There Is a senior disone is welcome to Join this nonde- count Call 231-1224 for informanominational time for sharing tion and orders to-go. blessings and concerns and for quiet prayer. St. John’s Zvangeucsl Luther’ REUNIONS as Church will celebrate its 325th annlversaiy with a festival service at 10-30 n.m. and 2:30 p.m. Sun’ 3lS4th SIg S.c Bn. 50th day, Sept. IS. The church is locat’ anniversary of the Battalion and ed at 2945 E. Northfleld Church the 5th reunIon will be held Oct. Road. Pastor George Tiefel Jr. will 7-9 at the Gall House, Louisville, speak at the morning service with Ky. Call 437-0609. Pastor Floyd Mattek preaching in the afternoon, Call 313’76l’1740. FUND RAISER Crossroads Women’s Bible Study meets at 9:45 am, Tuesdays at Fellowship Evangelical South Lyoa High School Girls Presbyterian Church, 222(X) PontI- Swim Team will hold a car wash ac Trail. Sponsored by Crossroads from 9:30 am, to 4p.m. Saturday Community Church. Two studies at the Hardee’s parking lot. Cost is are offered, along with nursery for a donation, Proceeds will be used infants to 3-year-olds and story to for medals, awards and equiphour for 3- to 5-year-olds Call ment. 486-4189. Bible study group meets at 5:30 COMMEMORATION p.m. Tuesdays at First Baptist Church, Spring/summer study will be on 61 Bible characters from Lovewell-Hill and ladies AntI’ Genesis to Revelations, Everyone isry VFW Post 2502 wIll comis invited to Join thIs nondawmi- memorate POW/MIA Recognition nationsl study group. CaB 437- Day’ at II am, on Friday, Sept. 2983. 16, at the Memorial Monument, Coffee Beak Ministry meets at lafayette and West Liberty streets. 9:45 am, Wednesdays at Fellow- The public is invited, South Lyon Middle School - lunch price. $t.&l: niiik oil’,’. 35 ci’nts. Vegetable and fruit bar served daily. Friday ‘ cheeseburger, chicken patty- with hun. cheesebtirger. riacho bar ($1.95). Monday - prime time pi~(35 cents extra(, chicken nuggets nith ire cheeseburger. Tuesday - pi~ square. taco, cheeseburger. Wednesday - chicken dippers with special sauce and rice (new Can pus Cafe special), cheeseburger. hot dog. Thursday - g-r-r-eat pi~(35 cents exfral. cheeseburger, fish saudwich. South Lyon elemeataries ‘ lunch price. $1.45: milk only. :ss cents Vegetable and fruit bar served daily. Friday - g-r-r-eat pIzza with cheese and ham or pepperoni. fish sanciwich, Monday - crisp honey baked chicken with rice (new octal. pizza square. hamburger, Tuesday - chicken tnyzes with roll, ravioli with meat sauce, fish sand wich. Wednesday salad bar lunch with roll, chicken patty. hamburger Thursday Lucky Tray Day: pizza square. fish nuggets with roll. tuna fish on wheat bread, ‘‘ South Lyon elementarles breakfast - breakfast price. 85 tents. Friday - scrambled egg and one-halt bagel or cereal and onehalf bagel with peaches and milk. Monday - three French toast sticks with syrup or cereal and one-halt cereal wlthjuice and milk. Tuesday breakfast on a stick with syrup or cereal and onehail bagel with luice and milk, Wednesday egg and cheese biscuit or cereal and one-halt bagel with applesauce and milk Thursday - sausage and egg bagel or cereal and one-half hagel with juice and milk. ‘ ‘ REUNIONS South Lyon High School class of 1989 — A reunion is planned for Oct. I at the South Lyon Hotel. The Football Boosters will honor all football players from the class at halftime of the game on Sept. 30. All classmates are invited to the game. For information. cail Ray Titrnan at 437-9201 or Larry Janes St 437-5113. South Lyon 111gb School class of 1984 — A semi’fonnai event Is planned for Nov. 26 at Romanoffs Hall on Pontiac Trail in Ann Arbor. Tickets are $45 per couple or $25 per person. Cal) (5171 546-5757 for more information. Milford High School 1914 — A casual event for Oct. S at Santa Hall Harbor, Tickets are $45 son. Call (810) 685-2591 infnrmaDon, ‘;;;~f class of is slated in Keego per perfor more Ii S (flUlU’ ~ 4• People listen to you Record your own 2 minuta voice greeting, at no charge, for peopie to listen to You do NOT leave your nane or number at this time Those interested in your ad wit be abie to get your voice naiibox number iron, the ad. 5. You listen to them 6. You get together CHURCH OF ThE HOLY c~ossEPISCOPAL 6~S 1~’rml’,. 437.0 ,oO Potion 41a, Geoge Nra, P~, A tdwcxdt AAq Mie berween Toni S Beck. Nov iO w a’er. ~‘0(’° 340. I i75 ionaayi4som HaSVEL,CinIST wouattcdarn 3&t~q sce’ov ~10,” V~) 10056 O*rl 5 Ccc ~nd.J? 1 I a m ~4o?,, tucrobi “s”tq 1 I on’ srOav scs,pd a Ninety in’s 0ev toSs F Hcydng FELLOWSHIP BAPTIST CHURCH IMMAP4UEL LUThERAN C)flJRCH OF SOUTH LYON ~“s~e 0774 NIle Mile Rood Rev M Iso Ta ioi 449-2582 5 ~d5 a rn Soriacy SChcCI. Worm . 1 31cm &ottnm 0 Wednesday tversr,g. 7 T p rn ~ ~ E. lIberty Street AICiossescWorn . 437.7575 t.~tL(~S~ wsb sate, L~vn s_nfl Crud’ snoa 9. 1 0 a” 24610 Miiford Rd Wedns,aoy Evening 7 ca Sunday Wo,u,ip 1 1 Sunooy GChO~ ID s~*‘3~~7Ar a.rnwwcnit O~r~ ‘ flr ‘~wy cc. r,&,ted Ra’o, kre LixtAQie~, CHURCH Sunday tvarsng 437-5030 They rnay leave their name and number or you Those who respond are charged SI .49 per minute (It’s pot 09/it on The monihfr phone bill) 3A9- I ItS 5 t~ S t~soca ~ytcw,.:.,,c,antr-~-lit, C ,w,- .~r S ~ -‘ ‘n-.-~~~!r: inT.A—. . -,,-.‘a,.’ ‘,•__i_Th,’-._,.’. 7a’’t’.’,sn,rn~ .. :t.~* Q~’~ ‘~tn~U ‘w. w- 5”~~5’~1t1 GREEN OAK F’REE METHODIST CHURCH ‘..ic-,’’n-~~ CROSSROADS COMMUNITY CHURCH ~irKfli. M7itic —~ icco ~ S c -,’i 4~-Src,a 5 T,~ :i ~&Ponfsx ~&uwyC,aet’la~1 Wierycwte5QiN Lct,,cee tsaIQOtkM&’r4i6043 SOUTH LYON CHURCH OF CHRIST ‘. —‘ F~~-4,1’ 5v0 Minsw ‘s —. up, .atrr,,-,-r,-,-g’;v:-ir- se.X.c, ... “Sr,n M-r-,nç w.~--,e. ‘C Once youve picked up your messages. you may decide to contact whomever you choose Only then do you make your identity known to those who’ve resQ000ed to you — _ 8705; NoiThvllle 3 13-348-3022; NoW 3 13’148’3022; South Lyon 3 13-437’-d 733; oq mall the coupon b&ow, I I II Additional lines : Subtotal ~ id~; 5 51 S FREE S F9EL 50 each s 4 weeks iSe eser‘nd S ——,—. ea’y Me Cha,aOe’ pa’ soars include punciuatic4, .r.1 noackc .— .— --—.— 1 I .—-.—-—..— — 0$ We Deliver,\For You. irarsr .5 :crt-sipr, :C~”~’;s tip oct’ v:~“in.. ~ Sc r~cc’- Name ~ ——, Address I —— I Civ : L . Voice Mailbos First 5 lines of print ad I ~ You call in and iusten to any messages Pelt ri your mauibor This will cost you SI 49 per minute No One eisa will be sbie to hear your messages Call today to place your ad Dexier/Chelseo 3 73’426’5032; Brighton 3 13-227’4436; Howell 517-548-2570 Milford 313-685. 7.~ Pastor Michael Po~cn FiRST UNITED METWOOIST CHURCH OF NOQTHYJLLE Whent you need to send money you want to make su’e :1 gets there sa e’y Forturately there are U S Postal Service Money O’ders Tony ne ore o~the satest ways to Send money both domestica’ 1001 ,nterr.atiOflaY And your privacy is always protected J st tell the ei:ndow c!erk at your local post oilice how much 0 110 ..iv ar~t~o se~d’and to who” country you 1want to send ,t Then S ~‘Li y pay to :.tmount 0’ the money orde’ c us a ow tee. deoe’d“q Y’ 11 ,... ~ C ~C~C C 0’ dssPratio t 3:.: ‘ jo I~ 0 se~C~—‘oneystoo by the °cc O t.ce tie .n.’S:u:,‘ ‘ C)”’ ~‘O.’v to :ake ~ /Cur order Chldcore Avollob(e HERITAGE BAPTIST USA. OF SOVTh LYON ~‘—: GOO. hotel, I,. (437-2289) SUfld0~’ SONkO 1000 am F*ST PRESBYTERIAN cHURCW S”- appear 437-88 1 0 486-4335 Grirwoid Rd. 05 10 MIle Sunday WorshIp 9.30 om Nursery Provided SOUTH LYON UNITED MrHODIST y Witch’s Hat Depot Museum is open 1-5 p.m. Thursdays and Sundays at McHattie Park off Dorothy Street in South Lyon. Call 437-2409 or 437-2285. Lakeside Singers Community Chorus meets at 7 p.m. Mondays at Wesley United Methodist Church. corner of East Shore and Main streets, Whltmore Lake. No tryouts necessary. Call 741-1756. -‘ ‘-3 We’ll assign you a voles naiiboi which Wiii in your ad. Your ad will run for 4 weeks. (Missouri Synod) Pastor Terry Nohon 222co Poniloc ma, Rev. stsphsniornsoo u/Q Single Place Ministries of First Presbyterian Church of Northville meets at 10a.m. Sundays in the library/lounge. Call 349-0911. Brighton Christian Singles meets at 7 p.m. Sundays at First Presbyterian Church. 300 E. Grand River Ave., for Bible study. social hour and refreshments, All singles welcome, Call 227-7411. RECREATION Meritis fur the sseek of Si-pt. 6-22 at South Lyon (‘it’iriiiiriitv Sc’hooi~ ate as follows: South Lyon High School - lunch pnce S I . 75: milk only. 35 rents Salad bar, soup arid fresh fruit ofiered dads’. Friday Buffet special cheeseburger. humto suprciiie French fries. corn: express special, g-r-r-eat plait. specialty bar. Lion super sub. Monday Buffet special. grilled cheese sandwich. cheeseburger. French fries, peach slices: express special French bread piaa. ,pecialty bar. pt~a. Tuesday - Buffet special. cheeseburger. champ’s pizza (35 cents exiral. green beans, French tnes, express spectal, g-r rent puts . clalty bar. jumbo/soft taco, Wednesday - buffet special, cheeseburger. piz2a square, cole slav.’. French fries: express special, nachos with salia and trench biead pt~.. specialty bar. chicken tenders. Thursday - Buffet special, cheeseburger. fish on a bun, tossed salad. French fries: express special. chicken riuggeis v.,th sailer: spe’ialw bar. rsacho bar. - 437-63o7 S~sidcyWoflit. 9 30 a m ,ii,~ihio ~345on SINGLES ship Evangelical Presbyterian Church, 22200 Pontiac Trail. Three bible studies, a nursen’ for infants to 3yrarolds and a story hour for 3- to S’year-olds are offered. Call 437-0139. WHEN IT COMES TO SECURITYAND PRIVACY, THEY’RE MADE TO ORDER. St.tday School 9:45 0-rn. Wednesday EvorlnQ FEa0wSHIP EVANGELICAL PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH ,‘,‘s’t,atrfr,y M.t,.i,’ss 7 cc r: ,,*i’S-c,.i.I_’i 2 day. Sept. 21. at the South Lyon Senior Center. Call 437-0863. Alcoholics Anonymous meets at 11 am. Wednesdays for a nonsmoking meeting at First Presbyterian Church of South Lyon. 205 K. Lake St. Call Don and Kathy, 437~ 4733 Mom to Mom of PAIl’ fPa,rents and Teachers Together), offering emotional support for the primary care giver of special needs chil’ dren, meets at 7 p.m. Thursday. Sept 22. at the South Lyon Senior Center, Child care Is provided, Call 437-2978. Proyor MeotinoJOJbJo Study , ft p.rn. ió7lOGrond River Rev PA. MitchInson WorShi09~8 1 1:X am. Church School 9:45 o.m. :. 3. Your ad runs free In the paper 348-1020 pot_issds,Qss.d t,x~yWatC.llo.m &6Wpm &x~vSctod.t45nn. w.o~ctyt~a’~QPia~Mssrto 7 pm 07-sitS ,.__ For The Osat r_Q_t 2 Record your message Writeyour ad Nov 9 Stephen Soot Su’,doyWOcstiplI02a.m.:o30p.m. nfl, RAPTIST CHURCH or SOOTH LYON ChituItO’i raucotion 1 1 Phone 437-2222 . BAPTIST CHURCH OF NORTHVILLE 217 N. Win, Si I l:mo’n Trodilond Service Sunday icr~1 9,45 t*n~yProvidsd pcsior 5~1fr.idssr fl9-AS9t Citien 22741 iS 5061 Piso,o’t volsy, Beighton 1 ~ wec vajih ~anJi. Im ~‘te Nigel Iw . Boy Scout Troop 38 meets at? pm. Mondays at First Presbytenan Church, 205 E. Lake St. Story hoar for preschooler. is held at 10:15 am, Tuesdays (beginning Sept. 131. at Lyon Township Public LIbrary. 27005 5. MEETINGS Miliord Road, Children ages I’l/2 to 5 years are welcome, Call 437South Lyon Seniors meets at 8800. noon Fridays at the Adult CommuBoy Scout troop 228 meets at nity Center, South Lyon High 7 p.m. Tuesdays at First United School, Methodist Church, 640 S. l.yon Met Lions Club meets at Lafayette St. 6 pm, Monday, SepL 19, at South Story hour for Preschoolers Lyon Woods Clubhouse. Call 437- will be from at 6:30 p.m. Wednes0237, days at the Rider House. 7912 Basketball Booster Club meets Dickerson Road. Salem Township. at 6:30 p.m. Monday, Sept. 19. at Sponsored by the Salem-South South Lyon High &hool lecture Lyon District Library. No preregis~ hall. tratlon is required. Call 437-6431. Kiwanis Club meets 6:30 p.m. Mondays at Kiwanis Hall. 288 N. Warren. SUPPORT GROUPS Spark Plugs meet 7 p.m. Mondays at the clubhouse. Friend, of the Salem-South TOPS: Take OffPounds Sensibly Lyon District Library meet at SI meets at 9 a-rn. Thursdays at 7:30 p.m. Monday, Sept. 19, at the New Hudson United Methodist WitcWs Hat Depot. New members Church, 56730 Grand River Ave. are welcome, Alcoholics Anonymous meets Friends of the Lyon Township at 7:30 p.m. Thursdays at the Public Library meet at I p.m. Community Education Center. Tuesday. Sept. 20, at the library. room 13. 27025 Mllford Road. Call 437TOPS: Take Off Pounds SensIbly 8800. 1320 meets at 7 p.m. Thursdays South Lyon Histories] Society at the First United Methodist meets at 7:30 p.m. Tuesday, Sept. Church. 640 S. Lafayette St For 20. at the Witch’s Hat Freight information call 437’5774. House. Guest speaker will be Dr. TOPS: Take Off Pounds Sensibly Weldon Peta on Santa Collectibles meets at lOam. Fridays at South and Origins.’ Lyon SenIor Adult CommunIty South Lyon Jaycees Board of Center. South Lyon High School, Directors meets at 7:30 pm. Call 437-0863. Tuesday. Sept 2O, at the 700 Bowl Recovery Inc.. a self’help group meeting room,4Call 486-6577. for those suffering with nervous Golden K Kiwanis Club meets symptoms, anxiety, fears and 10 am, Wednesdays at Kiwanis anger, meets at 7:30 p.m. Ftldays Hall. 288 N. Warren St Call 437- at St. Patrick Catholic Church, 0681. Brighton. Call (313) 684-1139. U.S.A.?. Auxiliary-Civil Air Alcoholics Anonymous meets Patrol. Mustang Squadron, meets at 10a.m. Saturdays at First Unitat 7 pm. Wednesdays at the New ed Methodist Church, 640 5. Hudson Airport, The group is look- Lafayette St. This Is a nonsmoking Ing for cadets (13-181 and seniors meeting. interested in aerospace. Call 478Gamblers Anonymow meets at 0170 or 437-2333. 6 p.m. Sundays at St. Patrick’s Søuth Lyon Optimist. Club Catholic Church, ill Rickett meets at noon Thursday. Sept 22, Road. Brighton. Call 229-5827. at the upper level of the South Weight Watches, meet at 7 p.m. Lyon Hotel. Call 437-3747. Mondays at Cross of Christ Rebekab. 488 meet at I p.m. Lutheran Church, 24155 GrisThursday. Sept. 22. at Kiwanis wold. Call 1-800-487-4777. Hall. 288 N. Warren. AA, Alanon and Mattes all meet at 8 p.m. Mondays at First United Methodist Church. 640 5. Lafayette. These are non-smoking FOR KIDS meetings. Alzheimer’s Disease Family SupStory hour. for preschoolers port Group meets at 10:30 am. begin at 10 am, Fridays at the Tuesday. Sept. 20. at the Mtlkrd Salem-South Lyon District Presbyterkn Chwuh. 288 N. Main Library, 318 W. Lake St. No St. Call 8l0’383’2753. advance registration is necessary. Life Goes On. a grief support Call 437-6431. group, meets at 10 am, Wednes- SCHOOL MENUS 01.472 ~.a’ P boot~ s~~s—~’c— cratian Eoaca?ioc S I 5 an ~‘w’~&~~ sv~*’qwouink, am p,,, 437 20 ~l1 LORD OF LIFE LUTHERAN CHURCH LCAsanics s~45a,, Cont.niporory The next free immurii~tionchinic is scheduled for Oct. 6 at the First Presbyterian Church of South Lyon. A nurse is available for private consultations the first Monday of each month from 9 am, to 2 p.m. at the South Lyon Senior Adult Community Center. Private consultations also can be made in the home. Call 437-0863. Introducing a new way to FAMILY WORSHIP CENTER to, a Using a mobile mammography unit, exams will be offered at the Sooth Lyon Senior Adult CommuFlu shots will be offered Oct. 12 nity Center. located In South Lyon from I-S p,m. at the Community High School. 1000 N. Lafayette. Education gym, 350 School St. Exams are scheduled for Nov. 8 Oakland County Health Depart- through Nov. 10.’ ment will provide the shots for $3. Appointments will take about 45 To bill Medicare for the shots, take your Medicare card, pIcture Identi- minutes each, and will include a fication and supplemental insur’ physical exam and a low’dose film screen mammography. To make ance card. The immunization clinic is an appointment call 437’0863. sponsored by the South Lyon Senior Center. For more information, call 437-0863. HEALTH NURSE ~CONNECTION CHURCH DIRECTORY a2MSW ~ P~io, MAMMOGRAPHY FLU SHOTS IMMUNIZATION W Ten Mile. This column is coordinoted by Peg Campbell of the U-M Health Centers, The Oakland County Health Division clinic will rain from 9 a-rn. to 3p.m. Those under IS years old must be accompanied by a parent or guardian. and you should take all immunization records to the clinic. For more information, call 858’ t301 or 424-7045. HomeTown teeth. Juvenile gum disease Is a case in point. This is a rapidly advancing form of gum disease that is difiuculi to recognize in its early stages. The infection may be caused by an almost invisible formation of bacterial plaque. Hormonal changes that come with puberty and adolescence may contribute to the condition. Another cause is inefficient or improper oral hygiene techniques. The young person may not be brushing and flossing as thoroughly or as often as he or she should. Gum disease in its advanced stages Is evidenced by lriltated. swollen or bleeding gum tissue. Even In its early stages. when the signs are not so noticeable, some loss ofbone support around permanent teeth may occur. Ifyour child hasn’t had a check-up recently, have your child’s gums and teeth enmlned thoroughly to see If they are healthy. F& Information regarding rates for church listings call The South Lyon Herald The South Lyon Herald offers ibis health listing as a service to the cornrnwiity. it is free to those who would like to announce a healih’relaled meeting or service in the paper To haLe wi bern included En the health calenrlran please subryul a in wruUig to the Herald office no bier than ne~rion ~ flj. day before publication. Items for the Corrtnsuniiy Cult-ri drir rnw,t be recettt’d Ut willing at The South Lyon Herald of/Ice by noon Friday to be included in the Sept. 22 editwru ‘c ‘flS !.E ‘iL..’T.4L~CcsrJPA;. LII Phone ~ ~ —- tisil no Homerown N.wspspsn Classified Oepantmsnr, P 0. for 251. SO,JTh mi~rrbe ‘8 ypan :“ age ‘S~‘i.de ‘‘, ::ca”-c is.’.tP G’e u-sr .c-’.a--c.r pare y’ ad ‘c’ i-c.ii’p’ enrn ~os:of-tarnç Lyon, MI £8i78 — , — II ~~flj(5~.y ti’S~c~‘tv - it p — -—‘,,-. k..’_l,vi’~’_u 1 0..,: o-’ .‘ v’, ROMAN HOLIDAY SWEEPSTAKES. : Pleats inter my sans to win I day. atd 6 : Roman Cleanser Bleach invitesyou to enter their Roman Holiday Sweepstakes. 1 — ~i1i3h~in Rims ----—~-~ Grand Prize: Two rounfi Ifli) tickets to Rome for 7 days~~ and 6 riit~hts 1oc1r~iiifffrom ~“~°“‘,,,r,~:.’’ r r FIrst I rize: A one (‘a rat Second Prize : .\ UNITED ST4TES POST,iL SERVICE. , ~ ~‘~“ . . — , rn a Rurnan Hoiiday. -~--~ ~, . ~ .____ --~. Re,r~tinias lineS 75thhan*nq Sws.gilMseOflcei sit’. ~(~4tY ‘i,-w crc.’. ,.~.,xtie-tii, ~.~t”W.a” ‘~s. ~ p-i • ~ ,~rc-.r~~“r~’ ~ ‘it’-’, ~‘i’T~i ‘.ii..’•~~ —u-i.. ~twk diamond colIrtesy of ., ~‘ ~;~~tLL’°” -‘S”’, ,, ~ i, S ______ —speed ss’a ~tier a Ii d a ~ia~ t ) elec.’tn(’ (Irs’er frnni p4ynana. IWO .~tene‘1~ceisiiiy Fuoir;r :an~agp*-l: te ‘o.r(t7nn,~-pic,;i~.’v-r “.r:c— F 904 LimIeci Ste., PnaO. Sen.-c, 1 .~vflhl;l}I~(’ al \~(ffl~~ \t’i~liIitirIiiiiiltutu ~‘(iit’i” a
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