DoP Newsletter 1-23-15

4 Shevat 5775
January 23, 2015
Candlelighting 5:32 p.m.
Mincha Services: 5:32 p.m.
Parshah Class: 8:30 a.m.
Shachris Services: 9:00 a.m.
Learner's Service: 10:45 a.m.
Rebbitzen Shifra Robkin gave a
powerful class this week, telling her
story and inspiring all who attended
Children's Programming: 10:45 a.m.
Kiddush to follow services
Mincha Services: 5:32 p.m.
Havdalah: 6:31 p.m.
Cigars and Learning with Rabbi
Zakon at Renegade Cigar Bar.
A Matter of Time...
The Week in Review
Friday Night
Parashat Bo / ‫פרשת בא‬
Exodus 10:1 - 13:16
Jeremiah 46:13 - 46:28
Kiddush Sponsorship
Quest met recently to earn their
Navy Seal badge with the help of
former Navy Seal Avraham Meir
We still need a sponsor for kiddush this week. Please
contact Rabbi Zakon or Rabbi Yogi to sponsor kiddush.
Please contact Rabbi Zakon or Rabbi Yogi by Wednesday
to have your kiddush sponsorship listed in the newsletter.
• Congratulations to our recent Cholent Challenge semi-finalists: the
Lomners and Baraks!
• Congratulations to the new Sisterhood Board: Allison Dunn, Chana
Miriam Barak, Patricia Klimen, and Tzipporah Kralik!
• Good luck to this week's Chulent Challenge entrants!
Sisterhood News
Israeli Film and Food Night
January 24
Cholent Challenge Finals
January 31
Dessert Reception supporting DATA of Plano
February 15
Yes we do!
Join us during kiddush this week for the last
round of semi-finals in our annual
Cholent Challenge
Be sure to come back next week for the finals
where you can taste the best Cholent in Plano!
Thank you to all who attended the Sisterhood Maleva
Malka last week! The new board was announced and
we enjoyed great food, conversation, and singing.
Huge thank you to the outgoing board: Michelle Lubin,
Aimee Wortendyke, Amit Levy, and Susan Rappoport. We
greatly appreciate all your hard work!
The new board is busy planning for an exciting and fun
new year. More to come soon...
Interested in joining the Sisterhood? Please contact
Patricia Klimen at Already a
member and have an idea for a Sisterhood event?
Contact Allison Dunn at or Chana
Miriam Barak at