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1. Fill out section below. 2. Sign and Date.
3. SUBMIT with MOST RECENT PAYSTUB to one of the following:
a. In Person at: 14445 Olive View Dr., Bldg. P, Sylmar
b. By Mail to: P.O. Box 923071, Sylmar, CA 91392
c. Scan and email to: Ana.B@i-LoveMyCreditUnion.com
Notice to all Members
Annual Meeting
The 79th Annual Meeting of the Olive View Federal Credit
Union will be held on Monday, March 23, 2015 at 5:00
p.m. in the auditorium of the ValleyCare Olive View UCLA Medical Center at 14445 Olive View Drive in Sylmar.
The Nominating Committee has nominated the following
candidates for the three vacancies on the Olive View
Federal Credit Union Board of Directors.
Melvin Brewster, Incumbent
Melvin has retired from L.A. County for over 39
years of County Service, in many capacities
including Director of Inpatient Financial Services,
Director of Outpatient Financial Services, and
Chief Information Officer. He has served on the
Credit Union Board of Directors for over 20 years
in many capacities including President, Treasurer
and currently in the position of Vice President.
Lynda Lines, Incumbent
Lynda has served on the Credit Union Board of
Directors since 1987. She is retired after 35 years of
County service in the Finance Department. She
brings many years of management expertise. She
has been actively involved in the strategic planning
and over all board leadership.
Carla Nino, Incumbent
Carla has served on the Board of Directors since
2000, currently in the position of President.
She retired in 2014 as Administrator of Mid
Va l l e y C o m p r e h r n s i v e H e a l t h C e n t e r. S h e
brings expertise in financial management,
non-profit boardmanship, strategic planning
and team building to the board.
Members interested in candidacy for the Board of
Directors may petition to be placed on the election ballot
by submitting to the credit union nominating committee:
Biographical data and qualifications with petition signed
by at least 2.5% of the credit union’s members. (128
primary member signatures.)
Submit petition to: OVFCU Nominating Committee P.O.
Box 923071, Sylmar, CA 91392 by February 12, 2015.