April 2015 | Volume 50 Issue 4 Mount Olive Lutheran Church, 11500 E. Iliff Avenue, Aurora, CO 80014 Worship services are: Saturday, 5 PM; Sunday, 8 and 10:45 AM mtoliveluth.org 303.755.9123 Rev. Jeff Shearier—Guest Preacher April 18/19 It seems like it was only yesterday… Inside this issue: Pastor’s Message 2 Golf Tournament 3 Special Days 4 50th Anniversary 5 Endowment 6 Child/Family 7 Youth/Family 8 ECEC 9 Wanderers 10 And it really almost was yesterday that Anne and I le Colorado for Oregon. Having been blessed to spend over 17 years with you at Mount Olive—as assistant, associate and senior pastor—I responded to the call of Bethlehem Lutheran Church in Aloha, Oregon in 2012. It was difficult to leave. Working together with the Lord, we began the work that is today Cross of Christ Lutheran Church in southeast Aurora; held the children and families of the Early Childhood Educa on Center up in prayer and reached out to them through our teachers with Jesus’ love; connected with missionaries in Kyrgyzstan and Hai ; and, established the Endowment Fund and began the Kindle the Fire campaign to support the growth and establishment of new ministries at and through Mount Olive. These were joyfilled years that Anne and I will always treasure. It is our prayer that you will con nue to Reach Out, Care For and Build Up People toward Maturity in Christ. You have a mission to con nue. In the two-and-a-half years we’ve been in Oregon, we have enjoyed the ministry at Bethlehem. The Lord has brought some amazing staff people together here and I am apprecia ng them as we work together for the Kingdom. Portland is a very different place than Denver, but we are feeling at home here now. Bethlehem has partnered with our associa on Lutheran school and houses a half-day kindergarten and will welcome a K-2 Mul -age classroom next fall. Bethlehem also partners with an area ministry, Love In the Name of Christ (Love, INC) to reach out to under-advantaged and immigrant families in our community. Web: mtoliveluth.org Facebook: Mount Olive Lutheran Church, Aurora, CO Blog: mtoliveluth.blogspot .com Twitter: mtoliveluth Anne and I are enjoying the wineries, the mountains and the beaches that are within an hour’s drive. James, Susanna and Elisabeth, Cory, Carson, Avery and Fletcher remain in Colorado, so do visit them as o en as we can. We are looking forward to re-connec ng with you in April. Brent Howard, DCE at Mount Olive from 2000‐2011 Brent Howard was installed at Mount Olive in January 2000 and served as Director of Youth and Family Ministry un l August 2011. He previously served as DCE at Holy Trinity, Edmond, OK. While at Mount Olive, he led the ministry for Junior High and High School youth and their families. He also led a revitaliza on in Mount Olive’s small group ministry. Brent served on various Rocky Mountain District teams, including the Youth Ministry Commi ee, Youth Gathering Planning Team, District Theological Task Force, Conven on Floor Commi ees and was elected to the District Nomina ng Commi ee. Brent is married to Michelle, who taught in the Early Childhood Educa on Center from 2003 un l 2011. They have two children, Nathan and Emily, both bap zed at Mount Olive. The Howard family moved to Overland Park, Kansas, in August 2011 when Brent accepted the Call to Christ Lutheran Church to serve as Director of Children’s and Youth Ministries. Page 2 Olive Branch April 2015 You Are Witnesses Of These Things (Read Luke 24:45-48) “How do you know? Were you there?” said Abbey. She had heard that Mr. Yeats had started a fire in the chemistry class earlier that morning. Yet, she could not be sure since different students were telling different stories about what happened. So, a er listening to the stories told by her classmates, she would ask them, “Were you there?” She wanted to know, for certain, if they knew what they were talking about. In His wisdom, God has given us witnesses to the life, death, and resurrec on of Jesus our Savior. Wisely, Jesus chose twelve men to follow Him, travel with Him, learn from Him, view what He did, and then tell other people about what happened. These twelve men were first-hand witnesses. They did not need to get the story of what happened from anyone else. They saw it. They smelled it. They heard it. They touched it. As they saw it, they told others. Some of these men wrote it all down. The life of Jesus of Nazareth proved to be the fulfillment of all of the prophets’ prophecies about the coming Messiah. Jesus, who was born to Mary (who was a virgin when Jesus was born), raised by Mary and Joseph, worked in the carpenter’s shop with his earthly father, visited Jerusalem with His parents and amazed the teachers of God’s Word in the Temple with His wisdom and knowledge of the Scriptures at age 12, lived to be 33 years old. His 33 year life on earth fulfilled each and every one of the prophe c descrip ons of the coming Messiah. Many teachers of God’s Word came to realize that Jesus of Nazareth was the fulfillment of the prophecies of the coming Messiah. Yet, many rejected Him. S ll, Jesus’ life was broadcast to others through these witnesses, chosen of God. The voice of these disciple-witnesses (and other witnesses who saw the resurrected Christ), flesh and blood witnesses of the life, the words and deeds, of Jesus have spoken loudly since Jesus rose from the grave on the third day. “He is not here, but He has risen,” said the angel witnesses. “He has risen!” said the women who ran back from the empty tomb to the weak and trembling disciples. Then, the words of Thomas, who doubted at first, when he saw the risen Jesus and even touched His side and His feet, “My Lord and my God!” Now, in 2015, we s ll have the words of the witnesses to listen to, to ponder, to wonder, to digest, and to share with others. He is risen! He is risen indeed! Because Jesus is alive, we know for certain that all that He told us is true. We know that God the Father has accepted Jesus’ offering for sin, and that real sins are thoroughly forgiven in connec on with Christ. Finally, because Jesus is risen from the dead, we know that we shall live again a er we die. Alleluia! Thanks be to God! Happy and Blessed Easter To You and Yours! In Jesus, Pastor Craig A. PaƩerson Interim Senior Pastor Olive Branch April 2015 Page 3 Blood Pressure Check Saturday, April 18 4:30‐6:15 PM Sunday, April 19 9‐11 AM (In the Church Office) Before and a er each worship service we provide an opportunity for you to have your blood pressure checked by a nurse. It is quick and simple and a great way to monitor your health. Cookie Cans for College Students 2014/15 School Year is almost over! We will send 11 cans on Saturday, April 4. A big thank you to all the volunteers who bake and help pack—who donate supplies and money for postage—and who pray for our college kids! We are looking for someone to take over this ministry for the next school year. Please contact Kathy Pelepchan if you are interest‐ ed, 303.693.4161. The 9th Annual Mount Olive Youth Ministry Golf Tournament LWML Circles Faith Circle will meet Thursday, April 16, 9:30 AM at the home of Sylvia Zwingelberg. Glory Circle will meet Thursday, April 9, 7 PM at the home of Connie Kerr. Mercy Circle will meet Tuesday, April 7, 9:30 AM at Mount Olive. Our tournament this year is scheduled for May 30 at one of Colorado’s premier golf courses, Murphy Creek Golf Course in Aurora. Our annual golf shoot-out gives you a unique opportunity to play this premier public links course while providing support to our communi es’ youth through the programs of our youth ministries. Come have fun with friends and raise money to help our youth make a posi ve impact on lives in our community! This year we have lowered the registra on rate too. Please check it out at mtoliveluth.org. If you’re not playing you can s ll help with a dona on for upcoming youth service events and trips. Thank you! Page 4 1 2 4 5 6 7 8 9 Olive Branch April 2015 Skov, Fred Klein, Pam True , Kris Harjes, Sy Ommen, Darlene Andrie, Craig Maul, Teri Neubauer, Gregory Johnston, Heather Obando, Logan Ruesch, Kathie Griebel, Dennis Rehwalt, Elizabeth Parker, Teag Buchner, Samuel Scheffel, Rich Conley, Mar n Scheffel, Mary Johnston, Adam 10 11 12 13 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 Mc Kelvey, Brian Sudan, Thomas Bowers, Lori Pelepchan, Kathy Gurrola, Theresa Dreiling, Jacob Jones, Joreen Scheffel, Nicole Liss, Kathy Neubauer, Sarah Kelsey, Linda Huebschmann, Amy Wetherbie, Ryan Campbell, Declan Bacon, Dan Warken n, Zachary Butler, Reba Polton, Amelia Ellis, Rachel Elmshauser, Luke Student, Ann Krueger, Glenn La mer, Ronda Johnston, Joshua King, Paul Olsen, Sandra Narveson, Marilyn Samuel, Zereyohannes 22 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 Crane, Hazel Sonnichsen, Arlene Ray, Barbara Fischer, Cynde Nelson, Tom Narveson, Andrea Pelepchan, Nicholas Gaines, Colton Muir, Janice Osborne, Deborah Amore, Pat Andrie, Kathy Bellis, Colin Smith, Natalie Kerr, George Goggins, Herman Thies, Karen Kea ng, Lindsay Vande Garde, Bruce Borgstede, Paul Thiel, Kiara Wallingford, Brenda Lehew, Ethan Lehew, Ford Bowers, Andrew Raimondo, Gage Johnson, Pearl Narveson, Richard Wednesday, April 8 11:30 AM Join us for a potluck lunch in the Fellowship Hall. Come for fellowship, good food, and a program. Program will be announced later. Hosts will be George/Judy York and Pastor/Jo Kalthoff. Newcomers are most welcome! 1 6 9 10 12 15 16 17 19 23 Fischer, Cynde/Dan Kalthoff, Glenn/Jo Vaughn-Porquis, Dorinda/William Osborne, Richard/Deborah Flint, Jim/Zoe Schoenhals, Dean/Debbie Henninger, Donald/Jane Sande, Roy/Lenore Schonack, Russell/Leone Bair, Frank/Sandra Rehwalt, Harvey/Elizabeth Spoerl, Andrew/Crystal Gerdjikian, Gary/Joann Polton, Guy/Robin Brian Bechley – US Army Steven Gerdjikian – US Army James Stewart – US Army Shelley Stewart – US Army CJ Maul – US Army Ma hew Kepler – US Army Travis Geisler – US Army Alexander York – USAF Ian Johnston – US Navy Brandon Ulmer – US Army Kevin Selander – US Army Don Mammano – USAF John O en – US Army Aus n Norcross – US Army Tom Sudan – USAF Ka e Hubbard – US Navy Alex Bowers – US Army April 2015 Olive Branch Page 5 Book Club List for 2014—2015 Date Book Author Leader April 1 Stella Bain Anita Shreve Marsha Raebel May 6 All The King’s Men Robert Penn Warren Liz Rehwalt June 3 Caleb’s Crossing Geraldine Brooks Jennifer Klekamp We meet the first Wednesday of the month at 5:45 PM in the Library. 50th Anniversary Celebra on Banquet May 3 4-5 PM Meet/Greet (cash bar) 5 PM Dinner Guest Speaker will be Fern Phipps, wife of first pastor Castlewoods Events Center—7275 S. Lima Street, Centennial April 2015 Page 6 Olive Branch Endowment Fund News from and prayers for our grant recipients. (For addi onal news from these folks, please see the Endowment Fund bulle n board.) Kris n Matasovsky in South Africa ‐ + wisdom and pa ence for each teacher and staff member as our school con nues to grow. + wisdom and discernment for the future vision of St. Peter Chris an College. + thanksgiving for God's never ending and unfailing love. Kris n thanks us for being a strong supporter and faithful prayer warrior! Crea ve arts me! Tyler S brich in Arizona is excited and thankful that: + our semester got off to a great start with our biggest retreat yet. Around 30 students came to learn and prac ce effec ve Bible reading. + more students than ever are being led by God to join Damascus Road. + prepara on is taking place for two spring break trips to the Bahamas and to Los Angeles. Sara Borgstede in Colorado gives thanks for: + a successful presenta on and me at the "Best Prac ces for Ministry" conference at Christ Church Lutheran in Phoenix, AZ. (This conference, sponsored by Christ Church Lutheran, offered prac cal info on what works with transparency and what doesn't work in parish ministry. Rev. Charles Ferry in Indonesia - "Prayers, Praises, and Thanksgivings" include: + for our children, that they might con nue to be at peace with where we've been called to serve, and find joy in the simple things of life. + for ongoing pledged support, that we might con nue serving overseas according to our Lord's will. + that our gracious Lord Jesus would grant His wisdom and grace, so many would be blessed by the work we're doing in Indonesia and in Singapore. Mom and kids The Mount Olive Endowment Fund (MOEF) Helps aid students preparing for ministry Assists in unique outreach ministry opportunities in our community Reaches out in mission opportunities here and abroad Supports select unbudgeted projects at Mount Olive The current Endowment Fund Commi ee includes—Don Berlinski (chairperson), Orville Geisler, Kevin Meador, Kris n Neuharth, Brian Pelepchan and Kathy Pelepchan Olive Branch OASIS Wednesdays at Mount Olive Dinner Weekly, 5:00 PM A meal is provided each week to make Wednesdays easier for families. A donation is gathered to cover the expense of each meal. Kid’s Club First Wednesday, 5:45 PM All children, age 3-grade 5 are invited to participate in Kid’s Club. Children will grow in faith and friendship, while studying God’s Word, making crafts, playing games, and eating treats. Kid’s Music Wednesdays, 5:45 PM Children (K-5) learn to play handbells/chimes and sing God’s praises every Wednesday (except the first Wednesday of each month) from 6:00– 7:00 PM. Children will use their musical gifts to play/sing in worship throughout the year. Praise and Play Wednesdays, 5:45 PM All preschool children are invited to praise God through story, song, and play every Wednesday (except the first Wednesday of each month) from 6:00– 7:00 PM. Preschool Praise and Play meets in the ECEC. Page 7 April 2015 Parenting First Graders Lutheran Valley Retreat Sunday, March 1, 8, 15 9:30-10:30 AM Room 8 Scholarship Applications Due March 30 First Grade Blessing Sunday March 22 10:45 AM Worship All parents of first graders are invited to a three week class, which will focus on spiritually parenting their child. On Sunday, March 22, each child will receive a towel and basin and a blessing during the worship service. March Kid’s Club Wednesday, March 4, 5:45 PM Children age 3 through grade 5 are invited for Kid’s Club each month. In March, children will decorate a wooden box that they will keep and use to gather pennies for our April Family Service project. All of the pennies will be donated to Feed My Starving Children (www.fmsc.org). Children will also enjoy a story, music, and time for friendship. There will be NO Kid’s Club in April, due to Holy week. March Family Service Club Sunday, March 8, 11:45 AM At our March Family Service Club, families will decorate and fill “Night Night Bags” for the children at the Gateway Battered Women’s Shelter. Each bag will contain books, a blanket, and stuffed animals. Families will gather at 11:45 AM for a simple lunch, which will be provided. Children’s Palm Parade Sunday, March 29 8:00 and 10:45 AM Worship All children are invited to participate in the Palm Parade on Palm Sunday. Children will gather in Skidmore Hall at 7:50 AM for the 8:00 AM Worship Service and at 10:35 AM for the 10:45 AM Worship Service. All children will receive palm branches to wave in the parade. Children will walk in the parade and then immediately sit down in the front for the children’s message. Children will return to the pews to sit with their families following the children’s message. Lutheran Valley Retreat offers summer camp opportunities for children and families. Scholarships are available for children. Applications are available at the Children’s Ministry counter and must be turned in to the church office by March 30. Visit www.LVR.org for more information. Easter Egg Hunt & Alleluia Celebration Saturday, March 28, 9:00 AM Children of all ages are invited for a morning of Easter fun and celebration! Children should bring along their Easter basket and meet at Eastridge Elementary School for the actual egg hunt. (Children will meet at Mount Olive, if the weather is too poor for an outdoor hunt.) The egg hunt will begin at 9:00 AM. Following the egg hunt, all participants are invited for an Alleluia celebration at Mount Olive. Wrapped candy donations are needed to fill the plastic eggs. Please place candy donations in the plastic bin in the Narthex by March 15. Thank you for sharing! Save your pennies! April Family Service Club Sunday, April 12, 11:45 AM On Sunday April 12, we will be having a Penny Party to help end childhood hunger. Please begin to save your pennies to help make a difference. Visit Feed My Starving Children at www.fmsc.org to learn more. Vacation Bible School June 22-26, 2015 Save the date! Page 8 April 2015 Olive Branch Youth and Family Ministry Weekly/Monthly Events Junior High JOURNEY/ Sunday Confirmation Bible study for middle school students (Gr. 6-8) meets every Sunday in Room 2 at 9:30-10:30 AM. Confirmation Confirmation explores more about what it means that Jesus is our Savior, Redeemer, and Friend. Confirmation instruction on Sundays at 9:30 AM and Wednesdays at 6 PM. Senior High REELTIME Bible study for high school students (Gr. 9–12) meets every Sunday in Room 10, 9:30-10:30 AM. Senior High Impact Senior High youth meet twice a month on Sunday evenings from 6-8 PM (unless otherwise noted) for food, devotions and fun activities. COMING EVENTS APRIL 4—10 AM Easter Breakfast set-up 5— NO REELTIME and JOURNEY 6 AM Youth Serve Easter Breakfast 8-7:00 pm Oasis Confirmation— PARENT AND STUDENT ORIENTATION FOR REDEFINE RETREAT 10-12 ReDefine ReDefine:: YouthQuake Junior Youth Retreat at Marriott in Littleton 12-9:30 AM REELTIME 6:00 PM IMPACT 15-7:00 PM Oasis Confirmation 19-9:30 AM REELTIME and JOURNEY 12:00 Noon “God Not Dead” movie (See more below) 22-7:00 PM Oasis Confirmation 26-9:30 AM REELTIME and JOURNEY No IMPACT 29-7:00 PM Oasis Confirmation MAY 17-10:45 AM Rite of Confirmation JUNE 18-20-COLLIDE COLLIDE In Ft. Collins God’s Not Not Dead Not In the hit film, God’s Not Not Dead, Not freshman Josh Wheaton is forced to take a stand and defend what he believes. Join us at Mount Olive on April 19 at Noon for a light lunch and the movie. It’s especially hardhi ng for families of students and, even more so, for those nearing college but it’s good watching for fi h grade and up. Sign up at the ARK and bring a friend! We’ll show a movie for younger children too at the same me. Come and rediscover what you believe and how to defend it! COLLIDE Rocky Mountain District Youth Gathering For Junior and Senior Youth June 18-20, 2015 About COLLIDE When two things collide, at least one of them is not going to be the same. A collision changes things. The same thing happens every me someone collides with Jesus, they are never the same. The Rocky Mountain District Youth Gathering in June is for high school and middle school youth. It is packed with engaging speakers, great music, me for connec on and a local servant event. Therefore if anyone is in Christ, he is a new crea on. The old has gone, the new has come. (2 Corinthians 5:17) For more informa on and to register, go to: h p://rm.lcms.org/district-youthgathering/ and download a form or Registra on forms available now from Mount Olive Youth Ministry at: h ps://sites.google.com/site/ mtoliveyouthaurora/ NEW YOUTH MINISTRY Brent’s Back! For our 50th Anniversary Celebra on, Brent Howard will visit on April 18 and 19. So, come on over and say “hi”! INFORMATION SITE FOR PARENTS! https://sites.google.com/site/ mtoliveyouthaurora/ Medical and Event Participation forms Articles and Information Downloadable Calendar April 2015 Olive Branch Fi ieth Anniversary Did you know / Do you remember … (Wri en by Terri Johnson) Mount Olive raised $6,000 in four weeks to purchase the new Lutheran Service Book hymnals in 2007 Also in 2007 Pastor Charles Westby joined the Mount Olive staff as associate pastor and Robin Kurth joined the Mount Olive staff as the Director of Child and Family Ministry In 2008, the Sunday 9:30 AM service was eliminated to be er u lize our congrega on’s worship resources. The Board of Elders decided to consolidate our Sunday worship to two Sunday morning services To be more “green” the Olive Branch began publica on electronically online in 2009 and Mount Olive moved more into the digital world by beginning an online bible study, Bible passage blog, audio internet sermons, congrega onal announcements via e-mail, new and improved web pages and a Facebook page In 2010 the Kindle the Fire campaign was launched to help Mount Olive grow in spiritual renewal and financial stewardship which will allow us to pay off the church mortgage Pastor Westby accepted a Divine Call to Our Savior Lutheran Church in Commerce City, CO as well in 2010 Page 9 Opera ng Income and Expenses February 2015 (Fiscal Year July 2014‐June 2015) Church Income YTD Actual YTD Budget Variance Regular Offerings 529,280 566,965 (37,685) Other Income 10,239 10,982 (743) Total Income 539,519 577,947 (38,428) Church Expenses Personnel/Benefits 339,395 355,726 (16,331) Programs 71,027 103,105 (32,078) Administra ve 25,335 25,889 (554) Proper es 89,528 94,379 (4,851) Total Expenses 525,285 579,099 (53,814) Net Church Income 14,234 (1,152) 15,386) Tui on 114,058 156,689 (42,631) Personnel/Benefits 100,917 112,335 (11,418) Administra on 1,244 3,150 (1,906) Instruc onal 6,613 19,703 (13,090) 108,774 135,188 (26,414) 5,284 21,501 (16,217) ECEC Income Total Expenses Net ECEC Income Early Childhood Educa on Center April showers (and not SNOW) will bring May flowers – PLEASE! We’ll begin this month with a celebra on of spring. We will make lots of flowers to “spring” up our class rooms. We also will con nue learning about Jesus’ uncondi onal love when He gave His life for us! Alleluia!!! We will celebrate Jesus’ resurrec on with Easter par es in our classrooms and going to chapel. What’s our special day this month? ABC day! We’ll have lots of ac vi es with the ABC’s as the theme. It’s so much fun learning our le ers through games, art, snack, music and more! As the end of the year is fast approaching, we are thankful for so many blessings through our school. When asked, the children shared some of theirs ... Mom and Dad, my brother, birthdays, stuffed animals, shoes, teachers, macaroni & cheese, friends, school, Jesus, love, blankies, and we could go on! 2015—2016 ECEC Registra on Registra on con nues for the 2015-2016 school year. Come visit us or call JoAnn at 303.750.9856 to learn more about the ECEC and registra on. Page 10 Olive Branch April 2015 Wanderers Thank You … Sunday, April 12 — Aurora’s Vintage Theater, 1468 Dayton presents “Ain’t Misbehavin’” at a 2:30 PM performance. Experience the Jazz explosion of the 1920’s! Brunch buffet at Blossom’s in Windsor Gardens preceding the performance. Depart at 12 Noon (via church bus and autos) and return approximately 5 PM. Cost is $40 (check payable to Mount Olive Lutheran Church) the Church Office. – includes brunch, show and transporta on. Limit 50. Colorado has many forts – Fort Garland, Fort Velasquez, Bent’s Fort, and many more. Join the Wanderers on Friday, May 15, on a guided tour of Fort Lupton, a re-crea on of the 1836 fur trading post. Have lunch at a local eatery. Depart Mount Olive at 9:15 AM and return approximately 1:30 PM. Cost of $8 includes tour and transporta on. A June visit to the Front Range Airport is planned – details later. Sign up at the ARK for all tours! Mount Olive Family News We welcome: We say goodbye to: Melanie, Emma and Zoe Afman Bap sms Iliana Marie Mari nez BrookLynn Emiyah Brown Emelia Ruth Danielle Pelepchan Elijah Stephen Buerck Iris Marguerite L’Italien Deaths Walter Greve Bre Graves Dear Friends at Mount Olive Lutheran Church We were surprised and happy that so many of you remembered us as we are grieving the death of our son, Brian. We want to thank all of you who prayed this past year for his physical and spiritual health. Thank you for the cards you sent. Thank you for the kind words and spiritual encouragement. It all meant so much to us. We are thankful for the Chris an fellowship we have with all of you here at Mount Olive. God go with you and bless you all. Love, John and Joanne Petersen 50th Anniversary Banquet — May 3 At Castlewoods Event Center 7275 S. Lima, Centennial, CO Tickets are $10 per person and are now on sale before and a er services and in the Church Office during the week. See page 5 for map and schedule. Church Staff Rev. Craig Pa erson, Interim / Senior Pastor Rev. Michael Borgstede, Associate Pastor Robin Kurth, Director of Child and Family Ministry John Elmshauser, Director of Youth and Family Ministry Kim Montross, Director of Music Mike Kallas, Director of Finance and Operations Kaye Cairns, Office Manager Our Mission Statement God has called us to reach out, care for and build people toward maturity in Christ. JoAnn S brich, Director of the ECEC Greg Karampelas, Building Custodian The deadline for the newsle er is the 10th of each month. Olive Branch April 5 Easter Lessons Isaiah 25:6–9 1 Corinthians 15:1–11 Mark 16:1–8 April 12 2nd of Easter Acts 4:32–35 1 John 1:1—2:2 John 20:19–31 Elders Saturday 8:00 10:45 Greeters Saturday Ken Schultz 7:00 Bud/Lucille McGee 9:00 Eisenach/Humbargar 11:00 Lois Go berg, Aus n Talmage Organists Raebel/Cairns Lay Readers 8:00 Easter 10:45 Easter Page 11 April 2015 Pat Wallingford 8:00 Orville/Be y Geisler Russ/Leone Schonack 10:45 Tammy Dixon Mark Elmshauser Josh Fields Bob Gombos April 19 3rd of Easter Acts 3:11–21 1 John 3:1–7 Luke 24:36–49 Communion Assistants 8:00 George Kerr 10:45 Bob Swedberg Tammy Dixon Bud/Lucille McGee Pat/Nancy Amore Lois Go berg Aus n Talmage Nathan Eickmann Chris na Cateora Joe McCoy April 26 4th of Easter Acts 4:1–12 1 John 3:16–24 John 10:11–18 Darlene Ommen Stan/Claudia Humbargar Do e Gravning Karen Montross Paul King Do e Gravning Head Usher 8:00 Larry Bargmann, Joe S brich, Brian Pelepchan, Chris na Cateora 10:45 Frank Candelaria, Aaron Kirkeide, Keith Einspahr, Rosalie Einspahe, Lois Go berg Altar Care Jane Dunn Linda Huyghebaert Michele McKinster Mary Frevert Zoe Flint Acolytes 7:00 Ryan Carbaugh Madison Myers 9:00 Alyse Coverly Tanaya Tappe 11:00 Trevon Deden Assist Pews Jo Natomeli Bulle n Helpers S. Fabozzi/J. Kalthoff Danita Myers Sandi Bair Lori Bowers 8:00 Awet Samuel Josiah Borgstede 10:45 Julia Matney Jeff Matney Bob/Jeanne Borgstede Sue Shellenberger Marian Burrell Kathy Bodemann Ryan Carbaugh Madison Myers Trevon Deden Devonne Domineck Jane Dunn Diane Van Stone Sandra Sall Alyse Coverly Josiah Borgstede Mariah Mason Frances Quintana Darlene Ommen Bud/Lucille McGee Larry/Sheila Auffert M. Eisenach/D. Donner
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