Greensboro Municipal Federal Credit Union IMPORTANT: You must sign and include your Account# or SS# for your ballot to count— Vote for 3 Candidates Only. Return Ballot in the enclosed prepaid envelope, or drop off your ballot at 217 N. Greene St., or 2200 Soabar St., Greensboro, or vote online at and sign-in to your It’s Me 247 online account, on or before April 10. Annual Membership Meeting, Thursday, April 23, 2015 6 PM Refreshments, 6:30 PM Business Meeting Greensboro Public Library, 219 N. Church Street Valerie Floyd—Nominee Hello, my name is Valerie Floyd. I am a Greensboro na ve and have been employed by the City of Greensboro for close to twenty years. I truly have a desire to become a candidate for the Board of Directors. I have been a member of the credit union for a few years and I really appreciate all of the services that they offer to the members. I am a true supporter of the credit union and I feel that being on the Board of Directors I can offer input and experience that will enhance and maintain great quality customer services to the credit union members. I have some years of volunteer services. I am a volunteer coordinator and I truly have experience in great customer service. Thank You. GMFCU Member since 1996. Anne M. Gregory — Nominee My membership with the Greensboro Municipal Credit Union began more than 20 years ago. Past volunteer/community service includes: YWCA Board of Directors; Adult Center for Enrichment Board of Directors, GMCU Advisory Commi ee; Salva on Army Boys and Girls Club Advisory Council; United Way of Greater Greensboro’s City County Employees Charitable Campaign’s Volunteer Advisory Commi ee; Urban Ministry volunteer; Senior Resources of the Piedmont Mobile Meals Advisory Board; Guilford Police Athle c League Board, and Guilford Cares Board of Directors. If elected, I will: support the GMCU’s Vision, Core Values, Commitment to Good Governance and Diversity; Commitment to Financial Educa on and Literacy; Community Based Outreach and Ac vi es and its Misson to ‘Building lifelong rela onships one member at a me.’ Addi onally, I am willing to learn the basic credit union concepts, to carry out the specific du es of the positon with integrity, honesty and accountability, to act in the best interest of members and the GMCU, to act with discre on, to share my leadership and management skills to support the deliver of con nuous quality service effec vely and efficiently. I am willing to make the commitment of me to a end board mee ngs and commi ee work as required. GMFCU Member since 1989. Jeffrum Jones-Nominee I am an NC na ve from Faye eville. I have been involved with community service prac cally all my life. The list includes Future Homemakers of America projects, Cub Scouts, 4‐H Club, Boy Scouts, various church organiza ons, YMCA mentor, NC AT&T Clubs, like IEE, NSBE, Senior Design Board & Board of Directors for ECPI. I ins ll these values in our kids as well. We have a lot more work to do in the Triad area and I would like to serve on the board and add my experience and resources to the table. GMFCU Member since 1998. Vote for only Three (3) CANDIDATES –Return Ballot by April 10th! Lavern C. Lamb – Nominee I have been a member of GMFCU since 2008. I have also been a Resident of the state of North Carolina since 1998. I have been employed by GTA for 17 years. I have 2 sons and 8 grandchildren. I am currently a transfer student at UNCG working on my (BS) Nutri on and Wellness. I am also a shop steward with my Local ATU 1493. I exercise 4x day and enjoy life. GMFCU Member since 2008. John Shoffner — (Incumbent) Nominee I have served two terms and Chaired the Supervisory Commi ee. My background consists of diverse business experience with corporate, governmental, and bank organiza ons applying ana‐ ly cal, research, communica on and leadership skills. I have experience in financial and credit analysis, accoun ng, fore‐ cas ng, budge ng, business development and client services. I graduated Magna Cum Laude from NC State (Accoun ng) and earned my MBA (Finance and Strategy) from the University of Chicago. I passed the CPA exam on my first si ng and served 6 years with the Army Na onal Guard. GMFCU Member since 2004. Jennifer G. Smith-Sutphin— Nominee I have served as a member on the Board of Directors and as the Chair for the Social Responsibili es Commi ee in the past. I enjoyed serving in these roles and would welcome the opportunity to serve on the Board of Directors once again. I feel that I can bring an upbeat and posi ve a tude to both the members and the Board of Directors. I have been employed as a Paralegal, in the City A orney’s Office for the City of Greensboro since 2010. I am a graduate of UNC—Charlo e with a major in Criminal Jus ce. As a paralegal I hold both state and na onal creden als through the North Carolina State Bar and the Na onal Associa on of Legal Assistants. My paralegal experience consists of over fi een years in real estate and over five years in li ga on. My current posi on with the City allows me to have interac ons with a variety of people throughout the organiza on and the ci zens of Greensboro. I addi on, I have over 20 years of customer service experience in a variety of field, including retails and restaurants. This con nued involvement allows me to maintain my communica on skills and be involved with the community. GMFCU Member since 2010. Charles Willis— Nominee My name is Charles Willis and I have been employed with the City of Greensboro, Field Ops Dept., Storm Water Mainte‐ nance as a Crew Member for 6 1/2 years. I am also a member of New Life Faith Outreach Church and serve as a Deacon and one of the van drivers. I am married and have 4 beau ful children and 3 grandchildren. In addi on to working full me, I also operate my own business doing yard work. I am a hard working man that RELIES on the Credit Union for ALL my financial needs and I understand how important these ins tu ons are to our community. I would do my best to ensure the con nua‐ on of the Credit Union’s excellent service and try to improve it in any way I could. I would really appreciate your vote in the upcoming elec on. Thank you in advance. GMFCU Member since 2008. Important—You must Sign and include your Account # or SS# for your ballot to be counted! For verification purposes only. All ballots are confidential. Signature Account# Ballots must be signed and returned on or before April 10, 2015 Annual Membership Meeting—April 23, 2015 6 PM, Greensboro Public Library
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