Rabbi Yaakov Tannenbaum Sherry Fleming Richard Rohan Rosh Beit Midrash Administrative Director President www.shaaretefilla.org 972-661-0127 administrator@shaaretefilla.org Mishpatim| 25 Shevat 5775 | FEBRUARY 14, 2015 SHABBAT TIMES SHABBAT SHIURIM Candle Lighting 5:53 PM Mincha/Kabbalat Shabbat/Maariv 5:55 PM Hashkama Minyan 8:00 AM Main Minyan 9:00 AM Mincha/Maariv 5:40 PM Shabbat Ends 6:54 PM HASHKAMA SHIUR 9:50 AM Rabbi Yaakov Tannenbaum TALMUD MASECHET SUKKAH Seudah Shlishit Youth Programming: Shabbat Speakers: Kabbalat Shabbat D’var Torah Seudah Shlishit 8:00 AM PRAYER STUDY GROUP Morti Tenenhaus Rabbi Meir Tannenbaum TBD Volunteers Needed This Sunday for Shaimos Project Help is needed this Sunday at 10:30 am to load the boxed Shaimos material into a truck for burial transport. Please contact Karen Schlosberg (kschlosberg@verizon.net or 972-249-7759) if you are available to help perform this very important mitzvah. New Members Devra & Jonathan Schreiber and their children, Nadav & Jude. This Shabbat – Rabbi Michel Lomner Middle schoolers are invited to join Rabbi Lomner for tefilla club at 10:00 am in the small social hall. Middle school (grades 6-8) seudah shlishit, following mincha. PURIM – Wednesday, March 4th Thursday, March 5th Purim is almost here and it's time to register for Shaare's Mishloach Manot. Our community sends gift baskets to almost 300 members and friends of the shul. Please support the communal programs, education, and shul dinners and lunches that are funded by the Mishloach Manot project (www.purimproject.com). Login information has been emailed to all members. Please email Tali Rosenberg at tbrosenberg@gmail.com with any questions about Purim project or to volunteer to help with delivery Purim morning. The deadline to order is Thursday, February 26th. Please note: The office will be closed on Monday in observance of President’s Day. KIDDUSH O R N E R Kiddush and Hashkama Kiddush are sponsored by Alissa & Glenn Krieger in honor of the hospitality and warmth shown them by Congregation Shaare Tefilla during their transition to Dallas and to the synagogue. Seudah Shlishit is sponsored by Barbara & David Radunsky in memory of his mother, Florence Radunksy, ob”m. Yayin L’Kiddush U’leHavdalah (Wine for Kiddush & Havdalah) is sponsored by Pam & Jeff Fine, Liz & Robert Liener, Jaynie Schultz & Ron Romaner and Karen & Mike Zucker. Sunday Morning Beit Midrash & Breakfast is sponsored by Simma & Shelley Weiss. Please refer to our weekly E-Blasts for the Kiddush sponsorship sign-up link. DAILY TEFILLA SHABBAT YOUTH PROGRAMMING Structured programming runs from 10:00 until the end of Tefilla Shacharit (Sun) 8:00 AM Shacharit (Mon-Wed) 6:40 AM Shacharit (Thur-Fri) 6:30 AM Mincha/Maariv (Sun-Thur) 6:00 PM Nitzanim & Chaverim (Jr. & Sr. Nursery) Margot’s House Earliest Tallit/Tefillin 6:24 AM Kindergarten (Kindergarten) Margot’s House Recite Shema by 9:56 AM Shaare Tefilla Scholars in Residence Series 2015 March 20 to 22, 2015 - Rabbi Jonathan I. Rosenblatt Senior Rabbi Riverdale Jewish Center Riverdale, New York Rabbi Jonathan Rosenblatt has been the senior rabbi of the Riverdale Jewish Center since 1985. A native of Baltimore, Rabbi Rosenblatt holds a B.A. and an M.A. from Johns Hopkins University in Comparative Literature and a Ph.D. from Columbia University in the field of Modern British Literature. He will be the Daniel Silver Fellow at Harvard University in Spring 2015. If you would like to help sponsor any of these Scholar In Residence programs, please contact Doris Klein at domozo@aol.com or the Shaare Early Drop Off - 3mos. to 2nd Grade is from 9:00 - 10:00 AM Teenoki (3mos. to 2 yrs.) - Classroom K’ Ton Ton (2 yrs. by Sept 1st) Margot’s House 1st & 2nd grades - Margot’s House Every Smile Counts, an or ganization founded by two Yavneh students, are collecting items for women in the US Army this month. The items will be sent to West Africa. There will be a box stationed at Shaare Tefilla. We would greatly appreciate donations to this important cause. In addition to donating items, you can also sponsor the shipping of cost for a box. A Parcel box is $35-$40, and a Priority Mailing box is $12.75. Example of items needed below: Black and brown pony tail hair bands, Shampoo and conditioner, (preferably 2 in 1), Deodorant, Razors and shaving cream, Soaps and hand lotion, Old iPods, Dvds’s and cd’s, etc. Please see the Shaare bulletin board for the complete listing. BE PART OF THE BOOKFEST CONVERSATION! TUESDAY - MARCH 3 AUTHOR: MARTIN GREENFIELD He’s been called “America’s greatest living tailer: and “the most interesting man in the world.” Now, for the first time, Holocaust survivor Martin Greenfield tells his whole, incredible life story. This event benefits Dallas March of the Living and will be held at Yavneh Academy. 7:00 PM $10 in Advance, $13 at Door JCCDallas.org Event Location: Yavneh Academy of Dallas 12324 Merit Drive, Dallas, TX 75251, Ph: 214.295.3500 A Congregational Meeting will be held Sunday, March 1, at 8:00 p.m. at Shaare Tefilla. The sole item on the agenda will be a vote on the Rabbinic Candidate put forward by the Search Committee and the Board of Directors. The Board will have met previously in order to receive the recommendation of the Search Committee and vote on whether to approve that recommendation and pass it on to the membership for vote. Please make every effort to attend this important meeting. ONGOING WEEKDAY CLASSES MISHNA BERURA (Rabbi Michael Friedman). Group text study of Jewish Law. Sunday Mornings, 7:00 AM LUZATTO: 138 PORTALS OF WISDOM (Rabbi Yaakov Tannenbaum). Sunday mornings, 9:00 AM * SEFER HA’CHINUCH (Miranda Winer) Women’s group study of the 613 Mitzvot. Tuesdays, 8:00 PM. Contact mirandawiner@gmail.com. TALMUD YOMA (Rabbi Yaakov Tannenbaum). In-depth Talmud study. Tuesdays, 8:30 PM * PORTALS INTO PRAYER: EXPLORING TEFILLA (Rabbi Yaakov Tannenbaum). Wednesdays, 8:30 PM * WEEKLY STUDY OF THE PARASHA (Rabbi Yaakov Tannenbaum). Thursday, 8:10 AM. Schultz Rosenberg Campus * EXPLORING THE WORLD OF TEHILLIM (Rabbi Yaakov Tannenbaum). Fridays, 7:45 AM, at home of Carole & Joram Wolanow (7310 Currin) * Chaverim Kulanu MAZAL TOV YAHRZEITS Shabbat David Radunsky Shabbat Carole Wolanow Sunday Hanna Hochster (Mother, Florence Radunsky, ob"m) (Father, David Shannahoff, ob"m) (Mother, Bertha Nussbaum, ob"m) REFUAH SHELEIMA Please include the following individuals in your Tefilla as we wish them a speedy recovery: Meir ben Rachel Leah (Father of Reena Greenberg) Rachel bat Batya (Mother of Reena Greenberg) Paulina Salopek (Mother of Vivian Steinborn) David Mordechai ben Sarah Rivka (Husband of Vivian Steinborn) Chaim Mikhail ben Sarah (Father of Inna Malina) Merel bat Chana (Mother of Suzanne Chafetz) Shaul ben Sarah (Father of Ari Reubin) Mincha bat Miriam (Mother of Janice Schwarz) Raizel bat Chaya Kayla (Mother of Miriam Tannenbaum) Rochel Emunah bat Rivkah Devorah Bryna (Anonymous) * If a relative of yours is hospitalized, or if you know of someone in similar straits, please let our office know. Because of HIPAA laws, family and friends are our only source of information. If you feel it appropriate to publicize, we would be happy to include his or her name on the above list. DEDICATIONS In Memory of: Louise Michelson, ob"m By: Grace & Howard Denemark Liz & Robert Liener In Honor of: Baby Girl Taryn Michal Shapiro (granddaughter of Claire & Julian Rachman) By: Grace & Howard Denemark Michelle & Brian Kravitz Liz & Robert Liener Sharon & Jay Lipinsky Jana & Bob Milstein Ruthy & Steven Rosenberg Karen & Mike Zucker In Honor of: Baby Girl Ellie Rebecca Zlotnick (granddaughter of Karen & Mike Zucker) By: Mindy & Martin Appell Grace & Howard Denemark Michelle & Brian Kravitz Liz & Robert Liener Ruthy & Steven Rosenberg Sheryl & Stuart Wernick Mazal Tov to proud parents, Janine & Ronnie Shapiro, and big brother, Gavin, on the birth of a beautiful baby girl, Taryn Michal, born on Monday, Feb 9, in Indianapolis! Mazal Tov as well to proud grandparents, Claire & Julian Rachman. ====================================== Mazal Tov to proud parents, Deena & Rafi Zlotnick, and big sister, Miss Kira, on the birth of a beautiful baby girl, Ellie Rebecca, born on Tuesday, Feb 10, weighing 7 lbs, 1 oz and measuring 20.5 inches long. Mazal Tov as well to proud grandparents, Karen & Mike Zucker. ANNIVERSARY Liz & Robert Liener HAPPY BIRTHDAY Joseph Blockman Sara Grief Talia Klein Dalia Lampert Linda Leftin Natasha Leftin Michael Margolies Eliyahu Ohayon Tillie Prengler Charlotte Safern Reid Stein Micah Steinbrecher KIDDUSH SPONSORSHIPS If you have an upcoming life-cycle event, think about sponsoring a Kiddush! Refer to our weekly E-Blasts for the “Kiddush Sponsorship” link or contact the office for available dates. Main Kiddush Hashkama Kiddush Seudah Shlishit Jr. Congregation Kiddie Kiddush Sunday AM Beit Midrash $360 $ 72 $100 $ 36 $ 36 $ 36
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