Temple Sisterhood of Indianapolis Hebrew Congregation Spring 2015 Volume 7, Issue 3 ! April, May, June 2015 ! Nissan, Iyar, Sivan, Tammuz 5775 Mark your Calendar April May June 1, 8, 15, 22 Torah Talk 3 Passover begins 5, 12 No RS – Gift Shop closed 16 Holocaust Remembrance 22 Lilith Salon 11 23 Raffle tickets Sales IHC Annual Mtg Confirmation 7 Desperate Housewives of the Bible/Raffle drawing 17 Lilith Salon Our New Look Modern. Community. Unity. Fashionable. Faith. Five words that were used as the guiding principles to reinvigorate the graphic identity of the Temple Sisterhood of Indianapolis Hebrew Congregation spirit. At the heart of the design is a subliminal Star of David, with a heavy side of E pluribus unum. Designed so that the viewer visually interprets a plethora of symbolism — This clean, fashionable, simply and colorful symbol embodies the essence of the sisterhood by expressing a sense of community, unity and modern forward thinking. Upon first observation, you get a sense of minimalist figures engaged in a spirited dance. Secondly, you see the original intent of the design — The curved rules representing individual arms interconnected with the dots being human heads — equal weight is given to all. And finally, the Magen David. Our Mission To join together in Sisterhood and, guided by the principles of Reform Judaism, to strengthen our congregation, our community and ourselves. 1 1 2 Temple Sisterhood of Indianapolis Hebrew Congregation Spring 2015 A Women’s Seder Thank you to those 140 who celebrated women at our 3rd annual Women’s Seder March 16th. May thanks to our own beautiful women, Cantor Janice Roger and Tami Krichiver for leaving us in prayer and song, and to all those who helped before, during and after the event. Several people mentioned it was the best Seder yet! Spring Meeting / Event Have you renewed your Sisterhood membership yet for 2015? Now is a great time to do so! 2 Temple Sisterhood of Indianapolis Hebrew Congregation Spring 2015 Sisterhood cannot do all of the great things we do for IHC and our community without your help! We are asking all IHC members and friends to buy raffle tickets! Who knows, you may be one of the 24 lucky winners! Prizes will be drawn on June 7th! You get to decide which prizes you want to be entered to win! Please look at all of the great prizes listed and assign the number of your tickets you want to enter for each prize! 3 1 2 3 Temple Sisterhood of Indianapolis Hebrew Congregation Please&Join&Us&to&Celebrate&Marcia&Goldstein's&Retirement# It#is#a# bittersweet#time# here# at# Indianapolis# Hebrew# Congregation.# After# over# 25# years,# we# will# be# saying# goodbye# to# Marcia# Goldstein# as# our# incredible# Director#of#Lifelong#Learning# during# her# Retirement# Celebration# Weekend# May# 1G3.# We# hope# you# will# all# plan# to# join# us# for# Shabbat# Services#on#Friday,#May#1#at# 6:15pm#as#we#honor# Marcia# and#wish#her#well#in#the#next# chapter# of# her# life.# Sisterhood# will# be# honoring# Marcia# with# an# extended# Oneg# Shabbat# and# we# hope# you# will# stay# to# help# us# continue# to# celebrate# Marcia!#On#Sunday,#March#3# from# 10amGNoon,# Religious# School# Families# and# Friends# are# invited# to# join# us# for# breakfast,# activities,# ice# Membership Our#Sisterhood#touches#almost#every# aspect#of#our#temple#life.##But# beyond#providing#funding#and# volunteers,#being#a#part#of# Sisterhood#provides#each#of#us#an# easy#and#meaningful#way#to#connect# with#other#women#to#build# friendships,#study,#learn#and#give# back#to#IHC#and#our#community.# # Sisterhood#of#IHC#currently#boasts# 198#members.##Let#us#introduce#to#a# couple#of#newest#members:# cream# and# another# chance# to# say# "Good# Luck# Marcia!"# #Please# plan# on# joining#us#for#both#events.# # Please#visit#www.ihcindy.org# for# more# information,# to# help# underwrite# the# weekend# and# to# write# a# sentiment#in#Marcia's#online# guestbook.# If# you# prefer# to# send#a#video#message,#there# are# instructions# for# that# too!## # # # Spring 2015 Collector's&Closet&Results& and&Help&Wanted!# Thank# you# to# all# who# donated,# worked# and# shopped# our# incredible# first# year# event# November# 15# &# 16.# We# are# proud# to# report# that# we# netted# almost# $15,000# for# Sisterhood# and# IHC!# We# could# not# have# done# it# without# you.# Because#of#this#success#(and# great# left# over# items),# we# have# decided# to# repeat# the# event# and# are# looking# for# someone#to#chair#or#coGchair# the#event.#The#blueprint#and# supplies#are#ready#which#will# make#things#easier.# We#also# are# looking# for# someone# to# help# us# create# and# manage# an# EBay# store.# If# you# can# help#with#either,#please## contact#Sonja#at# sonja.kantor@gmail.com# Ilana Porzecanski Peggy O’Brien Apter I am originally from Canada via lots of other places. I am married to Darrel Timpany, who is originally from New Zealand (I didn’t change my name when I got married because I use it professionally). We have two kids: Oz and Zev Timpany (both 7 years old). I work as a Physician at IU Methodist (specialty: Critical Care Medicine). We’ve been IHC members since August 2014. I joined Sisterhood in order to support the programs. Originally from Indianpolis, my husband Gary and I have 3 children: Morgan (18), Alex (26), and Nicole (28). My many and varied interests include reading, history, antiques, helping parents of kids with learning disabilities, cooking, decorating and my grandchildren. We’ve been members of IHC for 20 years. I joined Sisterhood to be more social in our temple and also to be more involved in the Temple to honor my father-in-law Max Apter, who ran a feeding program at IHC for many years! 4 Temple Sisterhood of Indianapolis Hebrew Congregation Spring 2015 Congratulations to our IHC Confirmands and their parents: Amber Budnick (Scott & Lisa Budnick) Rachael Coleman (Justin & Lea Coleman) Abigail Cox (Brian & Sara Cox) Alexander Falender (Andrew & Linda Falender) Elizabeth Finkel (David & Sarah Finkel) Andrew Fleck (Stephanie Fleck) Taylor Guba (Phil & Caryn Guba) Maya Harris (Leonard Harris) Mason Hester (Felicia Hester) Jennifer Jex (Jeffrey & Jane Jex) Matthew Kahn (David & Leslie Kahn) Jonah Katz (Robert & Daniela Katz) Aaron Leslie (Michael & Diana Leslie) Jamie Mendoza (Ramil & Lisa) Hannah Ohrn (Richard & Sari) Lauren Roth (Todd & Mary Roth) Gabrielle Stoebick (Robert & Suzanna Stoebick) Rebecca Townsend (Susan Townsend) Jacob Vigran (Gary & Jennifer Vigran) Honor a confirmand in a truly meaningful way! Acknowledge their commitment to Jewish education by making one of your own: Proceeds from these beautiful cards support the Women of Reform Judaism YES Fund and its education initiatives and clergy scholarships around the world., as well as Sisterhood’s contributions to our religious school, camp scholarships and other endeavors that ensure the future of Reform Judaism for generations to come. Minimum donation: $5 PER CARD DONOR’S NAME: ______________________________________________________ PHONE #: ________________________________________ ADDRESS: __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________ AMOUNT ENCLOSED: _________________________ Simply list the name(s) and addresses of the Confirmands you wish to honor. Use this back side of this form, if necessary. 1.____________________________________________________________________ 2.____________________________________________________________________ 3.____________________________________________________________________ 4.____________________________________________________________________ 5.____________________________________________________________________ 6.____________________________________________________________________ Please make your check payable to IHC Sisterhood and either drop it off with this form to IHC or mail by June 1, 2015 to: Sisterhood Confirmation YES Fund at IHC 6501 N. Meridian Street, Indianapolis, IN 46260. Sisterhood will mail the card(s) to the Confirmands for you! Thank you! Questions: Contact Bonnie Foster (317-818-1026) or Lea Coleman (317-571-6432) Gift Shop Hours Israeli Artist Yael Emanuel Shabbat Candle Holders - $50 April & May Monday-Friday 10:00 am-2:00 pm Friday evenings 5:15 pm -6:15 pm Sundays* 9:00 am - 1:15 pm *When Religious School is in session. RS ends May 3rd. Weekday hours will continue through the end of May. June (Summer Hours) Wednesday 10:00 am-2:00 pm Friday evenings 5:15 pm -6:15 pm Questions? Contact Amy Micon at amymicon@gmail.com Israeli Artist Yael Emanuel Shabbat Candle Holders - $50 To volunteer, contact Marcella Slabosky Marcella_s@yahoo.com or 872-7308 5 Temple Sisterhood of Indianapolis Hebrew Congregation Spring 2015 Lilith Salon We are starting a new Sisterhood gathering called a Lilith Salon. We will discuss articles and issues included in the Lilith Magazine, which is a wonderful magazine for Reform Jewish women. Lilith magazine was first published in the 1970s and focuses on Jewish women. The magazine’s website states that Lilith Magazine is for: “Everyone interested in family politics, Jewish hair, race and reconciliation, new liturgies, good advice, fabulous fiction, parenting now, marriage equality, feminist philanthropy, sex, food— and so much more” - See more at: http://lilith.org/salons/#sthash.czTmInxH.dpuf The magazine focuses on social issues, religious issues, writing and poetry, travel, parenthood, food, and entertainment. There are four issues per year, and each Lilith Salon meeting will focus on an article or two. We will meet bi-monthly, rotating between members’ homes and IHC. It will be like a book club, but with less content to focus on and a bit more fun! Next meeting is on April 22nd. Care to join us? Want more info? Contact Rosanne Marusa at ermarusa@frontier.com, or Jenny AngelReece at jenny.angel@gmail.com. Thank you to Bonnie Foster and Sonja Kantor for their service as IHC Sisterhood Presidents! Congratulations as their names were recently added to the Past Presidents’ plaque. Staying Connected The Sisterhood newsletter is published four times annually and is distributed via email with the goal of keeping our membership and the IHC community informed of our always busy Temple Sisterhood. Watch this space for info regarding upcoming events, activities and other ways to get involved, create connections or make a difference. To update your email address or for comments or questions, please contact: Sara Cox, Communications Director ! coxfamily@indy.rr.com ! We look forward to connecting. 317.580.0222.
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