Folk Federation of New South Wales Inc Dates For Your Diary

Dates For Your Diary
Folk News
Dance News
Folk Federation of New South Wales Inc
Issue 452 JULY 2013 $3.00
Rapskallion - one of the groups at
this year's hugely successful
Snowy Mountains of Music Festival
[Photo by Mandy Lamont]
folk music dance festivals reviews profiles diary dates
sessions opportunities
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Folk Federation of New South Wales Inc
Post Office Box A182
Sydney South NSW 1235
ISSN 0818 7339 ABN9411575922
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The Folk Federation of NSW Inc,
formed in 1970, is a Statewide body
which aims to present, support, encourage and collect folk music, folk dance,
folklore and folk activities as they
exist in Australia in all their forms. It
provides a link for people interested
in the folk arts through its affiliations
with folk clubs throughout NSW and its
counterparts in other States. It bridges
all styles & interests to present the folk
arts to the widest possible audience.
Advertising artwork required by 5th
of each month. Advertisements can
be produced by Cornstalk if required.
Please contact the editor for enquiries
about advertising (02) 6493 6758
Cornstalk is the official publication of
the Folk Fed. of NSW. Contributions,
news, reviews, poems, photos welcome!
President: Anthony Woolcott
All cheques for advertisements and
inserts to be made payable to the Folk
Federation of NSW Inc
Cornstalk Editor - Coral Vorbach
PO Box 5195. Cobargo NSW 2550
6493 6758
JULY 2013
In this issue
Memories of Gay Scot
Dates for your diary p4
Festivals and Other events
Turning Wave Rolling in Again
5th Snowy Mountains of Music p7
Folk Contactsp8
Dames & Daredevils for Democracyp12
'Click go the shears'
If your event misses Cornstalk, Julie
Bishop 02 9524 0247, can include it in Folkmail,
the weekly email to members. And
don’t forget that as a member you can
put information on, where
helpful tutorials will guide you.
Deadline for AUGUST 2013
12th JULY 2013
Photographs - high resolution JPG or
TIFF files. 300 dpi images cropped at
correct size.
Vice President: Dallas Baxter
Secretary: Pam Davis 9955 3677
Treasurer: Bruce Cameron 6331 1129
Committee: James Baxter, Terry
Clinton, Patrick Kelso, Sandra Nixon,
Margaret Walters
Wayne Richmond 9939 8802
We use Adobe InDesign, Photoshop 6,
Microsoft Word. PLEASE do not send
photographs as part of a Word doc.
No part of Cornstalk may be reproduced
without permission of the publishers.
All care but no responsibility taken for
omissions or errors.
Wrap Co-ordinators Dallas & James Baxter
9810 4131
Rachel Collis will perform her sell-out onewoman cabaret 'The Art of Letting Go' at
Humph Hall, 7.30pm, Friday 12th July
The Folk Federation of NSW - Membership Application Form
Eve phone:
Day phone:
Membership Type (Tick one)
Individual - $25
Family (more than one in same household) - $30 Other name/s: _________________________________
Affiliate (organisation) - $35 Contact Name: _____________________________________
Please find enclosed $ ____ being my subscription for ___ years.
I enclose my cheque/money order payable to: Folk Federation of NSW; or
Please charge my credit card:
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Card number: ___ ___ ___ ___ / ___ ___ ___ ___ / ___ ___ ___ ___ / ___ ___ ___ ___
Expiry Date: ____ / ____
Name on card: ________________________________________________________________
The membership year runs from 1st May to 30th April or from 1st November to 31st October. Allowances are
made in your favour for people joining at other times. Send to: PO Box A182, Sydney South NSW 1235.
2 - The CORNSTALK Gazette JULY 2013
Memories of Gay Scott
With head thrown back and rattling her bones,
I first noticed Gay Scott singing ‘On the Banks
of the Condamine’ beside her husband, Alan,
around 1961. Gay, along with Alan or Scottie
and Merro [John Meredith] was a stalwart of the
Bush Music Club and had performed as part of
the Concert party in the late 1950s. Gay told an
amusing story of their visit to Orange for a Paterson festival when she was walking behind the
men in the BMC concert party. She overheard
the locals declare that a band of gypsies ‘in their
shabby uneven clothes had come to town’. So
much for the band from Reedy River’s efforts
to look like old bush musicians. Gay told me
about the early BMC concert party and attitudes
to performing with serious intent. It was not to
be taken lightly. They hoped to encourage an
awareness of the unique quality of Australian
traditions in song, music, verse and story.
Gay loved reading and discussing the ideas one can get from books. She was involved in the Peace movement and would
speak her mind on feminist issues of the day. Gay was also interested in the Arts and she was also part of the innovative pottery
making group centred around Balmoral Village. Some time in the 1980s Gay rang me and asked me to do some drawings to
put in a book of Sally Sloane’s songs which she had typed up. Alan transcribed the music and Gay was keen to produce a songbook which provided material which women might have traditionally sung or songs they might enjoy singing. She said that
she needed the sketches in two weeks time as someone had agreed to publish the book. So each night after work, I would do a
black and white ink or wash drawing and send them off to Gay. But all sorts of problems were met and the manuscript had just
about disintegrated by the time of the Jubilee celebrations of the BMC, in 2004. I suggested publishing it to the BMC Committee who agreed; so it was launched at the National Folk Festival, at a special Sally Sloane concert where Gay spoke and the
first edition sold out.
I recall meeting Alan on the Mittagong station some time back in the late 1960s and hearing him talk animatedly about the
adobe mud brick cottage he and Gay intended to build on the land they bought in the Bargo Brush. Eventually they built a kit
home and the stories Gay told of Alan’s effort to put up the roofing while swinging from guttering, often single handed brought
tears to our eyes. Eventually the house at ‘Bent Acrea’ was up and a fine house warming was held. The first of many entertaining afternoons of singing with good tucker and home brew, music and yarning at the Scotts.
Gay and I shared frustration at our husbands’ lack of patience with developments in bush dancing. We were at a bush dance
held in Sydney Town Hall, during an early 1980s National Festival. A number of the BMC members got up for a dance which
involved a series of different moves and was taking a long time to explain, so the blokes decided to sit down. They said: we
used to teach these bush dances when no one else did them, but what is happening to them now!
Gay left active participation in folk music to Alan, who was my mentor in the days of the Australian Folk Trust. However, she
did a lot of transcribing of tapes of interviews for the Oral history and Folklore Section of the National Library as she was a
trained typist and always maintained an interest in traditional Australian material. After Alan’s death, Gay stayed on at Balmoral as she was a very independent and self sufficient person and had very good neighbours. Gay had a direct sense of humour
and made me laugh when I was talking to her about Alan, when she said: I was so annoyed with Alan for dying when he did, as
he and Merro had planned to debate, as they had many times already about whether the millennium started with 2000 or 2001.
Well, Gay has departed this earthly life and maybe she has gone to join the comradely debates among the old musicians, singers and artists who have already gone or maybe she has gone to rest in peace away from earthly pain and troubles. VALE Gay
From R. Dale Dengate
Folk Federation of New South Wales' Annual General Meeting
Friday, 23rd August, 6.30pm
Gaelic Club
The Folk Federation of NSW ONLINE -
The CORNSTALK Gazette JULY 2013
da t es f or your diar y july 20 13
Monday 1st
Bush Music Club Dance Workshop.
Practice for Central Coast Banksia
Ball. Pennant Hills Community Centre,
Yarrara Rd. 7.30-9.30pm. $7. Felicity
9456 2860.
Wednesday 4th
Wongawilli Colonial Dance Club.
American Independence Day Contra
Dance. Dances taught. Acoustic
musicians welcome to join the
band. Wongawilli Community
Hall. 8pm. $3 (kids free), includes
light supper. 1300 887 034, info@ www.
Friday 5th
Bush Music Club Singabout Night.
'The Route March.' With the centenary
of Addison Road Community Centre's
birth as an Army Camp - think about the
songs of our forces and past wars - as
well as those who questioned the justice
of it all! Bring along a song or a poem,
and some tucker to share. Tritton Hall
(Hut 44), Addison Road Community
Centre, 142 Addison Rd, Marrickville.
8-10pm. $5. Bob Bolton 9569 7244,
Illawarra Folk Club. Dana Lyons
(USA) His
song 'Cows with Guns' became a huge
hit. Now the Kimberley Cane Toad
Busters have inspired 'Cane Toad
Muster'. A mix of comedy, ballads
and love songs, with sharp with and
beautiful voice. + John Flanagan
and Jane Patterson. City Diggers
Wollongong, cnr Church & Burelli
Sts. 7.30pm. $20, $15, (12-17) $5,
under-12s free. 1300 887 034, info@
Camelot Lounge. Jim Conway's
Big Wheel. 19 Marrickville Rd (cnr
Railway Pde), Marrickville. 7.3011.59pm. $27.70. Bookings www.
Saturday 6th
The Shack. Jim Pike and the
Euphemistics. A writer all his
life; radio, tv, stage, poetry, comedy,
drama, all leading to his songs today.
Pretty good melodies, too. The
Euphemistics’close harmonies; warm
and familiar yet original stories. He’s
4 - The CORNSTALK Gazette JULY 2013
quite funny and may resort to poetry. +
Grimick. Acoustic, folk-rock, energetic
singer songwriters, with great rhythm,
contagious melody, and something to
say; and great vocal range. Ripping
guitar riffs and solos, smooth harmonies,
earthy rhythms, arrangements on conga,
trumpet, ukulele, piano. + Raw Sienna,
unique Northern Beaches acoustic band
fused with a '60s, '70s eclectic edge.
Alternative blues folk rock psychedelic
shoegaze. Tramshed Community Arts
Centre, 1395a Pittwater Rd, Narrabeen
(betw. car park & Ambulance). 7.3011pm. $20. 0413 635 856, www.
Beecroft Bush Dance, band TBA.
All dances called. Beecroft Community
Centre, Beecroft Rd (opp. Fire Station).
8pm-12. $17, $14, $12, incl. supper.
Sigrid 9980 7077, Wilma 9489 5594.
Camelot Lounge. The
Transylvaniacs - 20th Anniversary
Concert. 19 Marrickville Rd (cnr
Railway Pde), Marrickville. 7.30pm.
$27.70, $22.70. Bookings www.
Cat & Fiddle Hotel Dana Lyons (USA). , 456
Darling St, Balmain (cnr Elliott St).
5pm. $20. All tickets at door. 9810 7931
Wednesday 10th
Wongawilli Colonial Dance Club.
Bastille Day French Dance. Dances
taught. Acoustic musicians welcome to
join the band. Wongawilli Community
Hall. 8pm. $3 (kids free), includes
light supper. 1300 887 034, info@ www.
Thursday 11th
Sutherland Acoustic. Pete
Campbell, guitarist and vocalist with
'Brave and Crazy' and 'Maryanne Rex'
through the '90s. Toured extensively,
performing standalone shows and
supports for local and international
acts. After an extended break from
music now re-emerging as a singer
songwriter drawing on folk, blues
and rock to deliver passionate,
intimate performances. Original
material and favourites. myspace.
com/petecampbellmusic. + Melissa
Paige, singer songwriter, and cover
songs - heartfelt, thought provoking
and courageous - with gentle style
accompanying herself on guitar. A
genuine soul. Kaimea Room, Tradies
Club, Kingsway, Gymea (short walk
from station). 7.30pm. $15, $10, kids
free. Flr spots, raffle. Jenny 9576 2301
Friday 12th
Humph Hall. Rachel Collis: 'The
Art of Letting Go' - The one-woman
cabaret that premiered last year to sellout audiences at Riverside Theatre &
the Sydney & Adelaide Fringe Festivals.
85 Allambie Rd, Allambie Heights.
7.30pm. Bookings advised: 9939 8802,,
Sunday 7th
Central Coast Practice for Banksia
Ball. East Gosford Progress Hall,
cnr Henry Parry Drive & Wells St.
10am - 5pm. BYO lunch. Tea & coffee
supplied. $8 full or $4 half day. Robyn
4344 6484.
Monday 8th
Bush Music Club Dance Workshop.
Practice for Central Coast Banksia
Ball. Pennant Hills Community Centre,
Yarrara Rd. 7.30-9.30pm. $7. Felicity
9456 2860.
Saturday 13th
Central Coast Banksia Ball, with
'Currawong' and invited callers,
MC John Short. Formal costume is
requested. 7.15 for 7.30pm. Grand
March commences at 7.30 sharp. East
Gosford Progress Hall, cnr Henry Parry
Drive & Wells St. 7.30-11.30pm. $30,
$25, $20, until 7th July; then $35,
$30, $25. Supper provided. Dance
instructions and booking form at www. Richard or Robyn 4344
6484, Carmel 0432 323 496, Allan 4333
Sunday 14th
Banksia Ball Recovery Picnic. The
Mud Hut, Kincumba Mountain Reserve,
Kincumber. Pre-paid BBQ lunch $10.
Robyn 4344 6484.
Monday 15th
Bush Music Club Dance Workshop.
American Contra. Pennant Hills
Community Centre, Yarrara Rd.
7.30-9.30pm. $7. Felicity 9456 2860.
Friday 19th
Hornsby Ku-ring-gai Folk Club.
Warren Fahey and Clare
O’Meara. It's Sydney or the Bush!
Warren Fahey (English concertina
and jaw harp) will perform with Clare
O'Meara (vocals, fiddle and accordion)
in a night of tall tales, ballads,
broadsides and stories from the back
of Woop Woop and around the corner
at Wooloomooloo. Warren has been
collecting and performing Australian
folk songs since the 1960s and offers
a unique swag of songs that always
press nostalgia buttons and remind us
of our colonial history. Free tea, coffee.
BYOG & nibbles. Beatrice Taylor
Hall (candle lit), rear Willow Park
Community Centre, Edgeworth David
Ave, Hornsby. 8pm (doors 7.30). $15.
Enq, table bookings, David Spira 9488
Twilight Music Cafe. The Lonely
Swingers. Springwood Sports Club,
83 Macquarie Rd. A family friendly
environment with meals available.
5-8pm. Free. 4751 1298
Monday 22nd
Bush Music Club Dance Workshop.
Dancers' Favourites. Pennant Hills
Community Centre, Yarrara Rd. 7.309.30pm. $7. Felicity 9456 2860. www.
Saturday 27th
Loaded Dog. Two hours of Parodies
with John Dengate and Jenny
Fitzgibbon (Qld) and a cast of
thousands. BYO parody. For over 60
years, John has been writing songs
and poetry about life in Australia.
Tonight he will entertain us with a
parody or two or three or ... www.
Jenny Fitz just loves singing and is also
the author of many a wicked parody!
Together they will host a great evening
of songs and merriment. Upstairs,
Annandale Neighbourhood Centre, 79
Johnston St. 8pm (doors 7.40). $20,
$18. BYO, supper available. Sandra
9358 4886,,
Sunday 28th
Humph Hall. Alanna & Alicia
EgaN BAND (VIC). 85 Allambie Rd,
Allambie Heights. 2pm. Bookings
advised: Wayne 9939 8802, wayne@,
Monday 29th
Saturday 20th
Illawarra Folk Club. Hither and
Yon + Shenanigans Barbershop
Quartet. City Diggers Wollongong,
Bush Music Club Dance Workshop.
Special Dance Night. Pennant Hills
Com. Centre, Yarrara Rd. 7.30-9.30pm.
$7. Felicity 9456 2860.
cnr Church & Burelli Sts. 7.30pm. $15,
$10, (12-17) $5, under-12s free. 1300
887 034,
Sunday 21st
Contra Dances - 'My Favourite
Things'. Caller Keith Wood. Main Hall,
Pennant Hills Community Centre,
Yarrara Rd. 2-5pm. $5. Tea and coffee
available. Keith 0420 913 934
The Folk Federation of NSW ONLINE -
Regional and ACT
Saturday 6th
Newcastle & Hunter Valley Folk
Club. Double Bill: Gilbert Whyte,
acclaimed singer song-writer, www.
myspace/Gilbert Whyte, and Doctor's
Wife, a local trio with beautiful work
on strings and vocals, mix of old
and new music. Wesley Centre, 150
Beaumont St, Hamilton. 7.30pm. $15,
$12, $10. Ron Brown 4926 1313. www.
Lawson Live. 6-7pm, The Three Sisters
- theatrical local ukulele and songster
trio. 7-8pm, Ecopella - Blue Mountains
acapella with environmental swing.
8-10pm, Christmas Swamp - great
Mid Mountains funk 'n' dance band.
(1.30-5pm, free Ecopella Workshop,
with Miguel Heatwole. Annmarie 0402
691 599.) Mid Mountains Community
Centre, New St (behind new shops).
Affordable hot food. BYO wine, glasses
provided. $15, $10, under-14 free. Nick
4758 7953
Aberdeen Highland Games with a Ceilidh.
Sunday 21st
Bush Dancing Workshop, Newcastle:
for beginners & experienced dancers;
practice for next week’s Scottish
Ceilidh. All Saints Anglican Hall, cnr
Oxford & Cromwell Sts, New Lambton.
3-5pm. Margaret Kenning 4952 1327,
Ken Leslight 4946 5026
Saturday 27th
Scottish Ceilidh, with ‘Fiddle Tunes’
Shayne Kerr, fiddle; Roz Kerr, banjo,
recorder, caller; Gabriele Calcagno,
guitar; Sharyn Nicholas, bodhran. http:// Dances
walked through & called. All welcome.
Wesley Centre, 150 Beaumont St,
Hamilton.7.30pm. Margaret 4952 1327.
Sunday 28th
Maitland Ball Dance Practice: learn/
revise dances for the Ball. All Saints
Anglican Hall,cnr Oxford & Cromwell
Sts, New Lambton. 10am to 5pm.
Arthur 4955 5701.
The CORNSTALK Gazette JULY 2013
Turning Wave Rolling in Again
20-22 September this year will see the festival return and
Yass will again come alive to the sound of music when the
8th Turning Wave festival brings folk enthusiasts flocking
from far and near. The air of excitement in the lead-up to the
2013 festival is palpable and the level of support from both
Council and the townsfolk has been wonderful and grows
stronger all the time. In the wake of last year’s festival,
Turning Wave has been officially nominated as one of the
two major events for the town by both the Council and the
Business Chamber.
Yass has a strong connection with Irish Australia and so truly reflects the ethos of the festival. A significant number of
local families have links to the Irish orphan girls brought out
in the wake of the Great Famine. Their history in the district
has been documented in “A Fine Set of Girls” co-written by
local woman, Cheryl Mongan. This year the festival features
Irish author Evelyn Conlon who has been researching those
same girls but
from the Irish side
of their journey.
festivals and events
19th - 20th July
Coolamon Winterfest
9th - 11th August
Redlands Bluegrass Festival
20th - 22nd September
Turning Wave Festival
27th - 29th September
Folk By The Sea
4th - 7th October
Bush Traditions
Enq. Ray Mulligan. 0262474725
25th - 27th October
Kangaroo Valley Folk Festival
25th - 27th October
Dorrigo Folk & Bluegrass Festival
1st - 4th November
Maldon Festival
27th December
Woodford Folk Festival The town- only
40mins from Canberra & under 3
hrs from Sydney is an ideal location
for the festival
with all the action taking place within a couple of blocks. A wealth of character-filled
venues brings real atmosphere to the concerts, workshops and sessions which fill the
town over the weekend. The old chapel at St Augustine’s church (currently being
refurbished) dates from 1838, with its beautiful stained glass windows, slate roof and
original tallow-wood floors and will be an outstanding venue for the 2014 festival.
Aesthetically, the town has come a long way from being an infamous bottleneck on
the old Hume Highway and is now an impressive showcase of heritage buildings,
tree-lined streets decked out in spring blossoms and all the warmth and bustle of a
thriving country community.
The town boasts five motels and three hotels but there is also plenty of camping
space with the Council granting use of Joe O’Connor Park and its facilities for campers. The park lies on the banks of the Yass River, just a short walk over the river weir
from the festival hub. A Homestay option is also on the cards, should accommodation be booked out. The Yass Valley Visitor Information Centre (02 6226 2557) keeps
tabs on what’s available and can advise who has vacancies.
This year the town’s three pubs will play host to sessions and workshops, while the
Memorial Hall, Soldiers’ Club and the historic Oddfellows’ Hall and St Clements
church will host concerts, ceilis and master classes with this year’s overseas artists
Fintan Vallely (flute), John Devine (pipes & whistle) & Eimear Buckley (concertina).
Already the festival has announced the first of this year’s artists. Tolka and Saoirse,
along with the Corinn Strating Band, Fox’s Hat Trio, Takadimi, Richard Perso, Battlers Ballad, the Recycled String Band, Pete Wild, Kate Burke & Richard Zielinski
and a host of others will be on the program as well as local performers, Chard Croker
and Vague. A truly fabulous weekend is ensured with a great line-up of acts, festival
markets, sessions & a truly supportive community looking forward to the event.
Cobargo Folk Festival 2014 Volunteering is a big part of festivals such as the Turning Wave. It’s a great way to
Applications are now open to apply to
perform at the Cobargo Folk Festival
in 2014. Dates are 21st, 22nd, 23rd
February 2014. Applications close 31st
August, 2013.
6 - The CORNSTALK Gazette JULY 2013
get an inside experience of the festival; after all, our volunteers are an essential part
of the teams that keep our festivals going. Volunteer applications are currently so go
to the website, download a form and get involved!
Further details at or find us on Facebook!
5th Perisher Snowy
Mountains of Music
With great crowds and a stellar line-up
over 9 on-snow venues, the 5th Perisher
Snowy Mountains of Music welcomed
in winter on the June Long Weekend
with a mountain of music with many
festival-goers affirming it was the best
festival yet.
Attendance was 5,500 over the four
days of the festival across the nine
stages, drawing packed audiences and
festival-goers from Sydney, Canberra,
Jindabyne, Melbourne, the south coast
and regional areas.
The headlining concerts proved hugely
popular with Jeff Lang, Kylie Auldist,
King Tide and Blue King Brown attracting large crowds and getting people out
on the floor and dancing late into the
night. The surprise festival favourites of
the 2013 Festival was the wild theatrical gypsy sound of Rapskallion, the
debonair Mikelangelo and the Tin Star
and the chilled tunes of Oh Pep!, perfect
for curling up by the fire to.
There was lots of opportunities for
festival-goers to immerse themselves in
the festival vibe from a guitar workshop
with Jeff Lang to a dynamic African
Drumming workshop with Keyim Ba
and open mic competitions for all ages.
Spoken word sung, with poetry slams
and competitions bringing lyricists out
onto the snow to strut their stuff. David
Campbell from Melbourne VIC won
the Broken Ski Award, for his original
poem ‘Jindabyne’ and the Snowy Poetry
Cup for a live recitation was won by
Tom Williams of Manly.
The Finals Concert of the Snowies
Online Busking Competition saw four
finalists taking to the stage with Melbourne singer/songwriter Matt Glass
taking out the top prize which was
judged by Dan Fallon of the Sydney
Morning Herald and Natasha Lee of
Drum Media.
The success of this year’s festival was
thanks to the hard-work, sweat and
tears from the festival core team, the
generous support of our sponsors, and
couldn’t have been possible without
the enthusiastic hard work of over 80
volunteers who came from all over Australia to be part of the Perisher Snowy
Mountains of Music festival. THANK
YOU all volunteers!!
dance news
Banksia Ball
Central Coast Bush Dance and Music
Association Inc. requests the pleasure
of your company at their Banksia Ball
on 13th July, at East Gosford Progress
Hall, cnr Wells St and Henry Parry
Drive; with music provided by "Currawong", and John Short as Master
of Ceremonies. Formal costume is
requested. The Grand March will commence at 7.30 pm sharp.
Dances on the program, a mix of easy,
interesting and challenging, are (in
alphabetical order): Australian Ladies,
Beaumaris Bay, Caledonian Quadrille,
Childgrove, Circassian Circle Pt 1,
Dead Cat Bounce, Eva Three Step,
Geud Man of Ballangigh, Gypsy Tap,
Love 'em and Leave 'em, Margaret’s
Waltz, Pelorus Jack, Queen of Sheba,
Salmonella Evening, St David’s Waltz,
The Barmkin, The Victoria Cross, Trip
to Bavaria, Virginia Reel, Waltz Country Dance. See website www.ccbdma.
org for dance instructions – also for
booking details.
Prior to 7th July: Non Members $30,
Concession/Affiliates $25, Members
$20. After 7th July: $35, $30, $25. You
can pay directly into the CCBDMA
bank account (see booking form), using
your surname as reference (and follow
up with an email to Richard knight44@, or purchase tickets at
Kariong, or mail the website booking
form to PO Box 95, Woy Woy 2256.
The inaugural Recovery Picnic on
the Sunday will be held at Kincumba
Mountain Reserve, Kincumber, with the
Mud Hut hired for under cover dancing.
It's a great time for socialising – with
some casual dancing thrown in – and a
lovely way to extend the ball. A BBQ
lunch will be available, for $10 – but
must be prepaid, with ticket booking. There are lots of accommodation
options on the Central Coast: contact
Robyn for suggestions.
As in previous years, dances will NOT
be walked through or taught on the
night – just re-capped and called, with
couples dances led from the floor. John
Short is conducting practices at Pennant
Hills (details on website) on the four
Mondays preceding the ball. Dances are
also revised at the Kariong Workshops
(Kariong Progress Hall) each Friday
night, commencing at 7pm. There is a
full day of practice on Sunday, 7th July,
10 -5pm, at East Gosford Progress Hall.
The cost is $8 for the full day or $4 for
a half day. Tea and coffee are supplied,
but don’t forget to bring your lunch. The
Ball Practice Day is always a great day
of dancing in its own right. Enquiries:
Richard or Robyn 4344 6484, Carmel
0432 323 496, Allan 4333 1638
Kirribilli Dancing
Since Margaret Swait arrived in town
from the US, she has been teaching
English country dance with a difference.
These are interesting modern dances,
written in the English style, with beautiful new music. As well as taking on the
English dance class at Wesley School
for Seniors, Margaret started an evening
class in Kirribilli, on 1st and 3rd Thursdays, 7-9pm. Coming dates are 4th and
18th July, 1st and 15th August.Now she
is running an occasional Saturday afternoon dance, more convenient for some
people: "a pleasant afternoon of friendly
dancing", with the chance to "gather
in the delightful cafes of Kirribilli to
socialise before or after the dance". The
next one is on 27th July (and then 10th
August), 1-3pm at The Church By The
Bridge, Broughton St, Kirribilli. Check
website for possible changes to any of
these events:
Sydney Playford
Sydney Playford Dance Group will
soon be reborn, in another month or
two. Watch this space, for more details!
The Alanna & Alicia Egan Band are performing at Humph Hall, 2pm, Sunday 28th July
The Folk Federation of NSW ONLINE -
The CORNSTALK Gazette JULY 2013
folk contacts
A Choired Taste, Glebe, led by David Westmore, 9716 7016
AshCapella, Ashfield, led by Mary-Jane
Field, 9090 2362
Ecopella. Blue Mountains, Miguel Heatwole, 9810 4601
Glory Bound Groove Train. Petersham, led
by Linda Calgaro, 9518 4135
Inner West Chamber Choir, Leichhardt,
led by Rachelle Elliott. 9797 1917. info@
Intonations. Manly, Karen Smith, (0415)
221 113,
Martenitsa. Ultimo, led by Mara and Llew
Kiek, 47514910
People’s Chorus. Newcastle, led by Rod
Noble, 49 623432
Unaccompanied Baggage. North Sydney,
led by Stuart Davis,
Voiceworks, Katoomba, ledby Rachel Hore
4759 2456,
Cantorion, Neutral Bay, led by David Westmore, 9716 7016
Ecopella. Illawarra area (alternate Tuesdays),
led by Miguel Heatwole 9810 4601,
Roc Lawson, led by Rachel Hore, 47592456,
The Honeybees. East Sydney, led by Dynes
Austin. Contact Jenny Jackson, 9816 4577
Sydney Trade Union Choir Sydney City,
contact Nola Cooper 9587 1165 -
Songs Next Door, Seaview Street, Dulwich Hill, meets weekly at Sea View Hall,
Seaview St, Dulwich Hill. 12.30pm. (Seniors
mostly) Contact Allan 9520 6180
Choralation. Abbotsford (school terms),
Margaret Grove
Ecopella. Erskineville, led by Miguel Heatwole, 9810 4601
The Heathens. Blackheath, day time 2pm4pm. Led by Chris Wheeler 4787 5725
NoteTonight, Josephine. Glebe, led by
David Westmore, 9716 7016
The Spots. Christina Mimmocchi, Randwick
0410 682 061
The Sydney Welsh Choir, men and women.
Meet on Wednesday evenings at Concord
Baptist Church hall. 7pm - 9pm. 20 + performances p.a. Contact MD Viv 4739 0384, President Clive 9997 2019.
Bouddi Voice. Kincumber (school terms),
led by C & C Sainsbury, contact 43 683270
Chorella Community Choir. Richmond,
contact Ellen 4578 2975
8 - The CORNSTALK Gazette JULY 2013
Cleftomaniacs. Waterloo, led by Gary Smith,
Solidarity Choir. Erskinville, Cathy Rytmeister, 0438 683 867,
Mudlarks, women’s a cappella choir. Woodford. Led by Alison Jones 4759 2880
Pacopezants. Balkan Choir Fri 4pm, Katoomba.
June 4782 1554.
The Sydney Street Choir. CBD, led by
Peter Lehner 0425 268 771
Blue Mountains Trade Union Choir. Upper
Mts., contact Kate 47 82 5529.
Bush Music Club Dance Workshop. Beginners, experienced, 7.30pm, Pennant Hills
Community Centre, downstairs. Except Jan.
and public holidays. Felicity 9456 2860
International Folk Dancing. School term,
Earlwood Sen Citizens Ctr, 362 Homer St
10am-12pm. Debbie 4294 1363 0427 315 245
Scottish Country Dancing for beginners,
with ‘Scots on the Rocks’, Fort St Public
School, Observatory Hill, Sydney, 6.307.30pm. Nea 9994 7110, Lynn 9268 1246,
Belly Dance, basic/beginners 7pm, choreography 8pm, Girraween Hall, 17 Tungarra Rd.
Vera Myronenko 9665 9713
International Dancing for Older Women.
Sutherland Pensioners' Centre, 749A Old
Prince's Hwy. 1.30-2.30pm. $40 per term
(incl. 8 other activities). Noreen 9545
3489, or Pat
Blue Mountains Scottish Country
Dancers Catholic Church Hall, 7-9pm,
Wentworth St, $3 Verley Kelliher, 4787 5968, Carol Gardner 4751
Greek Folk Dance Class. Mytilenean
House, 225 Canterbury Rd, Canterbury
7.30pm - 9pm. Vas Aligiannis, 0407 081
Hungarian Dance Class. Ultimo,
8pm -10pm. Gary Dawson 9559 4485.
English Country Dancing, Sydney.
Playford Dance Group. New venue TBA
Scottish Country Dancing. St John’s
Uniting Church Hall, Coonanbarra Rd,
Wahroonga, 7.30pm-10.30pm. All welcome.
Catherine Bonner 9489 5027
Scottish Country Dancing Fort Street
School, Observatory Hill, City. 6pm to 8pm
Nea MacCulloch 9904 1358(a/h) or Lynn
8244 9618(w)
Sutherland Shire Folk Dance Group.
International Dancing, Gymea Bay Scout
Hall, June Place, 7.30pm-9pm. Kaye
Laurendet 9528 4813
Turkish Dance Class. Lidcombe
Community Centre, 8pm-10pm. Yusuf Nidai
9646 1166
Ukrainian (Cossack) Dancing Class for
fit and energetic young people (16-23yrs),
7.30 pm to 10.00 pm. Ukrainian Hall 59
Joseph Street, Lidcombe. Jaros Iwanec 9817
7991, /www.
International Folk Dance class - Open
Door, Georges Hall Senior Citizens,
Birdwood Rd, 11.30am-12.30pm. Gabrielle
9728 7466,
“The Dance Buffet”, wide variety taught,
Liverpool City Pipe Band Hall, Woodward
Park (next to Whitlam Centre), Memorial
Ave, 7.30-9.30pm. $8 ($5 conc). Nicholai
9822 7524, mob 0407 178 228.
Albion Fair, North-West Morris Dancing
Lilyfield Com. Centre, Cecily & O’Neill
Sts, 7.45pm. Angie Milce 9817 3529
Australian Heritage Dancers.
Annandale Neighbourhood Centre, 79
Johnston St, 8pm -10pm. Jim Young
9412 3721
Balmoral Scottish Country Dance Group
Seniors’ Centre, Mosman Square, Mosman
7pm - 9.15pm. Nell Morgan 9981 4769.
Epping Scottish Country Dance Club
St Aidan’s Church Hall, Downing St, 7.3010pm. All levels welcome. Clare Haack
9484 5947
Gosford Scottish Country Dance Society
7pm-10pm, Church of Christ, Henry Parry
Drive, Wyoming. Cecily Cork 4384 3527,
Jan McCudden 4329 5537
Greek Folk Dance Class. PCYC
Marrickville, 531 Illawarra Road,
Marrickville. 7.30pm - 9pm. Vas
Aligiannis 0407 081 875 (02) 9708 0801,
International Dancing for Older Women.
Sutherland Pensioners' Centre, 749A Old
Prince's Hwy. 1.30-2.30pm. $40 per term
(incl. 8 other activities). Noreen 9545
3489, or Pat
Irish Set Dance class, Irish Gaelic Club,
64 Devonshire St, Surry Hills. 8pm-9.30pm.
Alarna 0401 167 910.
Sutherland Shire Bush Dance Group.
Uniting Church, 4 Gosport St, Cronulla,
7.30-10pm. $3. Beginners most welcome.
Partners not necessary. Mike 9520 2859
Sutherland Shire Folk Dance Group
International dancing, Como Guides Hall,
cnr Warraba & Mulyan Sts, Como West
9.30am, - 11am & 11.30am - 12.30pm.
Kaye 9528 4813,
Blue Labyrinth World Dancers. Term
time, 7.30-9.30pm. Glenbrook Baptist
Church Hall, King St. Jo Barrett 4739
6498 or Jeanette Mollenhauer 4739 0909
Country Dancing for the Over 55’s. American Contra + 11.30am - 1pm. Beginner English 1pm-2pm. Advanced English 2pm-4pm
School for Seniors, Wesley Mission, 220 Pitt
St. Sydney. (Opposite back of Hilton Hotel.)
Roslyn 9263 5416
English Country Dancing. 1st & 3rd Thurs.
Church by the Bridge hall (St John’s Anglican), Broughton St (cnr Bligh St), Kirribilli.
Enter courtyard gate - hall is on right. 7pm
-9pm. Donations (optional), for the church
or expenses. Please email Margaret Swait, so
that you can be advised of schedule changes:
Blue Labyrinth International Folk Dance
from 7pm, Baptist Church Hall, King St
Glenbrook. Jo Barrett 4739 6498
Greek Folk Dance Class. Mytilenian House,
225 Canterbury, 7.30pm. (Vas Aligiannis,
0407 081 875,
Sutherland Shire Folk Dance Group.
International dancing. Scout Hall, June Place,
Gymea Bay. 10am. Kaye 9528 4813 okaye@
Sydney Irish Ceili Dancers. Kingsgrove
Uniting Church Hall, 289A Kingsgrove Rd
(cnr Moreton Avenue, Kingsgrove. Beginners
to intermediate step dancing 6pm, advanced
step dancing 7pm Set and ceili dancing 8pm10.30pm. Margaret and Bill Winnett 9150
6765. email:
Australian Colonial and Folk Dancers.
Every Friday, Scouts/Guides Hall,
Plympton Road, Carlingford, (opposite Nth
Carlingford shops). Anthony and Lisa 9873
Greek Dancing. St Therapon Greek Orthodox Parish (Church Hall) 323 Cumberland
Highway, Thornleigh. Time: Juniors 6.30pm
- 7.30pm (Callipe Group)
Pontian House. 15 Riverview Rd, Earlwood.
Junior Class - 6.30pm - 7.30pm (Thalia
junior group - 3yrs to 12 yrs. Class is free,
Pontian only)
International Dancing. Sedenka Folk
Dancers, Rozelle Neighbourhood Centre,
665A Darling St Rozelle. 8pm-llpm, $3.
Chris Wild 9560 2910.
Scottish Country Dancing. Adult classes,
beginners welcome, children 6.30pm
-7.30pm, adults 8pm-10.30pm, Beecroft
Primary School, $2. Sheena Caswell 9868
2075, Heather Dryburgh 9980 7978
Scottish Country Dancing. Caringbah
Seniors Hall, 386 Port Hacking Rd, Caringbah (rear Library), 8pm. Beginners/other
levels. G. Milton 9524 4943, Erica Nimmo
9520 4781
Bush Music Club Bush Dances. Feb-Dec
(not Easter), 8pm-12pm, $17/$14/$12 incl.
supper, children to 12 free. Beecroft Community Ctr 1st Sat, Sigrid 9980 7077, Wilma
9489 5594, Peter 9477 5848
Central Coast Bush Dance. Second
Saturday, 7.30pm - 11.30pm, East Gosford
Progress Hall, Henry Parry Dr and Wells St,
$15/$12. Beate 4323 3356. Robyn 4344 6484.
Scottish and Old Time Dance. Second
Saturday. 8pm, Uniting Church, 9am-11am
Bay St, Rockdale. $3 incl. supper. Chris
Thom 9587 9966.
Scottish and Old Time Dancing Orkney
and Shetland Assoc. 3rd Sat, 8pm-11 pm.
St David’s Hall, Dalhousie St, Haberfield.
$3 inc. supper. Visitors most welcome. Jean
Cooney 9874 5570.
Macedonian Dance Class Rockdale.
6.30pm-8.30pm, $5. Y Kaporis 0412 861 180
Mortdale Scottish Dancers Learners
Night (for learners and experienced), 7.309.30pm. Pensioners Welfare Club Hall, 76
Pitt Street, Mortdale. Pam Jehan 9580 8564.
Linnéa Swedish FolkdancersGraeme
Traves 9874 4194,
Medieval Miscellany (Medieval Dancing).
All Saints Parish House, cnr Oxford and
Cromwell Sts, New Lambton. Saturdays,
3.30pm-5.30pm. $10. Dianne 4936 6220
Music in Concert
Wisefolk Club. Last Wed in month, 11am2.30pm, Toongabbie Bowling Club, 12
Station Rd, lunch at club bistro. Sonia 9621
2394 Allen 9639 7494,
Sutherland Acoustic . 2nd Thurs, 7.30pm
Tradies Club, Kingsway, Gymea. Friendly,
sociable entertainment. Floor spots welcome.
Jenny 9576 2301.
Hornsby Kuring-Gai Folk Club. 3rd Fri,
8pm, Each month Beatrice Taylor Hall, rear
Willow Park Community Centre, Edgeworth
David Ave, Guest artist & floor spots, light
supper provided BYO grog. Barry Parks
9807 9497
lllawarra Folk Club. 1st Friday, Wollongong
City Diggers Club, cnr Burelli & Church Sts,
1300 887 034
Springwood Neighbourhood Centre
Acoustic Club, or SNC Acoustic Club
Regular folk nights 4th Fri (Feb-Nov), 8pm
$7/$5 Springwood Neighbourhood Centre,
Macquarie Rd, Springwood. (next to Civic
Centre). Visitors and floor performers welcome. Mark Hand 4721 4230 eternitynow@
Toongabbie Music Club. 2nd and 4th Fri
8pm, Northmead Scout Hall, Whitehaven Rd,
Northmead. Sessions always happen so bring
instruments. Allen 9639 7494 allendavis@ or Ray Pulis 9899 2102.
lllawarra Folk Club. 3rd Sat, Wollongong
City Diggers Club, cnr Burelli & Church Sts,
1300 887 034
Loaded Dog Folk Club. 4th Sat, Annandale
Neighbourhood Centre, 79 Johnston St, 8pm.
Sandra Nixon, 9358 4886, kxbears@ozemail.
Macquarie Towns Music Club.Saturday
'The Beat', an acoustic concert, 4 times
a year, featuring guest artists; floor spots
by arrangement. BYO drinks, snacks. St
Peters Educational Centre, 384 Windsor St,
Richmond. 7pm. $12, $10. Lydia 4576 0521, or
on Facebook.
The Shack. 1st Sat, 21st century original,
contemp & trad. folk music at The Tramshed,
1395a Pittwater Rd, Narrabeen 7:30. BYO
drinks & nibblies. Rhonda (0416) 635 856 or
Troubadour Folk Club. Central Coast, 4th
Sat. 7pm CWA Hall, Woy Woy. (opp. Fisherman’s Wharf), The Boulevard, Woy Woy.
$11/$9/$8. Floor spots available.includes
light supper. Marilyn or Frank 4341 4060 or
(0419) 231 319
Fairlight Folk Acoustic Lounge. Four times
a year, Feb, May, Aug, Nov (usually 1st
Sat) 7.30pm. Quality live acoustic music in
a comfortable, relaxed environment. After
show - jam. BYO drinks and nibbles. Light
refreshments available. William St Studios,
Fairlight (Baptist Church down from Sydney
Rd.) Rosie 9948 7993. www.fairlightfolk.
Twilight Music Cafe. 3rd Sun, 5-8pm.
Springwood Sports Club, 83 Macquarie Rd.
5-8pm. Free. Family friendly environment
with meals available. 4751 1298
Sessions & Free
Bush Music Club. Music Workshop. Addison Rd. Community Centre, 44/142 Addison
Rd, Marrickville, 7.30pm. All singers &
musicians welcome. Bob 9569 7244, or 0412 145 262
Irish Music Session. 2nd & 4th Tues 7.3010.30pm @ The Shamrock Inn, Asquith
Leagues Club, Alexandra Pd. Waitara (short
walk from station). It’s an open session and
all musicians are welcome with focus on
tunes rather than songs. Phone Norm 9489
Irish Music Session, Gaelic Club 8pm. plus
Irish music lessons including fiddle, flute,
whistle, guitar, banjo. 1st Floor, 64 Devonshire St. Surry Hills, 9212 1587 info@
Bluegrass & Traditional Country Music
Society of Aust. 1st Sat, March-December
Sydney get-together. Annandale Neighbourhood Centre, 79 Johnston St, Annandale.
Band workshop 6.30pm, concert 7.45pm,
jamming all night. All welcome: $6/$8. (02)
9456 1090
The Folk Federation of NSW ONLINE -
The CORNSTALK Gazette JULY 2013
Music Session. Hero of Waterloo, cnr Lower
Fort St and Windmill Street, The Rocks.
6-10pm. Brendan 9818 4864
Sydney Scottish Fiddlers. 1st & 3rd Sun,
2-5pm, New Church, 4 Shirley Rd Roseville.
All ages. Trish 9416 2402
Regional Events
Gosford Bush Poets. Last Wed 7pm.
Gosford Hotel, cnr of Mann & Erina Sts.
Everyone welcome to share in night of
fun, friendship and great poetry. Contact
Vic Jefferies, 02 96394911 or jeffries@
Sutherland Acoustic. Fourth Thursday of
each. month from 7.30pm Gymea Tradies
Club, Kingsway, Gymea. Friendly jam.
All welcome to sing, play an instrument,
recite poetry or just listen. Enq. Jenny
Blackheath Folk Club. 1st Thurs,
7.30pm, Ivanhoe Hotel, cnr Gt Wstn Hwy
& Govetts Leap Rd. Christine/Peter 4787
Eastern Suburbs Poetry Group. 3rd
Thurs Poetry, songs, stories. Auditorium,
Bowen Library 669-673 Anzac Pde, Maroubra. 6-8pm. Gina 0413 300 919
Bush Music Club Singalong Night.
Themed music nights, 1st Fri (exc. hols),
8-10pm. Bring something to sing, eat,
drink. Hut 44, Addison Rd Com. Centre,
142 Addison Rd, Marrickville. 9569
Springwood Neighbourhood Centre
Acoustic Club. 4th Fri, (Feb-Nov) 8pm,
$7/$5, Springwood Neighbourhood Ctr,
Macquarie Rd (next to library & Oriental
Hotel) Visitors & floor spots welcome,
Theresa 4751 8157, Jeannette 4754 4893
Bluegrass jam/tune session. Friendly
jam withy like minded musicians. Music
provided, chord knowledge required.
Listeners welcome. Gymea Tradies Club,
Kingsway, Gymea. 7.30pm. Enq. Jenny
Macquarie Towns Music Club. 3rd
Sat, Feb-Nov. Round the Table Music
Session. Bring instruments, songs, poems
for a fun and friendly night. St Peters
Educational Centre, 384 Windsor St,
Richmond. 7pm. $7, $5 , includes tea,
coffee. BYO snacks, drinks. Lydia 4576
0521, info@macquarietownsmusicclub. or on Facebook.
Eastern Suburbs Poetry Group.4th Sat.
Read your own or listen to others. Friends
Room, Waverly Library, 32 Denison
Street, Bondi Junction. 1-3pm. Gina 0413
300 919
Hotel Illawarra Wollongong. 3rd Sun,
3pm, spoken word, 5pm acoustic music
Irish Music Session. Kellys, King St,
Newtown, 6pm. 9559 6300
Irish Music Session. 3rd Sunday. Bennet Hotel, Hamilton, 4-7.30pm Roz and
Shane Kerr 4967 3167
Irish Music Sessions. Dicey Riley’s,
Wollongong 2pm.
Music lessons for kids. 12-3pm. Focus
on tin whistle. Gaelic Club. Surry Hills
9212 1587.
10 - The CORNSTALK Gazette JULY 2013
Bateman's Bay
Scottish Country Dancing. Batemans Bay
Caledonian Society -Tue 7.30pm Batemans
Bay Bowling Club - all welcome. 4457 2065.
Celtic Australian Session. Sat from 1pm.
Northern end of Church Street cafe strip.
John 6655 5898 Carole 6655 1225
Blue Mountains
Blue Mountains Heritage Dancers. Wed
in term time, 7.30-930pm. Wentworth Falls
SOA. 217 Great Westn Hwy. (0439) 314
948, or (0412)
786 988
Blue Labyrinth World Dancers. Thursday
in term time, 7.30-9.30pm. Glenbrook Baptist
church hall, King St. Jo Barrett 4739 6498,
Jeanette Mollenhauer 4739 0909
Blue Mountains Folk. Mid Mountains Community Centre, Joy Anderson Room, 7 New
St, Lawson. 3rd Sunday, 3.30pm - 6pm. Nick
Szentkuti 4758 7953, szentkuti@exemail.
Irish Session at the Carrington, Katoomba.
4th Sunday, 3pm.
Braidwood Folk Music Club. 3rd Thurs
Anglican Church Hall, BYO everything. Sue
4842 8142
Tallaganda Dance Troupe. Folk dance,
Mon. 9.30am 35 Coronation Ave, Braidwood.
Noela 4842 8004
Broken Hill
Occasional Acoustic Jam Nights. Bell’s
Milk Bar. Contact Broken Hill Art Exchange,
(08) 8008 3171
Central Coast
Troubadour. 4th Sat. 7pm CWA Hall,
Woy Woy. (opp. Fisherman’s Wharf), The
Boulevard, Woy Woy. $11/$9/$8. Floor spots
available. includes light supper. Marilyn or
Frank 4341 4060 or (0419) 231 319
Yuin Folk Club. Occasional Folk Nights.
David Crowden 0404 359 631.,
International Folk Dancing. Uniting
Church Hall, Soho St, Thurs, 6pm. Fran 6453
Dubbo Folk Club. Usually 2nd Sun,
2.30pm, Western Star Hotel. All welcome. Di
Clifford 6882 0498 (0458) 032 150
Gosford Bush Poets. - last Wed 7pm
Gosford Hotel, cnr of Mann & Erina Sts.
Everyone welcome to share in night of fun,
friendship and great poetry. Contact Vic
Jefferies, 02 96394911 or jeffries@tech2u.
Bush Traditions Sessions. Old Goulburn
Brewery. 1st Fri (except Jan & April),
7.30pm. Bradley Grange, Bungonia Road
David Johnson 4884 4214
Irish and Celtic Music Sessions. Old
Goulburn Brewery. 3rd Fri. Bradley Grange,
Bungonia Road. 4821 6071.
Gulgong Folk Club, 3rd Fri, Waratah Hotel,
Mudgee 5pm. PO Box 340, Gulgong NSW
2852, Bob Campbell 02 6373 4600,
“No Such Thing”. Yvonne O’Grady hosts an
Australian tune session suitable for beginners
every Mon. 4233 1073
Acoustic Folk Lounge, 1st Wed, 7-10pm.
Downstairs, Grand Hotel, cnr Church and
Bolton Sts, Newcastle. Circle session. All
welcome. 4967 3146, catherine.laudine@, Tracy 0402 761 520
Bush and Colonial Dancing. 3rd Sun
3-5pm. Beginners and visitors always
welcome. All Saints Anglican Hall, New
Lambton. Enq. Margaret Kenning 4952 1327
Newcastle and Hunter Valley Folk Club.
1st Sat. 7.30pm (not Jan) Wesley Centre,
Beaumont St, Hamilton. (Dances held 4 times
a year, March, June, Sept, Nov) Lainey 4943
4552, 0421 412 358
Traditional Irish/Folk Session, 1st Sun,
3-6pm. Lake Macquarie Hotel, opp. Morissett
Railway Station. (0418) 146 555 or (0418)
146 554,
Lakeside Folk Circle. 4th Sun. Teralba
Community Hall, Anzac Pade, Lake Macquarie. 4-7pm. $2.50. Paul 4959 6030. nager99@
People’s Chorus Practice. 6pm, Trades Hall
Council Meeting Rooms (opp. Panthers’ main
entrance), Newcastle. Rod Noble 4962 3432
Newcastle Irish Set Dancers, Tues, 7.309pm, Scots Kirk, Hamilton, Newcastle. Julia
or Arthur, 4955 5701,
Hunter Bush Poets, 2nd Tue 7pm, Tarro
Hotel; Ron Brown 4951 6186.
Hunter Folk Dancers. Enq. Margaret 4952
Irish Music Session. Bennett Hotel, Hamilton, 3rd Sun, 4pm. 4967 3167
Newcastle Poetry in the Pub, 3rd & 5th
Mondays, 7.30pm. Theatre Lane Hotel, cnr
Hunter & Perkins Sts. www.poetryatthepub.
Newcastle Strath Hunter Dancers. Adults:
Mon 7.30pm, Wallsend Uniting Church. Juniors: Thur 4.15pm, Youth 5.30pm, All Saints
Hall, New Lambton. Elma: 4943 3436.
Welsh & Cornish Folk Dancing, Mon, 7.30-
9.30pm, All Saints Anglican Hall, Cromwell
St, New Lambton. Beginners and visitors welcome. 4952 1327.
The Beehive, as requested. 8 Lewis St,
Islington. Neville Cunningham 4969 4246.
Balkan and International Folk Dance,
Mon, 7.30pm, Cambewarra Hall. Suzi Krawczyk 4446 0569,
International Folk Dance, Progress Hall,
Boorawine Tce, Callala Bay. Tues (school
term) 7.15-9pm. 446 6550,
Celtic Craic. 9 piece acoustic trad band. Tue
7.30 Chris 4446 1185, or Mark 4454 5028, nangle@
Scottish Country Dance Group, Presb.
Church Hall, Kinghome St (next to Woollies),
Wed, 8pm, all welcome. Jill 4421 3570
Shoalhaven Bush and Folk Dancing Club,
Friday (school term, 8-10pm, Cambewarra
Hall. Margaret 4421 0557.
Shoalhaven Acoustic Music Assoc, Bomaderry Bowling Club, formal concerts, not
always folk, approx quarterly. 4421 3470.
Orange Dirt Music. 3rd Sat from 3pm. Jam
sessions of acoustic folk, jazz, blues etc.
rotating around each others’ houses - all welcome. 6365 8221
Southern Highlands
Bowral Folk Club. 4th Thurs, 8pm (after
dinner at the Bistro). Acoustic, Blackboard,
Round Robin (2 songs per perf., more for a
group), free admission. Moved to Mittagong
RSL (but still Bowral at heart). 4861 6076,
Ray Gurney
Burrawang Folk, 4887 7271
Southern Highlands Recreational lnternational Folk Dance Group, Bowral Presb
Church Hall, Bendooley St, Thurs (school
term), 9-llam. Margaret 4861 2294
Southern Highlands Scottish Country
Dance Group, Moss Vale Uniting Church,
Cnr Argyll and Spring Streets, Wednesday,
7.30pm. All welcome. Enq. 4861 6471.
Lazarka International Folk Dance Group,
Manning River Steiner School Hall, Wed.
5.30-8.30pm, Thurs 9-11am. 6552 5142.
Wagga Wagga
Downside Bush Dance & Open Mic, Tin
Shed Rattlers, 1st Sat, 6928 5541.
Café Blue Frog.1st Sat, 7.30pm: Concert (invited artists), 3rd Sat, 7.30pm: Open session.
High St. 6585 1488
Bluegrass Jam Session, 3rd Sat. 7.30-11pm.
Thirroul Neighbouhood Centre next to PO.
lllawarra Folk Club, 1st Fri & 3rd Sat,
Wollongong City Diggers Club, cnr Burelli
& Church Sts, 1300 887 034
Session, Jamberoo Pub, Thurs, 7.30pm.
Poet’s Breakfast. Wed. 7.15am. Wollongong
Writers’ Centre, Town Hall, Corrimal St.
Tony Stoddart,
UOW Folk Club, 12.30pm, Mon & Fridays.
Old timey, bluegrass, Celtic session. Duck
Pond (in front of library), Uni of Wollongong.
David Harman,
Wollongong White Heather Scottish
Country Dance Group, Mon, 7.30-10pm, St
Andrew’s Church Hall, Kembla St. All welcome. Arnold Thurling 4228 1986 or Grace
Halliday 4229 3480
Wongawilli Colonial Dance Club, Bush
Dance, Wed, 8pm, musos & dancers all
welcome, Community Hall, West Dapto Rd,
Wongawilli. David 0409 57 1788. www.
Across The Border
Monaro Folk Society, PO Box 482 Civic
Sq, ACT 2608 (0409) 817 623 dance@mfs.
Northern Territory
Top End Folk Club, PO Box 41551, Casuarina, NT 0811. Di Howard, (08) 8945 0436
Brisbane Folk Club, (07) 3345 1718.
Cairns Folk Club, Ray Elias (07) 4039 2493
The Folk Rag (Mag), PO Box 517, Everton
Park 4053, (0437) 736 799 or (07) 3855
1091, www.FolkRag.
Qld Colonial & Heritage Dancers. PO Box
3011, Yeronga 4104. Jan Orloff ph/fax 07
3848 7706,
Woodford Folk Festival. PO Box 1134,
Woodford 4514. qff@woodfordfolkfestival.
Celtic Southern Cross Folk Music Cat.
Beth Sowter,; www.celt.; PO Box 100, Legana, as 7277.
Folk Federation of Tasmania Inc. PO Box
1638 Hobart 7001. Peter (0409) 216 752
Ballarat Folk Club, John (03) 5332 7872
Boite World Music Cafe, Fitzroy, (03) 9417
3550 (w), http://
Geelong Folk Club, 2nd. Fri - Coffee House
Folk- singing & session - Cafe Go! Bellerine
St. from 7.30pm. Last Fri - Upstairs at The
Pancake Kitchen, Moorabool St. for songs &
session. (03) 5221 1813 or (03) 5261 3443
Traditional Social Dance Assoc. of Victoria. Marion Stabb (03) 9439 7100
Victorian Folk Music Club Inc. Victorian
Folk Music Club inc.GPO Box 2025, Melbourne,
Western Australia
WA Folk Federation. PO Box 328, Inglewood, WA, 6932. (08) 9375 9958.www.
Please let us know if your entry needs to
be changed or updated.
John Dengate is appearing with Jenny
Fitzgibbon at 'The Loaded Dog' Sat 27th
Focus on Folk
6-7pm 1st & 3rd Saturdays
6 July
21 July
John Milce
Kate Delaney
Anyone with a CD they would like to add to the library collection
for consideration for airplay please forward to:
Focus on Folk, Post Office Box A182,
Sydney South 1235.
The Folk Federation of NSW ONLINE -
The CORNSTALK Gazette JULY 2013
Dames and Dare-Devils for
Margaret Walters based on extensive notes provided by Phyl Lobl
At the 2013 National Folk Festival held in Canberra over
Easter, there was a FLASH Doco [Folk lore and Social History Documentary] titled Dames And Dare-Devils For Democracy’ which featured songs and stories of several women
who were significant in Australian history.
They made ‘A ‘Bright Progressive Band’, ten resilient, intelligent, compassionate and daring Australian suffragists; and
yet very few Australians know their names. They took us
from the Hat Box to the Ballot Box and then helped women
in America and the UK to gain their right to vote and to stand
for parliament.
The women featured in the FLASH doco – a wonderful
term coined by Phyl Lobl - were Henrietta Dugdale, Louisa
Lawson, Edith Dircksy Cowan, Vida Goldstein, Maybanke
Anderson, Maggie Ogg, Rose Scott, Dora Montefiore, Muriel
Matters and Emma Miller.
Phyl Lobl, a songwriter with a life-long engagement in the
folk arts, was responsible for the concept, research, script and
the songs. The presentation follows a time-line of the ‘strategies’ used to gain the vote and describes the Suffragists’ lives,
actions and artistic creations using spoken word, song and
archival photographs.
The men folk who assisted these ‘dames and dare-devils for
democracy’ are given recognition and the blokes who opposed them are exposed through quotes, some so ironic that in
hindsight they are very funny.
The performance at the 2013 National Folk Festival was
by another ‘bright progressive band’: Phyl Lobl, Christine
Wheeler, Kate Delaney, Shayna Stuart, Sophie Leslie, Marie
le Brun, Michael Roberts and Stuart Leslie.
Some responses to the performance:
This is memorable history. Rarely has the long hard road of
those who stand up for a fair- go been made so vivid.
Bill Gammage (Author: The Biggest Estate On Earth)
The music was imaginative and varied, and the great team of
singers did justice to ballads, rounds and klezmer styles. The
historical research underpinning the production is to be commended as is the inclusion of some of the suffragettes’ own
Gwenda Beed Davey (AM)
Using her formidable skills as a teacher and songwriter, Phyl
Lobl has liberated ten vibrant Australian Suffragists from the
confines of conservative history books; they leap into the 21st
century demanding their stories be heard. Phyl embraces and
transcends the fancy hats and bustles and reveals the humour,
compassion and zeal of our feminist forebears in an engaging
presentation. Dames and Dare-Devils for Democracy should
be an essential part of the school curriculum.
Here are some of the songs from the series:
Who Were They?
for all the Suffragists by Phyl Lobl
Who were they, the women of the South?
Who were they, the ones who stood in line?
12 - The CORNSTALK Gazette JULY 2013
Who were they the steadfast and the brave?
We should know their names although they now have long
been in the grave.
There was Vida, there was Maybanke, there was also Henrietta,
There was Muriel, Dora and Annette,
There was Edith and Louisa, Rose and Emma too,
Mary Lee, Jessie Rooke and Margaret.
Who were they, the ones who fought for votes?
Who were they, wrote the articles and notes?
Who were they, who made the rallies run?
We should know their names & give a thought of thanks for everyone.
Who were they, who faced a prison cell?
Who were they, who told the story well?
Who were they, who carried on the works
And bore the jeers of ignorant, misogynistic jerks?
Who were they, the men who helped them stand?
Who were they, the men throughout this land?
Who were they the partners and the mates
Of the women who were able to win votes in Aussie states?
This next song relates the daring exploits used by South
Australian Muriel Matters when she helped the suffragists
in the United Kingdom to gain the vote. Her story became
the catalyst for the presentation Dames And Dare-Devils For
Yes, Muriel Matters
Phyl Lobl
Yes, Muriel Matters,
She matters because she was fighting for fairness,
Yes, Muriel Matters,
She was gutsy and gorgeous and game.
A girl from the south where Crow-eaters abide,
A girl from the south whose passion and pride
Took the fight for the vote to women worldwide.
Yes, Muriel Matters.
Matters and Fox thought it was not right
That in Parliament House a grille blocked their sight.
Chains under their frills to the grille held them tight.
Yes, Muriel Matters.
Victorian modesty came to their aid ,
Coppers couldn’t be seen undressing a maid,
The grille was removed, a win for the crusade,
Yes, Muriel Matters.
Out of a zeppelin, floating on high,
Her Women’s Vote circulars fell from the sky,
The vote came to pass for the Brits bye and bye.
Yes, Muriel Matters.
And we should remember her name
No, I Won’t Wear A Corset
for Henrietta Dugdale by Phyl Lobl (tune: deliberately
grown, after a fashion from Chopin Scherzo No 2 Op 31)
Henrietta Dugdale was a Victorian and a pianist who loved
Chopin. She broke all the bones in her corset one by one in
protest at women’s lack of rights and began the First Suffrage
Society in Australia in 1884.
Oh no, I won’t wear a corset.
Oh no, I will not wear stays.
Oh no, I won’t wear a girdle,
I want to feel free for all of my days.
Henrietta wouldn’t let a corset fetter her,
Henrietta knew a better way to dress,
She came up with a design that suited her just fine,
That didn’t put her body under stress.
Oh no, I won’t wear whalebone.
Oh no, I will not be laced.
Oh not, for me a chastity belt.
No, should be enough for me to stay chaste, (unless I choose )
Henrietta was a Chartist and an artist,
She could hold her own in print or on the stage,
Her rendition of a ‘skirtzo’ meant that dressing didn’t hurt so much,
And soon her fashion statement was the rage.
Oh yes, I’ll change the hemline,
And not, just for the young,
I want to make my body free,
Along with my brain, my thoughts and my tongue.
In a busk you cannot dive into the water,
You can’t hurdle in a girdle or in stays,
A hemline that is shorter will bring freedom to your daughter,
Change the law and change the vote for better days.
Oh no, I won’t wear a corset.
Oh no, I will not wear stays.
Oh no, I won’t wear a girdle,
I want to feel free for all of my days.
Phyl Lobl has been engaged in the folk arts since the late ‘60s
and has presented over twenty Folk Lore and Social History
topics at festivals here and abroad. Her most recent recording
is Singing the South: a Songline Timeline of the Illawarra.
Another focus for her creative energy is in the field of early
music education. Her work is freely available at Email:
Production Manager
National Folk Festival
(Full-time position)
Held annually in Canberra at Easter, the National Folk
Festival presents a diverse program of folk culture. The
Festival features concerts, workshops and other performances across multiple venues. It has a major and unique
emphasis on audience and participation with over 1300
volunteers involved in the event.
We are looking for an energetic Production Manager to
join our full-time team. This role is responsible for all
production issues before, during and after the Festival,
manages the production team as well as being involved in
the operational needs of the office all year round.
Reporting to the Festival Director, the successful applicant
will have a solid background in/or capacity for public
event management; working to a budget; contract negotiation; managing and working in a team consisting largely
of volunteers; well-developed communication skills; good
IT skills; and a demonstrated ability to work with minimal
supervision and get a job done.
Selection criteria
National Folk Festival
PO Box 179 Mitchell ACT 2911 Australia
Phone: 02 6262 4792
Dames & Dare-Devils for Democracy Workshop
The Folk Federation of NSW ONLINE -
The CORNSTALK Gazette JULY 2013
Original published
version of
'Click go the Shears'
Mark Gregory has discovered the
original published version of Click
Go the Shears - it has lain hidden.
In June 2013 it was discovered
that a version of the song was first
published in 1891 in the regional
Victorian newspaper the Bacchus
Marsh Express under the title "The
Bare Belled Ewe" and the tune given
as "Ring the Bell Watchman."
It was next published in 1946 as
a traditional song "collected and
arranged" by Reverend Dr. Percy
Jones, a professor of music. The
lyrics vary widely; "bare-bellied
yoe" (yoe is a dialect word for ewe)
is often "bare-bellied joe" or even
"blue-bellied ewe".
The last line in the verse about the
"colonial experience" man "smelling
like a whore" is often bowdlerised
to "smelling like a sewer" or completely rewritten.
From the Bacchus Marsh Express Saturday 5 December 1891 p. 7.
Oh, down at the catching pen an old shearer stands,
Grasping his shears in his long bony hands ;
Fixed is his gaze on a bare belled ewe,
Saying " If I can only get her, won't I make the ringer go."
Click goes his shears; click, click, click.
Wide are the blows, and his hand is moving quick,
The ringer looks round, for he lost it by a blow,
And he curses that old shearer with the bare belled ewe.
At the end of the board, in a cane bottomed chair,
The boss remains seated with his eyes everywhere ;
He marks well each fleece as it comes to the screen,
And he watches where it comes from if not taken off clean.
The "colonial experience" is there of course.
With his silver buckled leggings, he's just off his horse ;
With the air of a connoiseur he walks up the floor ;
And he whistles that sweet melody, "I am a perfect cure."
Humph Hall
85 Allambie Rd. Allambie Hts.
Formerly the Allambie Heights Uniting Church,
Humph Hall is now the private home of Gial &
Wayne. Web site:
Bookings: 9939 8802
Ask to be put on the mailing list!
N.B. All concerts are completely unplugged - no PA! :-)
The Art of Letting Go (Rachel Collis one-woman cabaret) - 7.30pm, Fri 12th July
The Alanna & Alicia Eagan Band - 2pm, Sunday 28th July
14 - The CORNSTALK Gazette JULY 2013
NSW - state of play
Songs of Henry Lawson
Songs of Chris Kempster
Reg Mem*
NSW - State of Play (double CD snapshot of the 2008 NSW folk scene)
The Songs of Henry Lawson (new songbook edition with 375 settings)
The Songs of Chris Kempster (double CD)
Postage & Packaging:
($10 for book + up to 2 CD sets) ($3 for 1 CD set, $5 for 2 CD sets)
* Join the Folk Fed now and receive member’s discount. See for membership form.
I enclose my cheque/money order payable to: Folk Federation of NSW
Please charge my credit card:
Card number: __ __ __ __ / __ __ __ __ / __ __ __ __ / __ __ __ __
Name on card: _____________________________
(Expiry date: ___ / ___ )
Send with remittance & return address to: Folk Federation of NSW, PO Box A182, Sydney South NSW 1235
Folk Alliance Australia
2013 AusFOLK
• 20 acts
• 5 venues
• concerts
• workshops
• dances
• kids events
• sessions
13-15 September 2013
A must for all people involved in
the Folk Movement.
Camping by the beach
2 7 -29 September 2 013
Urban Camp Melbourne
The sounds of folk, World, rooTs,
CelTiC, Bluegrass & gypsy musiC
Kiama Visitors Centre 1300 654 262
The Illawarra Folk Club presents the first Folk by the Sea at the Kiama Showground and surrounds, NSW.
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The Folk Federation of NSW ONLINE -
The CORNSTALK Gazette JULY 2013
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