Rabbi Yaakov Tannenbaum Sherry Fleming Richard Rohan Rosh Beit Midrash Administrative Director President www.shaaretefilla.org 972-661-0127 administrator@shaaretefilla.org Yitro| 18 Shevat 5775 | FEBRUARY 7, 2015 SHABBAT TIMES SHABBAT SHIURIM Candle Lighting 5:46 PM Mincha/Kabbalat Shabbat/Maariv 5:50 PM Hashkama Minyan 8:00 AM Main Minyan 9:00 AM Mincha/Maariv-Note early start time due to SIR speaker 5:15 PM Shabbat Ends 6:47 PM Shabbat Speakers: Kabbalat Shabbat D’var Torah Seudah Shlishit JUDGE DAN BUTLER “FINDING SPARKS OF HOLINESS IN A WI-FI WORLD” JUDGE DAN BUTLER “WHAT HAVE WE BECOME IN THE 3500 YEARS SINCE THE RED SEA?” HASHKAMA SHIUR Thank you to the entire congregation for three consecutive weeks impressing our Rabbinic candidates. The Search Committee is now in the process of reviewing all of the information and references on the candidates, as well as the thoughtful feedback we have received from the congregation. We are grateful to have three solid candidates for our opening. Our process will take a few weeks, and we will report back after we have reviewed ALL of the data and surveys. Rabbi Yaakov Tannenbaum is beginning a new class on the topic of “Shemita, Halacha Mimekorah.” It will begin Monday, February 9th, at 12:30 p.m. in the Library Conference room on the Akiba campus. Please join us if you can. For more details, call Carole Wolanow 214-244-5397. 5:45 - 6:15 PM 9:50 AM Rabbi Yaakov Tannenbaum TALMUD MASECHET SUKKAH Judge Dan Butler Judge Dan Butler Judge Dan Butler 11:00-11:45 AM Seudah Shlishit This Shabbat—Judge Dan Butler Dan Butler Bio Audiences all over North America have been bowled over by Butler’s personal and professional perspectives, his whirlwind delivery, gentle humor, and remarkable insights into the human condition. Dan Butler draws on his experiences as a father, a syndicated weekly columnist, a securities salesman, a college professor, a retail store manager and a regional director for the National Conference of Synagogue Youth (NCSY). He has been a judicial law clerk, a prosecutor, a family court hearing officer and a family court mediator, successfully settling over 1,100 custody cases. Dan Butler served as a judge of the Municipal Court of Pittsburgh, as well as on Pittsburgh’s specialized Domestic Violence Court. He has lectured around the country from Radio City Music Hall to the Vermont legislature, and over a thousand times for the United Way. He has spoken about legal issues and on Jewish ethics at hundreds of Jewish events around the country. He is an active Board Member of many charitable organizations and is Past Chairman of the Holocaust Commission of Greater Pittsburgh. Dan is an Executive Board Member of the Orthodox Union and has spoken on their behalf in dozens of cities as a Scholar in Residence. KIDDUSH O R N E R Kiddush is sponsored by the Shul in honor of Richard Rohan for all his hard work as our President. Hashkama Kiddush is sponsored by the Shul in honor of Richard Rohan for all his hard work as our President. Yayin L’Kiddush U’leHavdalah (Wine for Kiddush & Havdalah) is sponsored by Pam & Jeff Fine, Liz & Robert Liener, Jaynie Schultz & Ron Romaner and Karen & Mike Zucker. Sunday Morning Beit Midrash & Breakfast is sponsored by Simma & Shelley Weiss. Please refer to our weekly E-Blasts for the Kiddush sponsorship sign-up link. DAILY TEFILLA SHABBAT YOUTH PROGRAMMING Shacharit (Sun) 8:00 AM Shacharit (Mon-Fri) 6:40 AM Mincha/Maariv (Sun-Thur) 5:50 PM Earliest Tallit/Tefillin 6:30 AM Recite Shema by 10:05 AM Structured programming runs from 10:00 until the end of Tefilla Early Drop Off - 3mos. to 2nd Grade is from 9:00 - 10:00 AM Teenoki (3mos. to 2 yrs.) - Classroom K’ Ton Ton (2 yrs. by Sept 1st) Margot’s House Nitzanim & Chaverim (Jr. & Sr. Nursery) Margot’s House Kindergarten (Kindergarten) Margot’s House 1st & 2nd grades - Margot’s House Shaare Tefilla Scholars in Residence Series 2015 March 20 to 22, 2015 - Rabbi Jonathan I. Rosenblatt Senior Rabbi Riverdale Jewish Center Riverdale, New York Rabbi Jonathan Rosenblatt has been the senior rabbi of the Riverdale Jewish Center since 1985. A native of Baltimore, Rabbi Rosenblatt holds a B.A. and an M.A. from Johns Hopkins University in Comparative Literature and a Ph.D. from Columbia University in the field of Modern British Literature. He will be the Daniel Silver Fellow at Harvard University in Spring 2015. If you would like to help sponsor any of these Scholar In Residence programs, please contact Doris Klein at domozo@aol.com or the Shaare office at assistant@shaaretefilla.org. Shaare Now Collecting Shaimos Burial of the Shaimos will take place on Sunday, February 15 in the Tiferet Cemetery at 7901 Scyene Road. Shaare Tefilla members may: * From now until February 15, you may bring your Shaimos to the shul during regular office hours to the synagogue office. * Bring their Shaimos to the cemetery on February 15 (time to be determined). Below is a summary for evaluating items that are and are not considered Shaimos. For more information, go to: www.cRc:Shaimos.org. Individuals and families may want to participate in this Mitzvah by delivering the Shaimos themselves. New Members: Glenn and Alissa Krieger and their children, Jordan, Devin and Zachary. Rabbi Yaakov Rosenblatt and Mrs. Suri Rosenblatt and their children, Yehuda, Batya, Rivka, Yosef, Yisrael Yitzchak, and Bina. Please welcome Batsheva & Gary Schwartz and children Joseph and Evie who are visiting Dallas from Maryland this Shabbat! Due to the Akiba Middle School Shabbaton, we will not be having Snif this coming Shabbat. However, we are happy to announce our first ever Motzei Shabbat event for the 3-5th grade girls, Saturday February 7! All 3-5 Grade Girls are Hereby invited to: The Bnei Akiva Girl’s Pajama Party & Movie Night (PG), at the home of the Rapps' (5810 Melshire) from 7:30-9:30 p.m. Price will be $3 at door and ice cream will be served. To RSVP please email us (bakivadallas@gmail.com). CAN'T WAIT TO SEE EVERYONE THERE!!! Every Smile Counts, an or ganization founded by two Yavneh students, are collecting items for women in the US Army this month. The items will be sent to West Africa. There will be a box stationed at Shaare Tefilla. We would greatly appreciate donations to this important cause. In addition to donating items, you can also sponsor the shipping of cost for a box. A Parcel box is $35-$40, and a Priority Mailing box is $12.75. Please see Bulletin Board in Shul for list of items needed. ONGOING WEEKDAY CLASSES MISHNA BERURA (Rabbi Michael Friedman). Group text study of Jewish Law. Sunday Mornings, 7:00 AM LUZATTO: 138 PORTALS OF WISDOM (Rabbi Yaakov Tannenbaum). Sunday mornings, 9:00 AM * SEFER HA’CHINUCH (Miranda Winer) Women’s group study of the 613 Mitzvot. Tuesdays, 8:00 PM. Contact mirandawiner@gmail.com. TALMUD YOMA (Rabbi Yaakov Tannenbaum). In-depth Talmud study. Tuesdays, 8:30 PM * PORTALS INTO PRAYER: EXPLORING TEFILLA (Rabbi Yaakov Tannenbaum). Wednesdays, 8:30 PM * WEEKLY STUDY OF THE PARASHA (Rabbi Yaakov Tannenbaum). Thursday, 8:10 AM. Schultz Rosenberg Campus * EXPLORING THE WORLD OF TEHILLIM (Rabbi Yaakov Tannenbaum). Fridays, 7:45 AM, at home of Carole & Joram Wolanow (7310 Currin) * Chaverim Kulanu MAZAL TOV YAHRZEITS Shabbat Sunday Sunday Monday Friday Friday Rachel Berke Mindy Appell Diane Benjamin Izrael Becker Jules Greif Izrael Becker (Father, Martin Annenberg, ob"m) (Mother, Anne Flax, ob"m) (Mother, Paula Greenblatt, ob"m) (Father, Berel Becker, ob"m) (Father, Yisrael Greif, ob"m) (Mother-in-law, Esther Kasavina, ob"m) To Jonah Eber on becoming a Bar Mitzvah, eldest son to Amy & Dusty Eber, siblings, Adam, Brendy and Ellie. Mazal Tov, as well to grandparents Alan and Susan Klein, Barbara Swersky, Lenny Eber and Robin Eber. ANNIVERSARY REFUAH SHELEIMA Please include the following individuals in your Tefilla as we wish them a speedy recovery: Meir ben Rachel Leah (Father of Reena Greenberg) Rachel bat Batya (Mother of Reena Greenberg) Paulina Salopek (Mother of Vivian Steinborn) David Mordechai Ben Sarah Rivka (Husbandof Vivian Steinborn) Chaim Mikhail ben Sarah (Father of Inna Malina) Merel bat Chana (Mother of Suzanne Chafetz) Shaul ben Sarah (Father of Ari Reubin) Mincha bat Miriam (Mother of Janice Schwarz ) Raizel bat Chaya Kayla (Mother of Miriam Tannenbaum) Rochel Emunah bat Rivkah Devorah Bryna (Anonymous) * If a relative of yours is hospitalized, or if you know of someone in similar straits, please let our office know. Because of HIPAA laws, family and friends are our only source of information. If you feel it appropriate to publicize, we would be happy to include his or her name on the above list. DEDICATIONS In Memory of: Louise Michelson, ob"m By: Michelle & Brian Kravitz David, Vivian & Amanda Steinborn In Memory of: Shayne Zucker, ob"m Marni & Meyer Denn Julee & Jerry Grodin HAPPY BIRTHDAY Ari Blumberg Jordyn Denn Shoshana Fine Emily Prengler Max Ribald Richard Rohan Rabbi Yoni Schick Pamela Schwarcz Hadassah Troen Gabriel Weisblatt KIDDUSH SPONSORSHIPS If you have an upcoming life-cycle event, think about sponsoring a Kiddush! Refer to our weekly E-Blasts for the “Kiddush Sponsorship” link or contact the office for available dates. Main Kiddush Hashkama Kiddush Seudah Shlishit Jr. Congregation Kiddie Kiddush Sunday AM Beit Midrash $360 $ 72 $100 $ 36 $ 36 $ 36 By: Jackie & Steve Waldman Bikur Cholim We are always reminded why this Mitzvah is so important when we take ill. We take for granted such events as we go about our daily lives in the hectic world we live in. Often we hear, "What can I bring? Do you need anything? I don't know them that well; what will I say?” To start, a simple "Hello, how are you" is just fine. The key thing here is that quite often simply sitting and being there provides so much more comfort than you realize. Visiting someone you don't know may even teach you something about yourself on your journey of growth. Try it, you may just like it!
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