Curriculum vitae et Studiorum authorize the data set forth below in accordance with the law 675/96 privacy Personal Details Angela Meccariello Vico Isidoro Moiano (BN), 82010 Italy +39 320 48 73 127C Education University of Naples 'Federico II' Ph.D. Researcher • Naples, IT March 2014- present Genetics and transcriptomics of sex determination in pest insects: Aedes albopictus Ceratitis capitata Phlebotomus perniciosus University of Naples 'Federico II' M.Phil.Degree: Applied Biology (magna cum laude) Naples, IT December 2013 Relevant Coursework: Molecular biology and Biochemistry University of Naples 'Federico II' B.S. Biological Sciences Naples, IT December 2010 Research Experience University of Naples 'Federico II' Naples, IT Ph.D. Researcher March 2014- present • DNA and RNA extraction from micro-organisms, tissues and cells. • Sequencing of DNA fragments • PCR Techniques • Use of spectroscopic systems for nucleic acid (Qubit®Fluorometric Quantitation, Nanodrop) • Microinjections of nucleic acids solutions in embryos. • Sampling insects in the wild by traps (Phlebotomus species) University of Naples 'Federico II' Master’s Researcher Naples,IT March 2012- December 2013 At National Research Council of Italy (CNR) • Cloning, expressing, purifying carbonic anhydrase isoforms. • PCR and FPLC techniques (affinity, ion exchange and size exclusion chromatography) • FPLC (AKTA system) • X-ray crystallographic • Liquid chromatography–mass spectrometry • Circular Dichroism (CD) Spectroscopy • University of Naples 'Federico II' Undergraduate Researcher • Cloning, expressing, purifying the human RNase 7 Naples,IT June-December 2010 Skills • European Computer Driving License (ECDL) • Microsoft Office™ (Word™, Excel™, PowerPoint™, Outlook™, Access™, Office Picture Manager™) • Sequences editing software • Protein modeling software Selected Contributed Talks A. Meccariello, V. Alterio, M. Buonanno, K. D’Ambrosio, D. Vullo, C.T. Supuran, S.M. Monti and G. De Simone. ‘Carbonic anhydrases as new targets against the bacterial pathogen Brucella suis’ . 14th Naples Workshop on Bioactive Peptides. June 12-14, 2014. Communication in Congresses M. Buonanno, A. Di Fiore, A. Meccariello,V. Alterio, G. De Simone, and S.M. Monti. ‘Nuclear transport factors Importin Kapβ2 and Exportin CRM1 interact with the tumor enzyme hCA IX’. 14th Naples Workshop on Bioactive Peptides. June 1214, 2014. Petrella V, Meccariello A., Saccone G, Salvemini M (2014). RNA-seq and Insect pests: new methods for the identification and the analysis of sex-specific genes in species of economic or sanitary interests. In: XIII FISV CONGRESS. Pisa, Italia, 2427 Settembre 2014, Pisa: Plus - Pisa University press, p. 55-55, ISBN/ISSN: 9788867412235. Saccone G, Petrella V, Pane A, De Simone A, Ippolito D, Meccariello A., Marchini D, Ciolfi S, Caceres C, Salvemini M (2014). Masculinization of XX female embryos by a Cctraep-specific maternal RNA interference in the agricultural pest Ceratitis capitata. In: International congress “Biotechnology Havana 2014 - Ag-Biotech for food sustainability”. Havana, Cuba, 1-5 Dicembre 2014. Petrella V, Meccariello A., Sanges R, Colonna V, Aceto S, Saccone G, Volf P, Gradoni L, Salvemini M (2014). Sex determination studies in sand flies: a next generation sequencing approach. In: International congress “Biotechnology Havana 2014 - Ag-Biotech for food sustainability”. Havana, Cuba, 1-5 Dicembre 2014, vol. International congress “Biotec. I, undersigned, declare that I am aware that it is criminally liable for false statements (art. 76 DPR December 28, 2000, n. 445) and forfeit any benefits resulting from provisions made on the basis of false declarations (Art. 75 DPR December 28, 2000, n. 445)
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