PUMAS EUROPEAN SEMINAR 26/11/2013 PARTICIPATION IN URBAN MOBILITY PLANNING: HOW TO MOTIVATE STAKEHOLDERS AND CITIZENS? Venue: Lyon Chamber of Commerce and Industry, 2 place de la Bourse, Lyon 2e, France Languages: English & French (simultaneous translation) (free participation - compulsory registration) 09:00 09:20 Registration & Coffee 09:20 09:30 Welcome speech Introduction of the seminar François BERGEZ-LACOSTE, Lyon CCI Lyon CCI facilitator: Antoine VERGNE, Missions Publiques INTRODUCTION: PUMAS, SUMP AND THE CHORE ROLE OF PARTICIPATION 09:30 09:55 Introduction to PUMAS Introduction to SUMP (Sustainable Urban Mobility Plan) and participation Giuseppe MELLA, City of Venice, PUMAS Lead Partner (Italy) & Melanie BETZ, Lyon CCI, PUMAS partner (France) Cosimo CHIFFI, TRT, PUMAS Technical Coordinator (Italy) SESSION 1: INSTITUTIONAL DIALOGUE, STAKEHOLDERS INVOLVEMENT AND PUBLIC PARTICIPATION IN URBAN AND MOBILITY PLANNING 10:00 10:40 Consultation in French SUMP (PDU): from Nicolas MERLE, CERTU (National Center for the reglementary requirements to wider practises Study of Urban Planning, Transport and Public Facilities, France) Swiss and EU panorama of participation in Walter SCHENKEL, Synergo Mobilität - Politik decision-making processes Raum GmbH (Switzerland) 10:40 11:00 COFFEE BREAK SESSION 2: GOING FURTHER: KEY DRIVERS OF VOLUNTARY INVOLVEMENT AND PARTICIPATION 11:00 12:45 Citizen participation in the elaboration of the "PDU" (SUMP) in Grenoble New governance model for sustainable logistics in Turin Julie BLAIS, SMTC/ Grenoble Alpes Metropole (Transport Authority of Grenoble, France) Massimo MARCIANI, FIT Consulting, on behalf of City of Turin, PUMAS partner (Italy) Group discussions (tables of 6-8 persons) + feedbacks 13:00 14:00 BUFFET LUNCH SESSION 3: PARTICIPATION STRATEGIES WITH THE USE OF NTIC 14:00 16:00 The PUMAS approach for online participation Till SCHUMMER, FernUniversität in Hagen, PUMAS partner (Germany) group discussions Involving public and stakeholders via web 2.0 Aleksandra ROMANOWSKA, City of Gdynia tools (Poland) “Wien 2025” : a comprehensive process for Gregory TELEPAK, City of Vienna, PUMAS partner public participation (Austria) group discussions The elaboration of a new "PDU" (SUMP) in Ilede-France: a federative and participative process Carticipe: participative urban planning with interactive map making group discussions feedbacks (Interlude) City fret: a serious game on urban logistics Aurélie DEUDON, STIF - Paris region syndicate of public transports (France) Benjamin HECHT, Répérage Urbain (France) Clémence ROUTHIAU, LUTB-RAAC (France) SESSION 4: INPUTS FROM OTHER EUROPEAN PROJECTS ON SUMP 16:00 16:45 POLYSUMP: Future search workshops as a tool for SUMP elaboration in polycentric urban areas CH4LLENGE: Barriers and needs for stakeholders involvement and citizen participation in CH4LLENGE cities Antoine VERGNE, Missions Publiques (France) 16:45 17:00 CONCLUSION Cosimo CHIFFI, TRT (Italy) Susanne BOEHLER, Rupprecht Consult (Germany) 17:00 17:15 FLASH WORKSHOP: CCI OF LYON LOCAL TASK FORCE ONLY 17:00 17:30 FAREWELL COFFEE
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